Pamper Eighties

Chapter 177

Old man Feng was very disapproving. What kind of building should he buy? How much is that kind of house worth? If you want to buy a courtyard, you can call it tasteful.

Old man Feng still likes to live in a down-to-earth house. There is no building in his house. His own hotel is several floors higher, but if he wants to live in a courtyard, it is more appropriate to live in a courtyard.

After he figured it out, he said euphemistically: “It’s okay to have a building. You still have to buy a courtyard house. Mengmeng likes a courtyard house. Her uncle, please help to find out if anyone is selling it. We will ask for as many as we have.”

Su Wen was very surprised, “With such a large amount of money, you can buy a house?”

“It’s not all,” the old man Feng waved his hand humbly, “Anyway, the money is kept, it’s better to buy a house and leave it to the baby, it’s better than saving it in the bank, my uncle is a countryman and has no hobbies. I like to buy a house.”

Su Wen thought to himself, you are not an ordinary countryman, who is as bold as you, and how much is needed? It’s not that squirrels are hoarding things.

They were all relatives, and Su Wen was happy to help, so he agreed, “I’ll help you to find out. It’s not difficult to buy a house, as long as you have money, some ministries have built houses in recent years and sold them to outsiders. The house is more solid, so buy it or buy this one.”

“Siheyuan…” He pondered and said: “It shouldn’t be difficult, it was still in the hands of the housing management bureau a few years ago, and now the problems left over from history are cleared up, many of them have been returned, and some people are willing to sell them, if not, I will Go and say hello to the Housing Authority and let them get a few sets out.”

It was a difficult thing for old man Feng, and it was not a problem when he arrived at Su Wen’s place. Old man Feng was somewhat grateful, but did not dare to bother him too much, so he quickly assured him: “Uncle, we can buy these houses if we can. Even if they can’t buy it, I can afford whatever they want anyway.”

Su Wen laughed, comforting him and said, “Uncle, where did you go? This is Beijing, the root of the imperial city, and things are done according to the rules, so you don’t have to worry.”

Seeing that the matter was settled, Mengmeng immediately ran to her uncle and said, “Uncle, you are so kind. I want a big yard and a place close to the palace.”

Su Wen looked at her dotingly, and said with a smile, “We Mengmeng have so many requests, then my uncle has to help you pick them out.”

“Uncle,” Brother Rui called him affectionately, and took the opportunity to say, “I also want to buy a house with a big yard. It’s better to be a neighbor with Mengmeng. Uncle, you can help me find it.”

Su Wen looked at him in surprise, “You want to buy too? How old are you, you little boy, you are about to buy a house.”

Old Man Feng introduced cheerfully: “As I told you before, he is my friend’s grandson, and he is as close as my own grandson. His grandfather also does business with me. Brother Rui can be the master since he was a child. To buy a house, he still mentioned it.”

Su Wen was more surprised than what he meant, what kind of people are these people who buy a house when they say they buy a house? Buying a house at such a young age? It’s like buying cabbage, what is going on in this world, and when did it change so much?

No matter how shocked he was in his heart, he still tried his best to help the old Feng family. If he came out, there would soon be news. Su Wen was going to work and was not free, so he sent a young man to serve them.

This young man’s name is Xiao He, he looks clean, and he is very attentive to people.

What Xiao He said was also very pleasant: “Uncle Feng, let’s take a look at this house first. The previous owner of this house was very proud. Beizi Mansion, a large courtyard with three entrances, is just across the street from the Forbidden City. Standing at this door, you can still see the walls of the palace.”

Xiao He was a bit exaggerated, the walls of the palace were invisible, only a row of high flying cornices could be seen, but it was very close.

The door of this courtyard opens at the southeast corner. After entering, the first thing you see is a shadow wall with the image of Xianshan engraved on it. On the left is a circular arch with a small courtyard, a row of upside-down rooms, and then another one. door.

The craftsmanship of this door is exquisite. It is not known how many grades higher than the door outside. There is a copper willow ding on the door. After passing through this door, there is a large courtyard inside.

“Oh, there are still trees in this yard, they’re pretty good.”

The Feng family walked into the yard and immediately noticed the tall green tree in the middle. The leaves were lush and full of life.

Xiao He pointed to the tree and said, “It’s the jujube tree in the north of us. You can see that it’s blooming on it. In autumn, there are jujubes to eat.”

When Mrs. Feng saw the tree, she began to imagine: “This tree is so tall that we can put some chairs under it to enjoy the coolness.”

“Know the goods.” Xiao He gave a thumbs up, squinted his eyes and stretched his tone, “Let’s build a grape trellis and raise two thrush birds. These days, tsk tsk tsk, are more comfortable than Bei Ziye.”

Old Man Feng was unwilling to appreciate it, no matter what he did after he moved in, there was no need to let Xiao He know that it was better to be low-key, so he interrupted his fantasy and said, “We little people, don’t engage in those falsehoods. Brainy.”

Xiao He slapped his mouth gently, and said with a smile, “Yes, Uncle Feng, I’m just talking, I’ll take you to visit later.”

“Is there still a back?” Madam Feng looked at the spacious main room and the left and right wing rooms, thinking that this was the end, but she didn’t expect that there would be more behind.

“Of course, this is just a place to entertain guests, and people live at the back. There are three entrances in total, and this is the first entrance.”

Xiao He led them around the Chaoshou veranda and came to the back yard. The two entrances at the back were also the same yard and house. They were built very carefully, and there was even a small garden at the end.

Xiao He took them to visit in the garden, and said regretfully: “This house has not been occupied for several years, and the lotus pond inside is dry, and there are no fish.”

Despite this, Mrs. Feng was quite satisfied. She stroked her palm and said, “This is very good. If you pack up, you can live in, and our family can live there when we come.”

Xiao He asked in surprise: “Then are you going to buy it? The price of this house is 500,000 yuan. If you think it is not suitable, we can still bargain.”

The old man Feng and his wife exchanged glances, and they decided to say, “Forget it, it’s just an old man. He sold the house and went abroad to retire. There is no need to negotiate the price, just 500,000 yuan.”

They have also inquired about the original landlord. It is the descendant of that Bei Ziye, an old man in his 60s. Now the house is returned to him, but the old man said nothing. He would rather sell the house and immigrate. Cheaper than the old Feng family.

Xiao He didn’t expect things to go so smoothly, and immediately said happily: “Our house in Beijing is worthless, and the courtyard house is even more worthless. You are always kind.”

The old man Feng waved his hand indifferently and said, “It’s nothing, don’t keep being yours, it sounds awkward.”

“Okay, Uncle Feng, then the house will be sold to you for 500,000 yuan. When you come back, you can go to the bureau with me to sign a contract, and we will transfer the house to you.”

Xiao He is very talkative. He is a clerk of the Housing Authority himself, and he has many historical houses on hand. This kind of house is very difficult to deal with. There are documents on it, asking them to deal with it as soon as possible, because many real landlords I have come to urge the landlords, who are either overseas Chinese or foreigners who have immigrated to foreign countries. The urging and urging are too bad, but they are not willing to take over the house, so the Housing Authority can only help them sell it.

What a dilemma, there are not many people who can give out half a million these years, and there are not many in the whole country. After finally catching one, he has to wait hard and sell a few more houses.

A group of people were standing in the garden discussing business, when suddenly there was a loud noise from outside the fence, listen carefully, it seemed like a family was arguing.

Madam Feng frowned and said, “Why are there still people arguing? Who lives behind this?”

Afraid that the business would be smashed, Xiao He quickly explained, “There are several small courtyards around here. They were originally connected to Beizi Mansion, and then they were distributed to the workers in the city for 20 to 30 years.”

He didn’t say it was okay, but when he said that Mrs. Feng was even more dissatisfied, with these neighbors here, it would be a mess for them to live in.

How to do it? Madam Feng was really unwilling to give up, so she came up with an idea and said: “Xiao He, go and ask me if the people who live nearby are willing to give up their houses, and I will pay them to live there. building.”

Xiao He was very surprised. He never dreamed that Mrs. Feng would be so generous. He wished he had a small house that he could sell to Mrs. Feng. Who doesn’t want to live in a building?

He was so pleasantly surprised that he made a package of tickets: “Of course they are willing. If they have a building to live in, who would live in a large courtyard? That is, a bodhisattva-hearted person like you is willing to help them.”

Mrs. Feng was very embarrassed by his touts. How could she help her? She just wanted to be quiet. After all, she lived in her own family, and a good environment was better than anything else.

It’s just that it’s not so easy for the old Feng family to buy the neighbors’ houses, and Xiao He has to send someone else to talk about it.

He took the Feng family out of here, and went to see several other houses, all of which were quite good old courtyard houses, and the old man Feng agreed to all of them.

Brother Rui also took the opportunity to buy a courtyard house, just opposite Mengmeng’s house. When the two of them took over the nearby house, it would be equivalent to occupying an alley, and it must be quite clean by then.

Wuwa and the three brothers also bought it. They were three adjacent small yards. Of course, Brother Rui bought them for them. The price was also very cheap. They only spent more than 100,000 yuan, and the rest of the money also bought three buildings.

Wuwa bought a house for herself and her younger brother, and her heart was bubbling with beauty. Now he is also a house owner.

Brother Rui himself bought a lot of buildings. The price was so cheap that he wanted to laugh. He couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. The houses are so cheap these days, it’s like picking them up for nothing.

Since he came from later generations, how could he not know the value of Beijing houses, not to mention those buildings, just those few courtyard houses, the future value will be immeasurable, think about it, next door to the Forbidden City, in the real first ring road and second ring road , such a boutique house can no longer be replicated.

If it wasn’t for Brother Rui’s calm nature, he would have wanted to shout loudly and let everyone watch it, he is a future billionaire.

The happiest person is Mengmeng. She has so many houses and a super-large courtyard at once, and she immediately clamored to move in.

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