Pamper Eighties

Chapter 111

Ever since Mrs. Feng got this pair of jade bracelets, her heart was so beautiful that she couldn’t help but want to show it off. In fact, she didn’t need to show off. As long as she went out, no one could see such a green one. As for the bracelets, someone immediately came up and asked, “Oh, sister-in-law Miao, you have a pair of new jewelry on your hands. It’s so beautiful, this color, it costs a lot of money, right?”

The old lady Feng covered her mouth and smiled: “It’s nothing, the old man in my family bought it for me from the city, and I told him that he would spend as much money as he could, even if he didn’t have a lot of money, it’s not a bad idea. Okay, but it’s not good for him to buy something with this money, if he insists on buying these things that can’t be eaten or worn, there’s really no way for him to do it.”

Don’t mention how envious they are when they hear it, sour is not sour. Miao Yufeng’s man is willing to buy jewelry for her, that’s because people love their daughter-in-law, and they also have to show it off, but they don’t This kind of blessing is really more popular than people.

They are both married. It’s okay for their family to live a hard life in the past. Now that the conditions are good, the men in the family don’t show much. From this point of view, the difference can be seen. This person is afraid of comparison. In comparison, they were almost mad at themselves, looking at Miao Yufeng’s man, their man was directly compared to scum, it was so irritating, these old sisters burst into flames , I can’t wait to go home immediately to grab my men and ask them why they don’t buy jewelry.

Madam Feng still didn’t know that she had unintentionally caused several family battles, but even if she knew, she wouldn’t care. It’s none of her business. In her opinion, the old sister’s man is the most important one. That’s why they have become accustomed to that kind of virtue, and they are not used to it. This man, you can’t get used to it. If you get used to it, it will become a habit. In the end, you can’t bear it by yourself, you should.

In the envious eyes of the people around, Madam Feng continued to admire her bracelet, why is it so beautiful?

The happy appearance of Mrs. Feng was seen by the family, and of course Feng Yimin saw it. He was not blind, and he had noticed the pair of conspicuous green bracelets for a long time, and he was very concerned about it. Thinking of buying such a pair for his daughter-in-law, his daughter-in-law is white, and she will look good wearing this green bracelet.

Of course, he didn’t have the foreign exchange coupons to buy green bracelets, only foreign tourists had them. When traveling in the village, he must have a good time with them. With foreign exchange coupons, he can buy bracelets for his daughter-in-law.

With this idea in mind, Feng Yimin’s enthusiasm for working in the fields has grown even higher. In winter, there is nothing to do, and everyone else is resting in the fields, so he has to work in the fields every day. I always like diligent people. Feng Yimin works hard, and the watermelons in the field grow very fast. The speed is amazing. It took less than three months from the result to maturity. Of course It was because the temperature in the greenhouse was high enough and Feng Yimin served him carefully enough.

In short, by the end of January, the watermelons in the greenhouse were gradually ripening. This time the watermelons were smaller than before, but their taste was also sweeter and more juicy, and they tasted very refreshing and sweet. If you leave it out of the house for a night before eating it, it will not taste good when it is cold.

In addition to watermelon, the greenhouse also produces a lot of fresh cucumbers and green leafy vegetables. If this was put in the past, it would have been unthinkable at all. Every winter, the weather is cold, and all kinds of vegetables and fruits are also If you don’t get out, even people with good conditions can only eat Chinese cabbage. The cabbage gang is still very old, and it doesn’t taste good at all. People with poor conditions don’t talk about cabbage, they can eat a mouthful of pickled vegetables, but the taste of pickled vegetables can’t be compared with fresh vegetables. , fresh vegetables are the best.

These fruits and vegetables hadn’t grown yet, Feng Yimin had already contacted them for sales, and this time he also took the path of Professor Hao. The various units in the city heard that there were still fruits and vegetables to eat this winter, and they all looked like As if they had found a treasure, they didn’t need Feng Yimin to come to the door to sell them, so they offered to give the package round. It seemed that the Chinese New Year was almost here, and their own unit gave benefits, and there was nothing more suitable than these fresh vegetables and fruits.

On the appointed day, all the men, women and children of the Feng family will be dispatched to pick them in the greenhouse, and they will also carry these vegetables and fruits into the car, and they will be sent to the provincial capital by Feng Yimin to sell. Naturally, this is the price. , it must be more expensive than the usual vegetables, melons and fruits, and that’s what it should be. Who makes these things exclusive? Feng Yimin is so soft on receiving money, so let’s not mention the joy in his heart.

This time, the people in the village were completely sensational. They all lived in the same village. Of course, they knew that there was movement in the Feng family’s greenhouse. There was a big thunder, and the villagers looked around eagerly. They saw so many vegetables, melons and fruits being transported out of the greenhouse. They couldn’t believe their eyes. The watermelon was really given to Feng Yimin. Toss out.

The villagers were really surprised. This completely subverted their previous thinking. It turned out that people can really change the temperament of God, and they can also grow vegetables and fruits in winter. They looked at Feng Yimin and Professor Hao as if they had seen gods. They didn’t need to do any calculations. They also knew that the village chief’s family must have made a fortune this time. Tsk tsk tsk, this is the power of knowledge, what about literate people? Even if they can make a fortune, they just suffer from the loss of lack of culture, and they still don’t believe what Expert Hao said. Now that’s all right, they can only watch others make a fortune. They have no choice but to envy.

From this day on, the villagers have made up their minds. After returning home, they often urge the children at home to study hard. When next winter, they will definitely do a good job in greenhouse planting.

Feng Yimin sold out the last crop of vegetables and fruits in the greenhouse, and the time is directly into the Spring Festival. This year, the old Feng family has passed a big fat year. In addition to the usual big fish and meat, there are many more. Green vegetables, in the big winter, if you can eat fresh and tender vegetables, you will feel more comfortable in your stomach.

After the New Year’s Eve dinner, Feng Yimin excitedly took out several boxes from the house, handed one to each of the three little dolls in the family, and said with a particularly loving smile: “Here, each of you has a jade pendant, all It’s your own zodiac sign, and I’ve prepared the chains for you, all of them are sterling silver chains, I heard that this jadeite is very supportive when worn on the body, I wish you all grow up safely and healthily.”

The old couple of the Feng family also had gifts. Old man Feng was a square gold ring, which was heavy and looked particularly domineering when worn on his finger.

Mrs. Feng’s gift is a gold necklace, and there is a gourd pendant below it. Wearing it around her neck can blind people’s eyes. She is so beautiful that Mrs. Feng can’t find the edge. What’s going on this year? One or two places rushed to give her jewelry, and she happily accepted the filial piety of this eldest son.

The last box in Feng Yimin’s hand was given to his daughter-in-law. Su Wan didn’t expect that she would have a share. After she got it, she opened it with great anticipation and saw that it was actually a pair of green jade bracelets. It seemed that the most intense emotion instantly made her eyes turn red.

Feng Yimin immediately said anxiously, “Hey, hey, don’t cry. The New Year’s Eve should be happy. You should put it on and see if it fits?”

“It’s suitable, it’s quite suitable.” Su Wan stroked the pair of green bracelets on her hands, and her face burst into a smile.

The Feng family was of course very happy to receive the gift, but they were also puzzled. It was cold recently, and not many foreigners came to their village for tourism. So many foreign exchange coupons, where did Feng Yimin go to find them? come?

The old lady Feng said with some concern: “Yimin, you need a lot of foreign exchange coupons for these things. Where did you get the foreign exchange coupons?”

Feng Yimin explained with a smile: “Dad, Mom, are we afraid that we can’t buy foreign exchange coupons if we have money? You may not know it yet. Recently, there is a new business in the city called scalpers, which are ticket dealers who specialize in dumping foreign exchange coupons. , what kind of tickets are rare, they will do whatever, as long as you are willing to spend money for them, they can get you any kind of tickets, these people are very capable, and it is also a coincidence that I met such a person. He exchanged it once. Didn’t he exchange it as a gift for you? You have been talking to me about buying pendants for their three little dolls. I went to the store to take a look, and I bought them by the way. Well, it’s quite refreshing to wear it.”

With this explanation, the family felt relieved. They happily put on new jewelry for themselves, admired each other, and smiled happily.

Madam Feng couldn’t help but said with emotion: “Oh, life is really good now, how could we have imagined that we could live such a good life a few years ago, look at these people in our family, gold chains, gold rings, jadeite Ah, Sapphire, tsk tsk tsk, the old landlords and wealthy people in the past have never lived like this, it’s just like a dream.”

Old Man Feng took a sip of Moutai and said, “That’s right, we have such a good life, we should all be grateful for the reform and opening up. In the past, when you went out, you had to vote for everything. Now, as long as you have money on hand, what do you do? Tickets are not a problem, don’t you even have scalpers? In the future, it will definitely become more and more relaxed. After the New Year is over, I have to go to the south again to see what’s new there. Good stuff, we can’t be left behind by this fashion, we must walk ahead of others in order to make big money.”

“Okay!” Feng Yimin patted the table and said very ambitiously: “Dad, you just go to the south to buy goods, I will help you watch the construction site at home, and by the way, I will tidy up the fields of our family, I can see it now. , if this crop is grown well, it is also a fierce way to make money, everyone in our family must go well, and we will make another million next year!”

Old Man Feng was more ambitious than him, raised the small wine glass in his hand and said, “One million is too little, at least a few million, right, right, just a few million, come on, everyone pick up the glass Come, adults drink, little babies drink, cheers.”

After a few crisp clinking of glasses, the little dolls drank their sodas happily. Under the illumination of the light, the edge of the cup clearly reflected the happy smiling faces of the little dolls.

Years passed quickly, and old man Feng finished spring plowing at home, so he took his two sons and old man Zhang to the south.

Mengmeng is also a three-year-old little doll in the blink of an eye. Before you know it, a little half of 1983 has passed. It is already April. , is the most brilliant time of the year in spring.

On this day, Mengmeng and Rui Ge’er, two little dolls, gathered on the hillside at the head of the village. Rui Ge’er picked wild flowers and was squatting on the ground to make a wreath for Mengmeng. After that, I put it on Mengmeng’s head, and took a step back and said with admiration: “It’s so beautiful, sister, in a few months, my brother will go to school, so I won’t have so much time to come to accompany you in the future. After you play, will you miss your brother?”

“Yeah.” Mengmeng nodded her head without hesitation, not to mention how well-behaved she was.

Brother Rui smiled very happily, but the garland on his hand kept moving, and he thought about it and said, “Brother will miss you too, when I have learned the knowledge in school, I will come after school. Teach you, Uncle Guoqiang told me that boxing should start from a baby, and the same is true of learning, brother, I will be your little teacher in the future.”

“Ah?” Mengmeng was confused, she was still so young, did she need to learn? Seeing that Brother Rui was still waiting for her to answer, she nodded randomly and said, “Okay then.”

At this time, a group of little dolls in the village also ran to the side, and the little boy at the head came over to greet him very diligently and said, “Mengmeng, let’s play the house, brother Rui, you come too, um… let me think. I think about what you are suitable for, ah, I thought about it, you grow taller, just be a big tree, come and take this branch, stand there and be a big tree, don’t move around. Mengmeng, This handkerchief is for you, you will be the bride with your face covered, and I will be the groom.”

Brother Rui took the branch off the ground and got angry, why did he come to be the big tree, but this kid can be the bridegroom, he suddenly threw the branch away, pointed to the little boy’s nose and said, “What are you? Root Onion? Just like you, you still want to be the bridegroom, bah, it’s almost a bachelor, the bridegroom let me be the one, you come to be the big tree, hurry up, or I will beat you to death.”

Brother Rui burst out a sharp light from his eyes, his nostrils were still spitting out air, and he also waved his fists dangerously, successfully convincing the little boy, and he was extremely wronged in his heart. , Why is this person going to beat someone at every turn, so he had to drop his small shoulders and say, “Okay, okay, I’ll let you be the bridegroom once, and I’ll be the one next time.”

Brother Rui’s face turned black, and he said fiercely: “You are dreaming, you will never want to be the bridegroom.”

He warned the little boy fiercely, turned around and happily picked up a bright red flower, pinned it to his collar carefully, even he himself couldn’t figure out what he was really happy about. His mouth was almost grinning behind his ears.

After finally putting the flowers away, Brother Rui stretched out his sweaty little hand towards Mengmeng and said, “Come here, sister, hold my hand.”

Mengmeng is playing this game for the first time. She doesn’t know what she should do at all. She can’t see clearly now with a handkerchief on her head. She couldn’t understand what they said there from her mother’s house to her mother-in-law, and a lot of worship and bridal chambers.

When the game was finally over, Mengmeng immediately lifted the handkerchief on her head, and saw Brother Rui staring at her with bright eyes, and heard that the friends around her were still saying that she should continue to play the role of the bride. Meng didn’t think it was funny at all, so he pouted and said, “I don’t play anymore, it’s not fun, I want to play eagle to catch chickens, I’ll be the eagle, and you will be the chickens.”

Of course the little friends don’t care, they just have to play, they obediently follow Mengmeng’s instructions, form a whole team, and stare at her very nervously.

“Xiaojin come here.” With Mengmeng’s call, a giant shadow in the sky swooped down on top of Mengmeng’s head in an instant. It was really an eagle. Xiaojin’s wings were more than two meters long. The huge shadow directly shrouded Mengmeng’s whole body. The children on the opposite side looked at it, and couldn’t help swallowing nervously, but Mengmeng laughed happily. Her favorite game.

She opened her arms and said, “Okay? I’m coming, ah ha ha ha ha…”

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