Pamper Eighties

Chapter 125

Brother Rui said it quickly, but in fact the hot spring hotel hasn’t opened so soon.

After the end of the New Year, after a few drizzles, the soil in the fields was moistened, the wild flowers and weeds broke through the ground, breathing the spring air, everywhere was green, the swallows flew back, and the weather was warmer. The peach blossoms in and outside the village are all blooming, and the willow trees are sprouting. Taoyuan Village has entered the most beautiful season.

The hills closest to the village were full of fruit trees, and the first ones planted had already bloomed, including the old Feng’s orchard.

The delicate pink peach blossoms cover the whole peach tree, and from a distance it looks as if the peach tree has been given a new pink dress. The white and fragrant grapefruit flowers, shyly hidden behind the leaves, were finally discovered by the industrious bees, and the honey was picked up buzzingly.

The jackfruit in the garden has also bloomed, and green buds have bloomed directly from the trunk. Each one is huge and has no fragrance. When these flowers wither, they will bear a green hard fruit. It hangs dryly on a tree trunk.

At this moment, brothers Dawa and Erwa climbed to the mulberry tree and picked up mulberries. This year’s mulberry harvest is also a bumper crop, and the trees are full of trees. The small red, purple and purple fruits can be easily grabbed. .

Mengmeng sat under the mulberry tree and ate the mulberries happily. She ate it very carefully, but she still dyed her little hands and mouth purple red. As soon as the mulberry opened, it was full of sweet juice, a little bit of it. It’s not sour, Mengmeng eats beautifully.

Feng Yimin and Su Wan are picking green plums not far away, and this year’s green plum harvest is also very good. This originally worthless thing can be processed into dried green plums or candied green plums, which can be sold to Japan, or can be placed in the monopoly opened by the cooperative. The same is true for mulberries, which are sold in stores, even better than green plums in Japan.

At this time, the door of the orchard was opened from the outside, and Brother Rui walked in. He held a beautiful wreath in his hand and put it on Mengmeng’s head directly.

“It’s so beautiful, sister, my hotel will open the day after tomorrow, remember to come and play.”

He also pointed at the big baby Erwa on the tree and said, “Big brother and second brother, you two will come and play together.”

At this moment, he saw Feng Yimin and Su Wan walking over with baskets, and hurried over to help, Feng Yimin didn’t need him at all, and asked him, “Brother Rui, what are you doing here? Your orchard doesn’t need it. Are you going to help?”

“It’s not needed now,” Brother Rui raised his head and said, “Uncle Feng, Auntie, my hotel is about to open, and in the morning the day after tomorrow, my grandfather told your whole family to come over to watch the fun and take a dip in the hot spring. “

“Okay, we will definitely go the day after tomorrow.” Feng Yimin agreed very simply. He had to keep busy and didn’t have time to pay attention to these little dolls. Brother Rui quietly returned to Mengmeng.

“Brother Rui, eat mulberries.” Mengmeng put the plate of mulberries on Brother Rui’s lap. On her head, she wore a colorful wreath made by Brother Rui herself, as beautiful as a flower fairy in this spring. .

Brother Rui was stunned when he saw it. After a long while, he picked up a few mulberries and said, “Thank you Mengmeng, I’ll just eat a few and leave it to you.”

For some reason, his heart was beating a little faster, and he didn’t dare to go to see Mengmeng again, otherwise he couldn’t help but hide his sister in his house.

Brother Rui was taken aback by this sudden thought, and his mind was in a mess, as if he couldn’t make sense out of the mess, and he couldn’t even figure out what he was thinking, so he looked for Slip away with an excuse.

In the early morning of the third day, the old Feng family got up early. They were going to attend the opening ceremony of the hot spring hotel today, so they had to dress up well.

The whole family put on the most decent clothes, rode on the beaten and set off.

Madam Feng was riding in front of her. She was wearing a beige shoulder-padded suit jacket and a black helmet. She looked like a female warrior. Even Old Man Feng didn’t have the air of her .

Behind her sat Su Wan, and in the car bucket on the right sat Mengmeng and her second brother. These two little dolls each held a small windmill, blowing the wind all the way, watching the scenery, not to mention how comfortable it was.

This road was built at the expense of the old Zhang family. The road is full of green trees, and many trees have light purple flowers, attracting many butterflies and bees.

Madam Feng suddenly said with emotion: “It’s really easy to walk on this road with cement, it’s much easier to walk than the road from Longling out of the mountain. It really is a big road that cost a million to repair.”

“That’s not it,” Su Wan added, “they hired so many workers and machines to build the road, and spent so much money, it’s not surprising that they have such an effect, the people in the village are envious now, look at them How fast the bike rides.”

The hot spring hotel opened today, and many people in the village also ran over to watch the lively. The hot spring hotel opened in the depths of Longling, and the villagers came on bicycles. All are words of envy.

“It’s useless to envy, they don’t have money or effort, and this road has nothing to do with them. After today, the old Zhang family will set up road cards at the intersection outside, and they won’t be allowed in if they are not hotel guests. I told him that if anyone wants to cross this road, they can charge them the toll, and sooner or later they will get the money back for the road construction.”

Madam Feng stepped on the gas pedal, pushed away the cyclists on the road far away, and came to the door of the hotel hula-la.

The front of the hotel is full of peach blossom forests. In the pink, the big characters “Taoyuan Hot Spring Hotel” are very grand. After crossing the gate, Mrs. Feng parked the car on the parking lot and walked out with her family.

“This hotel is really lavishly built. Look at the big garden in front of it. It’s bigger than our hotel. Ouch, there used to be hot spring pools here, or several. They are all steaming out.”

The people from the old Zhang family had already gone up to them, and when Mrs. Zhang heard the old sister’s praise, she laughed like a flower and said, “His old aunt, see what you said, both of our family have invited. It’s the same designer, the difference is not that big, your hotel is ten stories high, ours is only five.”

Old Madam Feng looked around and said with more surprise, “What’s wrong with the fifth floor? Your building occupies a larger space than anyone else. How many rooms does it have?”

Mrs. Zhang pursed her lips and smiled, and introduced with some pride: “That building is short, it is for ordinary guests, and there are not many rooms. We sell hot springs here, of course, let the guests stay in the room. It can be soaked, because this room is half less than others, and it has also spent a lot of money to lay pipes.”

“Look over there,” Mrs. Zhang led them through the garden, pointed to the small buildings in the distance and said, “The level of the big designers is different, he told me that the hot spring hotel has to be different. Ye, look at the small building over there, it’s all that kind of wild.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, what is Bieye? It’s called a villa.”

The old man Zhang quickly corrected himself, pointed to one of the largest buildings and said, “Mengmeng, that is the villa that Grandpa Zhang left for you. You will go to the hot spring there later, do you like it?”

Feng old man became anxious when he heard it, “How can this happen, old stone, I thought you were joking before, but I didn’t expect you to take it seriously, it’s not good, I know you love our Mengmeng, no matter how you love her , you can’t give her the villa, you are doing business.”

The old man Zhang was also anxious, he glared at him and said, “I do business for the sake of my family’s well-being, so I can’t make myself wrong, Mengmeng is just like my granddaughter, and Brother Rui is still talking about wanting to be cute every day. A girl like Meng, I have long regarded her as my own doll in my heart.”

Old Man Zhang walked over and embraced Old Man Feng’s shoulders and said, “What’s the relationship between our two families? A lifelong friendship. What is a villa? I also kept a set for myself, right next door to yours. If they are connected together, you can visit without opening the door. If you can look down on my old stone, you can live in it, otherwise you will look down on me.”

“How dare I look down on you?” The old man Feng also figured it out, and said cheerfully, “Then old brother, I will go in and live with the cheek, let’s also enjoy the hot spring.”

At the opening ceremony, the leaders of the province and the city came, as did the news reporters. The place of Taoyuan Village is simply their blessed land. How long has it been since they opened a powerful hotel? The hot spring hotel has a light on its face.

The leaders were so happy that they also wanted to enjoy such a good hot spring hotel, so they decided on the spot that they should set up a place for the recuperation of the leading cadres.

As soon as the Hot Spring Hotel opened, it received such a big business, and it was the government’s business, and he had a good face.

Those wealthy people in the village, as well as a large number of tourists who come to travel, are also happy to stay in this hot spring hotel and experience the fun of soaking in hot springs. Especially those people in the city, they have never soaked in hot springs, isn’t it strange?

The customers have their own waiters to entertain the customers. The old Zhang family and the old Feng family gather in the backyard of the big villa. There are two open-air hot spring pools, separated by rockeries, which are steaming like a fairy lake. .

The two families changed into their swimsuits and walked out, separated men and women, and sat in the pool. After being soaked in the warm spring water, they seemed to feel at ease in their hearts. All the pores on their bodies were opened, and there was an indescribable feeling of comfort.

Madam Feng closed her eyes and slowly let out a long breath: “People really enjoy it now, but when we were in the past, where could such a good enjoyment come from? Hey, I seem to smell a bit of meat.”

“You didn’t smell it wrong, it’s food for you.”

Madam Zhang gave her a positive answer, and greeted Mengmeng warmly and said, “Come, come, Jianlibao, which just came out in the south, I heard that little babies like to drink it, you can try it and see if you like it, here it is. And grilled fish, grilled shrimp, grilled meat, do you want grilled oysters or grilled scallops? Grandma made it for you.”

Madam Feng looked at the delicious food on the edge of the pool and was so shocked that her chin was about to drop, “I’ll drop it, darling, why did I come up with the idea? After soaking in the hot spring, there are still good things to eat, you hot spring. The hotel is amazing.”

“This person, eating and drinking is the biggest thing. I want to eat while soaking in the hot spring. This is the wish of a country old woman. I think others will also enjoy this enjoyment.”

After Mrs. Zhang explained, she greeted everyone and said, “You all come and try, the meat and dishes are all fresh, and the chef also invited them in from outside, try it out and see if it tastes good, and if you want to change it, just follow me. Say, I’ll go talk to the chef.”

Several women gathered around and tasted the food, Mengmeng even sat directly by the pool, with her calves dangling in the pool, enjoying the hot hot springs while tasting the fragrant barbecue, which was so beautiful His mouth was raised high.

They were quiet in the pool at one end, but the boys were making a fuss in the pool at the other end. The big baby and the second baby, who didn’t know each other, cried out when they entered the pool, and they were busy swimming for a while. They were busy swimming for a while, splashing water, and they finally stopped until the waiter brought the food.

Several men leaned on the edge of the pool and chatted. Old Man Feng took a sip of Jianlibao, stared at the jar and said, “Old Stone, are you still going to the south? This Jianlibao is a good drink. If you want to go, help me. Bring some back.”

The old man Zhang waved his hand and said, “I don’t plan to go, I don’t have time. I will let my family look at this hotel, and I have to go to the provincial capital to supervise the work. The building in the province has just built its foundation, and no one will look at it. , the money I have on hand is useless, I am going to throw it all into it and build it with a dozen or 20 floors. Anyway, I can build as many floors as I can, and it will be finished after the money is tossed.”

“Tsk tsk tsk, you are going to build the tallest building in the province, you are very capable.” Old man Feng looked at him with surprise.

The old man Zhang was a little proud, and said modestly: “What is this, brother, your house is not worse than mine, don’t you have a lot of money on hand? You can also build one.”

“By the way, the last time you introduced me to Mr. Xie who drove a taxi, I bought a sloppy boy from him. He has a wide range of roads. I plan to buy a few vans to pick up and drop off tourists. This hotel is not far from our village. It’s still too far, and it’s inconvenient without a car.”

Old Man Feng agreed very much and said, “It’s time to buy some cars. Today, many people in the village are riding bicycles. They are as slow as old cows. They are almost exhausted from riding here. Some tourists enter our village by car from outside. It’s unrealistic to expect him to come to you on two legs.”

The old man Zhang also felt that what he said was reasonable, “It seems that I have to hurry up and buy it for two cars first. Why do you think this van is so expensive? I bought two, and the hundreds of thousands were gone in an instant, too expensive.”

Feng Yimin had a flash of inspiration and gave him an idea: “Uncle Stone, you might as well buy two minibuses, which can carry a lot of people, and the price is not as expensive as a van, at least it can be cheaper by tens of thousands of yuan, you You can also swipe advertisements on the car, just advertise our hot spring hotel, and keep the car so that people can see it wherever you go, which is much better than a van.”

The old man Zhang was excited, patted the water and said: “Yes, you young people are still very smart, I think that’s all I can do, I’ll go back to Master Xie again, his brother-in-law is very capable, there must be a way to get a note. .”

The hot spring water is comfortable to soak in, but it can’t be soaked for too long, especially after they have finished eating, they will feel sleepy after soaking in the soaking.

Mengmeng climbed ashore, her body turned pink, like a boiled shrimp, her big eyes were moist, she wasn’t sleepy, just a little thirsty, and lay on the bamboo bed in the yard to eat fruit.

She ate two pieces of sandy sweet watermelon and laughed out loud.

On her right side, the eldest baby and the second baby had already slept comfortably. The bamboo bed was steaming hot, and it didn’t feel cold to sleep on it, on the contrary, it was very warm.

Several adults were also eating fruit. Yang Xiaojuan also suggested: “We can also take a sauna in our hotel. After the sauna, there is a mud bath, which is all learned from the sanatorium in the north. I heard that it is good for the body. I will try it. After a few times, I found that it is also good for the skin, do you want to try it?”

Of course, adults are interested in such new and good things, especially those women. Madam Feng also greeted the little doll: “Mengmeng, Brother Rui, do you two want to follow me?”

Mengmeng was having a good time eating the fruit, and she didn’t want to leave at all. Seeing her shaking her head, Brother Rui also shook her head: “Grandma, go play by yourself, I’ll stay here and watch my sister.”

“It’s so good and sensible, then you are not allowed to go into that pool, we will be back soon.”

Madam Feng covered the big baby and the second baby with a blanket and followed everyone out.

Only Brother Rui and Mengmeng were left awake in the yard. Brother Rui narrowed his eyes. At first, he could hear Mengmeng’s clack of food, but gradually he couldn’t hear it anymore. He suddenly opened his eyes. , turned around to look, “Mengmeng? Mengmeng?”

“Huh?” Mengmeng’s eyes were half closed, she really wanted to sleep.

“It’s okay, go to sleep, darling.” Brother Rui covered Mengmeng with a blanket, he hugged Mengmeng tightly, closed his eyes happily, and slept with him.

When the adults came back, all they saw were four little dolls sleeping like piglets on the bamboo bed, one next to the other, snoring, not to mention how sweet.

Adjacent Books in 1980: The Galaxy Brave Crisis, One Woman, Two Three Men, Dangerous President, Petite Wife, Silver Unicorn, Blossoming Spring, Warm Man

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