Paladins of Asgard

Chapter 196 - 【Fly to the Moon】

The magic floating cloak after being sanctified has some slight changes compared to the past.

If you take a closer look in front of your eyes, it is not difficult to see that the cloak is covered with golden lines, which are like the lines of a human palm, completely natural.

Putting on the magic floating cloak, Rowe left the Supreme Sanctuary and came to a nearby open space.

Injecting mana, the magic floating cloak immediately floated up with him.

Using the sacred magic floating cloak to fly, Luo Wei first felt that the consumption was less, but the flight was more stable.

He began to increase his flight speed and flew high into the sky, and the speed reached about 100 meters per second in a short while.

This speed has greatly exceeded the original magic floating cloak, but it still has not reached the new limit.

Keep adding!

The addition process continued for a while, and finally touched the limit of the holy cloak, and could no longer be improved.

Luo Wei estimated that his degree at this time should be about half of the tone.

The next step is to rely on the power of fire.

His whole body flashed with flames, the flames ignited, and the speed increased sharply.

Just as he had guessed, the magic floating cloak after the consecration has made a huge leap in all aspects, including fire resistance. Even if he uses his full power to activate the flame power, the magic floating cloak shows no signs of damage.


Immediately after hearing a loud noise, Luo Wei caused a sonic boom, breaking the sound barrier!

The shock wave generated by the sonic boom overwhelmed the trees below, setting off gusts of wind.


Luo Wei soared and turned in the sky, feeling excited, and couldn’t help thinking of the rhythm of catching shrimp farmers in his mind.

As he flew, he groped and adapted to new ways of flying.

In the past, because there was no help from the magic floating cloak, in order to maintain balance, Luo Wei had to burn flames all over his body, which would undoubtedly greatly increase the consumption.

Now with the help of the magic floating cloak, he faintly felt that he could actually reduce the release of flames.

So he tried to withdraw some of the flames. The flames above the shoulders were the first to go out and had no effect.

Then the chest, back, hands, waist and abdomen… The flames in these parts were extinguished one by one, but it did not affect the flight.

It was not until the flames in the lower body began to go out that Luo Wei’s figure began to shake a little and had to be adjusted actively.

In the end, the flame remained at the knee position, and if the flame below the knee went out, even with the help of the magic floating cloak, it would be difficult for him to maintain balance and speed.

After flying in the sky for a while, Rowe landed on the ground and returned to the Supreme Sanctuary.

He knocked on Agamotto’s door and entered.

In the room, Agamotto was instructing a boy in his early ten years. When Rowe came in, he patted the boy: “Cariostro, you go back first.”

“Yes, teacher.” The boy called Cagliostro got up and left.

“Your new apprentice?” Rowe asked.

“Yeah. Speaking of which, this child has something to do with you.” Agamoto stroked his beard and smiled. He is nearly forty years old, and this action looks quite elderly.

“Me?” Rowe was taken aback.

Agomoto: “Do you remember the pregnant woman you rescued at the time? Carriostro is the child of the pregnant woman.”

“It turned out to be him, how did he learn?” Rowe said.

“Very talented and hardworking. Probably the best student in my life,” Agamoto said.

“Rovi, your cloak has finally been consecrated?”

“Yeah.” Rowe nodded, “I decided to go to the moon to take a look at some time.”

“Is there a space passage to Asgard on the moon?” Agamotto suddenly smiled.

“How do you know?” Rowe was surprised.

“Guess.” Agamoto said with a deep expression.

Luo Wei didn’t ask any more questions. In recent years, Agamotto has become more and more inscrutable, and he often has a feeling that he can’t figure it out.

In addition, he was sure that Agomoto definitely had the ability to extend his life. But I don’t know why, from the contacts over the years, it seems that this guy really intends to die at the age of 100 like an ordinary person, and has no desire to live forever.

Watching Agamamoto go from youth to middle age, Luo Wei often felt quite emotional, and then reflected on his life.

Although their lifespan is very long compared to humans, it is ultimately limited.

When I also enter middle age, old age, and even dying years, what will I do? Will I grow old peacefully like Agamato, or will I find a way to continue my life like Kongsi?

“Shirot, please help me take care of it first.” Although Little Shirut is not big, his weight is not light. Luo Wei estimated that if he took it with him, he would probably not be able to fly to the earth.

And he still couldn’t confirm whether Shi Lut could survive in space, so he decided to put Shi Lut in the Supreme Sanctuary first, and then go back to Asgard to find out the situation.

“Okay.” Agamoto nodded, and then said, “After you come back, the Third Sanctuary should also be established.”

“Have you confirmed the location?”


Over the next few months, Lowe practiced flying again.

Then he picked a suitable time to come to an island in the Pacific Ocean on the equator – it would be easier to fly from the equator.

At night, the moon gradually appeared in the sky.

Rowe ate and drank and rested well, looked up at the moon in the sky, and calmed down.

Moon, here I come!

With a slight agitation, the magic floating cloak took him to the sky, and the speed continued to climb.


Flames burst out from Rowe’s calf, like a rocket motive, leaving two fiery trails, and at the same time, the speed increased sharply and went straight to the moon.

The first few minutes consume a lot of energy, but as the altitude rises, the air resistance drops sharply, and it gradually becomes easier and faster.

A few hours later, Rowe was tens of thousands of kilometers away from the earth.

He turned his head and looked at the Earth for a moment. This azure blue planet is like a gem embedded in the dark space.

It’s so beautiful, no wonder so many big villains seem to occupy the earth…

Luo Wei turned his attention back to the moon in front of him, his legs were raging with flames, and without the restraint of air resistance, he was like a wild horse running away, his speed continued to soar, getting faster and faster~www.mtlnovel. com~ The moon in his eyes gradually enlarged.

It took about two days of flying in total, and a considerable part of the time was used to adjust the degree and direction. After all, the moon is also moving. Luo Wei only observes the position with the naked eye and often needs to be adjusted.

Although there is no air resistance, he is still deeply tired after flying in the space environment for so long. Fortunately, the moon is already in sight.

After flying for another ten minutes, Luo Wei finally reached the moon, the speed decreased to almost static, and finally landed on the surface of the moon.

As soon as he landed, he was exhausted and quickly lay down to rest.

After a while, after a little recovery, Luo Wei got up again and looked around on the gray moon.

Where is the space channel coming from?

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