Paladins of Asgard

Chapter 74 - purple lotus

Walking out of the cave, Luo Wei held the light in his hand and explored aimlessly.

“I don’t know if there are any surviving dark elves…”

Thousands of years ago, the previous god-king, who is also the father of Kur and Odin, led an army to completely defeat the dark elves. After billions of years of decline, the dark elves, the former overlords of the universe, finally disappeared.

In the Nine Realms, there are no dark elves anymore, only a dark homeland that no one cares about, Walter Alheim.

Isn’t he the first person to set foot on Walter Alheim in thousands of years after the destruction of the dark elves? Rowe couldn’t help thinking.

However, after wandering around for a few hours, when he found nothing and was ready to turn back in disappointment, this idea was suddenly broken.

“Hush.” ​​A strange cry came.

Obviously this is not a human voice.

Rowe was vigilant, took out the Fist of Verrigan from the Sanctuary space, and then transferred the Holy Light Illumination from the palm to the warhammer.

Virigan’s Fist immediately radiated a lot of light, more than ten times brighter than the illumination spell in his hand, and the surrounding darkness was dispelled.

“Hey!” The same voice came again, but more urgently, and seemed a little frightened.

Luo Wei followed the sound and immediately saw a huge black spider.

This spider is much bigger than a human, with a dark body and sharp mouthparts.

However, like the dark elves, most of the creatures in Walter Alheim have a strong fear of light. For these dark creatures, direct exposure to light is a very painful experience.

Once the universe was full of darkness, the dark elves prospered. Later, light gradually became the mainstream of the universe, and the dark elves also declined rapidly, and were finally driven off the stage of history by Asgard.

Therefore, when the light was lit by the holy light, this rather ferocious looking giant spider had no idea of ​​confrontation. As soon as Rowe approached, it turned around and ran away.

Luo Wei was stunned for a while at first, and then he remembered the Achilles heel of dark creatures being afraid of light, and the little fear in his heart suddenly disappeared.

Lao Tzu is a Paladin, the most shining profession in the universe! You who are afraid of light can still beat me?

Thinking of this, Luo Wei radiated holy light all over his body, the light was dazzling, and then he chased after him.

The giant spider was covered in smoke by the holy light, and after a while it wilted, lying on the ground and twitching, unable to run anymore.


Rowe stepped forward and struck him to death with a hammer.

This spider’s combat effectiveness is definitely not weak, but its Achilles’ heel of being afraid of light makes it powerless to fight back in front of Rowe.

A battle was won so easily, Rowe couldn’t help but imagine.

Dark elves are also afraid of light. So, wouldn’t I kill them?

It’s a pity that the dark elves have already perished.

Furthermore, even if the dark elves were still there, Rowe might not be able to do what he wanted. After all, the dark elves know their weaknesses and have long since popularized light-proof armor, which will not be directly exposed to the light.

This spider should be highly poisonous. As a healer, Luo Wei naturally thought of this, and immediately collected some spider venom for future research.

Now it seems that Walter Alheim is not a complete wasteland, there are still some dark creatures.

To others, dark creatures may still be a little dangerous, but as a paladin, Rowe obviously doesn’t have to worry about it.

So for several days in a row, Rowe ran to Walter Alheim whenever he was free, wandering around, trying to find something.

But what he regrets is that Walter Alheim is still too desolate after all, and occasionally encounters some dark creatures, mainly dark spiders.

As Rowe guessed, the dark spider is indeed a highly poisonous creature, and its venom can easily poison the Protoss.

His biggest achievement in the past few days is to collect the venom of a lot of dark spiders.

On this day, Rowe came to Walter Alheim again and walked in a direction that had not yet been explored.

A few hours later, he seemed to have discovered something, raised the warhammer, and the holy light was so bright that it was like the sun, shining into the distance.


Luo Wei noticed that on the edge of the holy light, it was actually a ruin, with broken walls.

He walked closer, observed it for a while, and felt that this place was probably a village-like place before, with not many buildings and not very tall.

The illumination of the Holy Light made some mice hiding in the ruins flee, but Rowe didn’t notice.

His eyes were quickly drawn to a plant.

These are a few small purple flowers, clustered around and growing in a corner formed by several broken walls.

Most of the creatures in Walter Alheim, whether animals or plants, are very afraid of light. Once exposed to light, they will soon perish.

But at this moment, in the face of the holy light, these little purple flowers show no signs of withering or decaying at all.

It was the first time Rowe saw this kind of plant that was not afraid of light in Walter Alheim.

Looking at the surrounding ruins, he couldn’t help recalling the description of the purple lotus by the holy deed: most of the purple lotus grows in the ruined land.

“This should be considered a place of destruction, right?”

Luo Wei suddenly raised his carefully observed the purple flower for a while, then took out the shovel from the Sanctuary space, shoveled the purple flower, and put it on the formula of the talent mixture for identification .

[97% substitution for purple lotus]

It really is!

Rowe couldn’t help but be surprised.

The purple lotus is here!

There are only four materials missing for the talent mixture, dragon blood, mountain blood, sand of time, and lightning core.

The replacement for the lightning core is likely to be in Warnerheim’s Thunder Valley, and the dragon’s blood is basically two places, either Nornheim or Muspelheim.

However, the blood of the mountains and the sands of time are still not very bright.

With excitement, anticipation, and thinking, Rowe returned to Asgard.

The next day, he decided to visit Warnerheim. Of course, he wasn’t quite sure yet that the lake’s so-called place was Warnerheim.

From the shore of the lake, Luo Wei looked around and walked in one direction of the forest.

The forest seemed to be quite vast. With the strength of the Protoss’ feet, he accelerated and walked for a whole day. At night, he still couldn’t get out of the forest, and there was still endless greenery in front of him.

“It seems that this place should indeed be Wanaheim. Except for Wanaheim, I am afraid that there are not many forests of this size in other places in the Nine Realms.”

Rowe sat down to rest, leaning against the tree for a nap.

He didn’t dare to really fall asleep. After all, life here was unfamiliar, and he might encounter some danger.

“Kill this guy!”

Sure enough, in the middle of the night, a scream of killing suddenly came from not far away.

Luo Wei woke up with a jolt, and quickly got up and grabbed his weapon.


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