Pamper Eighties

Chapter 49

Feng Yimin watched the villagers do their best, and he felt very helpless. Now is not the time for the production team to take care of each family. Even as the village chief, he can’t make a statement, and he can’t stop the villagers from selling watermelons. He can only hope They are not to be deceived.

He slowly walked back to the commissary. Madam Feng caught a glimpse of his listless appearance, frowned and said in disgust, “I ask you, are you still worried about the people in the village? What are they worried about? It’s their destiny to make money, and they deserve it if they don’t make money. If I say this time the matter is too high, you should worry about yourself. If Boss Wang is really a liar, he can’t be the people in the village. I will also blame you in turn, and even you will be killed by then.”

Feng Yimin still understands in his heart that what his mother said is entirely possible, and his face turned gloomy and said: “Mom, being a peasant is a hard life, their eyes are only fixed on the one acre and three points of land in front of them, and they are also a little bit gloomy. I don’t have much knowledge, so I can’t completely blame them for being greedy. If they can go to the south to open their eyes like me and Guangming, they won’t be deceived. After all, our village is too poor. It’s hard to say now. Anyway, I and the village cadres have done our best, and we have said everything we need to say. Whether it is good or bad depends on their own lives. I am the village chief, but I can’t stop it. They want to get rich.”

“That’s why I said you’re stupid. What are you doing with all your heart? People in the village won’t give you a penny when they make money. If something goes wrong, you can’t tell. You’re so dedicated, you just go up and help them wipe it. Ass, wait, if Boss Wang is unreliable, they will definitely come to you. You brought it all on your own. I’m surprised. What a shrewd person I and your father are, how could you give birth to someone like you? Stupid son?”

The older Mrs. Feng said, the more she disliked it. She only felt that the eldest son was not as good as her as the village chief, so she couldn’t help but start scolding again: “I didn’t tell you, why are you rushing to help others find sales? It’s too easy. People won’t cherish what they get, they will only see it as what they should. Just like this time, if the people in the village are going to be fooled, you can let them be fooled. I know the benefits of your village chief, my old lady has not read many books, I can understand the truth, why can’t you understand it? Do you think you are stupid? “

Feng Yimin was both moved and ashamed, and his voice couldn’t help lowering: “Mom, I understand the truth, but I am the village head, and it is my responsibility to lead the people in the village to live a good life. Hands and feet, I will definitely pay attention in the future.”

Madam Feng’s anger rushed to her forehead, and she wanted to grab his ear and scold him loudly, but when she saw Mengmeng’s curious eyes, she quickly retracted her hand, slapped the table hard and said : “You are very responsible, but your sense of responsibility is not in the right place. Then I have to ask you, do you have any responsibility for your family? I haven’t seen you sell a few watermelons at home. It’s going to be rotten in the field, you’re better, give the opportunity to others, who is grateful to you now? I see that you have read about dogs in your studies, and you treat the people in the village as more intimate than your own parents. Dare we all deserve to be implicated by you? Don’t you all say that reform and opening up is happening now? You can’t even take care of your own family. I think you are the village chief for nothing. A good life, you want others to live a good life first, bah, I, Miao Yufeng, have such a worthless son as you, he was born to collect debts.”

Feng Yimin saw the wrinkles at the corners of his mother’s eyes, and he suddenly felt extremely guilty. His mother was busy at home and in the store every day, and his father went to the provincial capital to sell goods every day when he was old. They worked so hard for this family. It’s also for him, if it weren’t for his parents, his family would be worse than others. This family is completely supported by his parents, and what he did, his watermelons are better than others. Other people’s family has matured early, and if they don’t sell it, it will really be rotten. Instead of taking care of the family, he goes to work in the village, but he can’t do it well. He is really irresponsible and unfilial. First of all, he is A son’s father and husband, and then the village head, can’t take good care of a small family, let alone so many families in the village? He ended up making both ends not human, who’s to blame? I can only blame him for being so stupid.

Feng Yimin felt that he couldn’t go on like this, he looked into Mrs. Feng’s eyes and said very sincerely: “Mom, I’m really wrong, you’re right, I’m so stupid, I must take care of my family in the future. Let’s take care of the rest, I went out with Guangming to discuss more than 2,000 watermelon orders this time, and since the village has sold all the watermelons, let’s share the order with the other families.”

Madam Feng felt a little relieved in her heart, but she still kept her mouth shut: “How many families do we need to divide only more than 2,000 watermelons? Our family can’t sell many of them at all, and we have to bear such a bad reputation for nothing. The people in the village should say that you are selfish. Forget it, my dad and I don’t count on you. We have already discussed that we should transport it to the provincial capital and sell it. We have hired the car, you Just be your village head. I can see it clearly. With reform and opening up, people’s hearts are more active than before. Before the production team, there were not so many things to do. You, the village head, can be more concerned. Come on, don’t get caught by someone with a braid one day and get into a fight.”

Feng Yimin was so moved that he didn’t know what to say. Although his mother didn’t speak well, every word was for his sake. He was so lucky to have such parents. If he didn’t do well in the village. , then he is really worthless as the village chief.

Mengmeng just sat on the side and listened obediently to her grandmother and her father talking. She originally planned to clean up those bad guys. It seems that there is no need to worry about listening to the adults, so she will just wait.

Feng Yimin summoned three other cadres for a meeting, took out some pieces of paper and slapped them on the table and said, “This is the list that Guangming and I went to the province the day before yesterday. There are five units and seven self-employed individuals. They want two thousand three hundred dollars. A watermelon, this order can’t be delayed. We have to ship it out and sell it to them. I have discussed with Guangming. The watermelons of our two families will not participate. The two of you, as well as the villagers who didn’t sell watermelons this time, such as the second and third in my family, and the mouse across the street, there are only a few households in total, and it’s almost enough for you to gather together.”

Miao Lihua read all the lists over and over, covered her mouth and smiled a little embarrassedly and said, “Village Chief, why should I take advantage of your family? You still share this list with us, right?”

Feng Yimin waved his hand and refused and said, “No, I have already decided, and my family supports it. Besides, my family grows a lot. After dividing my family, it is not enough for you. You can divide it yourself. Don’t be polite to me.”

Zhang Guangming also said to the side: “I and Yimin’s family grow the most watermelons in the village, so we won’t **** it from the villagers. My dad and the old village chief have already discussed that they will hire a car to transport them tomorrow. There are more than 2,000 watermelons in this list, and you can’t pull it out by just a few of you. What I mean is that I suggest that you hire a car as well. When the time comes, sell the watermelons and spread the money evenly. You can discuss this matter by yourself. .”

Feng Guoqiang said simply: “You two are loyal, and I won’t be polite to you anymore. Then I will have the cheek to ask for this list. You can hire a car. Running back and forth a few times is not enough to be exhausted, and you may not be able to pull it all over. You are not in a hurry about the car, but do you want to tell the people in the village about this order?

Speaking of this, Miao Lihua is also very angry, she is a woman and some words can be said more bluntly: “That’s right, last time we helped to sell watermelons, we were weighing and registering, and we were so tired from working for a long time. I have back pain, and I was suspected by others. This cadre is so aggrieved, it’s all about the money. Sometimes I really want to let go of the burden. It’s better for me to sell a few for my monthly salary. As for the watermelon, I was not thankful for my efforts and was pointed at me behind my back, I get angry when I think about it.”

Feng Yimin saw that everyone was in a low mood, so he had to play a rounder: “Lihua, don’t be angry, it’s not easy for us to be a cadre, we have survived the hard times in the past, and now these things are nothing at all. , no one in the village is talking behind their backs, isn’t it just Feng Dafu? If you talk about a person like him, you can treat him like a fart, and you don’t need to pay attention to him, but you have to tell the people in the village about this list. As soon as you say, wait, I’ll go to the broadcast now.”

Feng Yimin broadcasted the broadcast to call the villagers over, stood on the stool and said to everyone, “Folks, this time I called you here because I have something to inform. Accountant Zhang and I went out this time to run more than 2,000 watermelon orders. , Didn’t we meet you selling watermelons as soon as we got back? This matter has been delayed. It’s been two days now, and people are rushing them. It can’t be delayed any longer. It is only 50 cents a pound. There are still several households in the village who have not sold watermelons. If you are willing to sell them, you can stay and discuss by yourself. It’s also you who collect it yourself. Accountant Zhang and I are just to help you get in touch with the market. The watermelons from our two families will not be sold this time. If you think the price is not suitable, it doesn’t matter. You can go out and get in touch by yourself. Reluctantly. Well, that’s all I have to say, if you have nothing else to do, go back.”

Most of the people in the village have no opinion. They have already sold their own ripe melons. Those who planted few people don’t even have a few watermelons left. Even if they want to fight, it is useless. Besides, wait for the king tomorrow. When the boss came back to give the money, they still paid five cents per catty, so it wouldn’t be a pity.

Several other families discussed and decided to hire a car to go out. Feng Guoqiang went out that afternoon to contact the car. The next day, the old Feng family and the old Zhang family hired Da Jiefang, as well as the car hired by the village. In Taoyuan Village, the villagers had already prepared the watermelons, loaded them into cars on the spot, and followed a few cadres in the village.

The watermelon carts of the old Feng family and the old Zhang family also followed. When they arrived in the provincial capital, one of them drove to Dongcheng District and the other to Xicheng District. They did not affect each other, and they each sold their own watermelons.

Mengmeng also came with her grandparents. When they arrived at the vegetable market in Dongcheng District, Da Jiefang stopped in the square in front. Old man Feng and the driver opened the back of the car, moved out the table and chairs, and began to sell watermelons.

They came early, just in time for the busiest time of the vegetable market. Citizens who came to buy vegetables quickly discovered this stall, and see what they sell? When I got closer, it turned out to be a watermelon, which is quite a rare southern fruit, and I can’t see it once, let alone eat it.

Mengmeng was sitting on the chair, holding a small piece of watermelon in her hand and nibbling on it, cack c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c bother People immediately gathered around, stood in front of the booth and asked, “Little boy, how do you sell your watermelon? Is it delicious?”

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