Pamper Eighties

Chapter 278

In recent days, although they are playing every day, they are always paying attention to financial news, and they hear the stock prices falling one by one, and the stock index has fallen even more blindly, and even the exchange rate has gradually become unstable recently.

It can be said that the entire financial circle in Hong Kong is in turmoil.

In such a time of crisis, it is unprofitable for most people, but Brother Rui is different. He has some forward-looking vision and the ability to predict from future generations. It is safe to invest with him.

Recently, John often received his calls. According to his instructions, he shorted the stock index for a while, and then raised the stock price again. After a while, he explained that he would sell Hong Kong dollars and buy US dollars.

In a word, John was confused by his dazzling operation. If this was an ordinary guest, he would definitely refute him with a nonsense, but the other party was Brother Rui, so he was embarrassed to say so.

He signed an agreement and agreed that he would have his commission for profit and loss, and even that commission was far higher than the level of the same industry. After finishing this order, even if he wanted to not work for ten years, it was fine.

Such a good employer, what more could he ask for? He has nothing to lose, right?

John was honest, he did whatever Brother Rui asked him to do. Sometimes Brother Rui’s operations really made him unable to understand.

When he was on the phone with Brother Rui on this day, he couldn’t help but ask, “Mr. Zhang, your recent in and out accounts are not profitable.”

Brother Rui disagreed, he said, “I don’t care, what do you care about.”

In fact, he did this for a purpose. He was going to fight against the famous financial giant Soros. Although he said that he would shake Soros based on the amount of his funds, it was a joke to outsiders, but only He himself knew that if he interfered with the judgment of the other party, he would win first.

Soros’s goal is to short Hong Kong, and his current operation is the same. He is bound to lose a lot of ammunition in the early stage, but if he paralyzes the opponent, he can take a bite of meat when the opponent is not paying attention.

So Brother Rui is not in a hurry. It doesn’t matter if the stock market is not profitable, it is fine. His operation at least ensures the balance of payments. It is estimated that Soros and their gang will think that he is an allied army from where, otherwise, how can they follow They are shorting Hong Kong together.

On August 14th, as soon as the stock exchange opened, Brother Rui came here in person, along with him, as well as all the people from the Feng and Zhang families.

They all looked solemn, making John, who came to greet them, mistakenly think that something had happened.

“What’s the matter? Mr. Zhang, you came to see me today, is there any problem?” John asked cautiously, feeling that he had been doing well recently.

Brother Rui shook his head, but still said solemnly: “John, I think I need to reflect on it. I didn’t make any money from those operations in the past. From today, I need to change, and you need to change too.”

He was so serious that John couldn’t help but get serious.

“Mr. Zhang, what change do you need me to make?”

Brother Rui did not answer him, but directly ordered: “You go to open the operating system and follow my request.”

They stayed in the big room, and naturally they had their own operating systems. John opened them quickly, and suddenly some numbers and curves appeared on the screen that people couldn’t understand.

Of course John could understand it. He glanced at the screen and had an idea in his mind. He asked Brother Rui, “Mr. Zhang, what do you need me to do?”

Brother Rui stood behind him, his steady voice was still very low, and the whole person exuded low air pressure.

“From this moment on, you continue to buy Hong Kong dollars for me, throw US dollars, and then increase the stock index every day. For the stocks I explained to you last time, you will buy each of them for me until the money is used up. .”

John sat in front of the stage, his eyes widened as he listened, and everything that Brother Rui said was something he would never agree with.

For example, the Hong Kong dollar has been falling every day recently, while the US dollar has been rising every day. In other words, at this time, Mr. Zhang bought Hong Kong dollars and dumped the US dollar, which was equivalent to abandoning high-quality assets and turning them into junk stocks.

There are also stock indexes and stocks. The recent market is also very bleak. Today is even more bleak in the bleak. Haven’t seen those numbers all turning green? I am afraid that such a market will continue for a long time. Mr. Zhang is here. It’s not wise to buy at this time.

He wanted to go back and make suggestions, but after coming into contact with Brother Rui’s black face, he gave up the idea.

That’s all, anyway, he has money everywhere, so don’t go to people who hate him.

John finished the operation almost under the coercion of Brother Rui, and then he sat there, looking at the dazzling green on the screen, as if his whole body had lost strength.

Look, look, this market is still going down, and it is going down sharply without looking back. Mr. Zhang has suffered a big loss this time. What can’t he do with so much money, he has to act willfully.

John glanced at the window suddenly and sensitively. Fortunately, the windows were all welded to death, and no one could fall from here.

If Brother Rui knew what he was thinking, he would have to blow John’s head. He used up all the money in the three people’s accounts. Seeing that the amount was decreasing every second, he seemed to have nothing to do with it. I don’t care.

He even went back to the sofa, took out the magazine and studied it with Mengmeng.

“This is good, this dress is beautiful.”

The impurities that can appear here are of course the top magazines in the world, and the clothes in the magazines are also top brands, selling just one word, expensive!

Mengmeng took a fancy to one of the suits, so she took it to her grandmother and said, “Grandma, what do you think of this suit? Does it suit me?”

She held the impurity to her chest and brought her face close so her grandmother could take a closer look.

Madam Feng and Madam Zhang both came to see it, and Su Wan and Yang Xiaojuan also followed.

In the end, it was Yang Xiaojuan, a professional, who said: “The color of this dress is right, light blue, like light green jade. When ordinary people wear it, it may look like a ghost with blue face and fangs, but Mengmeng is different. Your skin is white and bright. Nen, in this dress, it looks like a white and tender doll.”

Madam Feng also thought that the clothes were good-looking, so she supported Mengmeng to buy them, and she urged her to say, “Mengmeng, you need to pick a few more outfits, it’s rare to come to Hong Kong once, so you have to buy more clothes to go back. This brand is my favorite. I’ve seen them in shopping malls, and they’re sold in Hong Kong.”

Mengmeng laughed happily when she heard this, she lowered her head and picked it there. She likes all the colors like ice cream, light pink, light blue, bright yellow and snow white. Of course, dreamy purple is also indispensable.

John couldn’t understand it. These people were very happy there. Don’t they know that they are about to go bankrupt? Still buying clothes? I’m afraid they won’t even be able to collect the travel expenses home soon!

John suddenly became worried about his wallet. According to the agreement, his commission was paid separately and had already been deposited into a separate account, but if these people had no money, would they lend him money?

He sat in front of the table, looking at the still green screen, and couldn’t help but think wildly.

Mr. Zhang and Mr. Feng are very good to him, and they are very interesting. Otherwise, I will lend them a little money, and I don’t expect to pay it back anyway.

And he lost 300 million US dollars. Although he signed a waiver contract, it was through his hands after all. After the incident, how would he clarify to the media? Determined not to let them pour sewage on him.

Every time John thought about it, he glanced at the screen. What’s so great about red? He used to see it often, so let’s think about it… Hey, no!

John jumped up abruptly, so shocked that he even stuttered in his voice: “Red, red, red, red! The screen is red! The stock market is red! Mr. Zhang Zhang Zhang, the stock index you bought has also turned red. It’s gone!”

Everyone gathered around and saw that the screen was still green and bleak just now. Now, from the bottom to the top, bright red numbers surged up rapidly, gradually replacing the bleak green data. And the curve that was still jumping off the cliff, also in an instant, like taking a cardiotonic, it flew!

“My God, it’s so red!” This is Mrs. Feng exclaiming excitedly.

“Hahaha, it’s red, the stock market is red!” This was the hoarse shout of old man Zhang.

Even the monk Shi Mingwu, at this moment, could no longer keep his composure as a monk, and blurted out a sentence in English: “Binggou! Oh yeah! Fante Xiti!”

“Crazy, this monk is crazy.” Madam Feng buried him. If she was very excited just now, now she has recovered.

“What’s so surprising about this idea of ​​red? I’ve already said that the stock market is going to be red today. I went to Wong Tai Sin yesterday to ask for a sign, and Wong Tai Sin told me that the stock market is going to be red. Wait, wait. It will be red in a while.”

Like a prophet, she made an assertion with certainty, and then stood there with her arms crossed, as if tens of millions of profits in the stock market were nothing to her at all.

John no longer understands these people, or in other words, he has never understood, what kind of people are these people, the previous operations were so nonsensical, and now they make money, their reactions are still so nonsensical.

He only understands one thing, these people will not regret it, and he is the one who should really regret it.

If he knew earlier, he would put his own money into it, and follow Mr. Zhang to make a fortune, how could he be so stupid, such a good opportunity has been given to him, but he missed it in vain.

John regretted it, and wished he had regretted his bowels, but he didn’t have time to think about his regret, because Mr. Zhang was already calling him.

“John, buy all the current profits. Whether it’s a stock index or foreign exchange, you can buy whatever you can. I want everything.”

“Mr. Zhang, do you want to add more? Enough, it’s already 100 million.”

John is so shocked that he can’t add more. Although the current market is fierce, but he looks at the K line, and the bears are desperately pulling up, and they will soon surpass the bulls. He doesn’t believe that people like Mr. Zhang will not understand this k picture.

But Brother Rui said decisively: “Buy, listen to me, hurry up and buy!”

I’m afraid he is the only one here who understands what’s going on. Today’s bears are so strong that the Hong Kong government can’t stand it, so they have to stand up to save the market. Hong Kong has become a hot money colony.

He stood there without saying a word. Every time he made a profit, he would order John to continue to buy. John was so tired that both hands were broken. He was so fast that he cramped. He found that his whole body was soaked with sweat.

He took out a handkerchief to wipe his face, panted and said, “Mr. Zhang, I did everything according to your instructions. If you lose money later, you can’t blame me.”

Brother Rui said kindly: “Don’t worry, I don’t blame you, you help me turn on the TV.”

John turned on the TV for him suspiciously, and he walked back, ready to discuss the investment rationale with his employer.

But halfway through, he suddenly froze, the voice on the TV was so clear.

“Our reporter received a tip that the Chief Executive’s Office has just issued an order to save the market, and will invest 198 billion Hong Kong dollars to fight against international bears. Now we can see that the stock market is booming across the board, and the Hang Seng Index has risen from 901 this morning. 73, rose to 10029.0, an increase of more than 11.2%, the largest increase in the stock market in the past five years, for more detailed news, please pay attention to the reporter’s broadcast later.”

The scene on the TV was chaotic, and it was switched to the reporter’s scene. John saw that they were like locusts, frantically blocking the door of the chief executive, and desperately handed the microphone forward, and the surrounded person was Chief Executive.

John only heard two sentences before he understood everything. He suddenly hugged his head and said in disbelief, “Oh, oh, God, 200 billion, nearly 200 billion!”

This astronomical number, like a magnified bell, replayed in his mind over and over again. John’s eyes were already dizzy, and he felt that it was impossible.

“How can Hong Kong have so much money? He took out 200 billion. Where does the money come from?”

Even John, a native of Hong Kong, reacted this way, not to mention those short sellers who were not accustomed to the conditions. They couldn’t guess that the Hong Kong government could spend so much money in one go and severely break their legs!

Madam Feng’s proud voice rang from the side: “What’s impossible? Hong Kong has returned, and with the support of the mainland, you will definitely not be bullied by others. Look at us mainlanders, don’t you run away too? Did you come to Hong Kong to help you?”

Yes, that’s true. John doesn’t want to accept it. He’s completely convinced. He’s completely convinced.

At this moment, he felt that he also had a backer, and Hong Kong was never alone! He’s going to fight the bears in the stock market to win the last coin for his employer.

John cheered up instantly, and saw that he hurriedly returned to the front of the computer, his hands were flying, and the operation was extremely fast. As the stock market became more and more red, his face became more and more red, purely excited.

Money, a lot of money, poured into Brother Rui’s account like sea water. The amount was so large that before Mrs. Feng had time to count it, it doubled again!

Mrs. Feng’s heart skipped a beat. Her hands were shaking. It was so exciting. It was so exciting. Her old heart couldn’t stand it.

Madam Feng didn’t dare to look at those numbers anymore, she was afraid that she would faint.

But Mengmeng and the other young people are closely surrounding the screen, watching a string of numbers jumping over, is this just a legend, the money is as much as a number?

“Hahaha, I got rich.” Erwa, the unstable guy, couldn’t help but scream, but no one spoke about him, because their hearts were as excited as Erwa.

This day is destined to be an uneasy day, for everyone, it is.

John ended the day of fighting, only to feel that his arms were too tired to lift, as if they were not grown on him.

The guests have left, taking away their huge profits. John has a duty of confidentiality. He can’t say it, but as long as he thinks of his commission, the corner of his mouth can’t help but smile.

He stretched out his sour hand and reluctantly opened the door of the big room, only to see the mourning green faces of his colleagues in the lobby.

Most of the people here have lost everything today, and maybe after today, they won’t appear here.

John is very sympathetic, but he doesn’t feel that he should be forgiven. Who asked them to help the short sellers? Hong Kong people should help Hong Kong, no, even mainlanders have come to help Hong Kong.

If even Hong Kong people like them are bearish about Hong Kong, what future does Hong Kong have?

John had the idea of ​​immigrating before, but now he has completely lost it. He feels that he is full of hope, both for Hong Kong and the mainland.

This thrilling day will forever remain in John’s memory. Maybe when he gets old, he will come out and talk about it from time to time to show off the mainlanders in his memory.

And now, the old Feng family and the old Zhang family got the money, what kind of excitement it is, it is not enough to describe them.

If they could, they would like to fly to the sky, take a broadcast to Victoria Harbour and say, “We’ve made a fortune, we’ve made a fortune!!!!”

But they can’t, rich people should keep a low profile, especially when there are countless losers today, these big winners, of course, can’t go out and raise hatred.

Madam Feng was so depressed in her heart that she shouted in the hotel room, “You can’t go out if you have money, so what are we doing with so much money? Hey, my heart is so sad.”

Mengmeng is also very uncomfortable. She has not vented her excitement yet. She supported her grandma and said, “I also think we should go out to celebrate. This is a good thing. Celebrating that we have become rich!”

Her mother giggled beside her, scratched her cute nose and said, “Aren’t you rich enough? You greedy cat.”

Mengmeng wrinkled her nose and said shamelessly, “Yes, I’m a greedy cat, I can also make money, and I want to bring you a lot of money back.”

“Hahaha…” She really made everyone laugh like this.

Old man Feng also felt that he was too careful, mainly because he was not a low-key person, he waved his arms on the spot and said, “Everyone get up, let’s go out to celebrate, such a big happy event, it’s impossible to say without celebrating, go to dinner first, then Go shopping, whatever you want to buy, just pick and choose, Grandpa will pay for it.”

“Oh yeah!” The first people to respond to him were Erwa and Mengmeng. These two brothers and sisters, like furry monkeys that haven’t grown up yet, jumped over instantly and hung on his grandfather’s arm, yelling.

The Zhang family also complied, and the big guys rushed to the door and rushed to the big Hong Kong, which is drunk with paper and gold, and started the buying, buying and buying mode.

In the shopping mall, Mengmeng, her mother and Aunt Xiaojuan formed a row of three. When they saw which store was interested, they rushed in to buy, buy, buy, and brought out a bunch of large and small bags.

Mengmeng’s fancy clothes are also in these packages.

She not only buys clothes, she also buys jewelry, all kinds of diamonds, gems, jade, gold, silver, and pearls. As long as she thinks it is beautiful, she buys them. The employees in the jewelry store are shocked. I thought it was a rich lady’s daughter who came to patronize her, and she was very attentive.

After Mengmeng bought this store, she went to another store. Bags and shoes were also on her shopping list. She was more selective about this, and she had to match it with her clothes.

Seeing that she worked so hard to choose there, Mrs. Feng couldn’t bear to say: “What else to choose, I want all of them, and our family can’t afford them.”

Before Mengmeng could answer her, she greeted the waiters beside her and said, “Pack them up for me and send them to the Marriott Hotel.”

“Yes!” The waiters were more than happy. They met this big high-roller today. Half of the task in the store was completed. They really hoped that the high-roller would come back a few more times.

“Milk, there are so many bags, I can’t use them all.” Mengmeng felt that it was too wasteful. Although she is rich, she spends money very sparingly. It is not what she needs, and she will never buy it.

Madam Feng didn’t think so much. She said boldly, “Is it too much? I think it’s too little. Mengmeng, you should change two sets of clothes a day, carry two more bags, and preferably two sets of jewelry. One set in the morning, one set in the afternoon, and it was beautifully packed.”

The more old lady Feng thought about it, the more she felt that this idea was very good, so she was going to do it when she went back.

She took a look at Mengmeng, and once again sighed at the beauty of her granddaughter, she was really proud of her.

Mrs. Feng and the other women followed Mengmeng and bought a lot of things. Many luxury goods that they were reluctant to buy or use before can be bought and used this time.

In the words of old man Feng: “Money is a bastard, spend it and earn it again, buy it, buy it hard for me!”

Old man Feng not only bought things for them, but also bought things for himself and his children and grandchildren.

Feng Yimin followed him completely. He replaced all the clothes on his body with new ones. He was still carrying a lot of young people.

The Zhang family also bought it very happily. In addition to their daily food, Brother Rui even proposed to buy a house in Hong Kong.

“What? A house?” Empress Feng patted her thigh and said, “Why didn’t I remember, yes, I should buy a house!”

Her love for buying a house has been carved into her bones. Even if she buys more luxury goods to decorate her, it will not be as satisfying as a house.

The decision of their family to buy a house has always been decided by Mrs. Feng. Since she has made the decision, it means that the whole family agrees.

It’s not too late, count the time, they won’t be staying in Hong Kong for long, so it’s better to buy a house as soon as possible.

With money to open the way, they found a large number of intermediaries the next day, and bought directly by looking at the pictures.

“This, this, this, and this, all of these, not of those, the next batch.”

In the hotel office, more than a dozen people from the Feng family and Zhang family were very busy. Each of them occupied a table, and there were more than a dozen lines in front of them.

Now Hong Kong people are selling real estate, which is just cheaper for them. Compared with the past, the price is like picking up cabbage, so that they have plenty of houses to choose from, and they can choose what they like to buy.

Just one day later, all the real estate agents in Hong Kong knew that a group of wealthy people came to the Marriott Hotel. They looked at the pictures and bought a house.

The next day, more and more agents came to line up. They brought stacks of pictures and waited for the people in the office to choose them.

At one point, the scene was so grand that people in the hotel said, is there a crew who picked stars here?

How did they know that it was just the old Feng family and the old Zhang family who were buying a house.

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