Pamper Eighties

Chapter 145

“Principal Chang, then my Mengmeng will ask you. You teach her to write, and then teach her to draw. I didn’t expect you to draw so well.”

As soon as the Feng family returned from the south, they asked Mengmeng to worship Chang Huaide as her master. This morning, Mrs. Feng brought Mengmeng to the old principal’s house, and also brought her two sets of four treasures of the study. .

Chang Huaide carefully looked at the two sets of the Four Treasures of the Study, especially the one that cost more than 8,000 yuan. He used to be a professor in Beijing and was also a master of goods. He kept nodding his head and said, “Good stuff, this set of texts It’s rare that the room can be passed down, so don’t rush to use it, wait until Mengmeng has practiced the calligraphy, and then use these good papers and ink, so that you won’t be blinded.”

He smiled at Mengmeng and said, “Let’s use this ordinary set first.”

“Okay, I’ll listen to the teacher.” Mengmeng nodded her head, very well-behaved.

Madam Feng stood next to her and boasted: “Principal Chang, you are different from others. You know the goods. The owner of that store said the same thing. He also gave me a lot of copybooks, you can see if you can use them ?”

Chang Huaide took the stack of copybooks, flipped through the books at random, and nodded, “It’s all good, Mengmeng is young, so I’ll start with the strokes first, and then slowly I’ll teach her to write some simple things. She is about to go to school, and she will teach her later when she is literate, and she will learn faster.”

The old lady Feng said very simply: “I listen to you. You can teach it as you want.”

Chang Huaide was still looking at the copybooks when suddenly, a picture album appeared in his sight. He seemed startled, then opened the picture album, raised his head suddenly and said, “This picture…”

Madam Feng took a look and recalled: “This painting book is also given away. When we bought the four treasures of the study, the boss gave these things. I heard him say that if this painting book is to be sold, it will also be sold. One or two hundred dollars.”

Chang Huaide turned the album from beginning to end and said in surprise: “Then you can take advantage of the victorious family, Qi Baishi is not simple, he is a very famous painter in Beijing. When I was still in Beijing, there were many people from Hong Kong. I like to buy his paintings. At that time, the paintings were not valuable. I don’t know what the current market is like, but in Hong Kong, they should be more valuable. “

“Really?” Madam Feng was a little overjoyed, but she couldn’t believe it, “I think this painting is quite ordinary, similar to the villain books that Mengmeng usually reads. Is it worth it?”

Chang Huaide shook his head and said with a grin: “The avenue is invisible, and simplicity is the hardest. No amount of painters can reach that level. Those fancy things are tacky, and the simple ones like him are the best. .”

Madam Feng didn’t understand those profound truths. She only knew that the painting was valuable. She immediately smiled and said happily, “So that’s the case. He gave me this album, so it seems that I earned it.”

Chang Huaide said with great certainty: “You’ve made a lot of money. You should take this painting home first. Painting should also be taught from the easiest way, and you don’t need to use it for the time being.”

He greeted Mengmeng to let her sit down, and polished the ink first.

Chang Huaide slowly brushed the ink, and said to Mengmeng, “Your grandma is very particular, and the best stationery is prepared for you. When I learned to write, I practiced on broken tiles, or you guys Good luck to these little dolls.”

Mengmeng’s two little hands were together, sitting upright in front of the small desk, and she looked very well-behaved.

Chang Huaide taught her to say: “Look, let’s grind ink, we can’t grind it randomly, we have to make circles straight on the inkstone, don’t slant it, and don’t push it hard. You give the water in the cup to I’ll pour a little, don’t add more.”

Mengmeng picked up the cup smartly and poured it into the inkstone carefully. She didn’t dare to pour too much, she only poured out a few drops, and said nervously, “Grandpa Chang, is it alright?”

“Don’t be afraid, pour a little more.” A smile appeared on Chang Huaide’s face, pointing to her: “The thickness of the ink is also important, it can’t be too thick or too thin, it must be just right, okay. ,about there.”

Mengmeng sat back on the chair, rice paper and inkstone were placed in front of her, the ink had been polished and exuded a faint scent of ink.

Chang Huaide held a writing brush in his hand and showed her: “Mengmeng, hold the pen holder with **** first, look at my posture, yes, the index finger and **** are on it, and use the ring finger to support it, Try to relax your hands and don’t shake.”

Seeing that Mengmeng was doing well, he said with satisfaction: “Well, it’s okay, we can’t be in a hurry to learn calligraphy, the most important thing is to learn the correct posture of holding the pen, and then we can write decent characters later. Son, come first and show me a couple of random strokes.”

Mengmeng sat up straight, picked up the brush, and scribbled on the paper twice, one was horizontal and the other was vertical, as if they were crawling over by an earthworm, Mengmeng felt a little embarrassed. .

She pursed her lips and said shyly, “Grandpa Chang, I’m not good at writing.”

Chang Huaide comforted her and said: “It doesn’t matter, it’s your first time writing, and it’s already very good to be able to write like this, it shows that you are very talented, I’ll write a few strokes for you, you can practice feeling first, today we will Just teach this.”

He picked up the brush, dipped a little ink, and wrote it on the paper with two strokes. They were all the same horizontal and vertical, but under Chang Huaide’s writing, they looked particularly energetic, even Mrs. Feng. People who don’t understand it feel good.

She stood by and observed for a while, and found that her granddaughter was adapting well, and she could finally rest assured.

Looking at Mengmeng’s writing, Mrs. Feng sighed in her heart, time flies so fast, thinking that when Mengmeng was just born, she was still a fleshy little baby dumpling, and she grew so big in a blink of an eye. In two or three months, she will go to school.

Madam Feng didn’t want to make a noise to disturb Mengmeng’s writing, so she made a gesture to Chang Huaide and left his house quietly.

It was also a coincidence that not long after she went out, she met an old man from her family who came back on a motorcycle. There were two strange men sitting in the back of the car and in the back of the car.

The old lady Feng asked strangely: “Old man, what are you going to do? Who are they?”

“Oh, you said them, they are telecom people.”

Old Man Feng pointed at the two men and said, “I’m going to open a telecom account today, and I’ll ask them to come over to make the phone call. Today, they’ll measure it here, and I’ll send someone over to pull the phone line tomorrow. I’ve already bought the phone. look.”

Old man Feng turned around and took out a bunch of boxes from the back of the car. Good guy, one, two, three, four, five, five boxes.

Madam Feng immediately said, “Why are you buying so much? Isn’t this thing cheap?”

Old Man Feng bared his lips and said very painfully: “It’s too expensive, guess how much, a phone plus account opening fee, telecommunications will charge 8,000 yuan, and there is no bargaining. I bought it for our family. Three are going to be installed in hotels, canteens, and homes, and the other two are for Lao Zhang’s family, and they also have to call.”

“My God, this is too harsh. Five telephones will cost 40,000 yuan! Telecom is even more ruthless than bandits.”

Madam Feng was talking in a low voice, but she was still heard by the two telecom people.

One of them said very wrongly: “Old lady, you can’t blame us, do you think it’s so easy to pull a phone? It’s not just a cable, we need to build signal towers everywhere to ensure that your phone can be used. , that thing only burns money.”

“You guys are pretty good. We didn’t overcharge you for pulling the phone line in this mountain valley. People in the provincial capital also charge 8,000 if they want to make a phone call. They don’t have to worry about it.”

“It turns out that there are so many particulars, I really misunderstood you.” Madam Feng is not a very unreasonable person. She realizes that she may be wrong, and she is also very straightforward. She apologizes when she should apologize. .

The old man Feng said in a roundabout way: “Two masters, I know you have worked hard. You are working hard today. At noon, I will invite you to go to a restaurant, eat the most famous seafood in our Taoyuan Village, and drink the best Ganoderma lucidum wine.”

The telecom employee said happily: “That’s good, I’ve heard that your food here is delicious, and today we’ll be cheeky and rude.”

The old man Feng smiled boldly and said, “Don’t be polite to me, I’m still looking forward to you doing the job well for me.”

“No problem, let’s go to your house first, and put the phone on it first.”

The two telecom masters were all dressed in blue, with thick wires hanging on their arms, and carrying bags on their backs. Walking in Taoyuan Village, they stood out.

Soon some villagers came up and asked, “Oh, old village chief, what are you doing again?”

Another villager asked curiously: “Who are these two men? They don’t look like tourists.”

The old man Feng had already walked to the door of the house. He waved his hand and said, “It’s nothing, just pulling a telephone line for the house. I won’t talk to you for now. I’m going to bring someone from telecommunications to the house to measure.”

Old man Feng closed the door, but the villagers outside the house started to discuss.

One of the villagers said with admiration: “Our old village chief is really amazing. Even the telephone line is pulled up. I am so big, I have never seen what a telephone looks like.”

“I’ve seen it, I’ve seen it,” the villager next to him said loudly: “Last time I went to the provincial capital, I saw a phone booth on the street. You can put money in and you can make a call. The person over there picks up the phone, There’s nothing more convenient than being able to chat with you.”

Another villager said mysteriously: “I was following along just now, and I seem to have heard a mouthful. The old village chief also planned to install a telephone in the canteen. If this is really installed, our village will have it in the future. The phone calls, isn’t your third kid a soldier in the army, you don’t need to write letters in the future, just call him.”

“Yeah, why didn’t I think of it? It’s good to have a phone, and I don’t know if the price is expensive. If it’s cheap, then let’s put one at home and call every day.”

There was a well-informed person in the village who quickly found out the price. Oh my God, it actually costs 8,000 yuan. This amount is too scary.

Most of them do not have this amount of wealth, that is, a few households in the village can afford to install it, but most people are reluctant to spend this amount of money.

What is the concept of 8,000 yuan? Basically, it can be regarded as a little rich in their village. What’s wrong with having this money?

Although the villagers thought so in their hearts, it did not mean that they were not envious. On the contrary, they were very envious, especially when they saw Old Man Feng’s bp machine, they were so excited that they screamed and immediately gathered around.

“Old village chief, what kind of new thing are you doing? Why did I hear it calling?”

One of the villagers’ eyes widened as they waited to hear Old Man Feng’s explanation. He was the most promising person in their village, and he didn’t know how much he earned. Maybe this was another moneymaker. Road, of course, the villagers do not want to miss it.

Someone begged and said, “I’m about to die in my heart, old village chief, just tell us.”

Old Man Feng picked up the bp machine and looked at it. He was thinking about making a phone call, so he quickly said, “This is a bp machine, which is similar to a phone. Someone is calling me over there, so I have to quickly call him back.”

Leaving this sentence, he hurried into the canteen and let the villagers who stayed behind stare at him. They still haven’t figured out what that bp machine is.

Since this day, the villagers have discovered that more and more people in the village are using bp machines. First, Old Man Feng and Old Man Zhang, and then the village cadres are also equipped, as well as Old Man Feng and Old Man Feng. Third, in the end, the mouse boy also used it. Even the old master Ling Xuzi in Zhenlongguan actually has a bp machine.

All the people in the village can’t sit still. Why does that little machine always beep beep beep beep? Whenever it beeps, those people pick it up and run away. It’s so weird.

On this day, they were learning aerobics in the Feng family’s video room, and finally seized the opportunity to ask: “Aunt, what is the bp machine our uncle uses? Why are so many people using it? What’s the benefit?”

The old lady Feng just changed the video tape for them, and she said a few words casually: “You said bp machine, that thing has many advantages, don’t you often come to my shop to call, sometimes you need to find one People, it’s not easy, people don’t know you are looking for him, the role of the bp machine is here.”

“Every bp machine has a number, you open an account with telecommunications, as long as you press this number, others will be able to find you, and when you hear the bp machine ringing, you know that someone will call you back, no delay at all , it is also convenient to carry on your body, as soon as others see that you have a bp machine, they will know that you must be a big boss, a real rich man, and he has a lot of face.”

The people in the village finally understood the purpose of this bp machine. What Mrs. Feng said went to their hearts, but it was not just to have a face. These days, they are greedy for those bp machines, and they envy them so much that they wish they had it too. A bp machine, so I can take it out and show it off.

Someone immediately said anxiously: “Auntie, then tell us quickly, where is this bp machine sold? Where did you all buy it? How much did you buy it?”

Madam Feng was secretly proud of herself. Where else could she buy it? She sold it from her hands. She kept dragging it out and only sold it to those close people, just to covet these guys. Now Well, they finally took the bait.

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