Paladins of Asgard

Chapter 87 - [Heavenly Hammer] 4 more completed

“Well.” Hela nodded slightly.

Seeing Luo Wei ignoring his behavior of going straight to Hela, Heimd pouted his lips and looked like he was about to open a yellow accent, but he was obviously worried about Hela, who was on the side, and poked Luo Wei with his arm.

Luo Wei looked around, and now there are more than a dozen people gathered around Hela. Apart from Heimd, there are several faces he has seen, but they are familiar, probably only one.

“Bart, you are here too.” Rowe patted a young golden man on the shoulder.

“Looks like we’re comrades-in-arms.” Bart smiled, the mustache on his lips raised.

This golden youth is Bart, whom Rowe met when he first met Valkyrie.

For this guy with a coquettish mustache, Rowe was impressed. The two don’t usually date much, but they have known each other for more than ten years.


Suddenly, Bart let out a soft cry and looked away with bright eyes.

Not far away, Skadi, the daughter of Kur, was walking with more than a dozen people. Among them, the first seven people were particularly conspicuous. These seven people, six men and one woman, dressed in different clothes, the only thing in common was that they all brought hammer.

What Bart looked at was the only woman behind Skadi. She was gorgeous, with a hot body, and her clothes were a little revealing…

“It’s Schoen!” Most of the men here, so many eyes were attracted to this woman, and some people commented.

“I heard she’s a fierce woman.”

Looking at the seven people with hammers behind Skadi, Rowe was stunned for a while, then suddenly remembered.

Isn’t this the Venerable Heavenly Hammer!

In the comic “The Origin of Fear”, Kool broke the seal of Odin and reappeared in the world. His daughter Skadi and the seven elite Asgard warriors known as “Heavenly Hammer” were his followers.

With eight followers, Kuer, the **** of fear, made waves on the earth, slaughtered heroes from all walks of life, and even tore the shield of the US team with his bare hands.

Looking at these eight guys with hammers, Rowe’s memories of “The Origin of Fear” from his previous life came flooding up.

Coincidentally, he had met three of the seven Heavenly Hammer Venerables. In addition to Schoen, who had a relationship at the Jotunheim outpost, there were two people he not only met, but also knew a little bit.

One of them was Nur, who was the most jealous of Rowe when he made a bet with Amora. The other is Gus, whom Lowe had contact with when he was at Camp Warnerheim, and it was also an unfriendly contact.

Speaking of which, as the only woman in the seven, Schoen left a bad impression on Rowe.

The three guys who have been in contact have all negative impressions.

No wonder later generations will become villain gangs!

Luo Wei secretly said in his heart, sure enough, he is the righteous side!

With the appearance of the Skadi Hunting Group, the hunters on the square were officially divided into three parts, with Hella and Skadi on each side, with more than a dozen people on each side. There are ten people in total.

After the hunters arrived, the big shot began to appear.

The first to appear is the gatekeeper of Asgard, the **** of winter and hunting, Heimdall’s father, Uller.

Uller stood in front of the crowd, his burly figure was like a mountain, and he only heard him say slowly: “Today, it is the 79th Asgard Hunting Festival… Since the time of Bulli, it has been seven thousand and nine hundred. Years, the warriors of Asgard galloped through the Norn forests, hunting wild beasts and earning honor and reward.”

“I believe that you will win your own glory in the vast Norn forest like all the senior hunters.”

After saying the opening remarks, Uller paused and continued: “Next, I will explain the rules of the hunting festival.”

“The venue of the hunting festival is the Norn Forest, and the period is one month. Within a month, the prey you get in the Norn Forest will determine your ranking. The stronger and rarer the prey you catch, the higher your ranking…”

In the end, Uller’s tone suddenly became a little more serious: “The hunting festival is about hunting skills, so it is strictly forbidden for the contestants to attack each other! Once found, the light will be disqualified, and the worst will be executed!”

If someone else said this, I’m afraid not many take it seriously, but Uller is different.

As the gatekeeper of Asgard, Uller, like his son Heimdall, has a powerful all-seeing power and can see the universe. Once a contestant violates the rules, it is likely to be caught by Uller.

Therefore, before Uller’s voice fell, many hunters couldn’t help but stunned.

The same goes for Rowe.

However, Heimd said quietly: “Actually, it’s not that exaggerated. As long as it doesn’t cause substantial damage, harassing attacks are also possible… Rowe, your chance to show your skills has come.”

“What?” Rowe was taken aback.

Heimd raised his **** and clicked: “Your shiny **** spell.”

“Really?” Rowe looked suspicious.

Heimd: “Of course, my father told me he was a man who went to ten hunting festivals.”

After Ullal finished speaking, the next person on the field was the Lord of Nornheim, the Duchess of Norn.

She looked quite old, like a middle-aged woman, but it was true, she was at least four thousand years old. According to rumors, the previous generation of God King Bol also had a relationship with the duchess, but the truth is unknown.

Although she is very old and has silver threads on her head, the Duchess is graceful and extravagant, wearing a long purple dress and walking slowly like a peacock: “Noren Forest is the most extensive forest in Nornheim, where There are dragons, griffins, pegasus…and of course our enemies, the trolls.”

“So this is not only a hunting ground, but also a battlefield. Of course, you are not only excellent hunters, but also excellent fighters. I believe that you can return triumphantly with your prey.”

Kool and Odin didn’t make an official appearance, but they were known to be watching the event as well.

“How do we get to the Norn Forest?” Rowe asked.

“Just wait,” said Heimd.

After everyone waited for a few minutes, there were bursts of cat meowing in the sky.


“Meow meow-“

Luo Wei looked up, UU reading www.uukanshu. However, com saw big cats with wings on their backs flying from a distance. They were as huge as elephants, and their coats were mainly orange.

Each flying cat has a slender, handsome man who is almost the same as an Asgardian, but with pointy ears.

“Light Elf’s flying cat?” Rowe said in surprise.

“Aboard the flying cat, the light elves will take you to the Norn Forest,” said the Duchess.

“Come up, hunters.” The light elves driving cats said one after another.

Rowe immediately took a flying cat with Heimd.

“Meow~” Flying cat fluttered its wings and flew high into the sky, extremely fast.

Heimd laughed: “The hunting festival has begun.”

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