Pamper Eighties

Chapter 165

While the villagers were anxiously waiting, Boss Lu and his party finally arrived at Taoyuan Village at noon on the third day. As soon as they got out of the car, they realized that something was wrong. Why did the people in this village come outside, and they all returned Staring at him with angry eyes.

Feng Yimin walked out of the crowd and said with a fake smile, “You are Boss Lu, right? Welcome, welcome, I am Feng Yimin, the head of this village.”

“It turned out to be Comrade Village Chief, hello hello.”

Boss Lu also politely reached out and shook hands with him, then looked away, looked into the distance and said, “Oh, the environment in your village is really good, I saw it at a glance, and my factory is ready to go. If it is with you, we will all be a family from now on, and we need to ask Village Chief Feng for more advice.”

Bah, who is family with him, Feng Yimin restrained his smile and said, “I can’t talk about advice, Boss Lu, I heard that the chemical factory you opened is very polluted, right? The water discharged from the factory can be To keep crops from growing in the fields, is that right?”

Boss Lu was shocked. He didn’t expect that the head of the Tubing Village knew chemical industry. After searching for so long, he finally found the treasure land of Taoyuan Village. He just took a fancy to the water here and opened a chemical enterprise. Sewage, but he couldn’t admit it.

Boss Lu smiled, and the smile seemed extraordinarily greasy, as if the flesh on his face had crowded into one place, and said indifferently, “Cun Chief Feng, where did you hear this rumor? Another chemical factory? I don’t know, my factory has never been cluttered, you can rest assured that it won’t dirty your place.”

Feng Yimin didn’t believe what he said at all. He had already decided in his heart that profiteers couldn’t be so kind. Even if Boss Lu was really kind, Feng Yimin wouldn’t dare to take risks.

“Boss Lu, we have to discuss this matter again…”

“Negotiate?” Boss Lu raised his voice abruptly, and said aggressively, “How else to negotiate? Isn’t it already agreed that I’ll just invest, and you can handle the rest for me?”

Just as he said this, everyone immediately stared at him with fire-breathing eyes. If his eyes could really shoot fire, I am afraid that Boss Lu would have turned into roast pork by now.

Feng Yimin also sternly said, “Boss Lu, don’t care what factory you want to open here, you have to use our land here. If the villagers say they don’t agree, they don’t agree, and I have no choice.”

Boss Lu, who eats soft and not hard, immediately turned gloomy, and said sullenly like a poisonous snake: “Feng Village Chief, I respect you as the village chief here, so I will talk to you, I am right. Your investment has been recorded in the province, and if you offend me, I will let you go.”

He seemed to change his face, then he laughed again and said: “But we are doing business, and we are all about making money with harmony. I can understand your opinions, but I believe you will all agree in the end. My Lu family’s factory, No matter what is emitted, it is filtered, you can rest assured.”

The villagers thought that he was lying to the ghost, and one villager stood up, pointed to his nose and said, “The surnamed Lu, don’t try to deceive us, the dirty things discharged from the chemical factory, whoever touches them will die. If it were really that good, you would drive in your own hometown, and see that people in your hometown don’t poke your spine.”

Boss Lu will give Feng Yimin face, but not an ordinary person, and immediately knocked off his hand and said, “Who dared you to say that, I came to you with good intentions to invest, and that’s how you treated me, okay, okay. Very well, then I have to talk to your leaders.”

“Let’s use leaders to oppress us!”

Feng Guoqiang also stayed in the crowd, and now he got out of the ground and got angry. He twisted his neck and scolded: “If you want to harm our village, do you think all the people in our village are dead? Bring your chemical factory with you when you know each other. Go as far as I can, we don’t welcome your black-hearted factory.”

Boss Lu almost didn’t get his nose twisted by his anger. Seeing the old hats behind Feng Guoqiang, he wanted to eat him. Boss Lu didn’t dare to speak any more. He closed his mouth and took a group of people with him Left here in despair.

Behind them, the villagers howled excitedly: “Bah, you are afraid, you dare to provoke us. The village chief, that Boss Lu has been scared away by us, hahaha.”

Feng Yimin’s heart is not so optimistic. Boss Lu has someone behind him. He will definitely file a lawsuit when he goes back, so how can their village still be successful?

He kept this idea in his heart for a while, and couldn’t bear to spoil the villagers’ enthusiasm at this time. I’m afraid there will be a battle to be fought in the future.

Such a lively scene, the little dolls in the village also watched it strangely, Mengmeng asked Rui brother next to him curiously, “Is the chemical factory so scary?”

“Well, it’s very scary.” Brother Rui stared at the distant car, and introduced to Mengmeng: “The chemical factory will discharge a lot of dirty water and waste, and they all pour into the sea at one go, it smells bad. , the fish and shrimp were poisoned to death, in short, it was very, very scary.”

Mengmeng’s two little eyebrows were twisted up, and she said angrily: “So that big fat pig is the bad guy.”

When Brother Rui heard the name Big Fat Pig, he couldn’t help laughing and stroked her hair: “Yes, he is a big bad guy, don’t be afraid of Mengmeng, I have a way to deal with him.”

“What way?” Mengmeng’s big eyes lit up, as excited as she was about to do something bad.

“Come here, I will tell you secretly.”

Brother Rui leaned close to Mengmeng’s ear and whispered something, the warm air blowing through Mengmeng’s auricle made her feel itchy, and she suddenly giggled.

A sly light flashed in her eyes, and she said strangely, “This is a great idea, and I’ll help you too.”

“You?” Brother Rui glanced at her, a thought flashed through his mind, and he nodded, “Well, Mengmeng, you want this…”

The two little guys huddled together and murmured, and after they discussed it, they took action that afternoon.

Before six o’clock, two strange people appeared on the street opposite the commune guest house. They were one old and one young, all wearing dark blue Taoist robes. These two people were naturally Brother Rui and his master.

Ignoring the curious eyes of people on the street, they set up stalls on the ground, with only two big characters written on them: “Fortune-telling”.

“Master, do you think they will come?”

Ling Xuzi opened one eye and said lazily, “Yes, be patient, I’ll count the time. I really owe you Ling Xuzi, and I actually accompany you here crazy.”

Brother Rui said very slyly: “Master, who made you my master, you live in our village, don’t you help our own people?”

Ling Xuzi suddenly interrupted him: “Don’t say it, they are here.”

I saw a group of people walking out of the restaurant on the street. Standing in the middle was Boss Lu. They swayed their arms and crowded the entire road.

Because of its proximity to Taoyuan Village, Longling Commune has developed much faster than other places. Sometimes tourists can’t live in Taoyuan Village, so they will live in the commune. After a long time, some smart people will open up. Guest houses, various large and small restaurants and specialty shops have also opened, forming a tourist characteristic street in the commune.

Boss Lu and the others were staying here. Just after dinner, they were about to go back to the hotel when they heard someone say, “This benefactor, please stay.”

“Are you calling me?” Boss Lu stopped and pointed a finger at himself.

Ling Xuzi nodded affirmatively, and said calmly, “This benefactor, I see that your seal hall has turned black, and there will be a **** disaster soon…”

Before he could finish his words, Boss Lu’s **** was unhappy, and went up to bark desperately: “Old Taoist, what nonsense are you talking about? Our boss is auspicious, how can there be any bloodshed disaster, don’t try to cheat our money. .”

“Have I told you about money?”

Ling Xuzi pulled the corner of his mouth coldly, and his voice became more and more sluggish: “Forget it, Sanqing doesn’t save the damned, you deserve a disaster in your life, disciple, let’s go back.”

“Yes, master.” Brother Rui respectfully agreed, and started to pack things numbly.

With this posture, Boss Lu couldn’t help but be a little serious. He raised his eyebrows suspiciously and said, “Don’t leave in a hurry, make it clear what’s wrong with me?”

Ling Xuzi was just pretending, not really wanting to leave, so he stopped and said, “If I’m not wrong, you lost your father at the age of seven and your mother at the age of fifteen, your mother entrusted you to your uncle, but You don’t know how to be grateful, but instead you hooked up with your cousin at your uncle’s house, and your uncle kicked him out of the house, and later, you hooked up again…”

“Don’t, don’t, don’t say it!”

Boss Lu was in a cold sweat, it was really evil, how could this old Taoist know so well about his private affairs, especially the affairs of his uncle’s house, even the people closest to him didn’t know.

He is a southerner, and he is more or less superstitious. Unconsciously, he has regarded Ling Xuzi as an expert. When he is so serious, he realizes that Ling Xuzi looks immortal and is indeed a bit of an expert. look.

“Daoist, you just said that I have a **** disaster? What kind of **** disaster is it? Please give me some pointers.”

“Well…” Ling Xuzi hesitated to speak, but he refused to speak. He only swept his eyes to the left and right, and the meaning was very obvious.

Boss Lu immediately said: “Look at my memory, it’s not convenient to speak here, I’d better ask the priest to go to the hotel and talk.”

He still has a bad idea in his heart, thinking about bringing this old Taoist back to the hotel, no matter if he is accurate in the end, he will let him spit out the solution, and since he is surrounded by subordinates, he is not afraid at all. This old Taoist is playing tricks.

Hmph, if this old man dares to fool him, his boss Lu has never been a good person. He has more hearts than lotus pods. When it is time to be black, he is quite black, otherwise he would not have opened a chemical factory in Taoyuan Village.

Ling Xuzi acted very calm and didn’t say anything, and followed them to the hotel. As soon as he entered the room, Boss Lu’s men closed the door from the outside.

Ling Xuzi didn’t seem to see it, so he stroked his beard and said, “I count your last hexagram today. If it doesn’t work, I won’t take a penny. If it works, I’ll charge double.”

“No problem.” Boss Lu didn’t ask the price, he took out a dozen bills from his wallet, put them in Brother Rui’s hand and said, “Is it enough? I can add more to you.”

The purpose of both master and apprentice was not to make money, Ling Xuzi didn’t look at the money at all, just stared at Boss Lu and said, “I think you have a fat head and big ears. It’s a good life, but unfortunately you have a trouble right now, am I right?”

Boss Lu’s eyes rolled, thinking that this was a common trick used by Jianghu people, and he also wanted to test him, but he refused to be fooled, but said tactfully, “I don’t have anything to worry about, Daoist, please be specific. Say it.”

“I ask you, who suggested that you come here? The person who suggested that he wanted to kill you.”

Ling Xuzi suddenly shot a bright light from the depths of his eyes and said, “You have three soils and one gold in your life. As the saying goes, more soil can overcome water, and rings can overcome each other. It is a taboo, and your name should have the word soil in it. “

The dog-legged man over there suddenly said something again: “You also said that you are not lying, our boss’s name has nothing to do with the soil at all.”

But Boss Lu was already sweating, and his name really had the Chinese characters in it, but it was his old name, which was changed after he got rich.

“Don’t interrupt, it’s none of your business here.” He stared at the bastard, his attitude was greatly different from before, and he became very respectful and said, “Old Daoist, please continue.”

Ling Xuzi still looked indifferent and said without sadness and joy: “Fate like you should be rich and noble all your life, as long as you stay away from places with water, if I’m not mistaken, you were almost seven years old when you were seven. drowned in water, right?”

Boss Lu suddenly widened his eyes and said anxiously: “Master, you are so right, I was naughty when I was a child, and often went to the river to play with water. Later, I thought that the river was not enough, so I went to the reservoir. , my father drowned in the reservoir just to save me.”

He was shocked, even such a secret thing was told by this Taoist priest, which shows that he really has the ability.

Ling Xuzi stroked his beard and said, “Your fate is alright, but the fault is that you shouldn’t be close to the water. As I said before, too much soil can flood water. If you want to continue to be rich and noble, you have to leave far away. Water, think about your years, everything that can make money has nothing to do with water?”

His voice seemed to come from the distant horizon, with a hint of prophecy: “You came to this commune, not only by the sea, but also by many rivers, not the place you should come, if you stay longer, not only will there be no Good results, but there will be catastrophe, ranging from personal injury and financial loss, to life-threatening in severe cases.”

“This, this, this…” Boss Lu was a little confused, he stayed here well, why would there be a catastrophe all of a sudden.

No wonder he was suspicious. Seeing that he was about to make a lot of money from Taoyuan Village, just as he left the village on the front foot, the old Taoist priest appeared on the back foot. Listening to what he meant, he still told him to get out as soon as possible. If you are not vigilant, you are not Boss Lu.

Thinking of this, Boss Lu smiled strangely and said, “Master, you are not sent by people from Taoyuan Village, are you?”

“You dare to slander my master?” Brother Rui stood up on the ground, looked at them with his chin and said, “My master is the thirty-ninth generation head of the Lingbao School, and has lived in Zhongnan Mountain for generations. How many people, what kind of onion are you, does my master need to lie to you? You look down on yourself too much.”

After saying this, Brother Rui supported Ling Xuzi and said, “Master, let’s ignore this stupid hat, let him be killed by himself, he deserves it!”

Ling Xuzi stood up at the same time, still with a calm look, “Don’t blame me for speaking upright, a Taoist, I have seen many people like you, believe it or not, anyway, I said what I said. Here, if you don’t listen, it’s okay to say goodbye.”

He took Brother Rui and was about to go out, but Boss Lu felt a little regretful. After all, he still believed it in his heart, so he quickly followed up and tried to stop him: “Master, don’t rush to leave, you haven’t told me yet. The way to resolve…”

The dog-legs beside him also went up to help, preparing to stop the two masters and apprentices, but how could their three-legged cat skills be Ling Xuzi’s opponent?

Ling Xuzi didn’t need to do anything at all, he only roared in dantian, and they immediately lost their minds and couldn’t stand.

Brother Rui followed his master out of the hotel smoothly, and asked very curiously: “Master, how can you calculate the fate of that big fat pig? I see him like that, it seems that you have calculated it right by Master. .”

Ling Xuzi’s mouth had a slight smile, and he looked at him playfully and said, “These are all tricks for carving insects. If you know a little about crape myrtle, you can tell fortunes. If you want to learn, I can teach you.”

“Oh, let’s talk about it.” Brother Rui was not very interested in fortune-telling, so he asked, “Master, do you think that Boss Lu will give up?”

Unexpectedly, Ling Xuzi shook his head, “I can’t say it well as a teacher, that Lu’s mentality is tough, I’m afraid he’s not a good stalker, don’t you have any other tricks, and you’re still afraid of him?”

His penetrating gaze made Brother Rui feel a little guilty for no apparent reason. It was really strange. How could he think that his master already knew about Mengmeng?

This thought flashed past, and Brother Rui smiled very attentively again, and flattered and said, “Why, we still have to rely on you, Master. As long as you are willing to take action, I think they will be afraid.”

“Hahaha…” Ling Xuzi stroked his beard and smiled, without saying whether he answered or not, he pushed him from behind, “Let’s go, go back and practice the exercises for me.”

Boss Lu and his group of **** finally eased their strength after Ling Xuzi and the others walked away for a long time, and got up from the ground one after another, feeling extremely frightened in their hearts.

A tall subordinate was still trembling and said, “The wicked Taoist just yelled, which made us lose our resistance. If he wants to take the opportunity to do something…”

Halfway through his words, everyone felt that their necks were cold, and the cold sweat was brushing down on the ground.

Another sincere **** said: “Boss, it seems that we have met an expert, what should we do?”

“What should I do?” Boss Lu asked angrily, “If I knew, what would I need you to do? Get out of here with all the useless things.”

He already had a faint fear in his heart, afraid that if he continued to stay in Taoyuan Village, there would be the **** disaster that the old Taoist said, but he couldn’t give up the benefits that he was about to get, and he was instantly caught in a dilemma.

Boss Lu stayed in the room by himself, fighting fiercely in his heart. After a long time, greed finally conquered fear. A little bit of fear is not necessarily true. As long as you can make money, let alone be a taboo. , even if it is murder and arson, he dares to do it.

Boss Lu did not expect that his retribution would come so quickly.

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