Pamper Eighties

Chapter 39

Feng Yimin took the villagers up the mountain road. This mountain road is the shortest and most convenient way to get out of the mountain. In fact, the mountains next to it stretch for a long time. Dozens of mountains are no joke. No one has ever entered many places. , Even the dirt road that the old hunters stepped on has disappeared. The villagers are facing the problem of whether to go left or right when they are halfway on the road.

Feng Yimin walked up to Huzi and squatted down and asked him, “Huzi, which way do you want to go? Just go to the place I told you at home that morning, and you will show us the way.”

Feng Yimin spoke to Hu Zi very seriously, as if Hu Zi could really understand people’s words, Hu Zi was also very arrogant. He walked to both sides of the road and smelled it, turned his head and looked back at the villagers. went to the front.

Feng Yimin hurriedly greeted everyone and said, “Let’s just follow Huzi, the road here is not easy to walk, everyone be careful.”

Everyone in the village knew that Huzi had spirituality, and happily followed it. Feng Yimin held a hammer in his hand, and whenever he touched a stone, he would go up to it and beat it, and asked the villagers to do the same. The villagers said curiously: “Village Chief, why are you doing this? Isn’t it all volcanic rocks? It’s not like we haven’t seen it before. What’s there to study?”

Feng Yimin had already figured out the reason, and said calmly, “Remember that Professor Hao who always came to our village? He told me that the watermelons in our village are growing well, and it should be related to the soil and water. He has already checked. I have passed the water in our village and found nothing abnormal. Now only soil and stones are left to be tested. The leader also told me when I went to a meeting last time, let us go into the mountains to help get some samples and give them to Hao. Professor, let him help us research, if we can research something, we will be a great achievement, this is the most glorious thing.”

What Feng Yimin said is not all lies. Professor Hao has been interested in Taoyuan Village since he has seen the growth rate of watermelons in Taoyuan Village. Unfortunately, he has come here several times and has not found any results. He has also tested all the tests. , The watermelon seeds he brought back came out of Taoyuan Village, and they were just like ordinary watermelons. He thought that there must be some unknown elements in Taoyuan Village that were affecting the growth of watermelons. He mentioned it to Feng Yimin during a chat. .

When the villagers heard that this was a task assigned to them by the leaders, they obeyed obediently, and took out their hammers diligently, pounding like Feng Yimin. There are many extinct volcanoes in Longling. In the past, there were a lot of black volcanic rocks left by volcanic eruptions, and there were also a few hard yellow rocks. Feng Yimin mainly inspected these yellow rocks, but he knocked all the way and found no gold. .

Huzi took everyone on a leisurely walk. When they got to the back, there were no paths. There were dense woods all around, and there were many fewer stones. Huzi chose those gentle roads for them to go. With Huzi With help, the villagers climbed the mountain with a lot of ease.

The old forest is sparsely populated, and the tall trees block the sunlight. Occasionally, one or two light spots are missed, like a lively mirror jumping between the shadows of the trees. The villagers walk in such a forest. It didn’t feel cool, but felt very stuffy, and my back was soaked with sweat before I knew it.

The wild grass here is also very tall. The villagers waved their sickles to open the way, and they beat and beat in the grass, trying to find some wild rabbits, pheasants, wild birds, etc. They searched for a long time and did not find a single animal, even I didn’t see a single grass flower snake, so I couldn’t help but feel very strange.

The militiamen in the village also scratched their hair and said, “This is really a bit strange. Since we started building the road, we haven’t seen a few animals on this mountain. It wasn’t like this before, not to mention too many, at least three nos. At five o’clock, we can still catch a tooth-beating sacrifice. In winter, there is no food on the mountain. The big wild boar will go down the mountain and waste the crops, so why don’t we give us meat for nothing? But now you can see for yourself, don’t say big There’s a wild boar, and I haven’t even seen a single wild boar hair.”

This time, Muwazi also followed, and when he heard the villagers muttering there, he proudly pointed in the direction of the Dragon Bone Temple and said, “What’s so strange about this? It must be Grandpa Mountain God who put them all away. , you don’t even think about whose territory this Longling is, the animals are all raised by the mountain god, and he doesn’t want you to find it, you won’t be able to find it.”

“What you said is right. The Mountain God has helped us repair the mountain road, so we can’t be too greedy. I think only Huzi can catch the animals on this mountain, or else say Huzi is the Mountain God. What about the mythical beast in front of you?” The villagers all looked at Huzi in unison, and they all envied the village chief’s house. With Huzi, a mythical beast, eating meat is as simple as drinking water, and many can be taken Going out to sell money, they all saw how good the business of the stall that Mrs. Feng set up last time.

Huzi ignored them. He swaggered past the villagers and saw a small hill in front of him. He jumped down and jumped down. Soon the villagers heard the sound of Huzi playing in the water.

Everyone was very happy when they heard the sound of water. After walking for so long, they were all sweaty. With water, they could cool down and cool down. The villagers couldn’t wait to speed up their pace, and they saw a clear stream running down the hillside. The creek, the water is very clean, you can see the water plants swaying below, and it looks very cool.

The villagers cheered and rushed down the hillside. Everyone was so familiar and they were all men. They didn’t have to worry about anything. They threw off their clothes and jumped into the mountain stream. They swam happily in it for several laps. In the canyon between the mountains, I don’t know where this creek flows from, but it is definitely not the one in their village. Anyway, there are so many water systems in this Longling that none of the villagers find it strange.

Feng Yimin was also sweating. He washed his face and feet in the creek. After wiping a few times, he went ashore. Seeing that the villagers were swimming so happily, he didn’t rush them, and walked alone under the shaded tree. After drinking the water, he wanted to put away the water bottle. He just turned around and saw a few delicate orchids growing next to the roots of the tree not far away. The flowers grow directly from the moss below, like a white lotus that has shrunk countless times. Two or three small lotuses can bloom from one branch. It looks very tender and cute, and Feng Yimin immediately thinks of his daughter, Mengmeng. I like these flowers and plants the most. Not to mention these few orchids, even he has never seen them before. He will definitely like them when they go back and let Mengmeng raise them.

As soon as he said it was done, Feng Yimin took out a shovel and dug out the soil around the orchid, and shaved up the orchid with soil from the bottom, carefully wrapped it with some moss and leaves, and put it in the back basket.

The mouse boy, who had just walked to the shore, saw it, and couldn’t help but say with emotion: “Village Chief, this is for your Mengmeng, right? You really love your daughter, and you didn’t forget to dig some flowers for you when you went into the mountains. She brought it back, and she has never seen anyone who dotes on your daughter more than you.”

“Hey, my family Mengmeng likes these the most, so take it back and coax her.” Feng Yimin adjusted the position of the orchids so that nothing else could press them, and he heard the villagers in the stream shouting: “Aiya There is a dragon scale fish! It’s a big dragon scale fish, grab it quickly, don’t let it run away, village chief, come and see it.”

Feng Yimin and Muwazi hurried to the stream, and they found a plump and slender dragon scale fish among the water and grass. This is a unique fish in Longling. They lived in the underground river when they were young, and only swam there when they grew up. From the outside, this fish tastes very delicious and does not have many spines. It tastes similar to the grouper in the sea. Dotted with orange-red spots. This kind of fish has another feature. It must be eaten on the same day that it is caught, and it cannot be marinated, otherwise it will not be fresh the next day. Therefore, many people in Taoyuan Village have tasted the taste of dragon scale fish, but it is so big. It’s still rare, Feng Yimin and Mouse Wazi didn’t say a word, they rolled up their trouser legs and jumped down to help catch them.

The villagers are all experienced fishermen. They can fish in the sea, let alone the fish in this small stream. They don’t take it seriously. They want to catch the fish when they are surrounded by them. Thinking that this fish is quite cunning, it slipped and escaped from the villagers’ legs. Unfortunately, the water was full of green water plants, and its color was so conspicuous that there was nowhere to hide. The villagers were unwilling to let it go. It ran away, shouting and chasing after it.

The fish was so big that it couldn’t swim very fast in this shallow creek. It swam in front, and the villagers kept chasing after it. They almost caught it several times. Running away, the villagers were so angry that they gave up their strength. They stared at the fish closely and refused to let it go. Finally, they chased the corner of the stream and found that the fish was covered with a big piece of fish. The stone blocked it, hiding in the shadows under the stone wall.

The villagers were so happy that they smirked, “You run away. Let’s see where you are running this time. Let’s quietly surround them and don’t let them escape again.”

The villagers slowly formed an encirclement, and when they saw the fish, they swooped up and hugged the fish. The dragon scale fish was still fluttering hard, splashing water all over the sky, but it was nothing at all. It was useful, and the villagers pressed it **** the stone wall, picked up a stone and smashed it out.

The militiamen in the village grabbed the gills of the fish with both hands and lifted it up, and said with a particularly happy smile: “Hahaha, my dear, this fish is so big, I think it’s at least as thick as my thighs. Well, it should be seventy or eighty centimeters. We have a good meal at noon today, this fish is enough for so many of us to eat, hey, what are you all looking at?”

The militiaman turned around in confusion, and saw a beautiful open valley behind him, surrounded by verdant mountain peaks, and from the top of the opposite mountain, a swift waterfall poured down, and the water hit the rocks below, A white mist is aroused, and the gurgling water is injected into the lake below. The water in the lake has all colors. Red, yellow, blue and green are like a mixture of many fruit candies. The key is especially transparent, even the rotten bottom of the lake. The wood and water plants can be seen clearly.

The villagers were stunned. The scenery was so beautiful that they couldn’t describe it. They only felt that their eyes were very comfortable as if they had been washed with water. Facing such a beautiful valley, they couldn’t even breathe. Don’t dare to use too much force, for fear of disturbing the immortals living inside.

The mouse boy covered his mouth and whispered, “Village Chief, have we come to Wonderland?”

Feng Yimin was particularly amazed, but he still said rationally: “It’s not a fairyland, but it’s almost the same. It’s strange, why does the water here have so many colors?”

He walked to the lake curiously. Looking from his direction, the small stream on the right was still transparent. Once it was poured into the lake, it became colorful. He squatted down and took a closer look at the lake. The water was still transparent and colorless. He shook his head and couldn’t understand the mystery.

There is also a green fluffy wild grass growing by the lake. It is very low and it looks like a blanket spread on the ground. Weeds and wild flowers are also something Feng Yimin has never seen before.

The mouse child has already started talking: “I bet that there must be gods in this place, maybe it is the fairyland where the mountain **** and his old man lived, or why did Huzi bring us here, eh, Huzi? Hu? Where did your son go?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Huzi rushed out of the woods next to him. It ran quickly to Feng Yimin, and threw a half-sized elk with a flick of its head. This elk has fragrant glands on its body, and the meat tastes delicious. It was fragrant and tender. Feng Yimin raised his wrist and looked at his watch. It was almost time for lunch. He simply picked up the elk and said, “Let’s not discuss it, let’s fill our stomach first, the scenery of this place is so beautiful. , let’s take a look around after we finish lunch.”

The villagers were very happy to see this elk. They were not like people from the old Feng family. The chances of eating meat on weekdays can be counted on ten fingers. This elk has been bitten by a tiger. The blood was almost drained after dragging it all the way, which saved them a lot of effort. The militiamen in the village took the elk and ran to the stream to clean it up.

The other villagers surrounded Hu Zi and praised: “Hu Zi, you are righteous. When we arrive at your site, you will know to invite us to dinner. Today, we will not be polite to you. After the meat is cooked, we will share half of it with you. , I’ll give you half of the fish, hehe.”

Hu Zi squatted on the grass and licked his paws slowly, his tail still raised high and motionless, and he seemed to have the temperament of an expert.

The villagers found a place by the lake and began to bury their pots to make rice. Fortunately, the militiamen brought a large iron pot, which can be used now. They did not dare to scoop up the water in the lake, because they were worried that the colorful lake water would be poisonous. I only scooped up a pot of flowing stream water to cook the fish soup, and the taste of the river fish stewed in the stream water is superb.

The huge dragon-scale fish has been dismantled into eight pieces by the villagers. The fish head, fish bones and fish tail were thrown into the pot to cook soup. The remaining fish pieces were carefully spread on the red-hot stones, and suddenly cracked. With a bang, the transparent fish flesh also turned tender white, revealing a seductive aroma.

The elk hunted by Huzi was strung up by a thick branch and grilled directly on the fire. The orange flame licked and kissed the elk meat, making it sizzle and sizzle all the time. It dripped into the firewood below, and the air was filled with a strong fragrance unique to elk meat.

When all these are cooked, the villagers take out the dry food, most of which are some peanuts and beans. They eat the fish and elk meat in the delicious fish soup. The dragon scale fish meat is all big pieces There are not many thorns, and it is directly stuffed into the mouth to chew. The taste is particularly delicious and tender. Although it is fresh from the river, it has a smell of seafood.

The roasted elk meat is also particularly delicious. It bites down and flicks the teeth, and the gravy is rich. The oily aroma instantly fills the lips and teeth, making the villagers eat with relish. Hu Zi also ate very well, and even licked the rest of the fish soup clean, making the big iron pot so bright that it almost didn’t need to be washed, just rinse it with water and it was clean.

The villagers ate big fish and meat in their mouths and stared at the beautiful scenery in front of them. There is nothing more enjoyable than this. After the meal, everyone discussed and decided to explore the surrounding area.

Feng Yimin carried the basket on his back and did not forget to instruct him: “Everyone, walk carefully, and look around a little more. We have never been here before, so don’t be careless.”

The villagers walked one by one into a line, and Huzi didn’t come with them. After it was full, it ran into the woods. Feng Yimin didn’t care about it. At the end, the group carefully circled the lake.

This lake is so beautiful, so beautiful. The real paradise is just like this. The villagers are silently admiring in their hearts, and their eyes are greedy to appreciate the beauty of the valley. The air here is also extraordinarily sweet, with an indescribable smell The aroma of plants and trees and the delicate water vapor are very good, so the villagers who walk here are refreshed.

Suddenly, the militiamen walking in the front said in surprise: “Village chief, look at the row of bushes in front of you. Those trees are growing on the lake. I guess the water in this lake flows there. Look, The water flows down there.”

The villagers looked in the direction he pointed, and sure enough, they found a row of dense bushes in the northeast corner of the lake. This kind of tree looks like a peach tree, with tiny oval leaves, and the lake is still Quietly flowing through the trees, forming blisters one after another at the back. They are separated by this tree, like a crystal necklace strung together. The villagers go around and look left and right, and the water in the blisters also has Many colors, calm like a mirror, reflect the human figure clearly.

Everyone squatted down and looked at the strangeness. The water surface was so bright that it was like a mercury mirror sold in the city. The mouse boy stretched out his fingers and fiddled with it twice, and immediately there were ripples on the water surface. He stood up and said very rudely: “This water is so clean, it looks like the mirror in my house has been smashed, and the colors in this water are also beautiful, why are there so many colors? It’s a good thing, maybe the mirrors used by the gods are colored. I feel strange, how many years have we lived in Longling in our village, why haven’t we found such a place? “

Feng Yimin pointed to the lofty mountains in the distance and said, “Where are you going? There are dozens of mountains in Longling, and there are only a few of them that we usually go to. No one has ever been in the other mountains, and there is nothing in them. It’s strange, but I’ve heard of this place. You all know that my grandfather used to come to this mountain often. I heard him say something when I was a child. I thought he was telling a story at the time, but I didn’t expect it to be true. , let’s go ahead and take a look.”

Everyone walked along the edge of this blister, counting while walking: “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, eleven, twelve, oh, there’s a single-plank bridge here.”

Between the twelfth and thirteenth water bubbles, a single-plank bridge was erected in the air. At first, the villagers suspected that it was a man-made bridge. As a result, the militiamen inspected and told them that the bridge was pure natural. After the trees were broken, they floated here, and they didn’t know why they were stuck here. The villagers thought of the rotten wood at the bottom of the lake, and nodded their heads and felt that it was very reasonable.

Everyone happily crossed the single-plank bridge and came to the other side. The land here still grows the green fluffy weeds, like a green carpet that stretches into the woods. When the villagers walk to the edge of the woods, they can still see the trees. The big-tailed squirrel is busy climbing up and down, not afraid of people at all.

The beautiful scenery in this valley is something the villagers have never seen before. Although they are all rude, they also know how to appreciate it. It took more than an hour to complete the exploration of this place. leave here.

After Feng Yimin walked around the valley, he had an idea in his heart. This place is really beautiful. There is no such scenic spot he has heard of. Can he come up with some articles? He made up his mind in his mind. If there are more tourists coming to Taoyuan Village, he can take them here by the way. The key is to repair the mountain road. Tourists are much more delicate than them, so they cannot make mistakes.

After he figured it out, Feng Yimin clapped his palms and stopped the villagers: “Don’t run around, let’s make a few marks here, remember to leave a mark when you go out, and you can find it next time you come back, it’s getting late. , let’s go back after leaving the mark, it’s too late in the mountains.”

The village chief has spoken, and the villagers all walked back obediently, and honestly carved arrows on the trees along the way, ready to walk out of the valley. Before they left, Huzi appeared out of nowhere and walked in front. Show everyone the way.

Feng Yimin dug up several more orchids next to the creek. He looked around and then stopped. He put the orchids in a basket and took the villagers back.

It was almost dusk when he walked to the entrance of the village. Through the soft yellow light, Feng Yimin saw his mother squatting in the yard of the canteen to wash the cups.

He asked the villagers to go home first, and walked into the canteen with a backpack on his back. Madam Feng turned her back to him when she heard the movement, and said without looking up, “It’s too late, we have to close the door and go home for dinner. Come back tomorrow. .”

“Mom, it’s me.” Feng Yimin took off the basket, took out a few packs of orchids and said, “Mengmeng, come and see the orchids that Dad brought you. Do you smell it? Does it smell good?”

Mengmeng leaned in curiously and smelled it, and exclaimed with a “wow”: “It’s so fragrant and fragrant.”

“Very good, Dad finds a pot for you to plant.” Feng Yimin walked into the side room and took out a broken pottery pot, put some soil outside the yard, cleaned up the leaves on the packs of orchids, and attached the clods. He Moss just pressed in and planted a full pot, which looked extraordinarily lively.

He poured some water on the orchid and put it under the corridor. Mengmeng walked over curiously and touched the leaves of the orchid, and smelled the aroma of the orchid, she knew she liked it very much from the look of her.

Madam Feng washed all the cups, folded them into several stacks and put them in the basket, and said with disgust, “What’s so beautiful about orchids? They look similar to leeks, and they don’t look happy when they bloom. Why don’t you dig some red powder for Mengmeng, by the way, let me ask you, did you find any gold on the mountain?”

Feng Yimin wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, “Mom, we didn’t find any gold. I think there may not be any gold mines in Longling. The two times in our family were probably a coincidence, but I found a place that is more precious than gold. , don’t you know, Hu Zi took us today…”

Feng Yimin used an exaggerated tone to describe how beautiful and beautiful the valley was, and finally said hopefully: “That place is like a fairyland, I’m sure the tourists outside will like it, if they know If there is such a place, maybe you are willing to come to us for a tour. Mom, think about it, our village not only has mountains, water, beaches and sea, but also such a beautiful valley. As long as tourists are willing to come, our village’s People can make money by sitting at home. I think it is not much worse than a gold mine. Once the gold mine is dug, it will be gone. This scenery can be left in our Taoyuan Village for generations.”

Madam Feng still didn’t quite believe it, but it didn’t look like her son was lying, and there was no need for him to lie. She stood up and dried her hands and said, “Is there really such a good place? Let’s go there next time. Seeing and seeing, Mengmeng, grandma will take you there when the time comes, and let’s go to see the place that is more beautiful than fairyland.”

Feng Yimin helped her put up the baskets to dry, and said to her with a smile, “Mom, you can go when the mountain road is repaired. I plan to bring more people to investigate next time. The place is really good, and it’s useless without a mountain road. If the village agrees to build the road, it will be convenient for you to enter in the future.”

“That’s alright, then let’s wait, Mengmeng, stop playing with those little broken flowers, and go home with grandma for dinner.” Madam Feng locked the door, and Mengmeng held her milk with one hand and the other with the other. Following her father, the three walked into the village in the afterglow of the setting sun, and the shadow pulled the elders on the ground.

Now that there are electric lights installed in the house, Mrs. Feng likes to turn on one of them when she eats. It brightly illuminates the whole room, and she feels very bright when she stays under the electric lights. She chews the air-dried meat and listens Her eldest son was telling his family about today’s adventure, and couldn’t help but think about the tourists in his heart.

“Yimin, didn’t you say last time that there are still tourists coming? It’s been so long, why haven’t you seen a tourist?”

Feng Yimin stopped talking and laughed very confidently, “Don’t worry, Mom, I have already written to the Wuqi Machinery Factory in the provincial capital, yes, it is the factory that Guangming and I sold electronic watches last time, what do you think? Why do we dare to go there to sell things? The deputy factory manager in charge of sales went to the south with us last time. I and Guangming got along very well with him, and he can talk to him in the factory. They are state-owned In a big factory, the wages of the workers in the factory are very high. I only get 40 yuan and 5 cents a month, and an ordinary worker can get 60 or 70 yuan a month. When you are rich, it is not difficult to travel. I haven’t come yet, I guess there is something in their factory that has been delayed, don’t worry, they will definitely come.”

The chopsticks in Madam Feng’s hand were almost stunned, “I’ll be darling, this worker is too rich, right? One of them is almost as good as two of ours, tsk tsk tsk, no wonder everyone has broken their heads. If I want to be a worker, if they come, I have to take care of my family and make a good profit, it’s better to make money from tourists.”

The tourists mentioned by Feng Yimin have not come yet, but another wave of tourists came by themselves. On a Saturday, several adults rode bicycles with children and rode to the village just like that.

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