Pamper Eighties

Chapter 117

This golden stone is about the size of Mengmeng’s palm, and its surface is uneven. At first glance, it looks a bit like a coral reef in the sea, full of honeycomb-shaped holes, and it looks like a fried The golden-yellow seafood pancakes, with gray-black stone **** exposed in some places, are more like seafood pancakes.

Madam Feng couldn’t believe it at first. When she took this stone in her hand, the thing that was the size of a slap was dead. That’s absolutely right. It’s 100% gold.

“Oh, hey, such a large piece of gold.”

Madam Feng was so excited that she was going crazy, she could not wait to grab Xiao Jinxiang and take a sip, and then she exclaimed without opening: “Xiao Jin, you are really promising, Xiao Jin, I have never seen an eagle more powerful than you. Jin Zi is going to hold money at home, you have a good name, and you are born to look for gold material, you have done a good job, grandma will get you something to eat.”

Madam Feng was really happy in her heart, and she felt very pleasing to see Xiao Jin. Although Xiao Jin hugged money at home only a few times, she couldn’t hold back that it was always gold. This time it was still such a large piece of gold. Great hero, of course she has to reward her well.

She went to the kitchen numbly, and in a short while she brought out a large pot of fresh venison meat and a whole pot of Tai Sui water. Xiao Jin likes to eat these two things the most.

Sure enough, Xiao Jin just had a proud and calm look just now, as if he looked like an expert in the world. Now he is staring at the food brought out by Mrs. Feng, his wings are flapping fast, and he is screaming. Immediately, he rushed over, buried his head in the basin, and ate with all his might. He didn’t look like an eagle at all, but he was greedy.

“Xiaojin, eat slowly, there’s more in the kitchen, I’ll get it for you if it’s not enough.” Madam Feng told Xiaojin, and happily took the gold to show to her family.

Old Man Feng and Feng Yimin have bought gold several times, and they still know a lot about gold. The father and son discussed and discussed it, and they both felt that this piece of gold was dog head gold.

Su Wan also picked up this piece of gold and studied it carefully. She also thought it was dog head gold, and then she expressed her guess: “This is the third time Xiaojin has picked up a natural gold nugget. There is gold, we just haven’t found it.”

Mrs. Feng said shrewdly: “Our village is making more money now. There are so many tourists who make money every day. Why do they come to our village to travel? It’s not for seeing the scenery. If we really find gold, Then we must not dig up the mountain? Can we still see the scenery? There must be no one here, so our Taoyuan Hotel will be out of business? We can’t tell others about this, and we must not let the people in the village know about it. , otherwise it will be a bad thing.”

Old Man Feng said in agreement: “Old lady, you are right, the people in our village can have a good life, not because the scenery in the village is good, this is all left by the ancestors, if we dig gold, at most we are here. A generation is better, what will happen to future generations? When all the gold is mined and the scenery is destroyed, our Taoyuan Village should be defeated, and we can’t do such stupid things.”

Su Wan blushed and said a little embarrassedly: “Mom, I just guessed randomly, our family’s money is the second in the whole village, and no one dares to be the first, this is a man to be content, there is no need to rely on this gold to make a fortune. .”

Feng Yimin also nodded and said in agreement, “That’s the truth, it’s better to rely on your own hands. It’s good for our village to engage in tourism and agriculture. Professor Hao told me two days ago that the province intends to give our village to our village. Let’s put up another brand, a new type of agricultural experimental base, where the villagers can make money just by farming, let’s keep the gold for ourselves, the family is not short of money, and this gold will be reserved for Mengmeng as a dowry in the future.”

These words reached Mrs. Feng’s heart, and her eyes lit up immediately, and she said in her mouth, “It’s so good to melt such a large piece of gold into jewelry, and you don’t need to spend any more to buy it, or give it to It’s good for Mengmeng to be a family heirloom. When we Mengmeng grows old, we can tell her grandchildren, look, this is your grandmother’s dowry. If you treat me well, I will keep this piece of gold. Give it to him, hahahaha…”

“Mom, what are you talking about gold?” A high-pitched voice sounded abruptly from outside, it turned out to be Chen Hongmei.

Why did Chen Hongmei appear here? Seeing that it was getting late and Bawa didn’t know how to go home for dinner, her man’s face darkened. This was because she was dissatisfied with her mother-in-law. Chen Hongmei hurried out to find her. The first thing she thought of was the uncle’s house next door. , because that stinky boy, Bawa, likes to go to his uncle’s house the most.

As soon as she opened the courtyard door and walked in, she heard the people inside talking about gold. She stood outside eavesdropping for a long time, and finally couldn’t hold back her curiosity and broke into the house. Sure enough, she saw a piece of gold on the table. stone.

This is gold. Many people in her uncle’s family have worn it. Even Mengmeng’s little girl has a whole set of gold jewelry. She will never admit it wrong.

Chen Hongmei’s eyes flashed with greed, and she opened her mouth and asked, “Mom, where did you get this piece of gold?”

It was broken, and the third daughter-in-law found out. Madam Feng picked up the piece of gold and put it in her pocket, staring at her and talking nonsense: “How can there be any gold? This is what your father bought from the south. The broken stone is not worth a few dollars.”

Chen Hongmei is not easy to fool, she proudly pointed out: “Mom, you still want to lie to me, I heard it outside just now, this is gold, very valuable gold, it was picked up by Xiaojin from Longling, right? It turns out that we still have gold in Longling.”

Chen Hongmei was originally very envious, jealous and hated. She was sore at first, but then she thought, anyone can enter Longling, and Longling belongs to everyone, which means that everyone has a share of gold. , Of course, she also had a share. The sour mood instantly turned into excitement, and she shouted loudly: “Mom, it’s a good thing to have gold, we have to hurry in and find it, we will get rich haha.”

Madam Feng patted the table and stood up, raised her eyebrows and said, “Young Sanjia, what are you talking about, you, I told you, this is not gold, you still refuse to believe it, Longling is so big, you It’s not that I haven’t been in there before. When have I seen gold? If someone knew about it, they should have digged in Longling. Our village travels, relying on the scenery of Longling. The third child works so hard to make money. , your family is not short of money, why are your eyelids so shallow? It’s really worthless, you don’t think about yourself, you have to think about the future of the dolls, I warn you, don’t talk nonsense to me when you go out, Not a single person in the village is allowed to say it, that’s all you heard wrong.”

Chen Hongmei devoured her face hard, and the smile on her face could barely hold back, so she didn’t dare to reply.

But she doesn’t think so in her heart. No one thinks that there is too much money. She is not a fool. Of course, she will not tell the people in the village. If one more person knows about it, one more person will rob her for gold. She just tells her own man. , let him go to the mountain to dig.

Chen Hongmei made up her mind, and was impatient to talk to her mother-in-law, and rushed to her home after a few prevarications.

The faces of several adults are not very good-looking, why did the third family hear it, they all know the virtue of the third family, and there will definitely be troubles in the future.

Old Man Feng thought about it for a long time, then sighed and said, “Old lady, hide the gold. We won’t admit it if anyone asks. Those who are too greedy will be punished.”

Chen Hongmei thought so beautifully, and she really only told one of her family’s men, but unfortunately Feng Laosan didn’t believe him, and he taught her a lesson: “What are you thinking about all day long? Where are you in Longling? The gold that came? If there is, it was dug up eight hundred years ago, and it will remain until now? How many years has our village lived in this Longling, when have you heard of gold? You are not there Dreaming? It’s a good day, but let me dig gold for you? Ah bah, you have this spare time, why don’t you be more careful with Bawa, don’t make him like Liuwa before, always wet the bed Snot, the little doll’s body has been ruined by you, is there a person like you?”

Chen Hongmei was scolded in the face by her family’s man, and she didn’t dare to say a word. To be honest, she was more afraid of Feng Laosan than her mother-in-law. After all, her mother-in-law didn’t live with her, but her family’s A man, who is about to file for divorce at any time, can’t do it without fear.

Did Chen Hongmei give up?

Of course she didn’t give up, as long as there was a chance, she would nag in Feng Laosan’s ear when she saw the sky, and she would talk about it in a different way. There was only one purpose, and she wanted her family’s men to dig gold in the mountains to make money. big money.

On this day, when she was working in the field, she was also nagging, and she happened to be heard by a villager. Feng Laosan’s daughter-in-law said that there is gold in Longling?

One person knew it, and it was quickly passed on to the second person, then the third and the fourth… Until later, the whole village heard that there is gold in Longling!

This news immediately caused a sensation in the whole village. That is gold, gold, real money. If you pick up gold, you will find money directly. You can get the money for free without hard work or work. This is gold. Charm.

The villagers all seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood. The land was no longer planted, and the fish was no longer hit. With their hoes and shovels on their shoulders, they wanted to go into the mountains and dig for gold.

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