Pamper Eighties

Chapter 220

Brother Rui built this high school for two years. When the high school was finally built, Brother Rui also transformed from a thirteen-year-old boy into a handsome and extraordinary young man.

I don’t know how he grows. Obviously his father and his father are not too tall. When he arrived at Brother Rui’s place, he actually grew up to be tall, 1.8 meters tall. After searching the whole village, he couldn’t find a few. Anyone who sees him will praise him: This guy is really tall.

This morning, he got up very early, ran to the mountain to fight, and then checked the inside and outside of the Zhenlongguan. When it was almost time, he slowly ran down the mountain.

“Have you eaten yet, Brother Rui, are you still not going to school?” The old neighbor who knew each other in the village, when he got up early and was watering the flowers at the door, saw Brother Rui as soon as he looked up.

“Grandpa Red Scholar,” Brother Rui called out politely, and said with a nice curvature at the corner of his mouth, “I’ll go to school with Xiaoxi.”

The second baby is Xiaoxi. They are in the same class. Brother Rui clearly said that he was looking for the second baby, but he was actually looking for Mengmeng.

Mengmeng is already twelve years old, and has the appearance of a little girl, but she is still the same as when she was a child, and she especially likes to sleep late.

When the whole family got up in the morning, she woke up in a daze, sat on the bed with the sheets, and when she heard the sound outside, she yawned again, rubbed her eyes and got out of bed.

Sitting in front of the dressing table, she combed her hair first. Although she slept all night, her long hair was still like black satin, soft and shiny, as if she had applied hair oil. Just combed.

Mengmeng especially loves smug beauty, and even put a thin layer of vanishing cream on her face. This vanishing cream was bought in the largest shopping mall in the provincial capital. It is purely imported from France, and it smells good after applying it. It was tender and smooth, adding another layer of brilliance to her white and greasy skin.

After doing this, she opened the closet and started changing clothes.

The small nightdress made of silk slipped on the ground, Mengmeng changed into a water blue dress, summer is here, she prefers this cool color, and then stretches, the buds on the chest have grown into the shape of flower buds.

She is always patient when she does these things, her movements are unhurried, with an indescribable charm. In the words of her grandmother, their Mengmeng has finally grown up.

“Bao, are you up yet? It’s time to eat.” Madam Feng’s voice was precise, and when Mengmeng just changed her clothes, it rang outside the door.

“Squeak-yah.” The door opened, Mengmeng flew into her grandmother’s arms like a milk swallow, hugged her milk very affectionately, and kissed her on the face.

“Good morning, milk, what are you eating this morning?”

Mengmeng grew up to twelve years old, and old lady Feng also grew twelve years old, but from her face, she could not see the traces of the years, and she did not look old at all, and it is no exaggeration to say that the whole In Taoyuan Village, no old sister is stronger than her.

She patted her granddaughter’s back and smiled very happily. Even the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes turned into peach blossoms. She looked more than ten years younger than her old sisters.

“I picked some Dendrobium candidum this morning. I squeezed it into juice for you. I mixed it with half a cup of Tai Sui water. Xiao Jin wanted to drink it secretly, but I drove him away.”

She came to the main room with Mengmeng’s arms on her shoulders. Breakfast was already set in the dining room. In Mengmeng’s place, there was the cup of green and freshly squeezed Dendrobium dendrobium juice.

The people of the old Feng family often drink this drink, and old lady Feng also often drinks it. She thinks that she is young because of this drink, and after watching Mengmeng drink it, she greets her for breakfast.

“This seafood porridge was made by your mother early in the morning. It contains your favorite scallops, as well as shredded abalone, shrimp and crab. Be careful with the heat.”

She pushed the bowl of porridge in front of Mengmeng, watched Mengmeng eat with a smile, pushed her a few plates of side dishes, and said lovingly, “Eat more, don’t be nervous about the exam later, grandma It’s ready for you, your exam bag and so on are all in your school bag, let your sixth brother take it for you.”

Today is the exam for Mengmeng’s primary school. In a few days, she will graduate from primary school. Although the exam is in the village, her family attaches great importance to it.

A few days in advance, they went to the school to go to the school, wrote down the classroom and the test number, and prepared new pens, erasers, scratch paper for her, for fear of being a little sloppy, Bi Mengmeng this candidate Even more nervous.

Mengmeng ate quietly, and the relatives around her did not dare to speak loudly. Feng Yimin glanced at his daughter-in-law and suggested her to speak with his eyes.

With a smile at the corner of Su Wan’s mouth, she glanced at her man, and then said to her daughter, “Dear baby, don’t be nervous during the exam. Mom taught you, if you are nervous, take a deep breath and treat the invigilator as a teacher. Cabbage, if you don’t know something, skip to it first.”

“I see, Mom.” Mengmeng raised her face from the bowl, she didn’t look nervous at all, but comforted her family: “This exam is very easy, I got the first place in the mock exam. Name, the teacher said it’s not a big problem.”

Mengmeng has confidence in herself, she is the top student in the class, she is just taking the test for the junior high school, she is sprinkled with water. Besides, even if she didn’t do well in the exam, in their village, if she wanted to go to junior high school, she could go to junior high school. Who let this junior high school open in their village?

The junior high school in Taoyuan Village has become a well-known school after years of running a school. Every year, there are many students who are admitted to secondary schools, and even more are admitted to high schools. Once the enrollment rate is high, it attracts many students. Come here to read.

Being able to go to the junior high school in Taoyuan Village is equivalent to half a foot in a secondary school. In the future, it will not be a problem to have a household registration in the city and find a job.

Therefore, in order to squeeze in here, those students outside all sharpen their heads and study hard. Only with good grades can they be admitted.

Mengmeng and the other students in the village took advantage of it. You don’t need to have high grades, you can go to school if you want. There are subsidies for families who are in difficulty. Lunch is provided in the school every day. No wonder the villagers are rushing their babies to go to school. They can, of course, they are very happy.

Mengmeng ate quietly, listening obediently to her grandparents, parents, and mother’s concern for her, nodding in agreement, picking up a spoon and delivering it to her mouth, eating very quietly.

It was different for the brothers sitting next to them. They devoured it like a ghost reincarnated from starvation. They didn’t know how to write Sven at all, and they were very sympathetic to their sister.

It’s not easy to see Mengmeng, and it’s not easy to eat a meal. You have to listen to the nagging of the adults. They are better boys, and no one nagging them.

They were secretly rejoicing in their hearts when they suddenly heard their grandmother say: “And you Liuwa, you are in the same class as Mengmeng, and you are a brother, you can’t take the test too badly, Mengmeng is the first in the test, you just take the test. Come back in second place.”

“What?” Liuwa was dumbfounded when he heard it. He said with a bitter face: “Mother, you are too embarrassing for me. Last time I took the mock test, I got more than 20 places, not the second place. Milk.”

“Why don’t you say that your parents are stupid. You and Mengmeng were taught by the same teacher after giving birth to an idiot like you. How can Mengmeng get the first place in the exam, but you can’t get the second place?”

Madam Feng shunned him, gave him a task and said, “In short, I don’t care, you have to do better in the test, so as not to say it is too shameful.”

Liuwa dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, he made a face, and said with a hilarious smile: “Mom, didn’t you say you won’t put pressure on us? I’ll be nervous if you are like this. When I’m nervous, I don’t know what to do.”

“Bullshit, I still don’t know you kid?” Madam Feng rolled her eyes, “Mengmeng is very conscious, we don’t need to care about it at all, of course we won’t put pressure on her. Can you do the same? Don’t put pressure on you, you You can be poor, if you don’t keep an eye on it, you can’t go to heaven?”

Liuwa pursed his mouth bitterly. After all he said, he focused the fire on him. He believes in the 600,000-year-old. The last time he was able to get into the 20s, he was already a superstar. The level has been played, why do these people expect so much from him?

He was worrying about it, and his eyes rolled around, thinking about what to say, when he suddenly saw the courtyard door open and a figure walked in.

“It’s Brother Rui, Brother Rui is here.” Liuwa was so happy as if seeing a relative, Bei’er greeted Brother Rui warmly: “Come on, sit down, Brother Rui, have you eaten? Eat more. Come on.”

“I’m full, you eat slowly.”

Brother Rui greeted everyone, and then pulled out the chair opposite Mengmeng and sat on it.

His gentle and fair facial features are against the light, like a knife carved, from the forehead to the root to the bridge of the nose, forming a beautiful arc, just sitting there waiting quietly, just like Mengmeng brothers Much nicer.

Seeing such a handsome young man, Mrs. Feng liked it the most. She forgot about her unhappy grandson and said to Brother Rui with a smile: “Brother Rui, you and Erwa will take Mengmeng to school later, let’s see. Follow her, don’t go to the wrong classroom. I have all the test bags ready, you can take a look, what else is missing? “

She handed Mengmeng’s schoolbag to Brother Rui, took it out as she watched him, and checked it carefully. Even the compass was carefully adjusted, and her smile deepened.

Look, look, this looks like a big brother. I can’t blame Mrs. Feng for being biased. It’s really a good-looking and caring guy like Brother Rui, which elder doesn’t like it.

“Grandma Feng, I’ve checked everything, and there’s no problem.” Brother Rui raised his head, a sliver of bangs scattered between his brows, and a pair of black eyes stared intently at the person, like the ancient ink that Mengmeng had kept.

“I know where Mengmeng’s classroom is. Don’t worry, I will definitely send her to the classroom.”

He is more concerned than the Feng family. Mengmeng will soon be enrolled in junior high school. In a few years, she will enter high school. After that, she will grow up. After so many years of waiting, he finally has hope.

Brother Rui’s smile was so brilliant that several women in the Feng family also laughed.

Su Wan said gratefully: “It’s also you who have the heart. In two weeks, you will have to take the high school entrance examination. Remembering us Mengmeng is really difficult for you. Auntie thank you in advance.”

Brother Rui didn’t dare to accept this thank you, so he quickly declined and said, “You’re welcome, Auntie, Mengmeng will definitely get good grades in the exam. We Mengmeng are the smartest.”

Mengmeng ate obediently and didn’t respond. Everyone was praising her, and she was embarrassed. If she didn’t get good grades in the exam, she couldn’t be sorry for so many people who cared about her.

“Milk, I’m full.” She put down the tableware, stood up lightly, and wanted to pick up her schoolbag, but Brother Rui refused to let him, so she had to go out empty-handed.

The old lady Feng kept going all the way to the door, and said without hesitation: “Take the test well, don’t be nervous, after the test, grandma will cook you a red egg to eat.”

She watched her grandchildren surrounded her little granddaughter and slowly disappeared into the alley in front of the door. She was suddenly very glad that their village had opened a new high school, otherwise Mengmeng would go to school outside, how much she would miss it.

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