Pamper Eighties

Chapter 263

The masters started talking in school the next day. The art of painting and calligraphy was about practice. So after the masters had finished talking about the theory, they put on the scene and prepared to demonstrate to the students.

This was nothing Mengmeng had to do at first, but in order to make it easier for her to steal the teacher, Chang Huaide let her follow her to help the masters, such as grinding ink and color matching, it was all her job. It seems that he is already the assistant of the masters.

Brother Rui was also at the scene. He sat under the stage and looked at Mengmeng who was busy on the stage with a smile on his lips.

The girls in the art department noticed Brother Rui early, and when they saw him staring at the **** the stage without blinking, they couldn’t help but feel sour.

Especially Xie Hua from the Art Department, she has expressed her goodwill to Brother Rui several times, but she didn’t expect that Brother Rui would be blind, thinking of her as air, and she felt very uneasy.

Xihua couldn’t hold her breath anymore, and couldn’t help but say to the people around her, “Who is that girl? I remember she’s not a student of our school, so why let her come?”

Her companion nodded vigorously and said, “Yeah, I’ve seen her come in from outside the school several times, and it’s definitely not from our school.”

“Yes?” Xihua cocked her nose in anger, and said with full of malice, “This woman must have taken a fancy to Zhang Sirui’s rich family, and she has chased her to the school, so shameless.”

Don’t think she doesn’t know, Zhang Sirui is the director of their school, and there are several businesses in his family. He has so much money that he can’t spend it all. He is actually fascinated by that girl. How can she be reconciled?

The more she thought about it, the more jealous she became, even her face was contorted, and she scolded angrily, “Bah, fox!”

The female student sitting in front of her finally couldn’t bear it anymore. She saw that this flower was not pleasing to the eye, she turned around abruptly, and said sarcastically, “I’m looking at other people who don’t know what you’re thinking, who is that girl, Say it and scare you to death.”

“Feng Yumeng, have you heard of it?”

Seeing Xie Hua’s pale face, she only felt very happy in her heart, and said even more proudly, “She is the only painter in our country who has won the United Nations award. Can’t think of it? Do you think they are the same as you? It’s a real joke. “

Xie Hua was so shocked by her words that she was speechless. She wanted to refute, but found that the language was so pale and powerless, no matter how arrogant she was, she could not deny that the distance between her and Feng Yumeng was as big as the sky and the earth.

The students sitting around her were stunned.

My God, that beautiful girl turned out to be Feng Yumeng! It was Feng Yumeng who won the first prize in the World Painting Competition at the age of fourteen! The person they admire most, Feng Yumeng!

After a long time, a boy stumbled and said, “Are you kidding me? Is she really Feng Yumeng?”

“Of course it’s her.” The girl said poignantly. “Yesterday, the vice-principal said it himself. I also heard Professor Chang calling her an apprentice. Those masters are also very kind to her. Don’t believe me? You can ask in the village.”

When she heard the news yesterday, she was as shocked as they were. Later, she ran to the village to inquire about it, and saw Feng Yumeng’s painting and her three big trophies with her own eyes.

When the classmates saw her like this, they no longer had any doubts. They all widened their eyes, staring at Feng Yumeng on the stage. That shocked appearance, as if seeing an idol, is really shocking and incredible.

The person they have always admired most often appears around them, but they don’t even know her, and they slander her everywhere. Now it seems that it is not Zhang Sirui who is blind, but they are blind themselves.

Not to mention how proud this girl is, she shared first-hand information and said, “I didn’t know it at first, but then I went to the village to see it, don’t tell me, Feng Yumeng’s paintings have aura, and she People are the same.”

After listening to it, the classmates were all yearning for it. They could not wait to go to the village after the lecture, but now, they are all looking at Mengmeng with surprise, just like watching idols.

Mengmeng also felt it. Fortunately, she was used to seeing big scenes, so she didn’t feel troubled because of this little glance.

Look at Feng Yumeng, this is the style of being a general, standing beside so many master-level people, he is not at all embarrassed. If it was on them, they would have panicked long ago, and they would definitely not be as calm as Feng Yumeng.

Mengmeng thought it was very strange. After the lecture was over, she asked Brother Rui, “Why do those students keep looking at me when I lectured just now?”

Of course, Brother Rui knew the reason, but he didn’t plan to tell her. Instead, he joked, “They think you look good, but who do you look at?”

He regretted letting Mengmeng go up, she was already beautiful, and compared with so many old men, of course the elders would prefer to see her, so Brother Rui couldn’t help but feel a little jealous.

But he thought about it and felt very proud, because Mengmeng is so good, so many people look up to her, and he can’t be left behind.

When Brother Rui returned home, he continued to fiddle with his computer, and often went to the teachers to discuss. He was busy every day, and he didn’t know what he was doing.

And Mengmeng also has new things to do. So many masters live in her master’s house, and she goes to them to ask for advice when she has time. Whether it’s painting or calligraphy, she has made more progress than before.

On this morning, the masters followed Chang Huaide to climb the highest peak of Longling, and stood on the top of the mountain, swaying their brushes and painting.

Mengmeng was also inside. She observed the peaks of Longling. They stood high above the sea of ​​clouds, swallowing clouds and mist, as if immortals would swim among them in the next second.

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath of the mountain air, and when she opened it again, those bright eyes flashed with aura, and she already had a clue in her heart.

She also came to the back of the drawing board, picked up the pen with ink, and began to swipe.

The empty mountains, the misty fog, the strangely steep pines, the cranes roaming in the sea of ​​clouds, and the immortals standing on the top of the mountain roaring, all appear gradually in her writing. With the wind.

“Well drawn.” The long-bearded Master Bai stood behind Mengmeng for some unknown time.

When he saw this little friend painting with his own eyes, he couldn’t help giving a thumbs up, and he greeted the others and said, “You all come and see, Mengmeng’s artistic conception is not like what she would have at her age. A wonderland, wonderful, wonderful.”

He stroked his long beard and kept complimenting, and the others were similar to him.

Master Lin, who was as thin as a bamboo pole, also praised her and said, “Mengmeng, your painting can be made into a school on its own. It is wonderful and unique.”

The other masters also praised her, “Yeah, when Chang Chang accepts an apprentice like you, he will wake up laughing from his dreams.”

Listening to everyone’s praise, Chang Huaide smiled proudly. When others praised his apprentice, they were praising him. He was just very proud of it.

Mengmeng was a little embarrassed by the repeated praise, she blushed and said, “I’m not as good as you said, this painting is just a casual painting, if the teachers praise me again, I want it Proud.”

Master Bai laughed and said, “Mengmeng, you should be proud. I have painted for more than 60 years, and I have taught several apprentices. I have never seen a young man as talented as you. Style is the second most important. The realm of your freedom is not something that ordinary people can have.”

This Mengmeng admitted, she smiled and said, “I have lived in this mountain since I was a child. Longling is as familiar to me as my backyard. I can draw it almost without looking at it.”

Master Bai was even more astonished, he said with admiration, “tsk tsk tsk, this means that there is no painting in the eyes, but there is a painting in the heart. I see, if you paint a few more pictures, maybe you will become a painting school, whatever it is called, just call it Longling School of Painting, hahaha…”

“What a Longling School of Painting.” Master Lin’s eyes lit up, and he said slightly excitedly, “There was the Huangshan School of Painting in ancient times, and now there is the Longling School of Painting. I see the scenery of Longling, and it is not inferior to Huangshan.”

As he talked, he walked to the edge of the cliff, looked at the vast mountains in the distance, and said, “There are mountains outside the mountains, and there are clouds outside the clouds. I am a natural ink painting. I will also live here sometime, well. Think about it.”

Master Zhan, who had not spoken all the time, also said at this time, “Mengmeng, I read your previous studies, have you ever thought of holding an art exhibition?”

“Art exhibition?” Mengmeng never thought about such a tall thing, she said in surprise, “Can I do it too?”

Master Zhan laughed and said, “What’s wrong? There is a first time for everything. You are only fifteen years old this year. If you can successfully hold an art exhibition, it will be a beautiful thing in our painting and calligraphy circle.”

The domestic calligraphy and painting industry has not been so proud of herself for a long time, and all this started when Mengmeng won the award.

Master Zhan found that she was still a little hesitant, and encouraged her to say, “What are you afraid of when we old men give you a platform? Lao Chang, your apprentice is not good, you are too timid.”

Mengmeng became anxious when she heard it, saying that she could, but not her master. As an apprentice, she must not embarrass her master.

“Who said I’m timid? Am I not being humble? Since the teachers all think I can do it, I can do it if I can’t.”

She raised her chest proudly and said, “Isn’t it just an exhibition? With teachers supporting me, what should I be afraid of?”

When the masters saw that the trick was successful, they all burst into laughter.

Master Zhan laughed especially loudly. He winked like an old fox and said, “Hahaha, Chang, your apprentice is really funny. Where did you find such a treasured apprentice?”

Chang Huaide held his head high, no one was more proud than him, and he said with air, “You envy? None of you have any share.”

To be honest, the masters are really envious of Chang Huaide, what kind of fairy life he lived in this village?

Every day I can see such beautiful scenery, breathe such fresh air, eat such delicious food, and have a clever and playful apprentice waiting on me. On such days, the real gods don’t change. They say they don’t envy them, that’s for sure is fake.

With the support of the masters, Mengmeng’s art exhibition went smoothly and was held in Taoyuan University. On the first day of the opening, students from Taoyuan University went to see it first.

Mengmeng has really drawn a lot of paintings over the years. This is the first time it has been opened to the public. You can imagine their surprise and shock.

Before, they had only heard of Feng Yumeng’s fame, but not many people had seen her works. If there were people who thought that Feng Yumeng was lucky to get such a big award before, now that they have finished watching the exhibition, they can no longer feel that way.

What a joke, even people who don’t know how to draw can still see those paintings, all of them are exquisitely drawn.

It’s not that the technique is very refined, but the artistic conception and style of the painting are so sparse and open. Sometimes it is majestic, sometimes elegant, sometimes solid and heavy, and sometimes ethereal, but no matter which one it is, there seem to be countless meanings in the painting, waiting for people to discover.

“It’s amazing, is this just a fifteen-year-old girl? What was I doing when I was fifteen?”

The students of the art department were the most shocked. They looked at the photos of Feng Yumeng at the venue and were shocked by her beauty.

“God is so unfair. How can a person be beautiful and talented, and it’s good to share a little bit for others.”

They can only talk about complaining, because they are experts themselves, and they will definitely not compare themselves with Feng Yumeng. Life.

Other students don’t have so many ideas. They will only be amazed at Feng Yumeng’s talent, and they will admire her even more when they find out that she is beautiful.

No, someone said, “She is so beautiful, she has already won at the starting line, and she still works so hard. It’s no wonder that such a person is not excellent. No wonder she is so famous, I admire it.”

After strolling around the venue, Sixi went to look for Mengmeng beamingly, and Beier said gloriously, “Mengmeng, everyone is praising you, they all say you are excellent.”

Mengmeng just finished talking with the masters, and said casually with a smile, “What about you, do you think I’m good or not?”

Sixi nodded her head like pounding garlic, gave her thumbs up and said, “Of course, you are the best person I have ever met, and there is no one better than you. Mengmeng, I am so lucky. , people in our school are envious of me.”

“Why?” Mengmeng was very curious.

Sixi smiled and said, “Because, we are good friends, inseparable good friends, you are so good, and I can get a little bit of excellence from Sixi, so I am also very good?”

These days, Sixi has been walking around with a smile. She now has a new name, which is Feng Yumeng’s friend and best friend, hehe, but Sixi is so proud of her. People in their school, don’t mention how much they envy her. .

Not only the classmates of Mengmeng High School went to see the exhibition, but even the junior high school students and elementary school students in their village also went to see it. People from the town and county also came to see it.

I don’t know who broke the news to the newspaper. After the promotion of the newspaper, more and more people came to see Mengmeng’s art exhibition. They can finally visit her works and feast their eyes on such a famous and talented painter. .

Mengmeng was in school every day, and she could hear her classmates complimenting her. Everyone praised her sincerely. The more times this happened, Chen Meili became more interested.

She is the monitor, how could she not know that Mengmeng is holding an art exhibition, and she even went to see it with her own eyes.

That Feng Yumeng, who has to compete with her everywhere, thought it would be amazing to draw a few pictures? Those who flattered her were all stubborn, and they all went to tout Feng Yumeng, they were really blind.

Chen Meili, her eyes were red from jealousy.

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