Pamper Eighties

Chapter 214

The tourist who took the lead stepped on the stone next to him, stuck out his tongue like a dog, and said, “This year, this summer is too hot, I’m sweating all over, and it’s killing me.”

The palm leaves in his hand kept fanning the wind, but it didn’t bring any coolness, because the surrounding air was hot, and the inside of the old forest was extraordinarily humid, making the group of them feel as if they were in a steamer. Stuffy, hot and humid, no different from steamed buns.

“The weather is too unusual, it wasn’t as hot as last year.”

The tourists who came with him to hunt for treasure also said the same. He stared at the strange clouds in the sky, and suddenly shouted: “Eh, eh, did you notice that these clouds look like hemp ropes, one by one, what is this? formed?”

“Why bother with so much?” The weather was too hot, and the leader had no patience, and only complained: “You still care about clouds? Why don’t you care more about orchids. We have been in the mountains several times, but we haven’t found a single orchid. This orchid is really It’s **** hard to find.”

“That’s right,” his companion patted his thigh bitterly and complained, “I’m going to break my legs from exhaustion. If God knows, they should let us make a fortune.”

It’s strange to say that so many people went up the mountain to look for it, but no one found orchids, not even the most common varieties. Could it be that the orchids in Longling have been plucked out?

The tourists didn’t give up. They cheered up and were about to continue their search. At this moment, a strange movement suddenly came from the woods.

I saw the quiet forest just now, and suddenly it became restless. The screams and rustling sounds of various animals sounded one after another, as if the animals were in a meeting.

Immediately afterwards, the bushes in there swayed wildly. Many rabbits, pheasants, deer, etc., all fled from the woods in a panic, passing the tourists like a fly without looking back. fled.

A flock of birds passed from the top of the tree, quacked and flew into the sky.

“What’s going on? Are these animals crazy?” The tourists from the city felt very strange and couldn’t figure out what was going on.

Only the tour guide in the village became vigilant. He glanced at the fellow villager next to him, and found the same panic in his eyes.

“No, it’s going to be an earthquake, let’s go quickly.”

The tour guides are still very experienced. They greeted the tourists and said, “I saw that cloud just now, and it looks like an earthquake cloud. The animals have all run away, so we have to run too. In case of an earthquake, we can’t escape.”

The tour guide took the lead to run outside, and the tourists behind said hesitantly: “No way, aren’t you all extinct volcanoes here? How can it be so…Oh, there’s an earthquake!”

Suddenly, the ground shook, as if the whole world was shaking, and the rumbling sound came from the ground on the ground of Kawashima, making the tourists dizzy and unable to even stand.

They began to cry for their father and mother, and this was too bad luck. After finally entering the mountain, they encountered an earthquake! Mom, hurry up and run for your life!

“Follow me, everyone, hurry, hurry, hurry.” The tour guides were still sober, and it was important to escape at the critical moment.

If there is an earthquake in the deep mountains and old forests, if one of the surrounding hillsides and big trees falls down, this group of people will suffer today, hurry up and escape with them.

In just a short while, the earthquake was so powerful that the surrounding mountains seemed to be shaking and could be smashed down at any time. Some rocks couldn’t help shaking and fell down rustlingly.

Where have the tourists ever seen such a scene, they all turned pale with fright, their legs kept shaking, and they didn’t dare to stay here, for fear of dying in the mountains.

There is an earthquake, this is not a joke, and the people in it are even more afraid. They regret it to the death, but they have a good life, but they have to get lost in their minds and run into this mountain to find some rhizoma orchid.

Well now, none of the orchids have been found, and their lives may be explained here.

The tourists were so panicked that their faces looked like dead people, and they could not wait to press the Hot Wheels on the soles of their feet in order to escape from this deep mountain.

Fortunately, Mengmeng didn’t want to hurt them. The earthquake was her trick. She just wanted to scare away the tourists. As for the flowers and plants in the mountains, she didn’t want to hurt them at all.

So the earthquake seems to be very big, but in fact it only broke a few stones. After those small animals calmed down in the mountains and forests, they hid back again.

But the tourists don’t know, neither do the villagers. They only know that there was an earthquake in Longling. Some people who don’t believe in evil will go into the mountain later, and the earthquake will happen again.

“My mother, why is this shaking and shaking, and it’s not over?”

Due to the earthquake, the villagers did not dare to go out casually. They squatted at home and felt the tremors from Longling again and again, and they were extremely afraid.

“It must be Grandpa Mountain God who is angry,” the villagers said in a dazzling manner. “Absolutely, we bring so many tourists into the mountain, maybe one of them will annoy the Grandpa Mountain God, and the old man is not happy.”

Recently, there have been frequent earthquakes in Longlingli, and there are no tourists. Occasionally, there are one or two foreigners who are not afraid of death, and they only come to Taoyuan Village for tourism. .

They found Feng Yimin and said, “Village chief, now that there is an earthquake in Tian’er, and no one in the village is here, what should we do?”

Feng Yimin was also very distressed. He comforted the villagers and said, “These are all small earthquakes, and there will be no danger. I have already reported to the top, and the experts also said the same. If you are afraid, you can go to visit your relatives. Come back when you shake.”

“Those tourists, I have no choice.” He spread his hands and said, “Everyone is afraid of death. We are already like this here, and we can’t blame tourists for not coming.”

The people of Taoyuan Village have lived in Longling for generations. Although there are few earthquakes, they have encountered them. They didn’t panic at all. Besides, if they wanted to escape, they had nowhere to escape. Their home is here. Nobody wants to run away.

“It’s a pity that there are so many tourists. If no one comes, how will our village make money?”

This is what worries the villagers the most. They can’t help but link the earthquake with the Mountain God, and they wonder: “What is the Mountain God blaming, the old man said, let’s get it right, it’s so shocking. , what should I do if I scare people?”

Mengmeng quietly walked in from outside the house, hee hee hee, this is her purpose, it would be better if no one came, and no one can disturb Longling anymore.

She ran to Feng Yimin, climbed on his lap, and said, “Dad, there are a lot of experts outside, saying they are looking for you.”

“Oh, someone from above was sent to see it.” Feng Yimin pulled Mengmeng to stand up, and explained to the people in the village, “Everyone, go back, the earthquake is not something we don’t want, I’ll go first. Meet the experts.”

He walked out the door first, and Mengmeng followed, and met Professor Hao in the brigade in the village.

“Grandpa Hao, why are you here?” Mengmeng greeted Professor Hao with a smile.

Professor Hao waved to her and said, “It’s Mengmeng, come to Grandpa Hao.”

He pointed to the people in the hall, “There’s my old colleague there. I’ll come and help. There’s an earthquake here, why don’t you leave.”

Mengmeng said confidently: “This is my home, I’m not afraid.”

She wasn’t interested in listening to the experts’ speeches, so she just pestered Professor Hao and said, “Grandpa Hao, last time you gave me that golden jade watermelon. I ate it very well. I planted the seeds on the ground, and now they have grown.”

“Oh yes? What does it look like?”

To Mengmeng’s surprise, Professor Hao didn’t care much about earthquakes. Maybe he already knew that it wasn’t a big earthquake, and there was no need to make a fuss. Seeing him bravely appeared in the village, it showed that he was not worried.

Mengmeng described it to him carefully: “Well, a lot of leaves have grown, and they are still wrapped around the bamboo poles. I planted them in the canteen. Do you want to go and have a look?”

Professor Hao always smiled, nodded and said, “Then take me to see it.”

Mengmeng took him out of the brigade and met Brother Rui as soon as he went out.

“Sister, didn’t I tell you, I told you to stay at home and don’t come out, there is a danger of an earthquake outside.”

Although the earthquake is no longer there, Brother Rui still can’t help worrying about what if Mengmeng runs outside and the earthquake happens again.

Mengmeng pointed at him slyly and said, “You ran out too, of course I can come out too. We want to see watermelon, do you want to go?”

Brother Rui had forgotten the purpose of his visit, and followed directly behind, “Are you going to see your golden jade watermelon? I just watered it yesterday, and it’s growing very well.”

This small group discussed watermelons as if the earthquake didn’t exist at all. Not to mention how easy it was, Professor Hao couldn’t help but be surprised.

The reason why he was not afraid was because he already knew the reason. His old colleague told him that the earthquake was a slight crustal movement and had little impact, but he did not expect that the little dolls in this village were not worried either.

Mengmeng thought he was scared, and promised, “Grandpa Hao, we have the protection of the mountain **** in Longling and won’t hurt us, so you can rest assured.”

They went to the canteen together and found that the watermelon seedling really grew very well, the green leaves, the bamboo poles, and even the vines were very watery.

Professor Hao’s eyes lit up, and he surrounded the watermelon seedling in surprise and said, “You can actually feed it. The survival rate of this watermelon is very low, and it is not easy to survive in the experiment. I didn’t expect it to grow like this. good.”

He looked at Mengmeng a little embarrassedly, and tentatively asked, “Mengmeng, Grandpa Hao wants to dig it back into the laboratory for research, do you think it’s possible?”

He really couldn’t say the next words, it was really embarrassing for a professor to grab watermelon seedlings with a little baby.

Mengmeng was unusually generous, so she immediately agreed: “I’ll give it to you. Just take it back and study it. When you get watermelons in the future, remember to give me a few more.”

“Hahaha, so you want to eat watermelon. I want your watermelon seedlings, and I will definitely return your watermelon.”

Professor Hao was very happy. After he dug out the watermelon seedlings, he told Mengmeng, “You are also worried about the tourists. The above said it’s fine. Tourists will come in the future. It’s fine if they don’t come. With characteristic agriculture and so many factories, there is no need to worry about making money.”

He thinks that the villagers are obsessed. Even if Taoyuan Village does not rely on tourism, it can develop by relying on other industries. However, he did not intend to elaborate on these words to the dolls. He thinks that they should not understand and get the watermelon seedlings. , and hurried to the laboratory.

Mengmeng sent him away. She stood inside the gate of the canteen, looking at the empty beach in the distance, and suddenly said to Brother Rui, “Brother Rui, are you saying that Grandpa Mountain God is wrong?”

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