Pamper Eighties

Chapter 192

The villagers are very clever. Although the best water in Longling has been contracted to the old Zhang family, it does not matter. There are so many water sources in the village, and this water is enough for them to make.

Soon, the ingenious villagers bought their own jars, bottled the water from the mountains or wells, and sold them at a price. A dollar, like the well water at home, is less valuable, just a few cents.

There are still many tourists who are willing to buy this kind of water. Not everyone can spend a high price of 20 yuan to buy a bottle of old stone water. For them, it is also the water in Longling, and the effect is also good. Not bad, the most important thing is cheap.

So these days, tourists who come to Taoyuan Village don’t do anything else, they just buy water. The water they buy is also various, some from the village, and some people from the commune come over to fetch water and sell it, and they become second-order dealers. Money received softly.

The old man Zhang can’t see it like this. The business he has finally built up is about to be destroyed. People outside don’t know it. They think that the old stone water in his family is so cheap. bottle, let them continue to mess around, his mineral water will run out sooner or later.

Old man Zhang was as anxious as an ant in a hot pot, but he couldn’t think of a way, so he could only scold at home: “I usually treat them badly with those bastards, tortoise bastards, that’s how they repay me? They pretend to be us. Water, make black money, hum.”

Brother Rui rolled his eyes and hurriedly said, “Grandpa, don’t worry, I have a way to cure them.”

He leaned into Old Man Zhang’s ear and said it in a murmur. He didn’t know what he said, but a smile appeared on Old Man Zhang’s face.

“Okay, Brother Rui, you really belong to you. Such a crazy idea also reminds you, how does your head grow?”

Old man Zhang grabbed his grandson, looked at his little curly head and studied it carefully. It looked very good-looking, and he was as smart as his old stone.

The old man Zhang had a bottom line in his heart, and he did not rush into action. He first discussed with Zhang Guangming at home, and then went to the homes of several village cadres to connect with each other. After everyone made up their minds, they called the villagers together for a meeting.

The old man Zhang complained at this meeting: “Folks, you put me on the fire to bake, but I signed an agreement with the Americans to ensure that the old stone water here is the only one, you What are you doing now? Touch your conscience, are you worthy of me?”

He patted his chest and said indignantly: “I, Zhang Shilei, ask myself that I have done a good job in the village. Did I not donate money to the junior high school where the children are studying? I also donated money to build a road in the village, and even the people outside the village donated money. I paid for the street lights. Your baby is still working in my factory. I will pay you monthly wages. I am afraid that I will treat you badly. , I don’t make it clear today, I’m not finished with you!”

Most of the people in the village still feel guilty, because they are not authentic, and they don’t dare to look into the eyes of old man Zhang.

But there are still those cheeky people who are arguing: “Why do I sell my own water? I can sell it if someone wants me, but I’m not saying that your water is too expensive. Tourists like cheap ones. You Why won’t you let me sell it?”

“Why?” The old man Zhang’s voice suddenly rose: “Just because my factory is registered, the name of Lao Shi is also registered by me, I also signed an agreement with the Americans, if you are not convinced, we will Go to court and talk.”

As soon as the person heard the lawsuit, he was cowardly, and his attitude softened and said, “Why is this involved in the court, I’m just selling a few bottles of water.”

The villagers next to him were also a little scared, and said with a smile: “Uncle Shitou, we are all from the village, and we didn’t deliberately rob your business. The people who come to buy water are all greedy for petty gains, so you let them buy your home. He can’t afford to buy the water from my home. Besides, I got all my water from my own well, and I didn’t steal or rob it, and I didn’t go to your waterworks to make trouble. If you don’t let us sell it, it’s not a good idea. .”

“Yeah, if you have money, everyone earns a piece of it, and you don’t rob your family’s business.” These words went to the hearts of the big guys. It would be more uncomfortable than killing them to let them see that they can’t make money. .

The people in the village were very jealous of the high price of the old stone water. They shouted because of the crowd, but in the end, they were worried that Old Man Zhang would sue them, so they all stared at him nervously.

The old man was silent for a while, and suddenly let out his mouth and said, “I am not hindering everyone’s fortune. As long as you listen to me, I guarantee that all of you can make money.”

He stayed half of what he said, which made the people in the village feel anxious. They were suspicious and hurriedly urged: “Uncle Stone, what can you do, just tell us.”

Unexpectedly, the old man Zhang refused to say any more, but pushed the words to Feng Yimin: “Let the village chief come and tell you.”

Feng Yimin cleared his throat and opened his mouth: “Fellow folks, in the end, you are shameless, you all stay in the same village, you can’t be jealous when the old Zhang family makes money, don’t worry, I’m not blaming You guys, I don’t have an idea I want to tell you, you listen to it and see if it makes sense.”

When it finally became quiet down below, Feng Yimin continued: “That’s it, the water in the village belongs to the village, and everyone agrees, right? Huh?”

His eyes looked at each other, until the big guys nodded, and then said with satisfaction: “Since it is collective property, it cannot be taken by individuals. Isn’t there a cooperative in our village? I plan to let the cooperative also launch it. A brand of mineral water, let’s just say it’s called Longling Mountain Spring, and when I make money, I will send it to everyone.”

The villagers felt strange when they heard it. Out of selfishness, they couldn’t agree. .”

Feng Yimin pointed at them sternly and said, “I know you guys, you are thinking about selling your own money, and you can still arbitrarily charge and kill customers, right? Don’t dream of me, whoever dares to do this again, I will be rude to anyone. When there is no king law in the village?”

After he finished his harsh words, he changed his words: “This is also for your own good. You should know how many machines there are in the factory of the old Zhang family, all of which are used for water disinfection. Has your water been disinfected? No? Dare to sell it to tourists after drinking it? What if you drink to death? Who can afford this responsibility?”

None of the villagers can speak. This is indeed a problem. Their water is random, and they don’t know how to disinfect and other things. If they drink it, it will be bad.

One of the villagers immediately hesitated and said, “Village chief, if you say so, do you still have to let the cooperative come?”

Feng Yimin said with a stern face: “Of course, everyone in the cooperative has a share, and now you still get dividends every year. It is better to have a cooperative to give you the bottom line than you do it yourself? This is not negotiable, I said. Let the cooperatives come, let the cooperatives come.”

Feng Yimin has established authority over the years. He is the boss in the village, and he is also the boss in the cooperative. He manages a Taoyuan Village like an iron barrel. No one dares to criticize him when he says it, and they really do not. What to say, isn’t it all for them?

The villagers figured it out and agreed, “Village chief, let’s listen to you, let the cooperative sell the water, and give us money when it’s over.”

The mouse wazi is also in it, this time he didn’t do it authentically, he also got involved in the sale of water, and now he blushed and said to the old man Zhang, “Uncle Stone, I’m really sorry, I was only thinking about it before. To make money, I don’t think too much about it, so don’t take it to heart.”

The old man Zhang was very satisfied with the effect, patted him on the shoulder and said, “It’s fine if you talk about it, the villagers should understand each other. If you have money to earn a dollar, don’t be like before.”

The mouse boy breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Yes, we’ll make some easy money in the future, and we won’t have to worry about it anymore.”

The villagers have no opinions, and the cooperative can start work. They entrusted the factory of the old Zhang family to help with production. The water from Longling is also used, but the name is worse than the old stone water, but it is also the best. The key is that the price is cheap. A bottle only sells for 50 cents, which is many times cheaper than the old stone water.

It’s not enough to have these bottled water. They also installed faucets in the village to supply them for free to those who need them. How much is rationed each day, it will be gone after time. If you want to get more water, you can only buy it with money. .

Of course, the people who live in the village have no influence, they want water, and they have it at any time.

In this way, everyone will be satisfied, but Brother Rui thought it through.

With so much water in the village, it is impossible for his family to completely occupy it. Instead of letting the villagers stab them in the spine, it is better to give them some profit. With the stakes, no one dares to make trouble.

Brother Rui thought deeply, and explained to Mengmeng: “Old stone water is expensive, it is not ordinary water, there must be a low-end brand to set off, we sell luxury goods, of course we have to sell it to foreigners , making money from foreigners is a pleasure.”

He has already thought about it, he should also change the bottle of the old stone water, and rectify it in the high-end direction.

Madam Feng felt strange listening to it by the side. She touched Brother Rui’s head and said, “You came up with this crazy idea? Brother Rui, why are you so smart?”

Of course, Brother Rui couldn’t tell the truth. He said humbly, “Grandma Feng, I read books and watch TV at home every day. I’ll learn after watching it for a long time.”

“Oh, my kids also watch TV a lot. They haven’t learned anything. This person is really incomparable.”

When old lady Feng thinks of her grandchildren, she can’t get angry. She feels that they are too useless, especially after comparing with Brother Rui, she is even more eliminated.

Liuwa didn’t know that she was buried, but she said stupidly: “Damn, we also learned from watching TV. Look at the Transformers I made for my sister, how good it is, and I will have to watch it for a while in the future. television.”

He didn’t say it was okay, but when he said that Mrs. Feng stared at him fiercely: “Get out of the way, Brother Renrui is watching TV, it’s just studying, you only watch cartoons, you don’t even have a hair. Learn, you are not allowed to watch TV for me in the future, you can only read newspapers, one day you will learn to be as smart as Brother Rui, and then you will be able to watch TV.”

“Ah?” Liuwa was shocked and immediately called out, “Grandma, this is not fair.”

Madam Feng squinted her eyes and said, “Who told me to be fair? Am I your milk, or are you my milk? Xiao Xian, if I am your milk, you have to listen to me. Obediently take the book and study, you won’t pass the exam. University, I’ll break your leg.”

Liuwa’s head was drooping. He was such a hard-working baby, at such a young age, he had to shoulder the heavy responsibility of taking the university entrance exam.

Mengmeng looked at his bitter back with sympathy, stuck out her tongue and said, “Damn, I want to see cartoons, would you like to watch the gourd baby?”

Madam Feng’s treatment of Mengmeng is absolutely different, she immediately became energetic when she heard it: “Okay, grandma will transfer you that channel.”

Liuwa is even more lost. It’s really different from the same people. He is an older brother, so he has to study hard. Mengmeng is a younger sister, so he can watch cartoons, ahhh, he also wants to be a girl doll.

His thoughts were all on the TV, and he was about to raise his head to take a look, when he heard a familiar sound of music on the TV.

“Hulu baby, cucurbit baby, seven flowers on a vine, not afraid of wind and rain, la la la la…”

This fiery cartoon is most loved by the little dolls. Mengmeng can watch it for a whole day without getting tired of it. It is really beautiful. The seven cucurbit brothers and snake spirits are all Have fun.

She widened her eyes in amazement and said in surprise, “Wow, look at the snake spirit coming out. This snake spirit’s chin is so sharp, it looks like a mantis.”

Si Xi, who was sitting next to him, also nodded, “Well, maybe she is the mantis spirit.”

Mengmeng affirmed her opinion even more: “That is, those two eyes are very big, she is a snake spirit transformed from a mantis.”

Brother Rui desperately held back his laughter beside him, this kind of cuteness is so naive and cute, people can’t help but want to pinch.

He wanted Mengmeng to skip a grade before, but in a blink of an eye, the second grade has passed, and his thoughts on making Mengmeng skip a grade have faded, so it’s better to let her grow up so carefree, he is willing to protect her.

Brother Rui never thought that he had already given up on his side, but Mengmeng had an idea of ​​her own, she wanted to skip a grade.

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