Pamper Eighties

Chapter 265

Mengmeng followed her friends to climb the mountain today. They grew up in the village. Of course, they didn’t bother to go to those scenic spots and crowded with tourists, but went deep into Longling to find wild fun.

Longling in winter is still a bit depressing compared to summer.

Many of the wild fruits that were often seen in the past are gone. Some trees even lost their leaves, and the thick dead branches and leaves covered the old woods, and when you stepped on it, it creaked.

Mengmeng held a wooden stick and carried a small bamboo basket on her back, humming songs with her friends along the way, and gradually moved away from the sight of tourists.

Not long after she entered the forest, a monkey suddenly slipped down from the tree on the left.

It has yellow hair all over its body, fluffy into a ball, but its hands and feet are still slender and slender. It has a furry monkey face with two big round eyes inlaid, and it is looking at her with joy.

“Little monkey!” Mengmeng was also very happy to see this monkey, and immediately took out an apple from the basket behind her and gave it to it to eat.

When winter came, the food on the mountain also decreased a lot. The monkeys squeaked with excitement when they saw this red apple.

Mengmeng listened with her ears sideways, and found that this little monkey is really not smart, and can’t even speak well, she laughed, patted the little monkey’s head and said, “Stop talking, eat quickly. “

She fed the monkeys without stopping, walking freely in the woods, with her friends around.

Sixi, like Mengmeng, held a stick in her hand and tapped around.

Liuwa just found a wild Ganoderma lucidum, and was bending over to pry it there. Suddenly, she was swept away by Sixi’s stick, and she said with dissatisfaction, “Sixi, don’t knock any more, they all hit me. “

Sixi was a little embarrassed, she stuck out her tongue and said, “I’m sorry, I’m worried that there are snakes on the ground, and a knock will scare them away.”

Liuwa laughed at her and said, “Where did the snake come from in winter? Don’t waste your energy.”

Perhaps it was their voices that disturbed the animals in the woods, and the bushes in front suddenly moved, attracting everyone’s attention.

“What’s in it?” Mengmeng boldly walked over to take a look.

At this time, the little monkey suddenly screamed sharply, it opened its mouth towards the front, and the hair on its body exploded at this moment, as if it was scared.

“Don’t be afraid, I’ll go take a look.”

Mengmeng calmed it down, and was about to get closer. The person hiding behind the bushes might have found that he couldn’t hide, so he simply came out of it.

This is a middle-aged man in his thirties, almost forty years old. He is very thin. He has a very short head, his face is a little dirty, but his eyes are very sharp. They were all young people, and they suddenly relaxed.

Before Mengmeng could ask him, he was the first to speak, with an unfamiliar accent, “I’m lost, how do I get out?”

Mengmeng and the others also relaxed. There are often lost tourists in this mountain, and she kindly pointed him and said, “If you see the big tree in front of you, the one with the tumor, follow it and go down. , you can get out of the mountain.”

The man nodded slightly, and without saying a word, he bypassed them and walked down the mountain.

Sixi stared at his back, suddenly pouted and said, “What a weirdo, Mengmeng, you kindly help him, he didn’t even say thank you.”

Mengmeng also felt that this person was a bit strange, saying that he was a tourist, and he didn’t have a package on him. If it weren’t for a tourist, he couldn’t figure out what he was doing in the deep mountains and old forests in this big winter.

She kept her mind, and quietly released her consciousness, and soon found this man. To her surprise, the man did not go down the mountain, but turned in a different direction and walked to another mountain.

Strange, what is this man doing?

She secretly paid attention to this man and found that he was very vigilant. Every time she walked through a place, she carefully erased the traces on the ground, and she never saw him digging up the flowers and plants in the mountains. Could it be that he came to poach animals?

Mengmeng has been watching him for a long time, but she doesn’t realize what he wants to do. Until she returned home, the man remained in the mountains, and when it was almost night, he found a col, and lay in it to sleep.

This time, Mengmeng was even more curious.

She has seen the kind of tourists who hike and climb the mountain. They all carry tents to camp in the mountains. They have never seen any equipment, so they dare to go up the mountain rashly. If this man has no intentions, she will not believe it.

The next day, she continued to observe the man, and found that he took some dew to drink in the morning, and he ran to the mountains to dig soil without washing his face.

Could it be that she guessed wrong, he came to dig the roots, or to dig some gems?

Mengmeng hurriedly looked at the soil, but found that there were no roots or gems in it, only a few pieces of wild cassava roots and worms.

Next, she saw an unbelievable scene, seeing the man digging out the cassava and stuffing it into his mouth regardless.

“Oh, don’t eat it, that stuff is poisonous!” Mengmeng shouted subconsciously, that wild cassava can be eaten by some insects, but not by humans. It must be cooked before eating.

But the man couldn’t hear what she said, and could only watch him eat the cassava.

Sure enough, after a while, the man fell to the ground, rolling around in pain, clasped his throat, and vomited out.

Mengmeng was disgusted by him, and temporarily regained her consciousness. Anyway, at most, the cassava will eat a bad stomach, and it will not cause death. She wants to see what he wants to do.

When she released her consciousness again, she found that the man had found a beehive and was digging out the bee pupae to eat it.

Is this man crazy? Seeing that he has hands and feet, he doesn’t look like a sick person. Why don’t he go out to work? After all, he has a meal, so why go to the mountains to eat that kind of stuff?

Mengmeng felt that there must be something wrong with this person. She observed secretly for two days and found that he was still the same. Every day when he woke up, he went out to find food. He didn’t see him harming the plants or animals in the mountains, so she felt even more strange. .

Days passed, and the man was still like that every day. At the back, Mengmeng is a little used to it, this is a dirty, eccentric big lazy guy, really nothing to watch.

Mengmeng finished dinner at home that day, and Feng Yimin hadn’t come back. He usually came back before dinner, but today he waited until the moon came out before he returned home from town.

Su Wan hurriedly reheated the food for him, sat down at the dining table herself, and asked him with concern, “Why did you come back so late today? Did something delay you?”

Feng Yimin grabbed the food in his mouth and said casually, “Last month, a murderer escaped from Rongcheng Prison, but he has not been caught yet. Today, the city called us to a meeting, and that’s what we were talking about. .”

Su Wan was frightened, and immediately said nervously, “How could this happen? Then where did he go, does anyone know?”

Everyone in the family also looked at Feng Yimin in unison. After all, it was not a trivial matter for a murderer to escape from prison.

Feng Yimin put down the bowls and chopsticks, and said with a relaxed smile, “You don’t have to be so nervous, he didn’t come to us, he said that he might have gone to the next city, his hometown is next to us, and now there are people watching. “

Madam Feng breathed a sigh of relief. She patted her chest and said, “That’s good, murderer, what a murderous person, it would be bad if they were hiding here.”

Feng Yimin couldn’t help but nodded, and he told his family, “Be careful when you go out, I’ll go to Guangming after I finish my meal later, and ask him to tell the villagers to wake up, and when the murderer is found, I will go to Guangming. All right.”

What Feng Yimin did not say was that the murderer was indeed extremely cruel. He committed eight lives, all of which were brutally murdered by him. A desperado like this, once escaped from prison, whoever encounters it will be unlucky.

He went to Zhang Guangming’s house by the street lamp, and the two closed the door and discussed it for a long time. The next day, Zhang Guangming spoke in the village and warned the villagers to be careful.

But this kind of thing, after all, is far away from the people in the village. The villagers are at most fresh in the mouth for two days.

Mengmeng also still went to school. When she came home from school that day, she heard her grandmother and her mother chatting, saying that someone in the village had lost something.

Mengmeng frowned slightly. In Taoyuan Village, there were very few petty thefts. She asked her grandmother, “Which family lost something and lost something, grandma, do you know?”

The old lady Feng replied, “It’s Zhonghai’s family who lives at the end of the village, and the salted fish hanging outside his house was lost. But I think it may have been taken away by a cat from another family. Who is still missing these days? Salted fish, I’m so sick of it that I don’t want to eat it.”

Mengmeng also felt that her grandmother’s words made sense. Salted fish was not valuable. Those who grew up in fishing villages were tired of eating it since they were children. Now few people like it. The greedy cat stole it.

She didn’t take this matter to heart, but she didn’t expect that just two days later, someone in the village lost something.

The person who lost the things this time was Grandpa Erzhu, a five-guarantee household in the village. He had been a bachelor all his life and had no children and daughters. He had the worst life in the whole village, and it got worse when he got old. The village applied for a five-guarantee household for him.

I didn’t expect that even such an old man would have a thief attacking him. It’s really unconscionable.

The cadres in the village were very concerned and came to visit him at home one after another. Feng Erzhu took Zhang Guangming’s hand and said so much that tears came down.

“Guangming, I clearly remember that I hung the quilt on the bamboo pole, and then turned around, and it disappeared. You say this thief, he is not good at stealing, but he stole my quilt. My quilt was used for It’s been more than ten years, and it’s all broken. It was left to me by my mother. My mother has only kept such a thing in her life, and it was stolen. You have to decide for me, Guangming. “

Zhang Guangming was very angry. He looked at Feng Erzhu’s home, and it was empty and had nothing of value. Even Feng Erzhu’s clothes were tattered, patched here and there.

The weather is so cold recently, how can he let the old man freeze? This thief’s heart is too bad.

He patted Feng Erzhu’s hand and said, “Master Erzhu, don’t worry, the village will definitely find the quilt for you, don’t worry, I will buy a quilt when I go back, and use it for your old man. It’s freezing cold this day, you can’t be frozen.”

Feng Erzhu was very moved, kept saying yes, and sent them out in person.

Zhang Guangming quickly bought quilts and two more thick clothes to send to Feng Erzhu. But he was a little worried about catching the thief.

He was in the brigade and said to Feng Guoqiang, “It’s just a tattered quilt, but someone still steals it. What do you think this person steals it for, and he can’t sell it, so why don’t he cover it for himself?”

Feng Guoqiang rubbed his chin and thought about it, “Maybe it wasn’t stealing, could it be that Lord Erzhu himself remembered it wrong? You see if he has anything from the old man, the thief can’t miss anyone, and he can’t miss him.”

“How do I know?” Zhang Guangming said embarrassedly; “Even if we report it to the Public Security Bureau, the police will not accept it. This quilt is too worthless. Where can we find this thief?”

“Well, it’s hard to say.” Even Feng Guoqiang, the head of the militia, had nothing to do with the thief. You said it was not good for him to steal something, but he chose to steal a worthless old quilt.

The village committee hadn’t found the thief yet, but the village actually lost something again, this time it was Mengmeng’s school.

At noon, Mengmeng finished her nap at home, and when she returned to the classroom, she heard her classmates gossip.

“The bacon in the cafeteria disappeared. Master Li, who was in charge, said that it was stolen by Aunt Xue, who was washing the vegetables, but Aunt Xue said that Master Li secretly ate it, and the two started fighting. Aunt Xue was so strong that she could catch it. Master Li has blood all over his face.”

The boys in the class immediately said excitedly, “Wow, it’s so cool, who the **** stole it?”

The well-informed student said, “I don’t know either. They were all bitten to death and the other party stole it. Now Uncle Wang, who covers the cafeteria, is very angry and said that they will be fined for their wages.”

When Mengmeng heard it, she always felt that something was wrong. Recently, the village kept throwing things three or four times. This has never happened before, and the things lost are all worthless things. If it is really a thief, then too stupid.

She asked Sixi quietly, “You said, could it be a fugitive who came to our village?”

Sixi gave her a strange look, as if wondering why she had such thoughts, she shook her head suddenly and said, “How is it possible, we are a scenic spot, there are tourists everywhere, and fugitives only come to us if they are stupid. Here, isn’t that someone caught immediately? If you want to escape, you will also flee into the deep mountains and old forests.”

This remark awakened Mengmeng, she suddenly thought that there was a person on the mountain, she had to hurry to see if that person was still there.

Thinking like this, Mengmeng released her consciousness and patrolled Longling, but she searched around and couldn’t find that person.

Strange, is that person already gone?

The incident in the school cafeteria eventually came to the village committee. Boss Wang wanted to fine him, but of course Master Li and Aunt Xue refused, and they were all calling for injustice.

Master Li said, “She obviously stole the meat, so why should I be fined? I’ve been beaten like this by this shrew. You can’t be so black as a boss.”

Aunt Xue immediately shouted, “I beat you! You stole the meat yourself, and dared to falsely say it was me, but I don’t know, you often stole food from the cafeteria.”

“You are talking nonsense, where do I have it.” Master Li firmly refused to admit it. Although he did steal food before, which master chef did not steal food, he was trying the taste, not stealing at all, more Besides, this time he didn’t eat it.

He blushed and said, “It was you who ate the meat, but you dared to say it was me and beat me like this, if you want to apologize to me, I have to go to the public security bureau to sue you, and let the public security take you down. Grab it.”

Aunt Xue stood up abruptly, rushed over and grabbed him and said, “Go, go, who is afraid of who? If you don’t go today, you are a coward, a coward, a man without eggs!”

Seeing that the two of them were about to fight again, Zhang Guangming hurriedly shouted, “Stop, let me stop, let’s see what you guys look like? This is the village committee, and we’re going to quarrel outside.”

He frightened the two of them, so he frowned and asked the Boss Wang, “Boss Wang, they are all the people you invited. What do you think you will do?”

Boss Wang was fed up with these two troublemakers. Both of them were relatives from his wife’s family. He originally thought that each of them would be beaten 50 times, and the salary would be fine.

He impatiently said to the two people, “If you want to call the police, I’ll let you report it to see who is the thief. I’ll just say, why is the canteen often throwing things, this time I’ll take a look , who is the inner ghost.”

He wanted to take this opportunity to send these two people away, so he flattered Zhang Guangming and said, “Secretary, I’m really bothering you, can you give me a call and ask a few police officers to come to the village?”

Zhang Guangming happened to have the same meaning, so he immediately agreed to say, “Someone has lost something in our village recently, so I’ll call the police to come.”

After he finished saying this, he paid close attention to the reactions of the two employees, trying to see who was the thief. Unexpectedly, these two people were holding their necks and didn’t say a word. Since this was the case, he had to call and ask the police to check.

Zhang Guangming used the phone of the village committee to get through the town’s public security bureau, and the police were quickly answered there. Two police officers were dispatched on motorcycles. Zhang Guangming also personally went to the village to pick them up. One is still an acquaintance.

He greeted him enthusiastically and said, “Xiao Zhao, you sent you here. Hey, why don’t you all wear police uniforms?”

Xiao Zhao patted his shoulder boldly and said with a smile, “I have a task in the office in the morning, and I haven’t had time to change my clothes. I just got back to the office and received a call from you. What happened? ?”

“That’s right, recently, people in our village are always throwing things away…”

While talking, Zhang Guangming took two police officers to the village. As soon as they walked to the door of the village committee, a person came across them.

Zhang Guangming greeted with a smile and said, “Are you coming to travel?”

The man said “Hey, yeah, I’m leaving first.”

He leaned against the wall and quickly walked past.

Xiao Zhao turned his head and stared at his back, and suddenly raised his eyebrows and said, “Why did that person look familiar to me just now?”

He looked at the other police officer, his eyes gradually widened, and the two suddenly said in unison, “No, that’s a fugitive!”

He subconsciously wanted to run over to chase, and shouted loudly, “The front, stop for me!”

But the man in front, how could he stand still, he ran right away.

When they found out that he had run away, the two police officers were even more certain that he was a fugitive. Otherwise, why would he run away? My dear, it turns out that he has been hiding here. let him escape.

“Don’t run, I tell you, stop!”

The two police officers quickly chased after him. The man in front was also running quickly. He squeezed away the tourists on the road and ran faster than a rabbit.

Afraid that he really escaped, Xiao Zhao hurriedly yelled at the people on the road, “Hurry up and stop him, he is a fugitive.”

Unfortunately, his words had the opposite effect.

When those tourists heard that this man was a fugitive, not only did they dare not stop him, but they also avoided both sides, joking, this is a fugitive, what if they were hurt?

Xiao Zhao was so mad at them, but he couldn’t care to blame these tourists, so he could only speed up the chase.

Seeing that he was about to catch up, the man in front panicked and turned around suddenly and ran into the school next to him.

At this time, Taoyuan High School just rang the bell for get out of class.

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