Pamper Eighties

Chapter 69

More than half a month has passed, and Old Man Feng and Old Man Zhang’s video halls are almost the same. Before they opened, they happily returned to the village and brought their old wife and grandchildren to the provincial capital. Go and see what the video hall looks like.

Madam Feng is indeed very curious. These days, her old man leaves early and returns late every day, like an ant moving house. He also moved a lot of the family’s goods to the provincial capital. She has been curious for a long time, and now the video hall is finally going to open. When she got up, she also wanted to go over and take a look, and also brought her Mengmeng and Erwa with her.

Fortunately, both of them had bicycles. The four old men and three children rode on the bicycles. It didn’t take long for them to arrive at the provincial capital. Old Man Feng and Old Man Zhang were obviously familiar with this place. Finally slowed down in a bungalow area near a street.

“It’s almost there. Look at the two bungalows at the front, which are the houses we rented, and the video room is there.” Old man Feng pointed to a few houses at the end of the road, and rode his bicycle to lead the way.

Madam Feng has been observing the surrounding environment along the way. It is located near the family area of ​​the factory. The people who come in and out are either workers or their family members. These people are much better than those outside the city in terms of clothing and spirit. , it’s not unreasonable to choose her video room here. Didn’t you see the shops on both sides of the road? Supply and marketing cooperatives, state-run stores, state-run restaurants and private restaurants have opened up many, as if it were a small market.

Madam Feng nodded secretly, and quickly rode to the front of the bungalow. She parked and locked the bicycle, and then carried Mengmeng down from the back seat of the car and put her on the ground.

Old Man Feng held Erwa with one hand, and pointed at the door with the other, and began to introduce: “These bungalows are all built by factories, and we spent a lot of effort to rent them here. Just these two bungalows, each The monthly rent is also 50 yuan. Do you think it is expensive? Expensive is right. This is surrounded by factories and residential buildings. There are tens of thousands of people living there. There is only one market. They pass through here every day. , our family’s business will be easy to do.”

Madam Feng stood at the door and began to look at it. The bungalow on the left must be the video hall. There was a big sign on the door with the words “Video hall” written on it. There were also many colorful stickers on the wall. The star posters are all Hong Kong’s big beauties. There is also a narrow porch on the steps, a small table against the wall, and a small blackboard next to it, with the names of the movies written all over it with chalk.

Old Man Feng led everyone up the steps, knocked on the table, and said, “See? We’ll sit here and pay the fee when the time comes. There is only one door in this room, and no one can escape the ticket.”

The old man Zhang took out the key and opened the door to let them in. There was only a small window inside. The TV and VCR were placed on the table at the end of the room. From there to the door, there were densely packed rows of A row of chairs, the space in the middle is just enough to accommodate the legs, and there is no wasted space at all.

Madam Feng roughly counted the number of chairs, and couldn’t help but say in surprise, “Old man, what are you doing with so many chairs? I’m afraid there are more than 100 chairs here? Will anyone come to so many places?”

Old Man Feng touched his chin with a smug smile and said, “It’s like this in Guangzhou. Not only are the chairs full of people, but people who don’t have enough seats are standing behind. In short, a room is full of people. These days, people keep coming over to ask questions. They are all curious to death. This is a Hong Kong movie. We have prepared dozens of movies. Don’t worry, no one will come to watch. Let’s go, I will take you next door to watch .”

They walked out of the door and entered another room. The first thing they saw was a bed against the corner, a round table and a few chairs in front of it, and a coal stove next to it. The rest of the space was stuffed with large boxes. It’s full, and the base is high.

After reading it, Mrs. Feng couldn’t bear to say: “This place is so small, you live in such a big yard in the village, it’s really hard to live here.”

The old man Zhang waved his hands and said without caring: “I’m not afraid of this. It’s good to make money. It’s not bad for our husband and wife to live here. Some workers’ houses next to us are not as big as ours.”

His wife Ma Guihua had lived here for a few nights, so he hurriedly greeted them to sit down, and said to Mrs. Feng with emotion: “It’s just as bad to live in the city, it’s too inconvenient to buy things, what are you going to buy? You need a ticket, and things that don’t need a ticket are just like the goods here, and they are expensive. It’s like our village. When you want to eat fish, you go to the sea to catch fish, and when you want to eat vegetables, you go to the vegetable garden to pick them and eat them. We have eggs and chicken that we raise at home, and we don’t need to spend any money or tickets. We lived here for a few days, and the food you eat every day is brought to us by your old man.”

Madam Feng recalled her previous experience of going to the city to buy things, and said with the same feeling: “There is no way to do this, it is like this in the city, otherwise, why do people in the city always like to travel to our village? What do you want to eat every day, tell my old man in advance, he will bring it to you from the village the next day, maybe it is fresher than other people in the city.”

The adults were chatting, Mengmeng was already sitting on the chair and looking around, looking at the strangeness, Erwa and Rui Geer were also sitting on the side, the three little dolls were staring at the room with big round eyes. They lived in Taoyuan Village since they were young, and they lived in black stone houses. They had never seen a bungalow in the city. Seeing that the windows were still inlaid with iron bars, the houses in their village did not have such equipment.

After sitting for a while, Ma Guihua wanted to take them out to buy something. She went to the bedside and took out a small cloth pocket and put it on her body. She waved to the dolls and said, “Grandma will take you out to buy something delicious. The things are all rare things in the city, I guarantee that you have never eaten them, come and follow me.”

Erwa and Mengmeng had already slid down from the chairs, and they were about to run over there. Madam Feng was still a little embarrassed, so she stopped them and said, “Osmanthus, you are too polite, why am I so embarrassed to let you spend time with me? What about the money? There are all kinds of snacks at home, so you don’t need to take them out.”

Ma Guihua came over and held one in each hand, smiled particularly cheerfully, and said, “What kind of hospitality do you have with me? They are just like my grandchildren. I am familiar with this city and know that there are several shops specializing in rare items. shop, you sit here, we’ll be back soon.”

Ma Guihua walked out with three little dolls. After passing through five or six shops, she finally came to a shop specializing in pastries. This is a self-employed shop. It is said that the owner was a former state-run food factory master. The cakes are particularly authentic. The little dolls around this factory like it very much. The only disadvantage is that it is too expensive, but this is not a problem for Ma Guihua, after all, her family is a million-dollar household.

Walking into this pastry shop, the eyes of the little dolls were immediately attracted by the pastries on the counter. Those pastries were not only beautiful in color, but also very small and delicate, and all kinds of them filled the entire counter. Yes, let the little dolls make a “wow” in unison.

The owner of the shop is the old master’s son. When he saw the customer coming, he immediately stood up to greet him and said, “Oh, it’s Aunt Ma, are you here to buy something with your grandchildren? You can choose whatever you want, I’m here. The pastries in the store are all made fresh this morning and are guaranteed to be fresh, so let me know what you like.”

Ma Guihua also said to him very familiarly: “Master Xiao Wang, are you visiting the shop today? These are my grandchildren, I will bring them here to see you, I was in your shop last time. Do you still have the kind of cake with an umbrella that you saw? If you have one, give them one for each of them, and then weigh a few cakes for me, including sesame pancakes, egg yolk cakes, and milk cakes, each with half a catty. “

“Yes, yes, you wait, I’ll get it for you now.” The smile on Mr. Wang’s face became even brighter. He walked behind the counter and quickly took out the small cake with the umbrella. , then he turned around and went to work on the rest.

The three small cakes are all packed in a small red plastic basket, coated with a thick layer of white cream, and decorated with several colorful jelly beans. The most special thing is that the cake is also inserted with A small colored paper umbrella, three cakes are umbrellas of three different colors, red, green and blue, they look very cute, they captured the hearts of the little dolls in an instant, such a beautiful cake , why are they willing to eat?

Master Xiao Wang quickly weighed all the other cakes. After Ma Guihua paid the money, he walked out of the cake shop with the little dolls. Everyone carried a small umbrella cake in his hand and smiled. Happy little look.

Not long after walking out, a big water buffalo came in from the intersection in front. A farmer with a straw hat led the cow and sat in front. He kept shouting, “Selling milk, selling milk, and again. The fragrant and white buffalo milk is now squeezed and drunk for 10 cents a pound.”

When Ma Guihua saw it, he stopped him and said, “That milk seller, come to my store with me, I want two catties of milk.”

She originally planned to take the little dolls to buy soda, but now she has changed her mind. The cold soda is not as good as hot milk. She greeted the farmer and walked to the front of the video hall. She returned to the house and took out a pot.

Madam Feng also came out. She was very surprised to see the big buffalo, “Oh, there are people raising cows in this city? The milk is fresh, it’s all squeezed out now.”

The farmer was squatting on the ground and milking the milk, and he didn’t forget to turn his head and say with a smile: “Old lady, my family lives in the suburbs, very close to the provincial capital. Isn’t this family’s buffalo just giving birth to a calf? I thought to myself. This milk can’t be wasted, so I brought it to the city to sell it, don’t worry, I’ve squeezed it fresh, with no water added to it, so both adults and children in your family can drink it, and it’s good for your health.”

This farmer squeezed half a pot of milk for Ma Guihua, and she didn’t need to weigh it. They knew the weight by measuring it with their hands. Ma Guihua took out two cents and handed it to him. After he was far away, she faced him. Mrs. Feng whispered: “Listen to his nonsense just now, he specializes in selling milk. I heard from the workers nearby that he has a dozen cows at home, and he brings them to the city every day to sell them. Selling milk, he can earn ten yuan or eight yuan a day, and he is also a very good businessman.”

Madam Feng looked at the back of the peasant and said with emotion, “Tsk tsk tsk, there is no simple person in this city, that is, we don’t feel anything if we live a good life now. It is ten yuan and eight yuan, and it can earn two or three thousand yuan a year, which is more than most people in our commune in two or three years. I really can’t see it.”

Ma Guihua said with a smile, “Never mind, his milk is not adulterated anyway, and the workers who live here are willing to buy it from him. If you smell it, the smell of this milk is quite strong, isn’t it? I’ll boil it later, and let’s drink milk and eat pastries, that’s what it’s called a zesty.”

Old Madam Feng also said expectantly: “That’s good, none of these babies have ever drank milk. People in this city will enjoy it. Let’s taste the taste of milk this time.”

Back in the house, Ma Guihua lit the stove and started to heat the milk. Madam Feng found a few plates and put all the pastries on the table. She looked at those exquisite pastries, which were quite rare. Said: “It’s also strange in this city. The state-run store needs a ticket to sell cakes, and the self-employed person does not need a ticket to open a store. It is much fresher than the state-run store. Although the price is more expensive, it’s not too expensive. The key is that you don’t need a lot of tickets. It’s convenient, do you think the state-run store will still be able to open in the future?”

The old man Feng had already analyzed it for her: “State-run state-run, what you want is the word state-run, as long as there is a state to cover, you don’t care whether it can be sold or not, I heard that the cakes in the state-run store can’t be sold for half a year. When you go out, it becomes as hard as a stone. If there is an emperor who dares to go in and make trouble, the salesperson will pick up a few cakes and throw them out, and they can destroy an entire reinforcement company. Do you think it is powerful?”

This made everyone burst into laughter, and the old man patted the table and said to them, “That’s right, I’ve heard of a funnier one, two salesmen fighting, one of them grabbed the cake and threw it to the other. On the head, he beat the man into a concussion on the spot, the cake rolled onto the road, punctured the tire of a bicycle, and a wild dog ran over to eat it, and it collapsed immediately. I got two front teeth, hahahaha, do you think it’s funny or not?”

There was a burst of laughter in the room, and Madam Feng almost burst into tears. She wiped the corners of her eyes and said, “I didn’t expect that, around this time last year, I brought Mengmeng to the provincial capital. When shopping for New Year’s goods, she saw Shanghai biscuits in other state-owned stores, but she couldn’t buy them if she wanted to. It hasn’t been a year, and everything there has been sold. In the future, this market will be the world of self-employed people. Let’s Mengmeng couldn’t eat Shanghai biscuits before, but now the pastries made by this self-employed are better than those Shanghai biscuits in my opinion.”

“You won’t know if it’s good until you taste it.” Ma Guihua had already warmed up the milk, poured a glass for everyone, sat down and greeted everyone, “Come on, don’t be polite, let’s have some All these pastries are eaten, don’t keep them overnight, Mengmeng, you can try these pastries.”

Mengmeng has finished eating the little umbrella cake. The cake is fragrant and smooth, especially delicious. She turned the little umbrella in her left hand, and took a bite of a sesame pancake in her right hand. She opened her eyes, picked up the glass of milk and tasted it. Immediately, her lips were covered with milky white color. She stuck out her tongue and licked it. The cup is down.

Madam Feng saw that she liked to drink, and said with some regret: “Our Mengmeng also drank the milk of the old people when she was a child, and she drank it for a few months, and she never drank it again. How old are the sheep at home now? Come on, it will take a while for it to be raised until it can produce milk, it is still good to live in the city, at least this milk can be drunk if you want.”

The old man Feng immediately made a decision: “It’s not easy to drink milk? I’ll go home every day in the future, and I’ll bring back a can for Mengmeng to ensure that she can drink it every day.”

Madam Feng looked at him with admiration and said, “That’s alright, Mengmeng will be able to drink milk every day in the future, and when the sheep at home grow up, let’s drink goat milk again. I heard the milk seller say, A doll who grew up drinking milk has a great body.”

Everyone drank milk and ate pastries, and in this winter, they felt their whole body warmed up. After chatting and chatting, Mrs. Feng saw so many goods, so she couldn’t help but said worriedly: “We put so many goods in. In the store, you are not afraid during the day. At night, you two will stay here. You have to be careful. Even our small village has petty theft, not to mention such a big city. You are not afraid of losing the goods. , I’m afraid that some thieves will hurt people, alas, this money is not easy to earn.”

“Hey, don’t worry, I’ll show you something good.”

The old man Zhang stood up and walked to the edge of the bed. He took out a hammer from under the pillow. He gestured to the air in a graceful manner. After dancing for a long time, I didn’t see him out of breath, and said quite easily: “If a thief dares to come in and steal something, you can’t tell who will win and who will win. You can see that my style is okay?”

“Anyway, you have to be careful. Hey, Mengmeng, what are you looking at?”

Madam Feng was just about to say a few words when she found that Mengmeng was staring at the hammer very intently. She thought that Mengmeng had taken a fancy to the hammer, so she smiled and touched her little head and said, “Dear Bao’er, that thing is used to deal with thieves, but I can’t play it for you.”

Mengmeng turned her eyes to the window with the iron bars, and said with a grin, “There are no thieves.”

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