Pamper Eighties

Chapter 148

Mengmeng got on the train to Beijing. With her uncle there, her family lived in a luxurious sleeping car, and she was taken care of by her parents along the way. She came to Beijing comfortably.

As soon as they walked out of the train station, they felt a chill. At this time in Taoyuan Village, they were still wearing short sleeves, and the people in Beijing had already changed into thick autumn clothes.

“Mengmeng, Mom will put some clothes on for you.”

Su Wan was already prepared, she took out a few down vests from her duffel bag and let the eldest baby and the second baby wear them by herself. She put them on for Mengmeng herself.

Mengmeng stood there obediently, letting her mother dress her, stretch her arms when she stretched her arms, and bow her head when she lowered her head. She looked around curiously with her big eyes, and exclaimed in her mouth, “Mom, the people at the station. so many.”

Su Wan just smiled and didn’t speak. Su Wen, who was standing beside her, said, “Mengmeng observed very carefully. Beijing is full of people. Let’s go quickly. Parents are waiting for us at home.”

He led the Feng family out of the station. As soon as he crossed the road, he saw an army green jeep parked on the street. A young man with a strong appearance leaned against the door. When he saw them coming, the young man immediately stood up straight.

Su Wen walked over and patted him on the shoulder, and said with a slight tug at the corner of his mouth, “Thank you for your hard work, Xiaojun, go back by yourself, and let me drive the car.”

This young man named Xiaojun was also very straightforward. He waved at the Feng family and left in a dashing manner.

Su Wen skillfully opened the car door and raised his chin towards the car, “Get in the car, I’ll take you home.”

The Feng family got into the car in a row. Dawa and Erwa, who were ignorant, looked around in the car, touched here, looked there, and then said, “Uncle, is this your car?”

Su Wen looked at the car attentively, and said without turning his head, “That’s it, how is it?”

“It’s great, senior. I’ve never been in such a high-end car before. This chair is so comfortable that it’s a hundred times better than a train.”

The eldest child touched the soft seat and grinned happily, and the second child who was sitting beside him nodded vigorously, indicating that what his brother said was very reasonable.

Su Wen laughed and said, “Of course it’s better than the train, but it’s not as good as the red flag. In this city of Beijing, there are still imported Mercedes Benzes, and my uncle will take you there in the future.”

As soon as Mengmeng got into the car, she slammed it on the window and looked at the scenery on the street curiously. The roads in Beijing are very large and wide. Straw, some leaves have turned yellow.

Occasionally, there are buses passing by, and Mengmeng was surprised to find that these buses are actually two together, and the bodies are still very long, and it took a long time to pass by the window.

When the bus left, many cyclists followed behind. Their clothes were not very fashionable, but their spirits were very good. Suddenly they turned into the alley and disappeared slowly.

This main road connects many alleys, with low and dilapidated houses on the sides, mottled gates, windows wrapped in newspapers, and even the bricks are blue-gray, looking gray, and occasionally I saw one or two old people carrying bird cages, crouching under the wall and teasing the birds.

The car drove all the way, and Mengmeng also saw many ancient buildings, with high city walls and gates, and pavilions above them. The pavilions were hung with red lanterns, not festive at all, but very serious.

Mengmeng turned her head and said to her mother, “Beijing is so different from our village, Mom, did you grow up here when you were a child?”

“Yes, mother’s home is here.” Su Wan had a warm smile on her lips. After many years, she finally set foot on the land of Beijing. She couldn’t tell what she was thinking, and was a little excited. , and some vague fear.

Dawa and Erwa have been shocked by the solemnity and domineering of Beijing. They grew up so big, and the farthest place they have been to is only their provincial capital. Now that they came to Beijing suddenly, it was like a countryman entering the city. Everything feels fresh.

The jeep slowly drove towards Chang’an Avenue. In front of it was an extremely magnificent square with many beautiful flowers, and the vermilion city wall was very high.

Su Wen’s voice sounded in front: “This is Tian’anmen, it’s almost the National Day, those flowers are for the National Day.”

Erwa opened her mouth wide and gave a long wow: “It turns out that Tiananmen is like this, God, he is so handsome.”

There was a smile in Su Wen’s voice: “The largest square in the world is Tian’anmen. On the National Day, there will be a flag-raising ceremony here, and my uncle will show you.”

The two boys, Dawa and Erwa, were so excited when they heard the flag-raising ceremony, they hurriedly agreed, “That’s great, uncle, you’re so kind.”

Mengmeng looked at the beautiful flower beds on the street and fell into a deep longing.

In this way, the car drove all the way, and suddenly drove into a small forest. There was a sentry blocking the road in front of him. Su Wen had a pass in his car, and no one came out to stop them. After a total of three sentries, he finally saw it. door.

The place was very heavily guarded, which made the Feng family feel a little nervous. Only Mengmeng asked her uncle innocently, “Uncle, do grandma and grandma live here?”

This strange name was taught by her mother. Mengmeng practiced at home for a long time before finally getting used to it. Grandma and grandfather are grandma and grandpa.

“Look Mengmeng, they are in front of you.”

Su Wen’s car just stopped, Mengmeng looked at the front of the car, there was a group of people standing at the gate, adults and children, they surrounded a pair of old people, Mengmeng wanted to take a closer look, her mother had already Opened the car door and went out.

Su Wan’s eyes were wet, and she rushed to the front of the two old people in an instant, choked and shouted, “Dad, Mom.”

“Yaomeier, my Yaomeier, you are finally back, just come back.”

Old Man Su and Mrs. Su also had red eyes, especially Mrs. Su, she hugged her daughter excitedly, stroked her face and said, “Let Mom see you, my youngest sister will grow up, these things How are you doing? How much suffering did you suffer? My youngest sister, you have suffered.”

“Mom, I’m fine, I didn’t suffer, I didn’t lie to you.” Su Wan sniffed and waved behind her, “Xiaodong, Xiaoxi, Mengmeng, come here, this is your grandma and grandpa. .”

The three dolls of the Feng family rushed over and shouted in unison, “Grandma, grandpa.”

The old couple of the Su family already knew about their daughter’s family. Now they saw the two brothers, Dawa and Erwa, and found that they were both handsome young boys. Mengmeng, the little granddaughter, was even more adorable than Yuxue. Su Wan was even cute when she was a child, and she instantly captured the hearts of the two old people.

Old Man Su seemed to have seen his daughter when he was a child. He hugged Mengmeng and said lovingly, “Mengmeng, grandpa knows you. You are six years old this year, right?”

“Well, I’m six years old, and I’m in the first grade of elementary school.” Mengmeng’s answer was articulate, and it even made old man Su’s mouth to laugh.

He said to the big baby and the second baby, “I know you too, you are Xiaodong, you are Xiaoxi, both are good children.”

Feng Yimin stood on the side, and finally found the opportunity to speak: “Dad, Mom, I’m Yimin.”

The Su family all turned their heads to look at him. For this uncle from the countryside, they were a little scrutinized in their hearts, and they all looked at him with critical eyes.

I saw Feng Yimin wearing dark gray suit pants and jacket, looking tall and sturdy, his hair was combed back, revealing a broad forehead and handsome features, his mouth was smiling, and his eyes were staring at them. It doesn’t look like someone from the countryside, but a bit like an overseas Chinese.

This was beyond the expectations of the Su family. No matter what they thought before, first of all, the first impression was very good.

The old lady Su had already smiled, took his hand and said, “You are also a good boy, Yimin, thanks to you taking care of Xiaowan, I am an old woman who can still see my daughter alive, Mom, thank you in advance. is you.”

Feng Yimin quickly expressed his sincerity: “Mom, please don’t say that, Xiaowan is my daughter-in-law, it’s too late for me to love her, and I never dare to speak loudly in front of her, it’s all right to take care of her. Talking about you, I also look forward to seeing you two elders soon, and now I finally have the opportunity to meet, Xiaowan and I are very happy.”

Oh, this uncle can speak quite a bit, he doesn’t look like a countryman at all, Su Wan, her eldest sister-in-law and her second sister-in-law exchanged glances with each other.

Her eldest sister-in-law Shen Wenlan said: “Mom, it’s a happy event for my aunt to go home, let’s stop standing outside, go home and sit, they have come all the way, and they have been on the train for so long, it’s overdue exhausted.”

“That’s right, go home with mom.”

Madam Su was just looking at her happiness just now, but now she finally reacted. She took her daughter’s hand and walked forward. The others followed them both back.

The courtyard is very spacious. There are four-storey bungalows and independent small buildings. The old Su family lives in a small and stylish building, and there are people standing guard outside the door.

As soon as they entered Su’s house, the nanny aunt brought them water and tea, and cut fruit to serve the little dolls. Everyone sat down in a group, and then began to reminisce.

Su Wan sat next to her parents, she was like a milk swallow leaving the nest, she finally flew back to her parents, and said attachedly: “Dad, Mom, seeing that you are all in good health, I am relieved, so It’s really unfilial that I haven’t been by your side for many years.”

The old man Su patted her palm and said emotionally: “How can I blame you, Dad only regrets not finding you earlier, my good daughter, I don’t know how much you have suffered outside, it is Dad who is sorry for you, Let you be dragged down by me all my life, if it weren’t for me…”

Su Wan stopped him in time, “Dad, don’t say that, no one in our family is dragging anyone down, fortunately we have all recovered, and the country has given justice, let’s not talk about the past. .”

“I went out to be an educated youth, and I didn’t suffer any hardships. The village chief of the village I jumped in was Yimin’s father. His old man took care of me. Later, I married Yimin…”

Speaking of this, Su Wan’s face still had a hint of shyness of a girl, in order to hide this shyness, she said without words: “These are the three dolls I gave birth to, Xiaodong, Xiaoxi and Yu. cute.”

Her elder sister-in-law said, “Sister-in-law, all three babies in your family are born very well. Just like you and uncle, come and come, my aunt will introduce you to them.”

Shen Wenlan stood up, pointed at the person opposite and introduced enthusiastically: “This is your second uncle, whose real name is Su Jin, remember. This is your second aunt, whose real name is Liu Cong’an. Sitting next to him is Your second uncle’s cousin is called Xiang Hua. And your cousin is called Xiang Hui, Mengmeng should be called Xiang Hui’s cousin. The little boy next to you is your little cousin Xiang Tao.”

She pointed to the two teenagers beside her and said, “There are only two boys in my aunt’s house. You Xiang Yuan and Xiang Yong are both sixteen and fifteen years old. They are both in high school. Where to play, just ask your cousin to take you there.”

As soon as she introduced it, it became clear. The children of the two families shouted affectionately and quickly got to know each other.

The dolls of the Su family have long heard the adults’ instructions, and are very curious about these three cousins ​​and cousins ​​who have just arrived. Sometimes the blood relationship is so wonderful. They have only just met, but they seem to have known each other for many years. Can have a chat.

They especially like Mengmeng, this beautiful little cousin. No, cousin Xiang Hua is already surrounding Mengmeng and asking, “Cousin, where did you buy this pearl hairpin?”

Mengmeng touched the hairpin on the top of her head and said, “In our village, there is no need to buy them. Brother Rui has pearls at home, and he gave them to me.”

“Then what about your necklace?” Xiang Hua touched her neck, the pearl necklace was so beautiful.

“It was also given by Brother Rui.” Mengmeng said obediently, and gave her a very cute smile.

Xiang Hua couldn’t help pinching her face, and asked her with a smile, “Who is your brother Rui, is it your own brother? Why didn’t he come with you?”

Mengmeng covered her face, shook her head and said, “Brother Rui is not a relative, but the brother of Uncle Zhang’s family. We live in a village.”

As soon as her little hand stretched out, Xiang Hua saw the bracelet on her wrist, and immediately said, “Wow, cousin, you still have jade on your hand, it’s so beautiful.”

Mengmeng put her hand in front of her, and said happily, “I bought it at the Friendship Store. Grandma bought it for me, and Dad bought it for you too.”

Feng Yimin brought a lot of gifts this time, so he took the gifts out. He gave his father-in-law a jade wrench, two jade bracelets for his mother-in-law, pearl jewelry for Su Wan’s sister-in-law, and even Su Xianghua, his niece, She also received a whole set of pearls, so beautiful that she put them on herself on the spot.

Feng Yimin prepared very thoughtfully. He gave precious gifts to his two uncles and nephews. In addition, he also brought many gift boxes, which were full of Dendrobium candidum, wild Ganoderma lucidum, sea cucumber, abalone, scallops, etc. Even Maotai, he brought a whole case, as well as all kinds of imported food and candy.

In short, he had only one goal, he had to be polite and not let the Su family find faults. After all, his hairy-footed son-in-law, the first time he went to the Yue family, had to make Su Wan’s face bright.

After such a set of heavy gifts, the Su family’s eyes changed when they looked at him. Although none of them lacked this kind of stuff, the difference between those who had gifts and those who didn’t make a big difference, at least he showed his intentions. , It’s not surprising that many people are polite.

This time, the Su family was much more pleasing to the eyes of Feng Yimin, and felt that this uncle knew the etiquette, was a decent person, and was able to do things well, so that he would not lose the face of their old Su family.

Su Wan and her two sisters-in-law were a little surprised. They had heard about the situation at the uncle’s house for a long time. At first, they thought they were bragging. Now they seem to be very wealthy. Such high-end jadeite and pearls are a gift Just give it away, this uncle’s house is not easy.

The dolls of the Su family have received so many gifts, and they are the ones who are the most happy, but they are very well-educated and restrained. From the surface, I really can’t tell how happy they are, but they are entertained. When my cousin and cousin came, it was more sincere.

The adults were talking in the room, and Xiang Yuan greeted his younger siblings and said, “I will take you out to play. This is the first time my cousin and cousin are here. Let’s go around here first, and take you to a far place tomorrow. .”

The old lady Su said lovingly to them: “Take your cousins ​​and cousins, don’t go too far, come back early for dinner.”

A group of children swarmed out of the house. Cousin Xianghua held Mengmeng’s arm affectionately, pointed to the family and said, who’s house is this, what are the adults in the family doing, and then pointed to the family and said, Whose home is who, and what the adults in the family do, she can tell clearly.

Mengmeng said with admiration: “Sister Hua, you have a good memory, you can remember so much.”

“That is, in this compound, no one has a better memory than me.”

Xiang Hua likes this cousin so much, Mengmeng is cute and talks very sweetly, much better than her brothers and sisters in the family.

As soon as they approached the grove, they heard a roar of laughter, which were all children. They didn’t care, and continued to walk forward. At this moment, a little chubby boy rushed out of the woods. Like a cannonball fight, it almost hit Mengmeng.

Fortunately, Mengmeng escaped in time, but the little chubby dun couldn’t hold back his strength and fell to the ground. He got up from the ground and yelled fiercely at Mengmeng: “Stop, where are you from?”

“Where did you come from?” Mengmeng rolled her eyes and was very unhappy, this person is really rude.

Xiao Pangdun proudly pointed to a small building in front of him and said, “I live in this compound, Xiao Xian, where do you live?”

Mengmeng also said proudly: “I also live in this compound, little one.”

Now it was Xiao Pangdun’s turn to be unhappy. He stared at him and said, “Why did you learn to talk like me?”

There was a sly light hidden in Mengmeng’s eyes, and she said innocently: “I didn’t wow, you are learning from me, why do you always learn from me?”

Little Fatty blushed with anger, “I, I didn’t learn your words, please explain quickly, where did you come from? You are here to block my way.”

Mengmeng wasn’t angry at all, and smiled sweetly, “Look, you’re learning from me again, hee hee.”

The younger cousin Xiang Tao on the side was also laughing: “Wow, hahaha, big stupid pig, stealing my sister’s words, not ashamed, a little bit.”

Xiang Hua and the others were originally going to help Mengmeng speak, but Mengmeng choked Xiao Pangdun speechless by herself, and they couldn’t help but feel very proud, this is their old Su family’s cousin.

Xiang Hua also said arrogantly: “Zhao Jiahao, you troublemaker, someone can finally cure you, I will ask you if you are afraid, come over and apologize to my cousin, and we will let you go.”

Xiaopang Dun Zhao Jiahao jumped up in anger, and said angrily and aggrieved: “You are the troublemaker. I want to tell my sister that you bullied me.”

Xiang Hua said with a wicked smile: “Hey, you are not only a troublemaker, but also a troublemaker who loves to complain. If we can’t say anything, we’ll make a small report. We won’t be afraid of your sister. Do you apologize?”

Little Fatty was about to cry in anger, he didn’t dare to cry, because he was afraid that the group of people would laugh at him, so he kept shouting into the woods: “Sister, come quickly, I’m going to be bullied to death. already.”

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