Pamper Eighties

Chapter 17

“Everyone, you brought Mengmeng to the yard. The house is being cleaned. Xianzang died. Be careful to blow the dust into Mengmeng’s eyes.”

The Chinese New Year is almost here, and Mrs. Feng and Su Wan are going to clean up the house. Unexpectedly, Mengmeng has learned to recognize people now, and she only recognizes her as a nurse. She will follow the adults wherever they go, and no one will accompany her. Playing with her is not happy, there is no way, old lady Feng had to let everyone hug her away.

How could Su Wan let her mother-in-law clean by herself? This cleaning job looks easy, but anyone who has done it knows that it is often the simplest housework that is the most tiring. She puts Mengmeng in Xiaotui. In the car, he greeted Dawa and Erwa and said, “Give each of you a piece of candy. You push your sister out to play, and you are not allowed to go to dangerous places.”

As soon as he pushed it into the corridor, he saw Brother Rui walking in from outside. Su Wan waved at him and said, “Brother Rui is here too, then let’s go together, Brother Rui, I’ll give you a candy.”

“Do you have any candy for my sister? Give it to my sister first.” Brother Rui raised his smiling face, and the smile was particularly painful.

Su Wan rubbed his little head and said, “My sister is eating. This is for you. Let’s go and play.”

The three little boys pushed the wooden cart out of the door, and Hu Zi followed, and walked in front of the cart to clear the way. Its size is now a little bigger, like a big walking ball of fur. Although its eyes are sometimes fierce, its orange fluff makes it look very soft, so the little dolls in the village all Not afraid of it, seeing it walking in the village, the little dolls also ran out.

They soon discovered that the Feng family’s dolls all had candy, even Brother Rui had them, and they were all fruit candies of various colors. Watching San Xiao cherished the beautiful cellophane in his pocket, the little doll They were drooling with admiration.

Three babies and four babies are also here. They look exactly the same. Outsiders can’t tell them apart, but the big baby can easily recognize that the one with the smart eyes is the third baby, and the one standing there foolishly is the fourth baby. He raised his chin and said, “Xiaonan Xiaobei, you also have candy to eat, and the milk told you to go to her and get it.”

Three babies and four babies rushed into the uncle’s house cheering. After a while, Wuwa got the news and went in too. After they came out, everyone had candy in their mouths, and they rubbed the candy paper so loudly that the villagers made a loud noise. The little dolls are so envious that their eyes are red, why are they not the grandsons of the old Feng family? Otherwise, they also have candy to eat. They have never even eaten brown sugar when they grow up, let alone this beautiful fruit candy, it must be very, very, very delicious.

They couldn’t eat candy, and they were obsessed with the candy wrapper. A little doll who usually played well with them said, “Brother Xiaodong, can you show me that candy wrapper? Just take a look.”

“Do you want to see this?” The big baby took out the rainbow-colored candy wrapper from his pocket, and the little dolls stopped talking, just stared at the candy wrapper with wide eyes, the envy in those eyes couldn’t stop it live.

The big baby rolled his eyes, pointed to the beach and said, “I want to string a shell necklace for my sister. Whoever finds the most and most beautiful shells for me, I will give him this candy wrapper, how about it?”

“I have it too.” “I have it too.” Several other little boys also took out candy wrappers.

The dolls in the village were so happy that they almost lost their breath. Picking up shells is nothing, they can pick up a hundred or eighty shells by themselves, but the candy wrappers are different. Besides the Feng family, who has candy wrappers in the village? Without being urged, they rushed to the beach in a swarm, burying their heads in search of shells.

The big baby also pushed Mengmeng to the beach slowly, Huzi and Mengmeng were very excited when they got here, Huzi had already run out to have fun, and Mengmeng was sitting in the car eagerly, tooting up Xiaozui stretched out his hand and said, “Hug.”

The big baby is particularly embarrassed, especially the big baby, he is only seven years old now, how can he hold the chubby cute cute one year old?

“Sister, brother can’t hold you, how about brother pushing you away?” Dawa said, scratching the back of his head.

Mengmeng’s little mouth was so pouted that she could hang an oil bottle, she stretched out her hand and said, “Hug, hug.”

The brothers didn’t know what to do. Hu Zi suddenly ran back from the beach. It put two front paws on the bracket of the wooden cart, and held Mengmeng’s collar in its mouth, and took her out of the wooden cart. He took it out, put it firmly on the beach, and it ran out to play on its own.

Mengmeng crawls quickly, using her hands and feet together like a small crab, and crawling towards the beach, several brothers hurriedly chased after her, when her little hands were about to touch the sea, she put Meng Meng pulled back.

The big baby squatted in front of her and said very seriously: “Mom said you can’t go to dangerous places, the sea is dangerous, we can’t go.”

But Mengmeng just wanted to go to the sea. She thought the sea water was very interesting. She turned around and wanted to continue to climb to the seaside, but was pulled back by her brothers.

“No, I have to get my sister back into the car, otherwise she will be disobedient.” Dawa dared not let Mengmeng run into the sea. Although he was young, he knew the dangers of the sea, but now that Mengmeng has come out, what should I do? Get her back?

When he saw Huzi playing with sand on the beach, he quickly sent Erwa to say, “Go and pull Huzi over and let Huzi take her sister back.”

Erwa turned around and ran away, and ran in front of Huzi in one breath, but he was talking, pulling and pulling, Huzi just didn’t move, making Erwa so anxious that he was about to cry.

Mengmeng was surrounded by several brothers and kept trying to escape. When she didn’t pay attention, she wanted to get out. The brothers were so anxious to hold her down. She was dressed like a small ball and lay on the beach with all fours upside down. Up, like a little tortoise whose shell had been turned over, and babbled in a panic.

Brother Rui ran out and pushed the small wooden cart over, and said, “Hold Mengmeng over, and when she gets in the car, let’s turn the car over.”

“Yes, three babies and four babies, you raise your feet, Wuwa, you hold your sister’s waist, I hold my head, and hurry up.” Several brothers worked together to lift Mengmeng from the beach and transport it to the side of the small wooden cart , moved her into the car in a hurry, made sure she was seated in it, and then carefully turned the car over, one and two were sweating profusely.

Mengmeng was still puffed up and unhappy at first, and kept saying that her brothers were “bad”. When her brothers showed her the beautiful shells they picked up to play with, her big round eyes were suddenly attracted to her. , those eyes are bright and bright, and I like it very much at first glance.

After coaxing Mengmeng, Dawa quickly exchanged shells with others, and pushed Mengmeng back to the village, daring not to let her get closer to the beach.

In the afternoon, Madam Feng and Su Wan finished the house cleaning, and quickly took out the fabrics they bought a few days ago, planning to make the clothes while they were free.

Mengmeng just sat on the cot, tore out a box of cloth ends to play with, threw it all over the bed, and giggled and crawled all over the bed. Madam Feng and Su Wan didn’t care about her. A little dress was ready in no time.

“Mengmeng is here, grandma will try it on for you.” Madam Feng put the small clothes on Mengmeng’s body for comparison, teasing her and said, “This is Mengmeng’s new clothes for Chinese New Year, do you like it? “

“Huanhuan.” Mengmeng didn’t speak in a series, and could only jump out with two words at most, and it was often repeated.

But Mrs. Feng felt relieved after hearing this. She felt that this little granddaughter had been very creative since she was a child. Once, she accidentally wrapped a torn diaper around her, and she cried as soon as she put it on. , you have to force someone to take the diaper off.

She took off the coat on Mengmeng’s body, put on the new clothes for her, and praised her first: “We Mengmeng are so pretty, and when you put on the new clothes made by grandma, just like the one in the Mazu temple. Like little fairy children, we are cute and cute, so grandma will buy you a new pair of shoes and embroider a tiger for you later, okay?”

“Okay, Ka Ka Ka…” Mengmeng smiled as if she could understand.

Su Wan sewed the last stitch on the little pants in her hand, and cut off the thread with her teeth: “Mom, the pants are ready, you give Mengmeng…”

“Mom, what are you doing?” Chen Hongmei waited next door for a whole morning, and finally waited until the uncle’s house was quiet, and then ran over to visit. It’s almost New Year’s Day, the uncle’s house has so much meat, her mother-in-law might give it to her. A few pieces of them, so that her family can have a fat year, so Chen Hongmei came running.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she entered the door, she saw her mother-in-law and her sister-in-law making clothes, and the pieces of army green fabric were casually placed on the edge of the bed. Crawling around, even the cloth head was a good material she had never seen before. This scene hurt Chen Hongmei’s eyes and made the smile on her face fade away.

“Oh, the third one is here, what’s the matter?” Madam Feng only looked up at her, then lowered her head and continued her needlework. She has been obedient for a long time since she confronted the third family face to face last time, so what else is going on?

Of course, Chen Hongmei couldn’t say that she was jealous, she just forced a smile and said, “Don’t you hear that Mom wants to clean up? I’ll come and see if I can help.”

The old lady Feng became tired and crooked. The third family lived next door, why couldn’t she hear anything? If you really want to help, will you wait until now? Hmph, it sounds nice on the lips, it’s really a dog can’t change that.

She didn’t even raise her head and said, “You’re late, and you don’t need your help at home. You should go back to your home and clean it.”

Chen Hongmei felt a little guilty for some reason. Although she pretended that she was not at home all morning, she felt that her mother-in-law must have seen through her. Even Su Wan lowered her head and couldn’t see her expression. She also thought that this sister-in-law was laughing at her. .

She was embarrassed, and her flesh lost her shadow. She went back to her house embarrassedly, but the more she thought about it, the more she felt aggrieved. It’s okay if this mother-in-law treats her badly. Her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are natural enemies, but why should her concubine look down on her? ? Isn’t it just a primary school teacher, what’s so great? It’s better that she has a father, a mother, and a family. Don’t think she doesn’t know, whether her sister-in-law has a family. They haven’t seen each other for so many years. Why is her mother-in-law so good to her?

Chen Hongmei’s heart seemed to be on fire, it burned her heart and lungs, and when her man came back, she immediately complained in front of him: “You said that the uncle’s harvest is not good this year, I see them The harvest is good. I just went to his house, and the fabric was piled up all over the bed. They also bought so many fruit candies, so how many did they give to the five babies and six babies? When to send beggars?”

Feng Laosan was so annoyed. This mother-in-law talks about these trivial things in front of him every day. Why is she so free?

He rolled his eyes and said, “Are you finished? Don’t think I don’t know about the last time you dispatched Wuwa. I didn’t want to talk about you. You’re not ashamed, but I’m ashamed.”

Chen Hongmei screamed, but her mother-in-law was next door, so she didn’t dare to shout, she just suppressed her anger and said, “Who am I all for? The uncle’s family won’t take care of you even if there is a good thing, you stupid. Ya kept speaking for them.”

Feng Laosan looked at her like a fool. He twitched the corners of his mouth and said, “You are talking nonsense, my elder brother has taken care of me the most since I was a child.”

Chen Hongmei jumped up and pressed his chest and said, “Why don’t you let you be the village chief? Why don’t you give you the meat from the family? If there is something good in his family, can you get it all? none.”

Feng Laosan was poked by her and stepped back. Does he think this woman is crazy? “What are you talking about, you, do you think that whoever wants to be the village chief can be the village chief? That needs to be literate.”

Chen Hongmei seemed to have grasped the handle, and said with a smug smile: “You also said that your parents are not partial, so why are they brothers, they let the eldest go to junior high school, but they don’t let you go?”

Feng Laosan couldn’t help but want to laugh, “That’s because I don’t want to go, what’s the matter with my parents and my elder brother?”

Chen Hongmei was so angry that her head was about to explode, and she shouted in a shrill voice: “Feng Laosan, let me tell you, no matter how good the brothers are, they have already got married and separated. , how old are you?”

“You, you, you say one more sentence, be careful I will kill you.” I don’t know where this sentence hit the third Feng. He suddenly blushed and his neck was thick, but he held it high. In the end, the slap didn’t come down, but turned around and left a sentence: “I can’t talk to you bitch, I’m going to the field.”

Feng Laosan walked out of the village and came to squat on the reef stall by the sea. He remembered what his daughter-in-law had just said, and he was in a mess. He was the youngest son, and it was obvious that his mother loved him the most before, so why did he become Now like this?

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