Paladins of Asgard

Chapter 5 - 【Healing Stone】

When he got home, it was time for dinner. When Uncle Peter saw Luo Wei entering the door, he couldn’t help but snorted and said with almost no concealment, “Did you give that **** first kiss?”

“Uh… no.”

Uncle Peter frowned slightly and said casually, “Amora broke the contract?”

Obviously, in his opinion, compared to Luo Wei’s voluntary rejection, Amora’s possibility of breaking the contract is much greater, and even completely reasonable.

Rowe said, “No, I refused.”

“You refused?” Uncle Peter couldn’t believe it, even Cousin Er and Auntie couldn’t help but look over in surprise.

After Rowe added the information, Uncle Peter quickly came up with a more specific situation: “Under the threat of Nur?”

Nur is the tall and strong bald man from before. He is a well-known young talent in Asgard. Of course, in Asgard, which is full of martial arts and vigorous, this generally refers to combat effectiveness.

Speaking of which, Luo Wei always felt that the name “Nur” sounded familiar, and this person was indeed quite outstanding, so he couldn’t help but wonder if Nur was an important character in the comics.

It’s a pity that he just glanced at the Marvel comics, and his understanding was really limited, and he couldn’t come up with a result after thinking about it.

Luo Wei didn’t know what to say: “I…I don’t like her.”

Uncle Peter pouted as if he didn’t believe it at all.

Auntie, a taciturn woman, said, “Let’s eat quickly.”

After eating, Rowe went to the medicine room. He also needed to complete the task given to him by Uncle Peter and make a hundred healing stones as soon as possible.

The healing stone looks very inconspicuous. It is a gray stone, slightly larger than the head of the thumb. The texture is still loose for Asgardians, and it can be rubbed into powder with a little force.

Sprinkle the powder of the healing stone on the wound, and the wound can heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Of course, the miraculous effect of the healing stone is only for ordinary wounds. If the wound is also contaminated with factors such as frost, flame, poison, curse, etc., it is not enough.

To make a healing stone, you must first configure a healing potion. The healing potion is mainly made of two kinds of herbs, one is the most widely used star grass, and the other is the blood thread flower.

Both herbs need to go through several steps to finally mix into a healing potion, which is the most important and most complicated part.

Fortunately, Luo Wei is quite talented in herbal medicine. He has already remembered these steps thoroughly over the years. He can make a healing stone with his eyes closed, which is quite easy.

The making of the healing potion involves a process of standing, and he took advantage of this time to start preparing the blending agent.

In the past, Asgardians used healing potions instead of healing stones when they were injured, but later people found that healing potions were not ideal in terms of preservation and absorption, so they improved the healing stones.

Healing stone is the product of mixing healing potion and a kind of clay, Liphia clay, and the adjuvant is an indispensable medium in the mixing process of the two.

One of the important reasons why the town of Lyphia has become the herbal center of Asgard is that Mount Lyphia is one of the main origins and discovery places of this clay.

Compared with the healing potion, the preparation of the blending agent is much simpler and completed quickly.

Next, Luo Wei mixed the healing potion, the mixing aid, and Liphia clay into a mud-like healing clay, and then repeatedly beat and rubbed it like a dough.

The whole process is rather unhygienic and unpolished, but to the Asgardians, it doesn’t really matter.

The gifted Aesir can even survive in space, and are naturally immune to almost any disease. The health dangers brought about by unsanitary conditions are not worth mentioning, and no one will care.

To make a disgusting analogy, with the physique of the Asa Gods, even if you snorkel in the Xianghai for a lap, you will not get any disease… at least not get any physical disease.

After a set of procedures, the night was already quite dark, Luo Wei finally completed all the previous steps, divided the healing clay into ten small pieces, and sent them to a furnace for baking.

When I wake up tomorrow morning, the ten healing stones will be completed.

After doing this, Luo Wei washed up, then went back to his room and took out the “Sacrament of Kings” to read.

Flask of Talent…

After carefully reading the production process of the talent mixture, he couldn’t help feeling a headache and sighed secretly.

The talent mixture really deserves to be a seventh-level potion. The complicated production steps are not comparable to gadgets like Healing Stone.

By the way, what level is the healing stone?

Suddenly thinking of this, Luo Wei immediately found a healing stone and turned to the appraisal collection for appraisal.

[First-level items, all donations can get 2.46 piety. 】

A first-class item, basically in line with Luo Wei’s expectations. The piety of 2.46 points is also more reliable. The material cost of a healing stone is about 20 small gold coins or two large gold coins. The two large gold coins are sold to the piety store, which is not much different from this number.

One is Level 1 and the other is Level 7. The huge gap between them can be imagined.

Luo Wei hasn’t read the formula of the talent mixture, and roughly estimates that if he wants to reach the threshold of making this medicine, I am afraid that he will have to master dozens of preparation methods. This is not an overnight success. UU reading

Coupled with the collection of materials, it will definitely take a lot of time.

Fortunately, I am an Asgard and have a lifespan of five thousand years, and as the top country in the universe, Asgard has a lot of precious things and knowledge resources, and the difficulty of collecting materials and improving pharmaceutical skills will undoubtedly be. Greatly reduced.

If he travels to Earth, he may never hope to make a talent mixture in his life.

I don’t know how this thing works?

Thinking about it, it shouldn’t be bad. After all, it was rated as a level seven item. Rowe guessed that Thor’s Hammer might also be a level eight or nine item.

Without asking for top talents like Odin, Hela, Thor or Thanos, it is not too much to raise one’s talents to the level of the three warriors of Asgard, right?

My aptitude is still too poor, with a small stature, weak energy, and average intelligence, so I have some talent in pharmaceuticals.

If there is no time-travel and “Sage of Kings”, I am afraid that Luo Wei will be a tossing herbal medicine all his life, and then there is a high probability that he will be killed by some unexpected events in the next few thousand years, and the possibility of surviving until he snaps his fingers is very low. Just like a worm in the torrent of fate.

Happiness may be objective, but there is no doubt that happiness is largely compared with the surrounding environment. Even the noble Asa gods in the universe, if most of the people around them are stronger than themselves, such a life must be very painful.

While looking at the formula of the talent mixture, Luo Wei made a study plan in his mind, and decided to improve his pharmaceutical skills in a targeted manner, so as to make the talent mixture as soon as possible.

While looking at the recipe, Rowe noticed the rings at both ends of the Sacred Book’s spine.

These two rings seem to be used to connect the chains to fix the holy deed… Well, come back and find a chain to hang on the body, also like a paladin.


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