Pamper Eighties

Chapter 19

Chinese New Year, the little dolls in the village are the happiest, no matter how poor people are, they have to grit their teeth to buy the dolls a home-made clothes, they can eat delicious food these days, and the adults give them You can take the New Year’s money, and sometimes you can eat fried peanuts and melon seeds when you go out to visit. I wish that every day is Chinese New Year.

The dolls were running around the whole village, and the one they most envied was the old Feng family’s child.

Look at the big kids and the two babies, they are all wearing small green military uniforms, and their younger sister Mengmeng is wearing a beautiful red cotton jacket, and these dolls have candy cubes in their pockets. The seven dolls of the old Feng family all have candy, and the candy has been upgraded, from fruit candy to white rabbit toffee!

Whenever the Feng family doll took out the white rabbit toffee, slowly tore the white candy wrapper on the outside, held a white rabbit toffee in his hand, squinted his eyes and licked the transparent layer on top with great enjoyment. Then put the whole candy in your mouth, close your eyes and eat it so intoxicated that the little dolls in the village are so envious, they wish they could stick their tongue out of their eyes and lick the The taste of white rabbit toffee.

The dolls can play wildly every day, but the adults in the village have just finished the New Year, and they are busy going into the mountains to build the road. They did not stop until the Lantern Festival. The whole village went to worship Mazu after eating the dumplings at home. Now, I have added another one this year, and I have to go to the mountains to pay homage to the grandfather of the mountain god.

Now that the mountain road is much easier to walk, the people in the village all walked up the mountain with offerings. Madam Feng had already reached the mountain intersection with Mengmeng in her arms. Immediately, he retreated in his heart, shoved Mengmeng into Su Wan’s arms and said, “Old man, there are too many people on the mountain, you go back with Mengmeng and the second baby, I will take the big baby myself. Just fine.”

The whole village was dispatched, and Su Wan was a little frightened when she saw the situation. Before leaving, she did not forget to say, “Mom, be careful, then I’ll go home and cook first and wait for you to come back to eat.”

Madam Feng followed the group with her big baby. She could not get in as soon as she reached the intersection of the Dragon Bone Temple. She stood on the hillside and watched the crowd in front stretched all the way to the entrance of the temple. I came here early in the morning with rice cakes and dried meat, otherwise I would definitely be stuck here.

Fortunately, all the people on the road were from the village, and no one dared to crowd randomly. Madam Feng finally entered the temple after waiting for a long time. She looked at the offerings on the offering table. Her family’s air-dried meat was the most conspicuous. At most, the others are meat buns or fish. Compared with her family, she is completely incomparable. She is so sincere, of course, she hopes that Grandpa Shanshen will continue to take care of her family and send more meat to her family.

She took the big baby to kneel down and worshipped the mountain god, and saw a woman in the village pick up the baby and touch the white bone. Today, Huzi didn’t follow, so Mrs. Feng bravely stepped up and touched it carefully. When I touched that bone, it felt very warm and cool to the touch, just like touching Mengmeng’s silk scarf. It really deserved to be the bone of a real dragon, but it was different from other bones.

After she touched the bones, nothing strange happened. Seeing that people in the village were still touching the bones, she quickly picked up the big baby and asked him to touch it too, and said with words in her mouth: “God of the Mountain, we are Feng Shengli from Taoyuan Village. Family, please bless our old Feng family members to make a fortune safely, and bless our eldest grandson to learn to read and become the champion in the future. There is also a young granddaughter in my family, you have to bless her health. Kang grows up quickly, and there is a tiger. I won’t say much about it. It is the animal in front of you. You know that meat. I brought it to you. If you think it is delicious, give it to my house next time Son, I’ll bring it to you again.”

Madam Feng prayed satisfactorily and went home with her eldest son. Her eldest son was sitting on a long bench chatting with the men in the village.

Seeing the people in the village coming and going to worship the mountain god, Feng Yimin couldn’t help showing a beam of joy on his face, and said in a negotiating tone, “It’s time for spring plowing in a few days. When the road is repaired, it will be much easier to pay the public rations this year, what do you think?”

“Okay, village chief, now that we have the blessing of the Mountain God, isn’t it a matter of minutes to complete this road? I am the first to agree.” The villager who used to be the rudest nodded in agreement immediately.

Feng Yimin turned to look at Feng Guoqiang, the head of the militia next to him, and heard him say, “No problem, I’ll go to my comrades for any amount of explosives that are still missing. It must be repaired in one go.”

The village accountant Zhang Guangming also said: “When the mountain road is completed, it will only take us two or three hours to go to the provincial capital. By then, all the seafood in our village will be shipped out and sold, which is definitely better than now. It is valuable, this is a good thing for everyone, and I also agree to continue to build the road after the spring ploughing.”

The three most powerful people in the village agreed, and the rest of the villagers agreed as long as they were not stupid or stunned.

Feng Dafu hid in the crowd, and he agreed on the surface, but turned his head and complained to Feng Dakang next to him: “The village chief is out of luck, and he just happened to meet the mountain god, but now he seems to be saying it all. It’s his credit, bah, who didn’t know that he was very uneasy and kind-hearted at the beginning? He just wanted to take credit for himself. The people in our village worked so hard, and in the end, it was his credit. most dissatisfied.”

Although Feng Dakang is lazy, he is not stupid. He just stared at him and said, “What’s the use of you being unconvinced? Can you still be the village head? Just the culture you didn’t read in elementary school? The people in our village can convince you. No? I think Accountant Zhang is right. Once the road is repaired, everyone in the village will benefit.”

“Yo, Feng Dakang, you’ve changed people? I remember you were the laziest when building roads. Every day you had a headache or a pain in your feet? You’re too embarrassed to talk.” Feng Dafu put his hand on his forehead and thought as if he didn’t know him. To see if he had a fever, he was thrown away by Feng Dakang.

Feng Dakang squinted at him, rolled his eyes to the sky and said, “Let’s not talk about the second brother, I’m lazy and you won’t be much better. Isn’t it you who is tired all day long? I at least do it. Dare to admit that I’m lazy, how about you? How can you be better than me?”

“Hehehe…” Feng Dafu stretched out his hand and embraced his shoulder, putting on a good-looking brother and saying, “I knew that in our village, only you, Feng Dakang, can talk to me, and everyone else is Stupid, I can’t see that the village chief is taking credit for himself, you see how active those cadres are, how can they be so active when it’s not good? I’m the first to not believe it.”

Feng Dakang was stunned for a moment by him, and he intuitively told him that there must be some secret inside, and he said impatiently: “Then tell me, what the **** is going on?”

“Didn’t you hear what Accountant Zhang said just now? Lu Xiutong wants to go out to sell seafood. I think there is something tricky here. Think about it, who will sell it and how much will it cost? It’s not about their cadres. What about the lip service? Who knows if they are greedy for our money? That’s why I said that people in the village are stupid, don’t count the money when they are sold.” Feng Dafu’s eyes flashed. A trace of mockery, I don’t know if he was looking at Feng Dakang in front of him or at the people in the village.

Today is the Lantern Festival. After today, the year will be over. The little dolls seized this last chance and ran out of their homes with lanterns in hand at night, forming teams to wander around the village.

The seven dolls of the Feng family also formed a team. Mengmeng was unsteady walking and was still sitting in the small wooden car. There was a small red lantern hanging on the bracket in front of the car. She was shaken by her little hand. When they pushed her past the old Zhang’s house, Brother Rui saw it in the door, grabbed the lantern in his mother’s hand and ran out, jumped in front of Mengmeng and said, “Sister, where are you going?”

Mengmeng didn’t want to pay any attention to him. Last time on the beach, this person didn’t let her go to the sea and even brought her back to the car. She still remembers that this is a bad person.

Brother Rui waited for a long time and didn’t hear a response, not to mention how disappointed he was in his heart. When he was lit by the candlelight, his slightly curled bangs and dark eyes seemed particularly aggrieved.

Da Wa’s heart softened when he saw it. He thought he was the eldest brother, so he comforted him and said, “Brother Rui, we are going to put lanterns in the sea in front of the Mazu Temple. Come with you.”

Brother Rui was only sad for a while and then immediately eased up. He nodded and said with a particularly flamboyant smile: “I know there is a good place there, and I will take you there.”

Brother Rui joined the small team and walked beside Mengmeng’s left hand. Although Mengmeng ignored him, he could see Mengmeng’s white and tender chubby face while holding the lantern. It’s beautiful, it’s prettier than any doll in the village. He has never seen such a good-looking person when he grows up. This person is still his sister. When he thinks of this, he suddenly smiles happily, and takes out a bunch of grinds from his pocket. The bright little shell necklace handed him over and said, “Sister, this is the necklace my brother made for you. The pearl I gave you last time is missing. You should wear this first, and I will replace it with you when I find a new pearl.”

Mengmeng didn’t want to talk to him at first, but he was dangling in front of her with the shell necklace, and the small shells on it were shining brightly in the candlelight and rattled, making Mengmeng’s big eyes involuntarily The ground moved with the necklace, and her clear eyebrows blinked playfully, glittering with moving brilliance, but she didn’t say she wanted to.

Brother Rui teased her for a while, and when she puffed up her cheeks and was about to pouting, she quickly put this necklace on Mengmeng, which finally made Mengmeng smile happily.

The brothers surrounded Mengmeng and walked to the front of the Mazu Temple. There were already many little dolls setting lanterns on the beach. Brother Rui took everyone around the group of little dolls and came to a small crescent-shaped beach. The shape of the beach is like a sickle. The sea water is relieved and slowed down when it arrives here. The surface of the water is shallow and calm. The dolls can see the fine white sand under the lanterns.

Dawa observed it for a while, and said very knowledgeably, “This place is good. If we let the lantern out, it will definitely float far away. Grandpa Sea God will bless us not to get sick.”

The big baby greeted everyone to unload the lanterns. These lanterns were made by their grandfather. They were all in the shape of lotus flowers. Only the lantern in Brother Rui’s hand was in the shape of a boat.

“Is it all right? I’ll call one, two, three, and let’s put it together.” Dawa held two lanterns in his hand, one of which belonged to his sister. He carefully protected the candles inside and came to the beach, shouting in his mouth. After saying “one, two, three”, he put the two lanterns on the sea, pushing them with his little hands and slowly drifting forward.

The lantern drifted farther and farther, and the candle inside was not extinguished for a long time, just like the happy smiling faces of the dolls.

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