Pamper Eighties

Chapter 244

“It’s so annoying. Who the **** reported us?”

In the village committee, a group of village cadres sat around the table, scolding the nosy person. They raise pandas in their villages, and they are happy to raise them if it’s about other people. What’s the matter?

Yuan Zai also stayed in the conference room. He was lying at Mengmeng’s feet honestly, with his arms around Mengmeng’s left foot, his snow-white belly was open, and he slept soundly, unaware that others were talking about him. .

Miao Lihua also followed the crowd to scold her. She suddenly pointed at Yuan Zai and said, “Look, Yuan Zai is so good. If someone from above is sent to arrest him, I will be the first to refuse.”

The cadres on the side nodded and said, “Yes, yes, Yuanzai is an animal in our village, and we must not let anyone take it away.”

They also know that Yuanzai is a very precious animal, and because it is very precious, they want to keep it in the village, and maybe it will bring some fame to the village in the future.

Taking 10,000 steps back, they said that even if they wanted to send Yuan Zai away, the old Feng family would not agree. Rather than offending Feng Shengli and his son, it would be better to sell it.

One of the cadres suggested: “Old village chief, you hide Yuan Zai, don’t let the people above find it, won’t they have nothing to do with us?”

Feng Guoqiang patted the table and said, “Yes, anyway, let’s not admit it, they can’t let us change into a panda.”

Zhang Guangming lowered his eyelids and pondered. When the cadres finally finished speaking, he asked Old Man Feng, “Uncle, what do you think?”

Old man Feng had some calculations in his mind, he glanced at Mengmeng, and said to everyone: “Yuanzai will always live in our village, and he will definitely be seen, we can dodge this time, and we can’t dodge the next time. .”

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, old man Feng’s eyes flashed with a hint of shrewdness, and he said in a loud voice, “I see, let’s take this opportunity to correct Yuanzi Zhengyi’s name, so that he can live in our village upright. write.”

Zhang Guangming raised his eyebrows and asked, “Uncle, do you have any ideas?”

“Hey, everyone, listen to me…”

The old man Feng touched his chin and told them his plan, and he didn’t forget to explain: “This matter needs the cooperation of the village, you help me to talk to the villagers, as long as it can be done in the end, I will give it to each one. Every family gives out red envelopes.”

The old man Feng said it boldly. To say who is the richest in Taoyuan Village, Feng Shengli dared to say second, no one dared to say first, and he could still afford a small red envelope.

The cadre underneath said a little embarrassedly: “Uncle, you are too polite. We all live in the same village. It is our duty to help each other. How can I get your red envelope?”

The old man Feng waved his hands, smiled and said, “I don’t want the villagers to help me in vain. You can bring it to them. Whoever helps me Feng Shengli, I will not treat him badly.”

After the meeting in the brigade, the old man Feng left with Mengmeng, Yuanzai followed behind them, his two small eyes staring at the road, letting the little dolls on both sides of the alley call it, it also Pretend not to hear.

Since the last time he was surrounded by people under the apple tree, Yuan Zai’s little heart has been hurt. He has become a lot more honest recently, and he doesn’t go out to wave anymore, for fear that the little master will teach him a lesson.

At this moment, Yuan Zai was walking with her head buried in it, when she heard the little master asking her grandfather, “Why do you give red envelopes to the villagers? Aren’t we all villagers?”

The old man Feng said with a smile: “No matter how much you kiss, you can’t kiss money. In these days, there is no one who can’t live with money.”

He saw that there was still doubt on Mengmeng’s face, thinking that his granddaughter was getting older, and he should let her know a little about the truth of dealing with others, so he took the opportunity to say: “Mengmeng, grandpa wants you to remember that the villagers are willing to help that It’s love, if you don’t help, you can’t blame them.”

He looked into the distance and said wisely, “Your dad is still a secretary in the town, so he can’t let people talk about it. If you can solve things with money, you can use money as much as possible, and don’t owe favors easily, do you remember? ?”

Mengmeng nodded deeply and said, “I see, Grandpa, our family has money, and we don’t lack any money. Anything that can be solved with money is a trivial matter, isn’t it, Grandpa?”

“Hahaha, you just understand.”

Old Man Feng looked at his granddaughter with admiration. He kicked Yuan Zai gently and said, “Go, go home and teach you this panda well, it’s all your fault.”

Hey, he didn’t even hide.

Yuan Zai blindfolded his eyes in grievance, but he was lucky, two small black eyeballs emerged from the slits of his claws, and when he found that old man Feng was staring at it, he suddenly snorted and blindfolded his eyes again.

“You little slicker, I’ll take care of you when I get home.”

Old man Feng took Yuan Zai home, gave him a slap in the face, and threw him in the mountains, letting Hu Zi and Xiao Jin watch him.

When it was almost noon, someone came to Taoyuan Village to look for pandas. They were quite big, and they were actually sent by the Forest Public Security Bureau, as well as people from the provincial zoo.

The first police officer, who was about thirty years old, wore a green police uniform and said to Zhang Guangming with a serious expression: “We received a report that someone in your village has stolen pandas. You are the party secretary of the village, and you should know whose house they are raising them in. Bar?”

“I’m wronged, Comrade Public Security, no one keeps pandas in our village. Where did you hear it? It’s a huge injustice.” Zhang Guangming waved his hand and said with sincerity.

“Injustice?” The policeman lost his face, and snorted out of his nose, “We already have photos here, how dare you say I’ve been wronged?”

He took out a photo from the bag and swayed it in front of the village cadres. The panda in the photo was the Yuanzai of their village. It was sitting on the branch of a tree, holding an apple and nibbling happily. Reality.

The police put away the photo and said, “Well, since we’re here, it means we have the evidence. I kindly advise you to be lenient when you confess, and strict when you resist! If we find out, you village cadres will all be fine. It has to be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.”

“Who to scare, when we are the big ones?”

Miao Lihua is a woman, and it is difficult for others to reply, only she pretended to be very aggressive and shouted back: “We haven’t seen the panda you mentioned. You ask a hundred times and we haven’t seen it.”

At this time, a village cadre standing behind her suddenly pouted, this action was spotted by the police with sharp eyes, he immediately pointed at the village cadre and shouted: “You, tell me, have you seen a panda?”

The village cadre blushed, and under the cannibalistic eyes of the big guy, he hesitated and did not dare to speak.

“Wow, it really is a case.” The policeman was in a good mood, and immediately pointed at him and said, “Don’t be afraid, tell the truth, no one here dares to embarrass you.”

“I, I…” The village cadre moved his lips and suddenly gritted his teeth and said, “I saw it, the panda in your photo does exist.”

Zhang Guangming’s face changed dramatically, and he shouted loudly: “Feng Zhonghai, how dare you talk nonsense!”

“Shut up!” The police officer on the opposite side shouted louder than him. He felt that the truth was in Feng Zhonghai’s mouth, and quickly pulled him outside.

“Your name is Feng Zhonghai, isn’t it? Don’t be afraid, you can say anything and tell what you see. If anyone dares to embarrass you, I will report it to the superior.”

The zoo expert who followed behind him also implicitly threatened: “Poaching a first-class national protected animal is a serious crime and will be sentenced. I urge you to speak out quickly so as not to be implicated.”

It seems that his words made Feng Zhonghai finally make up his mind.

“I say.”

He raised his hand, glanced apologetically at the village cadres, and began to confess: “The first time I saw that panda was on the mountain behind the village.”

“I remember very clearly, that day my dad had a sore throat and told me to go to the mountain to pick some Hedyotis diffusa for him, so that he could make soup for him. I went up the mountain early in the morning and just walked to that hillside, yes, it was There.”

He stretched out his hand and pointed at Longling from a distance, as if caught in a deep memory and said: “I suddenly saw a black and white shadow, I was startled at the time, I thought I met a ghost in the morning, but I didn’t expect the next second, A monster came out of the grass! That’s right, the panda in your photo.”

Feng Zhonghai had lingering fears, he held his chest for a long time before showing a simple and honest smile and said, “I only know now that the thing is called a panda.”

Hey, this is different from what they think, doesn’t it mean that someone stole a panda, why does this panda sound like a wild one?

The forest police officer and the zoo experts looked at each other in dismay, and the police officer at the head asked, “What happened later? Was it taken away by someone from your village?”

Feng Zhonghai didn’t even think about it, so he shouted: “No, we can’t catch it at all, that thing doesn’t look stupid, it runs quite fast, and it hides in the mountains after two hoops, we are not at all. Can’t keep up with it.”

The head of the public security raised his eyebrows, and asked in a gushing confession: “So, you were thinking about catching that panda?”

“Yes, that panda is too cruel!”

Feng Zhonghai patted his thigh and said, “Not only does it hide in the mountain and it is scary, it also goes down the mountain and ruins our crops!”

He complained loudly: “The corn field in my house was completely destroyed by it. And the fruit tree planted by my uncle’s house was also climbed up and eaten by this beast. We saw that it looked strange and worried that it would hurt people. , and did not dare to rush up to drive it away, the loss would be huge.”

He leaned in front of the police chief and said, “Comrade Public Security, if you catch this beast, can you compensate us for our losses?”

Nonsense, the expert next to him couldn’t bear it anymore and jumped out to accuse him: “You are talking nonsense, pandas don’t like to eat corn at all, let alone your fruit, it eats bamboo, bamboo!”

Feng Zhonghai spread his hands and said, “Then I don’t know, and I don’t know what it is. I’ve told everything I know. Comrade Public Security, please help us catch that beast.”

The policeman frowned, why was it different from what they expected?

They originally thought that if there are people who have stolen pandas here, then they will find the pandas, send them to the zoo, and then arrest the people who have stolen them back to the bureau.

The policeman was not easy to fool. He stared at Feng Zhonghai suspiciously, then turned to Zhang Guangming and said, “If what he said is true, then since you all saw it, why did you say you didn’t see it?”

Zhang Guangming said that he was aggrieved: “Comrade Public Security, it is really wronged. Not many of us have seen the panda you mentioned. Every time it ran away before we could see it clearly. I also saw your photos. , only then did I know it belonged to a panda. Where do we country folks know about this thing?”

He suddenly patted his forehead and said, “Oh, I remembered it. It seems that someone told me that I saw it in the bamboo forest.”

“That’s right, it’s right in the bamboo forest.” The expert behind him was straightforward, and he said in confusion: “It’s strange, logically speaking, pandas shouldn’t be here. Why are there wild pandas here instead?”

The villagers who were watching burst into laughter, and one of the old farmers said: “We have dozens of mountains in Longling, and any animal may hide in it. I have not only heard of black and white pandas, but also of tigers. There are tigers in the mountains.”

The other villagers echoed: “Yes, I also heard that my grandfather’s grandfather, he used to go hunting in the mountains and saw black and white animals, maybe this panda, aren’t you people in the zoo? None of us country folks have the knowledge yet.”

Several experts felt incredible. If this is true, it is a major discovery. Pandas can not only grow in the north of Sichuan, Chongqing, and Shaanxi, but also in their southeastern coast!

Even the head of the police couldn’t make up his mind.

He has basically ruled out the suspicion of these people now. It was only when the whistleblower happened to meet a panda who was going down the mountain for food in the orchard, and there was a misunderstanding.

He confirmed to the villagers again and again: “You really read it right, that there are really pandas in the bamboo forest?”

“Yeah.” “Yeah.” “I saw it.” “I saw it too, then…”

In the village people’s gossip, the police finally connected the truth of the matter.

The truth is this: it was cold, and the pandas on the mountain were short of food, so they ran down the mountain to look for food. They happened to be bumped into by people in the village, and photos were taken by tourists outside.

An expert said excitedly: “Yes, it must be so. This is a shocking discovery. There are even wild giant pandas in the mountains and forests along the southeast coast. Everyone, we are all witnesses!”

His colleagues were so excited that they almost jumped up, shouting and guessing: “Maybe there is more than one, maybe a group, hurry up, hurry up and report to the province and tell the leader the good news.”

These days, experts also depend on their performance. If their guesses come true, their discoveries today will cause a sensation all over the world. At that time, all the fame and fortune will be like a joke. .

A group of experts were very excited, they had forgotten their original intention when they came, but they said to the village cadres in a good voice: “Fellow, this panda was found in your village, and you have seen it with your own eyes. I would like to ask you to help lead the way to find this panda on the mountain.”

Miao Lihua rolled her eyes and once again played the role of a shrew: “Just now you said that we stole it, but now you’re slapped in the face, why should we help you catch the pandas on the mountain?”

The surrounding villagers also put on a troll and said, “Yeah, experts, is that panda a very precious animal? You caught our panda, shouldn’t it benefit us?”

The head of the public security was suddenly unhappy. He pulled his face to the point and threatened them: “Pandas belong to the country, but you think you can extort money? I tell you, there is no benefit at all. If anyone dares to break the law, I will accept it. Take him back.”

The young people in the village immediately choked back and said, “Who is afraid of who? Only fools can do things that are not good. Let’s all go back, the work in the fields is not finished yet, so it’s a waste of time not to accompany this group of people here. “

They were about to leave as they talked, and the experts hurriedly stood up and said, “Wait a minute, you helped to find the pandas, which wasted time. After we have consulted the leaders, we will definitely compensate you.”

Seeing that the villagers seemed very excited, the expert added: “Even if the panda is caught, it may not be brought back. This is a major discovery and must be protected on the spot. Don’t worry, fellow villagers, you have found it here. Wild giant pandas will have more benefits in the future.”

“Okay then.” Zhang Guangming finally said, “Since the expert is so generous, the villagers can help out if you have time. Feng Zhonghai, haven’t you seen pandas with your own eyes? You lead the way.”

He blinked at Feng Zhonghai and said nothing.

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