Pamper Eighties

Chapter 107

Feng Yimin is going to plant watermelons in a greenhouse. When the news came out, many people didn’t understand it. Even this was the first time they heard of this new term, and no one believed that watermelons could be grown in his greenhouse.

Even old man Feng, who has seen the world, wonders if his eldest son’s brain is confused. For thousands of years, farmers have depended on the sky for food. Sow seeds in spring and harvest in autumn, at most Taoyuan Village. The climate is hot here, and some crops can still be planted a second crop, but I have never heard that crops can be grown in winter. Isn’t this a joke? The key is that Professor Hao also accompanied him to make a fool of himself. Old Man Feng couldn’t understand it anyway. In his eyes, this group of people were crazy, and they even wanted to change God’s temperament.

Seeing that his eldest son was busy all day long, and his interest had not diminished after several days, the old man Feng stopped him worriedly and said, “Yimin, what are you thinking? Although you can’t spend a lot of money on this greenhouse, your idea is impossible from the root, aren’t you wasting your time?”

Feng Yimin didn’t see it that way, and explained patiently: “Dad, don’t you know, foreigners have already had this technique, and they have successfully planted them. They can also grow vegetables and fruits in winter. , all rely on the technology in the greenhouse. They can grow successfully, why can’t we? I really don’t believe it, our Chinese farmers are worse than foreigners? I must grow this watermelon for it , let foreigners come to see our Chinese technology.”

In the eyes of old man Feng, the eldest son of his family was fooled by that Professor Hao. If this technique is so easy to succeed, why hasn’t he heard of it before, has it been researched a long time ago? Still have to wait until now? So no matter how Feng Yimin explained it, old man Feng didn’t believe it, he just didn’t believe it.

The father and son were discussing there, and the women in the family quietly raised their ears and eavesdropped on them. The worries in Old Lady Feng’s eyes were not to be mentioned. Even Su Wan, a literate person, didn’t believe in this technique. He also persuaded euphemistically: “My son, his father, everyone is resting in this winter. Don’t be too careful about the crops in the fields. It’s best to plant them, and it’s okay if they don’t come out.”

Feng Yimin was so aggrieved in his heart that it would be fine if his parents didn’t understand him. Why didn’t even his daughter-in-law support him? Now he can’t think of the real reason, so he cleared his throat very seriously. Said: “Let me tell you the truth, I don’t grow watermelons for those who are false, you think, if I grow watermelons in the big winter, how valuable is this watermelon, this is a real rarity , I also planted a lot of cucumbers and green vegetables, if it can be successful, it will be available for sale before the New Year, and it will definitely sell for a big price.”

Speaking of which, Feng Yimin let out a sigh of relief, pointed at the girl next to him, and said, “Actually, my biggest wish is to let our Mengmeng eat a bite of fresh vegetables and fruits, look at her little one. Son, it’s the time when I’m greedy. I’m not happy without watermelon. I can’t bear it when I see it. Her dad and I don’t have any other skills. It’s okay to have this kind of skill. Don’t you just want a watermelon? ? Dad will plant it for you, so that we Mengmeng will be happy.”

Feng Yimin didn’t want to say this at first, because his watermelon in the greenhouse has no shadow. To be honest, he has no bottom in his heart. When the family didn’t plan to support him, he had to say it.

Don’t look down on Mengmeng, she is actually sensible, but she didn’t expect her father to take it seriously when she said it casually at the beginning. Her little heart was suddenly moved, and she ran up to him and lifted her up. He raised his head and said sweetly, “Dad is so nice, I love Daddy.”

Feng Yimin was overjoyed when he heard it, the smile on his face was as sweet as honey, he picked up his little girl and turned around in circles, the father and daughter laughed, Feng Yimin even pulled Mengmeng up Googou assured and said, “Dad will definitely grow watermelons for you. Let’s pull Gogou together, and it won’t change for a hundred years.”

When the old Feng family heard that he was doing it for Mengmeng, they immediately lost their opinions, and their attitude became faster than flipping a book. As long as it was what Mengmeng wanted, no matter how difficult it was, they had to find a way to satisfy it, and there was no condition to create conditions. Also, this eldest son is good, not bad.

After Feng Yimin got his family, he went to work in the greenhouse every day as if he had been beaten by chicken blood. The Feng’s greenhouse was built as high as one person. It was made of bamboo and covered with two layers of plastic film. It looked quite similar. It looks decent, but in the eyes of outsiders, this is a strange appearance. The people in the village already know that the village chief’s family made this thing to grow watermelons in the big winter. It’s a daydream, impossible. They were all waiting to see the jokes. Wouldn’t it be better to rest at home in the winter? If they made all these useless things, it was not a waste of time in the end.

No matter how they murmured behind their backs, Feng Yimin didn’t take it seriously at all. He went to the greenhouse to do farm work every day. Professor Hao was also very interested in this place, and often came over to help him come up with ideas. The two of them were in the greenhouse. It took a long time to fiddle around, and a lot of equipment was installed inside and outside. The people in the village only ran over to see the strangeness at the beginning. They watched for several days and found that no crops were growing in the greenhouse, which strengthened their hearts even more. , and completely lost interest in this useless thing.

Feng Yimin didn’t give up. He had already thought about it. If he couldn’t do it this year, he would plant it again next year. One day he would succeed. He didn’t expect his wish to come true soon. The green melon seedlings were like new hope, so excited that Feng Yimin almost didn’t jump up on the spot, but fortunately he was still calm, so he didn’t do it, and he didn’t plan to shout everywhere until the melon seedlings got bigger. A little bigger, until the watermelon grows, and he’s going to surprise those who talk badly.

The scenery in the greenhouse was the same every day. The watermelon that Feng Yimin planted gradually grew from a short seedling to a dense green vine. After a month, it actually bloomed. Feng Yimin finally couldn’t hold back his joy. Mengmeng hugged him over to visit, he let Mengmeng sit in his arms, pointed at the golden flowers and said, “Look Mengmeng, this is the watermelon that Dad planted for you, there are so many flowers, in the future You can grow so many big watermelons, you can eat them until next year.”

“Okay.” Mengmeng clapped her little hands excitedly, those big watery eyes were searching among the flowers, she suddenly tilted her little head and said in confusion, “Dad, why are there no butterflies?”

“Where did the butterflies come from in the big winter? You see that you are wearing such thick clothes. The butterflies are afraid to come out because they are afraid of the cold.” Feng Yimin laughed and coaxed his daughter, worried that she would be unhappy. The promise said: “In time for the spring to come tomorrow, Dad will go and catch you some beautiful big butterflies for you to play with.”

Professor Hao, who had been standing on the field ridge without speaking, suddenly slapped his forehead and said, “Yes, I forgot about Mengmeng, Yimin, you won’t be able to produce watermelons without butterflies and bees pollinating in your greenhouse. Fortunately, your daughter is here today, otherwise we would be all in vain after working so hard for so long, come and pollinate these flowers, and I will teach you.”

Feng Yimin couldn’t believe that he had made such a big mistake. In fact, he couldn’t blame him. He used to only know that he faced the loess and turned his back to the sky, and that pollination depended on insects, and he never had to worry about it. He didn’t think about pollination, but luckily his daughter reminded him inadvertently, he looked at Mengmeng’s cute little face, and a surprise burst out from his eyes and said, “Mengmeng, you are really my father’s lucky star. I almost forgot, then you can play by yourself, Dad is going to work.”

Feng Yimin put Mengmeng on the ground, she turned around and rode on Huzi’s body. The air in the greenhouse was too stuffy, and she didn’t like to stay here, so she shouted Huzi and walked out of the greenhouse. came to the shore of the village.

Winter is here, Xiao Lan and Xiao Pink have gone to other places, and Mengmeng has not seen them for a month or two. There are only waves in the deep blue water, slapping the beach one after another, like an eternal song. A changed song.

Suddenly, a yellow-brown hard shell quietly floated up from the sea water, and it became more and more obvious. From a distance, it looked as if a hill had appeared out of thin air. It turned out that the big turtle had returned, and it held its head high. , A humanized smile flashed in those mung bean eyes the size of copper bells, and they swam quickly towards the coast, and suddenly they came to Mengmeng.

Mengmeng laughed happily. The big turtle is also her playmate. She was missing it after a long time. She slipped off the tiger’s back and touched its big head affectionately, saying: “Turtle, where have you been? You know I miss you?”

This big turtle does not know that it has lived in the sea for thousands and hundreds of years, and even it does not know its own age. It has lived for such a long time and has already learned a little bit of spirituality. The kindness to the younger generation, and the obedience to the master, it doesn’t know what is going on by itself, it seems that it has been connected with Mengmeng somewhere.

At this moment, the big turtle rubbed her palm affectionately, and was talking to her very affectionately in her mind. It was nothing more than some adventures in the ocean. While talking, it suddenly remembered something. , and said to Mengmeng as if offering a treasure: “There is a boat in the sea, it’s a big boat, I can swim in it, it’s fun inside, there are a lot of boxes, do you want me to take you in to play?”

Mengmeng thought it was talking about those fishing boats. What is so strange about fishing boats? There are several of them moored on the beach. No? That boat is no fun, it stinks.”

She was talking about the fishy smell on the fishing boat. The fishermen often go out to sea to fish. After a long time, they will naturally get the fishy smell. If they are exposed to the sun again, the smell is simple. Mengmeng has loved cleanliness since she was a child. She is reluctant to approach such a fishing boat.

“No, that big ship is under the water.” Seeing that she didn’t understand, the big turtle was very anxious. If it could talk, it would have already started talking, but unfortunately it can only slowly describe the big ship to Mengmeng in its consciousness. What it looked like, including how deep it was, how high the mast on the boat was, and where it was, the turtle remembered it clearly, but it used it as a playground, and of course it had to be shared with Mengmeng.

Mengmeng listened to its description, and the expression on her face became more and more surprised. After hearing this, she even opened her small mouth and kept asking, “Really? Really?”

She was curious about how big the ship was. It must be very interesting inside. She also wanted to go up and have a look. Until the sea turtle told her the location of the ship, a ship suddenly appeared in her mind. The shadow of the big boat, before she could react and take a closer look, she had a small bottle in her little hand, even smaller than Mengmeng’s hand, the color was very beautiful, and a blue eye was drawn on it. There was also a foreigner with wings, and a foreign child with wings. There were several small shells on the bottle, and there was a lid on the top. Mengmeng twisted it open and found that it was full of water.

When the turtle saw it, he showed off to her excitedly: “This is what’s on the boat, there are still some in it, let’s go see it together.”

It turned around and crawled into the sea first, and Mengmeng walked forward together. Although the wind from the sea was strong and cold, Mengmeng was not afraid of it. She didn’t feel cold at all. The closer she got to the sea, the warmer she felt.

It was getting close, Mengmeng was already close to the edge of the sea, and the waves should have kissed her little feet when she went down. She was happily preparing to jump down when she heard a loud shout from a distance: “Sister! Don’t go, it’s dangerous, come back!”

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