Pamper Eighties

Chapter 210

Winter has come to spring, and the little dolls in the village have grown a year older. Mengmeng is ten years old, and she is already a fifth-grade elementary school student. Even if you are still carefree at night, you know how to play.

Brother Rui is also in the second semester of the first year of junior high. On weekdays, besides studying, he just goes to the mountain to practice.

Several months have passed, and his master still hasn’t come back. Even for the New Year, there is no news of Ling Xuzi. Time is quietly waiting, day by day, Rui brother said not to worry, that is. fake.

Ling Xuzi is his master, how can he not worry, but he has no way to let him go to Thailand to find someone, he doesn’t even know where it is, I’m afraid that when he gets there, he can’t find a place at all, after thinking about it, Just wait.

The wait was the longest. Brother Rui remembered all the good things his master had done to him, and his heart felt sour.

Such a good old man, the only thought is to let him practice martial arts well and pass on the martial art in the future, how can he bear to disappoint the old man.

Therefore, Brother Rui practiced martial arts more and more diligently after his master left. He didn’t need to be urged by others.

No, he just finished a set of boxing in the mountains in the morning, and practiced the mental method taught by his master several times. After collecting the gong, he rushed to Guanli, but met Mengmeng at the gate of Guanli.

He saw the chubby little monkey in Mengmeng’s arms, and he didn’t know what breed it was. It had been almost a year, and the little monkey was still as big as it used to be, like a piggy, only knew how to gain weight. Not knowing how to grow up, Brother Rui walked over and hugged the monkey away, so as not to make Mengmeng tired.

“Mengmeng, why are you here? Do you have anything to do with me?”

Mengmeng was very affectionate to the little monkey, and even reached out to touch it and said with a smile: “Aren’t you going to dig orchids in the mountains? We all go.”

She pointed to the little dolls standing in front of the wishing tree, and then Brother Rui noticed that they were all carrying bamboo baskets and waiting there.

He smiled briskly and nodded, showing his handsomeness as a young man. Since he was still in the period of voice change, he simply said “um”.

Brother Rui didn’t want to talk more, but in the eyes of Mengmeng’s questioning, he quickly broke his skills and said in his hoarse voice of adolescence: “Mengmeng, wait for me, I’ll go in and get the bamboo basket.”

He really couldn’t love his drake’s voice, so he quickly said goodbye to Mengmeng, ran to the inside to get the tools, explained to the gatekeeper again, and ran back quickly.

“Let’s go.” He pretended to hold Mengmeng, but Mengmeng avoided him sensitively.

After a year, Mengmeng suddenly felt that she had grown up and would not let people hold hands like she did when she was a child.

Brother Rui was disappointed. He only felt that his hand was empty, and together with his heart, it was also empty and unfulfilled. Did my sister dislike his voice?

He didn’t want to speak so badly, alas, when will this annoying adolescence pass.

Brother Rui touched his cheek, it was very smooth, but fortunately there was no acne, otherwise Mengmeng would have disliked him even more.

Brother Rao Shirui has always been very confident. In front of Mengmeng, he still can’t help worrying about gains and losses. He is often worried about what he has done wrong, which attracts Mengmeng’s white eyes, and that budding heart is always happy and sometimes sweet.

Mengmeng didn’t think as much as he thought. She is a heartless child who only knows how to play in the mountains, and doesn’t take orchids seriously at all.

Longling in spring is the most beautiful, all kinds of bright flowers are blooming, and the mountains and plains are like a carpet, attracting many butterflies and bees. They linger in the flowers diligently, bringing joy to this spring.

Along the way, they encountered a lot of tourists. These tourists have no resistance to those flowers. They jumped into the flowers in surprise, attracting bees and butterflies for a while, and they kept urging people to take pictures. very busy.

Mengmeng kept a bunch of flowers in her hands, all colors, which she picked by herself, smelling the fragrance of the flowers, she finally remembered what she was coming for.

“Hurry up and look for orchids. Let’s go to the stream and see if there are any.”

She greeted her friends to go to the stream. Due to the mineral water factory, the stream here is also set up with railings. Tourists cannot enter. Only the dolls can enter under the leadership of Rui Geer.

The stream was gurgling, smoothing the green water plants, like a woman’s hair. In this hair, there were still peach blossoms that floated down from the upstream.

The little monkey also followed. It looked at the peach petals curiously, and stretched out its claws to reach it. Often, just as soon as it put the peach blossom in its palm, it was washed away by the fast running water, and it was so anxious that it scratched its feet. gills, squeaking.

The tiger standing on the shore is very disdainful. For this mentally handicapped little monkey, it is not pleasing to the eye. Isn’t it just a little bit smaller and cute? Moe’s attention was stolen.

The more Huzi looked at it, the more unpleasant he felt, and he pretended to walk over inadvertently. With a sway of his butt, he suddenly bumped the monkey into the stream, and walked away pretending not to notice.

“Hahaha, little loach, why are you so stupid that you fell into the stream.” The dolls were laughing at it.

The little loach is the nickname of the monkey. Because it is not slippery and loves to play tricks, Mrs. Feng named it Little Loach. I have to say that this name is really appropriate.

No, the little loach knew that Huzi did it, it pointed straight at Huzi, bared its teeth and barked, wanting Mengmeng to do justice to it.

What it didn’t expect was that Mengmeng was being attracted by a surprising wild flower, and didn’t notice it and Huzi at all.

This kind of flower has only a small clump, the leaves are like green onions, it grows into a round hollow tube, and the top is also pointed. The flowers it blooms are very strange, and Mengmeng has never seen it before.

One, two, three, four, five, six, there are only six flowers in total, but each one is different, some are light blue, some are plain white, two are blue, and the other two are red and white.

Such peculiar colors are paired with their peculiar flower patterns. The pale blue one resembles a parrot’s beak, the plain white one resembles a magnolia flower, and the red and white one is very common, like a spring orchid. The strangest thing is the two blue flowers. It was as if two people were holding up cloaks.

Taking a closer look, the flower bud also has a nose and eyes, and even a mouth. The stamen is its tongue, thin and pointed, and it looks a little weird.

The petals it lifts have a thin floral dress attached to the back. The amazing thing is that it looks like a cloak fluttering in the wind. What kind of name does such a flower have?

Everyone gathered around the front of the wild flower, discussing it.

Sixi said, “This is definitely not one, there should be several.”

She pulled down the roots, but found that this bunch of flowers was clearly a complete plant, and it was born with such a strange look.

Erwa pondered and said with experience: “This is grafted, just like the fruit trees in our village. After grafting, different flowers grow.”

Liuwa immediately went to check the leaves. He quickly shook his head in disappointment and said, “Second brother, it was not grafted. There is no trace of grafting. I think it looks like this.”

“Strange, why does it have several kinds of flowers?”

Mengmeng has studied six flowers one by one, but she can’t figure out why. Although she has super powers, she can mutate orchids, but those mutated orchids are still like orchids in the end. She really couldn’t imagine this plant, let alone recognize its variety.

She asked the smartest person here: “Brother Rui, do you think it looks like an orchid?”

Brother Rui wasn’t sure, this thing didn’t have any features of orchids, but he had never seen such a flower.

He was sensitively aware that this might be a rare wild flower, perhaps an undiscovered species, and seeing the scrutiny eyes of tourists outside the fence, he quickly motioned the little dolls to surround the flowers.

“Don’t let people see it, let’s dig the flower back and study it slowly.”

Since the news of the Japanese buying orchids leaked, some people in the village have dreamed of making a fortune, and this dream has also spread to some tourists. When they came to travel, they also wanted to find rare orchids. Of course, until now, there have been no People find it.

The brothers cooperated very well. They didn’t need Mengmeng’s helper at all. They skillfully picked up the flowers and carefully wrapped the roots. Together with the moss next to them, they were tightly wrapped, and it was impossible to see what was inside. what.

Rare flowers are very valuable, and the Japanese like them the most. This is something that dolls understand.

When they dug this wild flower, they could immediately imagine the enthusiasm of the Japanese for it. Maybe they could sell it at a high price next time, so they couldn’t be more careful.

“Sister, are we going to continue going up the mountain?”

Erwa asked Mengmeng’s opinion. According to his opinion, if he finds this flower, it’s better to take it home quickly. Who knows if it will last for a long time.

Mengmeng was more interested in the origin of this flower. She patrolled Longling every day, but this plant escaped her search, and she didn’t know where it came from. Is there anything she doesn’t know about?

Mengmeng looked at the deep mountain range, her heart fell into contemplation, and after a while she said: “We are here to find orchids, let’s look in the mountains, little loach, Huzi, you two, hurry up and follow .”

Mengmeng followed everyone in front, but Huzi was very rare to fall behind. No one saw his eyes, and there was a hint of guilt in his eyes, and then he quickly disappeared, pretending to be nothing. , go with everyone to the deep mountains.

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