Pamper Eighties

Chapter 21

After the spring ploughing, there is still a lot of work to be done in the fields. Now that there is one less strong laborer at home, the second elder of the Feng family is more attentive when serving the crops.

Early in the morning, they packed two loads of farmyard manure and planned to pick them up to fertilize the fields after eating. Su Wan was going to teach at the school, so Madam Feng simply took the three little babies away with them.

She put Mengmeng in the trolley and told her two brothers, “Grandma is going to work in the fields, you play with your sister, and you are not allowed to run away secretly, do you hear?”

“I know the milk.” Dawa and Erwa are both innocent. When did they sneak away while looking at their sister? Grandma really wants to kill them wrongly. Although they were very unconvinced in their hearts, they didn’t dare to say a word on the surface. After filling their stomachs, they actively pushed Mengmeng to set off.

They pushed the small wooden cart out of the village entrance and went all the way to the field ridge. This field stretches from the east of the village to the mountain side. In the early spring season, everywhere is green and colorful, take a breath of sweet and sweet air, Huzi As soon as I came here, I had fun everywhere. Sometimes a small sparrow came out of the field, and sometimes I didn’t know where to bring a small wild flower, all of which were piled up in front of Mengmeng.

Seeing that they were having a good time, Mrs. Feng walked into the paddy field with her **** with confidence. Spring is here, and the weeds are popping up, and it will spread to the entire paddy field overnight. They are cleaned up, and the nutrients of the seedlings are all absorbed by them.

But Mrs. Feng stood there and looked over, and immediately noticed something was wrong, she hurriedly stopped her old man and said, “Strange, where have all the weeds in this field gone? I only saw it a few days ago. The fields are full of weeds, old man, do you think this is a bit evil?”

“Ah bah bah bah, what the hell? Can’t you say something nice?” Old man Feng’s eyes rolled around, and he thought about it in his heart. He had already discovered this place. It’s not right, hasn’t it been like this since last year? He has been planting fields all his life, and the abnormality in this field cannot be concealed from his eyes. There must be some gods blessing it. He immediately thought of the Dragon Bone Temple on the mountain. Yes, it must be Grandpa Mountain God helping his family.

He leaned into Mrs. Feng’s ear and said mysteriously, “Don’t make a fuss, this is the mountain **** who is taking care of us. Look at the field next to it, which one is not full of weeds? There is no weed in our field. , there are not even a few pests, I think this year’s harvest may be the same as last year.”

Madam Feng’s eyes suddenly lit up, like two lightbulbs, she couldn’t help but nodded and said, “Old man, I think that’s the reason you said, I even went to the Dragon Bone Temple to ask the mountain **** on the Lantern Festival. Lord, I didn’t expect the mountain **** to appear so quickly, it must be the credit of the air-dried meat, it seems that the mountain **** also likes our air-dried meat, and I will give him more for the old man next time.”

“Okay, I’ll listen to you. Open the sluice quickly. I think the sun is going to come out today, so I need to immerse the field with more water, otherwise the seedlings will wilt after a day of drying.” It’s not easy to be a farmer, although His family grows rice, but it can’t be soaked in water every day, otherwise the root will be soaked and must be drained and watered frequently, so a year of hard work, if the harvest is not good, the hard work of the year will be nothing In vain.

Madam Feng opened the sluice gate, and her old man stood in front to clean up the silt, so that the water could flow through as quickly as possible, watching the water rush through until the roots of the rice were submerged, and Madam Feng closed the gate tightly. , I picked the farmyard manure into the field and planned to spray these seedlings.

She carefully observed the wind direction for a while, then suddenly turned around and shouted to the little dolls on the field ridge, “Grandma is going to fertilize, take your sister out of there, go to that tree, hurry up!”

Dawa Erwa covered her nose and quickly pushed Mengmeng to the bottom of the big tree. It was a tall toon tree. It seemed that a lot of new shoots had sprung up overnight. Especially energetic, in the eyes of Dawa Erwa, they are also very delicious.

The big baby raised his head and saw that his neck was sore, and he said with saliva: “Sister, you haven’t tasted the taste of toon sprouts, brother told you that it is delicious, and when grandma comes back, we will call her Hook some toon sprouts to go home, I will make you scrambled eggs with toon sprouts today, do you want to eat them?”

Mengmeng Shui Lingling’s big eyes flickered, and her brother said that she was looking forward to it. Her little head nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and a suspicious light flashed quickly from her mouth.

Seeing her like this, Erwa straightened her chest and said bravely, “Why don’t we wait for grandma to come back, can’t we just climb up and pick it up by ourselves?”

“No way!” Dawa said very seriously with a face like a big brother: “It’s too dangerous to climb a tree. Grandma won’t let us go up. Hey, Huzi, why did you go up?”

When they were arguing, Huzi climbed up on his own with three or two strokes. Although his body looked like a ball, he climbed trees quickly, and his four white claws were very powerful. He grabbed the tree trunk and drove its furry body to the tree.

“Wow, Huzi crawls so fast, is Huzi going to pick leaves for us? Huzi, you are so kind! Hey Huzi, why did you go there? The leaves over there are too old and not tasty, let’s go. Come here.”

Dawa stood under the tree and gave instructions anxiously, but Huzi didn’t listen to him at all. It went all the way to the top of the toon tree, and the orange fluff was looming in the canopy, if it wasn’t for Dawa and Erwa watching It climbed up without knowing where it was hiding.

They waited anxiously under the tree, and finally saw Huzi coming out of the canopy with something in his mouth, and climbed down the trunk again. At first they thought it was a toon sprout, but when Huzi got close, they realized that it was a fluffy yellow ball. Huzi spit it out and put it on the ground. This thing can’t fly, and it is chatting called out.

Both the eldest child and the second child thought it was very strange, and they pointed around the thing and said, “Huzi, why did you catch the chick, and why did the chick run up the tree?”

“Where is this chick? This is clearly the eagle’s child, the little eagle.”

Mrs. Feng didn’t know when she had finished her farm work and came over. She recognized at a glance that this little chicken-like thing was a small eagle. She looked up at the tree canopy and said, “Huzi, where did you catch this thing? You can’t catch the stuff, be careful when the mother finds it.”

People in the mountains always know the danger of eagles. This beast is especially protective of cubs. What if he finds him home? There are so many children at home. Madam Feng was so anxious that her buttocks were on fire, she waved her hands and shouted loudly. : “Huzi, send it back quickly, where did it come from, and where it came from, hurry up.”

But Hu Zi lied on the ground and pretended not to hear, and licked his paws leisurely, making Mrs. Feng so angry that she almost succumbed to it, not knowing what to do with it.

After observing for a long time, Dawa pointed to the place where Huzi had just come down and said, “Honey, this little eagle was caught by Huzi from the tree. There is no eagle on it at all, so let’s take it home and keep it?”

Madam Feng put her hand on the pergola and looked over. There was indeed no eagle on the canopy, not even a bird’s nest. She put down her hand and looked at the little eagle on the ground and said, “It’s strange, eagles don’t all live here. Is it on the edge of a cliff? Why did you run up to this tree?”

Erwa heard his grandmother say it was a little eagle, and he was happy first. He once saw an eagle fly past from the sky. If you have such a dog, it’s a lot of fun to talk about it.

He walked up to his milk, took her hand and shook it twice and said, “Damn, let’s take it home and keep it, how about we keep it together with the chicken?”

Madam Feng withdrew her hand, squatted on the ground and looked at the little eagle carefully. It had two black mung bean eyes on its head. It was as fluffy as a chicken, but its bright yellow beak. But it is very sharp, like a small hook, and it looks like a bird of prey. At this moment, it was hopping on the ground with its two small claws, and it chirped at them. It didn’t seem to be afraid of life at all, and it was particularly arrogant.

After listening to Erwa’s words, Mrs. Feng was going to make him laugh stupidly. She patted him on the forehead and said, “Do you know what to eat and drink with this thing? It’s different from chicken. You have to eat the freshest thing every day. The good meat, you have to drink the cleanest water, without it, you can’t feed it.”

The second baby was about to cry with disappointment on his face, but as long as he thought of the mighty and majestic eagle, his little man’s heart became hot again, and he begged his milk and said, “Nice, my brother and I will make things by ourselves. Feed it, and let us feed it, okay?”

Madam Feng looked at the sky and saw no eagle coming back for so long. Even Mengmeng pouted and said she wanted “Eagle”. Madam Feng was relieved first, but she warned with a hard voice. : “This is what you said by yourself. I don’t care about serving it. If you two die, don’t cry for me.”

The big baby and the second baby jumped up on the spot with joy, quickly grabbed the little eagle on the ground and held it in his hand, put it into his heart, and carefully guarded it all the way back home.

As soon as the big baby got home, he worked diligently. He made a nest with some dry straw, put the eagle in it, and went to the well to dig some well water, put it in a small bowl, and put it on the eagle. Under his mouth, seeing that it really drank, Dawa’s mood was like a flower, and he was particularly excited to beg his milk to go to the kitchen to cut some fresh shredded meat for Xiaoying.

Madam Feng actually felt that this thing could not survive, but she was willing to keep her little grandchildren fresh for two days. She stood up and went into the kitchen, and when she came out again, she had a plate of fresh shredded pork in her hand.

She put the plate of fresh shredded pork in front of the little eagle. Unexpectedly, as soon as this little thing smelled the meat, the two little mung bean eyes instantly looked like cross-eyed eyes, and they looked over and waited for it. After seeing it clearly, he chirped very loudly, and swooped at the plate of fresh meat.

This thing is probably hungry too, and it looks very fierce when it picks up the shredded meat, but when it finishes eating the meat, Mengmeng stretches out her chubby little hand to touch it, and it also obediently lets people touch it.

Mrs. Feng was very interesting to watch. This eagle is not squeamish at all, and he is very family. Maybe he can really support him. She quickly thought that this was an eagle caught by Huzi, and whether it was also given to her by Grandpa Mountain God. An eagle can catch prey, and if it grows up…

The more she thought about it, the more beautiful she became, so she couldn’t help laughing out loud, causing the big baby next to her to tremble.

Madam Feng glared at the two of them angrily, and when she looked at Xiao Ying again, a wolf-grandmother-like smile appeared on her face, she touched her chin and said, “Since it’s an animal in our family, I have to get one for you. Name, um, you’ll be called Xiao Jin in the future.”

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