Paladins of Asgard

Chapter 66 - 【Summary】

Carrying the goat’s body, Tialfi and Rowe walked back.

“Do you do this every day?” Rowe asked.

“Yeah, this is my job,” Tialfi said.

Luo Wei was silent. He suddenly realized that catching sheep in the Landveti Forest was not as easy and fun as he imagined, at least Tialfi’s professional catching sheep was really not fun.

Going around in the forest for a few hours just for a fat sheep is a waste of time for Rowe,

After all, he didn’t need to hunt sheep for a living, he just wanted to catch four-horned goats and go to Nornheim.

Rowe thought for a while: “I’ve moved to Landvety Town. From now on, I’ll go to the tavern for lunch every day. After dinner, I’ll go around the forest with you, but it shouldn’t be long.”


The two walked back, but unexpectedly met a gray wolf on the way.

This gray wolf is huge, bigger than a liger on earth, and its fangs are long.

It lay not far away, growling lowly in its throat, and looked at Rowe and Tyalfi vigilantly: “Roar…”

Tialfi held the knife in his hand and said while detouring: “Generally speaking, the wolves in the Landveti Forest will not take the initiative to attack people. Fighting people is not good for them, and of course, it is not good for us either. – The strength of these wolves is so strong that some people die.”

“Let’s be careful, we can just go around.”

The two were careful and vigilant, and bypassed the gray wolf. The gray wolf also roared and slowly backed away. When the two sides were far apart, it turned and ran away, disappearing into the dense forest.

Back at the tavern, Tialfi handed the fat sheep to the attendant in exchange for some gold coins, and then went back to the forest.


A few days passed by.

Rowe’s house has been built. It is a small two-story building. There is a plaque next to the door, which reads “Azeroth Herbal Shop”.

The craftsmen are doing the final work, framing the medicine garden. Because it is not far from the forest, there will inevitably be beasts, insects and snakes, and the fence must be high and strong.

Luo Wei and a craftsman were busy carrying furniture, tables, chairs, beds, etc. into the house one by one.

Of course, there are also the most important things in the herbal shop, all kinds of pharmaceutical tools. In order to buy these pharmaceutical tools, Luo Wei spent hundreds of runes.

This is still a basic tool, which can only meet the production of common medicines.

As for all kinds of advanced medicines, other more complicated tools are needed, which are expensive, and Luo Wei can’t afford them for the time being.

After being busy for a long time, I finally got all the utensils and fences.

Although the cost of building the house has been subsidized by the royal family, Luo Wei still invited the craftsmen to the Brave Hunter Tavern to have a roast whole lamb to express his gratitude.

When he got home, he was lying on his bed, in a good mood.

I finally have my own nest…

After lying down for a while, Luo Wei looked at the empty bookshelf next to him, and after thinking about it, he got up and went out the door again. He came to Ada Town and found a bookstore.

“What do you want?” the bookstore owner, an old man, asked.

Rowe: “Where’s the Greenhilde Pharmacopoeia?”

The boss pointed to a bookshelf somewhere: “It’s there, let’s have a look.”

Luo Wei came to the bookshelf. The books on it were big and thick tomes, pharmacopoeia, historical materials, etc.

He fetched several pharmacopeias, including Greenhild’s Pharmacopoeia, and then picked out a few others.

Just as he was about to leave, Luo Wei’s eyes suddenly narrowed.

I saw that at the bottom of a certain bookshelf, there were several tomes of silver and white, with “Summary” written on the spine.


As a common language in the whole universe, Luo Wei has long been interested in summary language, but he has never had the opportunity to learn it.

He then brought out another copy of “Summary”. To his surprise, the book was surprisingly heavy, and it was even slightly difficult for him to hold it with one hand.

The bookstore owner smiled.

Luo Wei held the book and asked, “How much is it in total?”

“The “Summary” is priced at 100 runes, and the rest will be given to you,” said the bookstore owner.

Luo Wei almost spat out a mouthful of blood: “One hundred runes?!”

The shop owner seems to have expected it long ago: “”Summary Language” is a book of audio and text, and the cost of materials alone is at least ten runes… Do you think the summary language is so easy to learn?”

Luo Wei calmed down and asked, “With this book, can you learn summary language?”

The store owner said: “Like all knowledge and skills, learning summary language also requires talent and perseverance, and there is no such thing as an overnight success.”

“Of course, there is only one book for learning summarization, at least Asgard has only this one. If you don’t want to use this book, you can only find a teacher who is proficient in summarization.”

Luo Wei was a little bit hurt: “One hundred runes… it’s too expensive!”

The owner of the store was calm: “This store is innocent. You can go to other bookstores to see. In the name of Kuerzhibeard, if other bookstores sell cheaper than here, I will pay you as much as it is cheaper.”

Luo Wei was entangled in his heart for a while, and after thinking about it, he was finally cruel: “Okay, I bought it!”

The shop owner said with a smile: “Young man, you made a right choice! There are no prominent people in the universe who can’t speak summary words.”

Rowe smiled reluctantly, and took out a hundred runes with trembling hands.

Still poor…

After paying the bill, Luo Wei returned home with the books, put the newly bought books on the bookshelf one by one, and then took out the “Summary” to read.

The first tenth of this book is nothing special. It is written in Asgard, and it introduces the origin, characteristics, introduction, etc. of the summary language. It seems to be easy to understand.

The content of the latter 90% is much more complicated. It not only talks about the summary language, but also involves a lot of various languages ​​in the universe, and even mentions languages ​​such as Groot, which are very complicated. Headache.

However, there is a very magical place in this book. Most of the words and symbols recorded in it, Luo Wei has never seen, but you can know the pronunciation just by looking at it.

There is a strange fusion of sight and hearing in this book, which seems to arrive at some profound nature of language. Probably this is what the bookstore owner calls “the book of sound and text”.

Even with such miraculous characteristics, summary language is still not so easy to learn. Luo Wei estimates that if he learns it by himself, it will take at least ten years to master summary language.

After reading the “Summary” for a while, Luo Wei put it aside and turned to his own medicine garden.

The medicine garden is quite large, about 200 square meters, and is surrounded by densely arranged hardwood fences.

In the past few days, he has turned over the land of the medicine garden, and the soil at this time is very soft.

Rowe touched his waist and took out a small bag of seeds from the Sanctuary space.

This small bag of seeds is the medicinal seed of green chip grass, and he finally bought it.

As long as he has enough green chips, he can make a steady stream of hair restorers, eliminate hair loss, and make a fortune.

At that time, I’m only afraid that there will not be enough bald people in Asgard, so I have to consider exporting…

Planting medicinal herbs is a technical job, especially green-chip grasses are unpopular and somewhat delicate. Luo Wei planted them while taking a book for reference.

After two days of work, he planted green chip grass on one-tenth of the land in the medicine garden.


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