Pamper Eighties

Chapter 37

The people in the village stayed in the commissary, and waited until it was close to dusk to go home to make dinner, and then they reluctantly walked back. Madam Feng turned off the light and walked out with Mengmeng, raising her head to face her. The roof shouted: “Xiaojin, come down and come home with us.”

Xiao Jin stood on the roof and didn’t move, he only chirped twice at Mrs. Feng, and stood there like a sculpture.

Mrs. Feng thought it was very funny and said, “Oh, you have learned how to call a chick, that’s alright, you stay here by yourself, and when you want to go home, you can fly back by yourself.”

Dusk came quietly, dyeing the beach in front of the canteen with a layer of golden yellow, the light gradually became red and dark, the sky was completely dark, a bright moon rose slowly from the sea, and the people in the village also rested after dinner. , Slowly there was no sound of people, and the night became darker and darker.

Two sneaky figures sneaked out from a house in the village and sneaked to the edge of the canteen’s wall. Under the moonlight, their faces revealed that it was Feng Dafu and his wife. The more they thought about it when they returned home. Jealousy naturally creates crooked thoughts. Both in-laws are virtuous. Together, they will sneak into the canteen at night, steal the American machine, and sell it for a lot of money outside the mountains, even if If you can’t get out, it’s not a loss if you can go in and drink a few glasses of ice soda to cool off. The two of them calculated the time at home and waited until midnight, presumably everyone in the village fell asleep, so they sneaked out of the house. .

At this moment, Feng Dafu carefully observed the terrain, and said to his daughter-in-law: “I will squat down later, you climb up on my shoulders, the first thing after entering is to open the door, know that No?”

“Hmm, don’t worry, I have a few.” The rich man stepped on her man’s shoulders and pulled his hands up hard. It took a lot of effort to get down on the wall. Before she could jump off, Xiao Jin had already been silent. It flew behind the fence with a loud noise, and when she saw the face of the rich family, she immediately lowered her mouth to peck it. The rich family let out a suppressed howl. If she hadn’t covered her face with her hands in time, her eyes would have been pecked out. Now, just like that, she also had a few more blood holes in her hands, swaying there.

Xiao Jin didn’t give up, he flapped his wings to create a gust of wind, and when he jumped up, he grabbed it with his claws and pecked it with his beak. It was more than half a meter long, and its claws and mouth were extremely sharp like hooks, scratching the rich family’s head and face full of flowers, the wound on her body was aching, and blood was gurgling out, bluffing. Her face looked like a dead person, and she screamed and fell from the wall, pressing Feng Dafu down.

The noise they made was so loud that it woke up a family at the entrance of the village. The villager got up from the bed and walked to the door to look around and said, “Who is it? What are you doing without sleeping in the middle of the night?”

Feng Dafu and his wife were shocked. They didn’t dare to speak out. If they were caught stealing such expensive things, they would definitely be sent to the police station to be sentenced. They endured the pain and quickly got up from the ground. , covered the wound and went around to the coconut grove behind, and fled home in a hurry.

“Could it be a thief?” The villager couldn’t help but muttered. He had heard the movement just now, but he was not at ease and ran out to see it. He saw that under the clear moonlight, there was no one at all. He scratched his hair and felt special. Strange, went home and went back to sleep.

Feng Dafu and his wife couldn’t get a good deal from Xiaojin’s hands, and they didn’t dare to go to the doctor. When others saw the wound, they would definitely know what was going on. When he got up, he bandaged it up indiscriminately, and hid at home, daring not to go out to meet people.

His mother-in-law stayed at home to recover from her injuries, but Feng Dafu went outside the mountain to find Niu Xingsheng. How could the people in the village live so well, but his family was not doing well? If it’s not good for everyone to follow him, he will be happy when they are pulled into the quagmire. Feng Dafu was walking on the mountain road with a piece of grass in his mouth. He remembered the days when he was still a production team. At that time, he only needed to order a mao in the field every day. When the time came, he would go home to eat and sleep, and wait for the crops to be harvested. The food is distributed directly, and he doesn’t have to worry about anything. That’s a good life. What kind of life is he living now? It’s simply not a day for people.

He often wondered, why was he not born in Niujia Village? Their village chief, Niu Xingsheng, was the most suitable for him. Niu Xingsheng often talked to him about the benefits of the production team. There used to be a labor reform prisoner in their village, who was forced to leave by Niu Xingsheng. Later, he had to become self-employed. From Dafu’s point of view, people like Niu Xingsheng are the materials to be the village mayor. Now he wants to ask Niu Xingsheng whether what he said before is not enough.

Feng Dafu quickly walked out of Longling, turned into a fork in front of the commune, and walked a little further to reach Niujia Village, which is backed by Longling. The villagers live in yellow earthen houses, in the fields. , They were all wearing shabby clothes with patches, dragging their thin bodies to cultivate in the fields, and their faces were full of sorrow. This is what a countryman should look like, and it’s outrageous to be like that in his village.

Feng Dafu found the most stylish house in the village with familiarity, stood at the door and shouted, “Brother Niu is there?”

“Who’s looking for me?” The voice was particularly rough, as if it had been rubbed from tin paper.

Feng Dafu shouted at the inside: “It’s me, the richest man in Taoyuan Village.”

“It’s you.” A sturdy middle-aged man opened the door. He looked about forty years old, a little dark, with two big eye blisters on his vain face. He tilted his head into the room. Said: “Come in and talk, what’s the matter with me?”

Feng Dafu began to complain before he sat down: “Brother Niu, you don’t know what life I’m living, Taoyuan Village is not a place for people to stay, I can’t stay there anymore…”

Before he could finish speaking, he was rudely interrupted by Niu Xingsheng: “Don’t be mourning, just talk about it if you have something to do. Tell me, what’s the matter?”

Feng Dafu immediately stopped the fake howling, sat down embarrassedly and said, “Brother Niu, didn’t you tell me last time that Feng Yimin would not be able to stay in Taoyuan Village? It’s been so long, why haven’t there been any news yet? ?”

When I mentioned this Niu Xingsheng, I felt angry. In the past, when Feng Yimin and his father were the mayor of the village, the two of them were secretly fighting each other, and he never had the upper hand. Later, Feng Shengli also exposed to the above that he had launched a satellite and falsely reported the yield per mu, which led to a poor harvest in the village. He ate and hung up, and the two families were formed. He hated the old Feng family from the bottom of his heart. He finally managed to survive until Feng Shengli retired. Their village even chose his son as the village head. That guy Feng Yimin is not yet 30 years old. If it wasn’t for his father , how could he be the mayor of the village?

He said Feng Yimin’s little things in front of the secretary several times. I didn’t expect that the secretary not only did not deal with Feng Yimin, but also treated him very well. Last time, he named him at the meeting and praised him for repairing the mountain road. Last time, he even took him to the south to participate. Cadres inspected, but he Niu Xingsheng did not have the opportunity to go. He made a few small reports, and the secretary was already annoying him to death. He would never meet him alone again, and he had no good feelings for him. Niu Xingsheng blamed Feng Yimin in his heart.

New and old enemies were added together. Niu Xingsheng had been secretly planning to deal with Feng Yimin. He said angrily: “Why are you in a hurry? What are you looking for me for? Don’t you just want to tell me about this?”

Feng Dafu smiled and rubbed his hands, and said with a face full of flattery: “Brother Niu, look at what you said, am I in a hurry? I think that Feng Yimin is not pleasing to the eye, look at what **** he is doing now. What’s wrong with the stove? Don’t let the villagers plant the land well, but let them plant watermelons, bah, I want to see if their watermelons can be grown. Brother Niu, didn’t you say there is a way? ? As long as you say a word, I will listen to you.”

Niu Xingsheng lifted his eyelids and said with a smile, “Do you really listen to me?”

“Of course!” Feng Dafu nodded vigorously, stubbornly said, “Before we built a mountain road in our village, didn’t you ask me to pry the stone off the mountain while it was raining? Fortunately, no one was hit at that time. Uh… it’s not, anyway, I’ll do whatever you ask me to do, as long as I can bring Feng Yimin down.”

Niu Xingsheng smiled with satisfaction, a ghost idea popped into his mind, he narrowed his eyes and said sinisterly: “Well, don’t you want to grow watermelons in your village? I want to see if there is no water they want What kind of.”

“Brother Niu, you mean…”

Niu Xingsheng’s voice was particularly terrifying: “Hey, the water source in your village is in this Longling. I don’t need to say more about the rest, right?”

Feng Dafu still felt unreliable, and hesitantly leaned over and said, “Brother Niu, the water used in our village is indeed the river water from Longling, but there are wells in the village.”

Niu Xingsheng pointed to the sky and said gloomily: “Look up at this ghost weather, even if they have wells, what would they do? Carrying loads of water back and forth, when do you have to choose? You don’t mean that your whole village is planted. Did you get watermelon? How much water do you need? Even if you can’t cut off their water supply, it’s good to let them work for a while.”

Feng Dafu’s eyes lit up completely, and he clapped his palms and said, “Brother Niu, you still have a way. If we do this, the harvest of watermelon this year will definitely not be better. I think I will do as you say, Jie Jie Jie Jie. …”

Niu Xingsheng also grinned strangely: “Then it’s settled, come back at this time tomorrow, let’s bring a few people to make a good arrangement, and give them a little color to see.”

Feng Dafu went back contentedly. Passing by the entrance of the village, he saw at a glance that there were several village dolls drinking ice-cold water in the canteen, and other villagers followed to enjoy the cool air and drink a glass of ice-cold water by the way. With a smile on his face, Feng Dafu felt jealous when he saw it.

To say why he hates the people in the village so much, it is because of their hatred of killing his father. In the past, the production team was going to go out to sea to fish, but his father was lazy and unwilling to go. The villagers forced his father to go with him. His father accidentally fell into the sea halfway and was not rescued. He thought it was the people in the village who killed his father.

Feng Dafu looked at the people in the canteen gloomily, wait and see, see if you can still laugh at that time.

The old Feng’s canteen has not yet opened, but the ice-drinking room has opened first. The business is quite good. The adults and children in the village are willing to come in to enjoy the coolness and drink water. The commissary is built with volcanic stone, which is very breathable. Open the windows and let the sea breeze in. Even if the sun is shining outside, it will be exceptionally cool inside the commissary, and you will no longer have to worry about the sun.

The yard is also very well-organized. There are many flowers planted inside and outside, which looks clean and beautiful. There are also many coconut trees growing in the backyard. There are several swing frames tied between the trunks, which are also made of discarded fishing nets. Net bed, the little dolls came here to play in the morning, and immediately fell in love with it from the heart.

The little dolls who come here to drink iced soda also have private money. Since the tourists came, they have found a way to make money. They can pick up shells and sell shell necklaces, they can also pick wild flowers and weave them into garlands. Some skilled children can also weave them. Grasshoppers, dragonflies, etc. These gadgets can be sold for money, and they are quite popular with tourists. They made a lot of money in one or two places, and they secretly saved up, and now they can go to drink ice Room to drink American ice soda.

Mengmeng and her brothers sat around the table and ate the burning fairy grass made by Brother Rui’s mother, which was made from the fairy grass on the mountain to make grass juice, and then put a little sweet potato powder in it and waited for it to cool down. It becomes a black burning fairy grass, and then put a spoonful of brown sugar in it, it tastes smooth and sweet.

After Mengmeng finished eating a small bowl, Brother Rui asked her with concern, “Is it delicious? Would you like another bowl?”

Mengmeng’s big eyes flickered and said, “Okay, let’s eat another small bowl.”

Brother Rui opened the small wooden barrel next to it, scraped a bowl of black and crystal burning fairy grass, added a spoonful of brown sugar, stirred it well, put it in front of Mengmeng and said, “Eat it.”

Before Mengmeng’s bowl of burning fairy grass was finished, Su Wan walked in with a pot in her hand, placed the pot on the table in front of them, and said to them with a smile, “The spatula cake you want .”

A few little dolls leaned on the table to look at them, and exclaimed “wow” in their mouths. They can’t eat this kind of spatula pancakes often. They are wrapped with small fish, shrimp, and shell meat from the sea. Put flour on it, put it in a spatula and fry it in an oil pan. After it is fried, it will turn into the shape of a spatula. The outside is golden in color. When you bite into it, it is fragrant. The small seafood inside is particularly fragrant.

The little dolls put them in their mouths when they picked them up, and they ate their mouths full of oil. It was really delicious.

Seeing how they were gobbling down, Su Wan hurriedly told them to eat slowly so that they wouldn’t choke. Now that the conditions at home were better, she didn’t bother to marinate the small fish and shrimp, so she made spatula cakes for the children. We eat, these small seafood are caught by rushing to the sea in the morning, and they are abundant and fresh, and they are also eaten at home for lunch.

The little dolls all ate their stomachs round, hugging their stomachs and saying with great satisfaction, “I’m so full, I don’t need to eat at noon.”

“That’s alright, you stay here and watch the store.” Su Wan didn’t care about them, she just touched Mengmeng’s little head and said, “Mengmeng, do you want to go home and sleep?”

Mengmeng slid down from the chair, held her mother’s hand and said, “Go to sleep.”

The mother and daughter walked into the village and passed by Feng Dafu’s house. Mengmeng glanced inside curiously. She thought to herself, this is a bad person.

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