Pamper Eighties

Chapter 82

Time has quietly entered April, and the breath of spring is getting stronger and stronger. Although it is still a bit cold in spring, it is still much warmer than winter. Taoyuan Village has ushered in a wave of tourism peaks.

Since the beginning of the month, many tourists have come to the village one after another. The scenery of Taoyuan Village has not undergone formal publicity, but relies on the word of mouth of tourists. The fishing village, knowing that the place is beautiful and the water is good, and there are many delicious and fun things, they are very longing for it on weekdays, barely holding back for a winter, when the weather starts to get warmer, they immediately come with their family and family. Taoyuan Village, get ready to relax here.

Along the dirt road of Longling, tourists can see green mountains along the way. There is still misty mist floating on the mountainside, which adds a bit of beauty to the vast mountain peaks, as if there are some gods and masters in it. Like living, the mood of the tourists has also become high and far, and all the troubles and worries have been put down without knowing it, and they can calm down and enjoy this beautiful scenery.

When tourists enter Taoyuan Village, what they see is a row of volcanic stone houses. The alleys in the village are swept clean. All the open spaces are full of flowers, and even the hillsides close to the village are moved. We have planted a large number of wild flowers, which are in full bloom in spring. The peach blossoms in and outside the village are also in full bloom. There are also many rapeseed flowers planted along the river bank. The bright yellow flowers are like the brightest sunshine. It shines into the hearts of tourists, making their atriums become a bright and dignified piece. In this situation, how can they not make them feel comfortable? I just feel that this Taoyuan Village really deserves the reputation of Taoyuan, and it is them. In my mind, Xanadu should look like.

Curious tourists soon discovered the canteen in the village, especially the little dolls are more happy, because there are countless types of snacks in the canteen, and the prices of those snacks are not expensive, and most parents are willing to pay. Buy some for your own little dolls, so that the little dolls who come with a piece are bubbling with beauty.

The canteen of the old Feng family specializes in selling rare southern goods. After a year of operation, it has already made a name for itself in the neighborhood. Now the price is more affordable than before. In addition, the mountain road is easy to go, and it has attracted many people outside the mountains. people come to buy.

At this moment, Mrs. Feng was standing at the counter, entertaining tourists with familiarity, and when they were about to leave, she said enthusiastically, “Come back in a while, there will be a new batch of goods coming in at my house. It is guaranteed to be fashionable and affordable, if you want to buy it, just come and choose from me, I will give you the best price, go slow.”

Madam Feng has been the shopkeeper for a year, and now she is quite good at dealing with these tourists. She has already seen it. She is a self-employed and can only rely on herself, so her service attitude must be better than that of other state-owned stores. , whoever goes to her store, she always greets people with a smile, and treats customers very thoughtfully. Gradually, she has accumulated a group of regular customers, not to mention the people in the village, and more in the communes and provincial capitals. Yes, every time these people come to buy something, they are giving her money. Of course, she has to treat her well. For example, among the tourists this time, maybe there will be one or two repeat customers. Her old man went there recently. In the south, new products will come to the store soon. Every time she sends a customer away, she has to tell them, so that they can come to pick the goods when it is time. She is such a good business person, Mrs. Feng. Even she has to admire herself, hehe.

She was standing behind the counter selling goods, and Mengmeng was sitting on a chair playing with a music box. She was wearing an off-white sweater and jeans, a pair of white small wave shoes on her feet, and her smooth black hair was draped over her shoulders. , which makes her small face smaller and more beautiful.

Tourists who come and go have seen this fashionable and beautiful little girl, and they are even more rare in the clothes she wears. After they came to Taoyuan Village, they found out that the farmers in this village are dressed too fashionably. Tourists Most of them still wear blue or gray padded jackets. Those who are in better condition wear green padded jackets or floral cloth clothes. These clothes are made in a wide and wide style, which is already very fashionable in the city, but only when they come to the village. Know what is really fashionable.

Look at what the villagers here are wearing? Those bright cotton coats have different colors and styles that they have never seen before. Some people even wear down jackets, which is extremely fashionable. If the villagers hadn’t told them what a down jacket is, they wouldn’t even know what a down jacket is. I don’t know, even the most ordinary villagers dress like tourists. Is this still a rural place in the mountains? The villagers were dressed so well that the tourists were embarrassed to look at themselves, so they quickly asked them about the situation. For example, a female tourist pointed at Mengmeng and said, “Old lady, your granddaughter. It’s so beautiful, where did you buy this dress? Where did you buy this down vest on you?”

The old lady Feng told her with a smile: “You go out of my store and look to the right. The next door is the clothing store of Lao Zhang’s. Her clothes are all from Hong Kong, and they are the most fashionable. Many people in my family often come to her house to buy them. She can also make one for you at an affordable price. If you are interested, you can visit her house. All of our clothes are bought from her house. of.”

Tourists were instructed, and they rushed into the clothing store of Lao Zhang’s family curiously. This house was also built with black volcanic stone, and the style was similar to the houses in the village. The main room faces south, and there are side rooms on the left and right sides. It looks extraordinarily stylish. The interior is also well decorated. The ceiling is made of wood from the mountains. The walls are painted white and nailed in some places. With the yellow wooden shelves, there is an indescribable style in the eyes of tourists. Electric lights are turned on throughout the clothing store. Even in broad daytime, several lights are turned on, which illuminates the whole room. The bright hall also makes the clothes in the store more fashionable.

These are all kinds of clothes, not only dark blue and light blue denim flared pants, but also down jackets and cotton-padded jackets of various colors, red jackets with shoulder pads, and even black suits for men. The dolls wear more clothes, all kinds of beautiful little suits, all these clothes have been matched and hung on the wall, and the tourists can see it as soon as they enter the store, and they are immediately shocked. I can’t speak, I just feel that my eyes are about to run out.

Fashionable, so fashionable, when have they seen such fashionable clothes? As the saying goes, people are more dead than others, and goods are thrown away. They compared their clothes and suddenly felt a little embarrassed to meet people, because their clothes were really old-fashioned, as if they were They are the countrymen, but the villagers of Taoyuan Village are from the city. It is too embarrassing. To change, you must change all your clothes!

This kind of idea occupies the hearts of most tourists. Some of them are for face, some are for fashion, and some are for enjoyment. No matter what they think in their hearts, in the end, they are replaced by old Zhang. The new clothes at home, dressed beautifully, and walked out. Everyone’s face was filled with arrogant smiles. The people who can go out to travel these days basically belong to the relatively well-off families in the city. Everyone has the pursuit of beauty. These people are more fashionable than others. They have already thought in their hearts, how proud they will be when they wear this dress to the work unit, they can definitely envy the dead work unit. Many people in the house, thinking this way, the smiles on their faces are even more cheerful.

Yang Xiaojuan is busy entertaining tourists in the store, and she is also very happy. These tourists come to her clothing store and make her a lot of money. She originally opened a clothing store just to pass the time, but she did not expect the business to be so good. Usually there are villagers and people from the commune who come to take care of her family’s business, but now that there are tourists, the business is even more visible to the naked eye. She silently takes stock of today’s income in her heart, and there is nothing more satisfying than this. , I couldn’t help but be more interested in this business, and made up my mind in my heart to run this business well.

There are many tourists, and there are many people scattered in various households. There are also tourists in the old Feng family who want to come in. Their family has the best living conditions in the whole village, and the accommodation fee is of course the most expensive. It costs two yuan to stay a night, so there are still many people who want to live in. Madam Feng is reluctant to entertain so many tourists. She might as well open a shop. She raised the price to drive customers away. In the end, only three families were left. The tourists who came in were very happy. They had already inquired about it. Living in the village chief’s house is not only a living Comfortable, even the food is the best.

Tourists stayed in the village for a while, and then they ran out and strolled around excitedly. They came to the beach and were blown by the sea breeze, and soon felt a little cold. It was impossible to swim in the sea. They could only stay. Take a look at the scenery on the shore and then take photos. More tourists choose to go to the side of the mountain or even on the mountain.

Spring is here, and the trees are showing new shoots. The mountains and plains are full of green and verdant colors. At first glance, it is full of vitality and vitality. The fields are also full of various bright little wildflowers. They look like a flower. Colorful carpets decorate the beautiful scenery of Taoyuan Village.

When did these tourists see such idyllic scenery, they couldn’t help urging the villagers who led the way to say: “The scenery here is so beautiful, I seem to see a lot of fruit trees planted there, right? Can you take us there? take a look?”

The people in the village brought the tourists here with this intention in mind, so they nodded enthusiastically and said, “Of course, the hills you saw just now were used by our village chief. The fruit trees are planted, and there are other people in our village next to them. I will take you there. There are still many fruits in there. Now the plums and mulberries are ripe. They all mature naturally on the trees. The fruits are sweet and sweet. It’s delicious, you can also try it.”

The people in the village contracted the orchard, and the fruit trees sent from Hainan were still small seedlings. The smart villagers came up with a way to transplant the wild fruit trees on the mountain into their own orchards. These fruit trees have grown a lot. In 2018, when they were transplanted, they were already bearing fruit. Generally, it is not suitable for transplanting in this situation. The villagers were already mentally prepared. It is luxuriant, bearing fruit, and now is the season of harvest.

People in the village took the tourists to the bottom of the hill, and pointed to a sign next to them and said proudly: “Did you see it? Our village’s orchard is still an agricultural test base in the province, which is strongly supported by the leaders. All of our fruit trees are excellent varieties shipped from Hainan. The plums and mulberries you see are all shipped from Hainan. The leaders also sent us experts to guide us. We planted them scientifically. The nutrition of each fruit is many times higher than those sold outside. Not only is it delicious, but eating it can also supplement nutrition and make the body better and better. This is what the experts told us. .”

After listening to the villagers’ flickering and seeing the fruit in the orchard, the tourists couldn’t help but get thirsty. Fruit, how do you calculate the price?”

The villager immediately put on a sad expression, and sighed there: “It’s not easy for people in our village to plant these fruit trees. From contracting orchards to buying fruit trees, I don’t know how much they spent. We hollowed out our own property. All the money in the family was invested, but it was not enough. We borrowed money from relatives. The fruit trees we bought were all large seedlings. Have you seen those fruit trees that bear fruit? It has been growing for many years, and such fruit trees are the most expensive. We also thought that we could make a little money by relying on these fruit trees, and repay the debts of our relatives as soon as possible. We are the farmers who suffer the most. People who eat imperial grain can’t understand it, but it’s not easy for everyone these days, and our village will not charge you prices arbitrarily. It’s all negotiated. You can enter any orchard that you like, as long as everyone pays the price. For two dollars, you can eat all the fruits in it, you can eat as much as you want, and you can eat as much as you want. We farmers are the most generous, but we have to agree first, and you will receive two dollars for the fruits in it. If you want to take out more, you will have to spend extra money. If you think it’s okay, you can walk past the orchards. You can go to whichever one you like. There are people collecting money at the door. Just give them the money.”

After hearing such complaints, the tourists couldn’t help but feel a little sympathetic in their hearts. After all, their urban hukou is still very advantageous. Even though these farmers are living well, they are essentially relying on the sky for food. I just planted an orchard, and I used up all the money in the family. The people in the city don’t have such troubles. They can supply everything they eat and drink by ticket. Not to mention the low price, their wages are also very high. Or to say that the treatment of the people in the city is good. Everyone has sharpened their heads and wants to get a city hukou. The tourists have a secret sense of superiority rising from the bottom of their hearts, and they feel that it costs two yuan. Money to eat fruit is not so difficult to accept. After all, the villagers promised to let them eat as much as they can. Since they spent money, they must let go of their stomachs and eat a big meal.

Soon some tourists paid the money and walked into the orchards with great interest. These orchards were built according to the mountain, and the layers were like terraces. The plum trees and The mulberry tree is planted in the place closest to the door. The fruit on the tree is densely packed and weighs heavily on the branches, bending the branches. It is a tree full of fruits, even the leaves can be seen. In less than a few slices, the fruits are still fully ripe, exuding bursts of sweet smell, attracting the attention of tourists, before they start to eat, they keep gulping.

The old Feng’s orchard also welcomed many tourists. The people who stood in the door to collect money were Dawa and Erwa. They didn’t have to go to school today, so they came to help. There was a small table at the door, and the two brothers sat They started to collect money in the back, and they received a lot of money after a while. They looked at a box full of banknotes, and their faces were all smiles.

On the mountain behind them, Feng Yimin and Su Wan were busy. One of them was building a fruit tree with scissors, and the other was hoeing under the tree to remove weeds. From time to time, a few chickens passed by. Professor Hao taught They, raising a few flocks of chickens in the orchard can not only increase the income, but also help the orchard to remove insect pests, and at the same time can add fertilizer to the fruit trees. This is a great advice that serves many birds with one stone. Of course, Feng Yimin will do it. He has finished hoeing here. Grass, I have to pull the water pipe over and use the water drawn from Longling to irrigate the orchard. This year, his family has planted a lot of watermelons and sugarcane. If you sell those things, you can make a lot of money. The fruit has been produced, and it can continue to bring profits to the old Feng family, so Feng Yimin works harder and more vigorously.

Mengmeng was bored in the canteen. Brother Rui just came over to play with her, so she happily went with her. Huzi followed behind the two little dolls, and came to her orchard with the crowd of tourists. , Dawa saw them coming in, so she excitedly waved to them and said, “Sister, you’re here, come over here, brother, we have received a lot of money today, all of which are earned by me and Erwa. Here you go, brother, isn’t it amazing?”

Mengmeng stood on tiptoe and looked at the cardboard box, which was stuffed with banknotes. She opened her small mouth and said with admiration, “Brother is amazing, a lot of money.”

“Hehehe,” Dawa narrowed his eyes with a smile, took out a small bamboo basket from under the table and handed it to her, “You and Xiao Rui can go in and play, this basket will hold fruit for you, and Mom and Dad are on the mountain behind. You have to be careful when you walk.”

At this moment, there are tourists everywhere in the orchard, they shuttle among the fruit trees, and there are endless praises: “These plums are so red, let me pick one and taste, um, good Sweet and a little sour, it’s pretty good, you can try it too.”

“Wow, the mulberries here are very delicious. There is a lot of juice in it, and it’s very sweet. It’s really enjoyable to grab a bunch of them. No, I’ll pick some more and take them home to eat.”

“Oh, there are also a lot of papayas planted here. You can see that these papayas are all ripened to yellow. Let’s pick a few and taste them. I think there are also a lot of peach trees planted around here. I heard that the vines over there are grapes. If we come back here in a few months, there will definitely be fresh fruit to eat, which is really good.”

Mengmeng heard the praise from the tourists, and she was very happy in her heart. It was all her credit. She raised her little face high, smiled with a proud little expression, and slowly followed. Behind Brother Rui, he came to the bottom of a mulberry tree full of fruit. Brother Rui tore off the branches of the tree and greeted Mengmeng: “Sister, come and pick it, be careful, don’t get it. dirty clothes.”

Mengmeng walked over very excitedly, rolled up her sleeves and started picking. Her clothes were not soiled, but the mulberries on the branch were already ripe, and with a little force, the skin was broken, and gradually the mulberries were broken. Mengmeng’s little hands were dyed purple red, and there were bursts of sweet smell unique to mulberries, which made Mengmeng swallow her saliva, she just wanted to put the mulberries in her hands into her mouth, but she still thought about it. When the mulberries hadn’t been washed, he was a little confused and said, “Brother Rui, I want to eat it.”

Brother Rui looked at the tourists around, they all gathered at the water pipe to wash things, he hurriedly stopped Mengmeng and said, “Don’t eat it first, pick the fruit, I’ll take it for you to wash and then eat, my sister is good Ah, be obedient, otherwise you will get worms in your stomach.”

Hearing the word “bug”, Mengmeng immediately dismissed the idea. She accelerated the speed and picked all the mulberries on the branches, and laid a shallow layer under the bamboo basket. She couldn’t wait to put the bamboo basket inside. He fell into Brother Rui’s arms, and looked at him with special anticipation.

Looking at Mengmeng’s eyes like this, Brother Rui felt a sense of responsibility in his heart, hugged the basket and promised, “Sister, wait here, brother will wash it for you, I will be very soon.”

Brother Rui picked up the basket, picked a few green plums along the way, and ran to the edge of the water pipe, surrounded by tourists waiting to wash the fruit, Brother Rui’s flexible body was like a small swimming fish. There were two or three female tourists squatting on the ground washing fruits. They were all middle-aged women in their thirties and forties. Brother Rui thought about it in his heart. After thinking about it, a bright smile appeared on his little face, and he walked over obediently and said, “Pretty auntie, I’m hungry, and I want to wash some fruit to eat. Can you let me get some water?”

These female tourists looked back at Brother Rui, and saw that he had clear eyes, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he smiled very politely. The whole person is like a little fairy who came out of the painting, with an indescribable elegance, which instantly captured the hearts of these female tourists, made them laugh from the heart, and said very lovingly. : “Hey, where is this little boy from? He looks too good-looking. Look at this little face, he looks even better than those dolls. When he grows up, he will definitely want to make a girl. We are all fascinated, do you want to wash the fruit? Come, come, auntie will pour water for you.”

Brother Rui didn’t think so in his heart. His grandfather said that it’s useless for a boy to be good-looking. He has to be responsible and capable. He doesn’t like other girls either. He just likes his sister alone. A lot of money is spent for my sister. My sister can buy whatever she wants. While washing the fruit, Brother Rui thinks happily in his heart. .

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