Pamper Eighties

Chapter 84

After listening to the introduction of the villagers, the tourists became curious in their hearts, and they all wanted to see the fairy lake. Of course, the villagers were very happy, so they sent a few people to take the tourists there. Mengmeng saw it at home. The enthusiasm of the tourists also wanted to join in the fun, and they wanted to follow along on the back of the tiger.

The mountain road leading to Xianhu Lake has been completely repaired. Thanks to the help of Grandpa Mountain God, there are still villagers watching on the way. Madam Feng has nothing to worry about, just casually reminded: “Then you are on your own. Be careful, don’t go to the lake to play in the water, you know? Brother Rui, you can help me look cute, come back before noon, grandma is at home preparing vegetables and waiting for you to eat.”

Brother Rui nodded his head and said seriously: “Grandma Feng, I will take good care of my sister. Give me the kettle. My sister needs to drink on the way.”

Old lady Feng smiled and hung the kettle on him, pinched his cheek with satisfaction, and said, “Brother Rui is doing well, then our Mengmeng will trouble you.”

“No trouble, then I’ll take my sister, Mengmeng, let’s go to the mountain to play.” Brother Rui walked to Huzi’s side and let him squat down, he rode up and sat behind Mengmeng, his two little hands still Holding Mengmeng’s waist, making Mengmeng ticklish giggling, she ducked in front and shouted cheerfully, “Drive, drive, Huzi, let’s go.”

The two little dolls were riding on Huzi’s back. Not to mention how high-spirited their appearance was, they made the children around them envious enough. I wish they could have an animal like a tiger in their house, and go out and ride on it. How majestic it must be on its body, the children think and say the same thing, one of the little dolls twisted her body and said coquettishly to the parents: “Mom, I want a tiger child, and our family does too. Raise one?”

The female tourist was entangled by her own little baby and had no choice but to smile bitterly and say: “Do you think this kind of animal is very common? People in the village have said that it is an animal that lives in the deep mountains and old forests. They don’t even come out to see people. They only have one in Taoyuan Village. Besides, how can we have such a big place in our house to keep such a big animal? How much does it cost to eat, drink and drink every day? If you really want to ride a precious animal, I will ask the children to see if they are willing to let you go up.”

Without waiting for the female tourist to speak, Huzi proudly ran past them and ran to the front. Not everyone can ride it. Except for a few little dolls who usually play well, no one else can get on its back at all. Don’t talk about these tourists who can’t be beaten. Huzi raised his head high and ran to the front of the team briskly. Anyone who sees it will praise it. He is really a majestic and majestic beast.

The tourists carefully looked at the two little dolls riding on Huzi’s back, and said very rarely: “Look at how good-looking those two little dolls are, they are prettier than the little dolls in our city. It’s like a fairy child and a fairy descending to earth.”

Another tourist next to him also echoed: “It’s true to hear you say that, these two little dolls ride on the beast of a tiger, and at first glance they look like fairies descended from the sky, this village is really No, not only the scenery is good, the food is delicious, the people and animals here are also different from outside, this is the first time I have seen such a good-looking child, and it will definitely look better when he grows up, it’s really amazing.”

Mengmeng didn’t hear these comments from the tourists at all. She was squinting and enjoying the spring breeze. The warm spring breeze was blowing warmly on her face, just like a mother’s gentle touch. There were also many peaches planted on both sides of the road. The pink petals of the tree fell to the ground, forming a pink carpet on the ground. The breeze blew and brought a faint fragrance of peach blossoms. This wonderful spring fascinated Mengmeng’s heart and made her mouth Unconsciously, the child cocked up.

Brother Rui also had a very happy smile on his little face. He had never sat so close to his sister before. He could just stretch out his hand and hug her little body. It was soft and fragrant, and her hair was still incessantly. When it blew on his face and neck, it was soft and numb. Brother Rui couldn’t express this feeling. He only felt that his careful liver had turned into a puddle of water. The younger sister is so delicate, he must protect her well in the future, not let anyone bully her, and let her be as happy as she is now every day.

The mountain roads in this area are winding and winding, and the scenery is changing step by step. Just now, it was the spring light of peach, red and willow green. After turning a corner, it turned into a vast group of mountains. The bright carpets have been spread all the way to the edge of the trees, and the roads are full of all kinds of beautiful flowers. Tourists can pick them freely here, and no one cares. The little dolls are the happiest. Flowers are woven into garlands, and they all smile when they wear them in their hair.

Such an open scenery made the tourists feel more comfortable, and soon curious tourists pointed to the mountains in the distance and said, “Fellow, where is that place? It looks like it’s very close, it’s all of you. From the village?”

The villager next to him explained patiently: “You said there, it is another big mountain in our Longling, and we have not been in many places. This place has been our village since ancient times, don’t look at it. It seems to be very close, but it’s actually very far away. Most people can’t get into it at all. According to legend, there are still gods living in it. If anyone is lucky enough to be spotted by the gods, maybe they can also become gods. Let’s live in Longling. You have a lot of spirituality, you will know when you look at the fairy lake later, let’s go quickly, the fairy lake is not far ahead.”

The villagers took the tourists down the hillside and quickened their pace along the dirt road beside the creek. At the end of the creek stood two large stones, with a semi-circular arch made of bamboo in the middle, with only the words written on it. Two big characters: “Fairy Lake”.

There are two thatched cottages hidden behind the big stone. They hold the door from left to right. If you look closely, there are still villagers inside. The villagers will not go inside when they come here, but stop and face The tourists said: “You have come all the way, and we don’t want to lie to you. This fairy lake scenic spot is really beautiful, and I guarantee you have never seen it before. Our village has spent a lot of effort to build this road in this scenic spot. , it also cost a lot of money, so after this scenic spot is built, our village will also charge a little ticket, and the price is not expensive, only 50 cents, and you can go in and see the fairy lake.”

The tourists were not very happy when they heard it, and one of the female tourists said in a shrill voice: “Why do you need tickets? What’s so beautiful in this corner of the mountain? It costs 50 cents to open your mouth, why don’t you go grab it? ? You’re too embarrassed to charge? I think you are just trying to cheat money, I won’t give this money, let’s see what you can do with me.”

The villager was not angry either. He and several other villagers were trained. When tourists came to travel, they specially asked them to entertain tourists. People who live in a relatively poor life, let them be responsible for entertaining tourists, and they can also get a lot of oil and water. They can take the opportunity to sell their own things. They are also very polite to tourists. In the words of the village chief, they are just tour guides.

The villager put on a bitter expression and explained in a good voice: “Don’t misunderstand, we are not lying, you go to the whole country to see, which tourist attractions do not charge tickets? Even if you go there The Forbidden City in Beijing also charges for tickets. Even the zoos in your provincial capital charge fees. We all know about these. Our village only charges for this scenic spot. There is no way to charge for such shameless and shameless land. It is not good to be a farmer. In order to build this road, we have not even planted our own fields. This year’s harvest will definitely be in vain, but we We also need to hand over public grain and co-ordinated grain. These are also for the people in your city to eat. We farmers can’t eat it. Where does the money come from? It’s not necessary to rely on this little ticket money to buy grain, otherwise our village People will starve to death. Xianhu is really beautiful. I really didn’t lie to you. If you don’t want to pay for tickets, forget it. Come in with me.”

These days, everyone knows the slogan of building roads to get rich first, and building roads is indeed not an easy task. People in the city understand that building roads is the most expensive. Those who charge tickets, think about it, they sacrifice the income from farming, and it is reasonable to use the ticket money to make up for it. Except for a few stingy tourists who are unwilling to spend money, most tourists are still willing to spend fifty cents. Go in and have a look, it was true that when they were in the village, they heard a lot of people mentioning Xianhu to them, and their hearts were itching like a cat scratching, and they all came, and they didn’t pay to go in and have a look. How can you be willing.

One of the tourists also analyzed in a decent manner: “Let’s come to Taoyuan Village for a tour. The scenery in this village is so beautiful without spending money. The scenery that can only be seen by spending money is definitely more beautiful. I want to go in and have a look, isn’t it just fifty cents, I can still afford it.”

This tourist expressed everyone’s feelings. In their opinion, free things are not necessarily good, but things that cost money are definitely better than free ones. This is the consensus of everyone. After they figured it out, they also took out money. Come buy a ticket.

The surrounding villagers are very happy. They stared at those banknotes and secretly rejoiced in their hearts. The income from these tickets belongs to the common property of the whole village. In the end, it has to be distributed to everyone in the village. One of their family members counts as one. , Even the milk dolls who are still breastfeeding can get a share of the ticket money, and they can make money while lying down. It is a happy event to think about.

After buying the tickets, the tourists can finally enter the scenic spot to visit. They bypassed a peach forest and suddenly saw the beautiful fairy lake, the beautiful lakeside on the edge of the fairy lake, and the beautiful waterfall in the distance. Even in the depths of the woods, it seems that countless mysterious elves are bred, which makes these tourists feel very shocked, and they dare not speak loudly at all, for fear of awakening the elves in this valley.

When have the tourists ever seen such a beautiful scenery, one of the old man opened his mouth blankly and murmured a voice of emotion: “It’s worth it, it’s worth it, you can see such a beautiful scenery for 50 cents. , it’s not expensive at all, how did this place come into being? Why does the water in this lake have so many colors? It’s so beautiful, tsk tsk tsk, it’s so beautiful.”

The other tourists reacted in almost the same way. They were overwhelmed by the beauty of the fairy lake. Everyone’s eyes were wide open, as if they couldn’t believe their own. The beauty of this valley is an ethereal beauty. , as if it should not appear in the world, but should appear in the fairyland, Xianhu Xianhu, it is worthy of such a name, it is so appropriate, the place where the immortals live is just like this.

When the tourists were stunned, the villagers took the opportunity to introduce: “Now you believe that we are not lying, right? Did you see the lake in front of you? It was the mirror used by the fairies who accidentally broke and fell to our dragon. The ridge has become like this, and there are seventeen fragments behind it. When a line becomes a line, it becomes seventeen water pools. Even the grass by the lake is made of fairy clothes. Haven’t you seen this kind of grass before? That’s right, this kind of grass is only found in our Longling Mountains. Extraordinarily fresh? That’s for sure. This is where the gods lived in the past. The feng shui is very good. Even the air smells better than the outside. You are lucky to be able to enter here. Reiki, keep it safe and have a good night’s sleep tonight.”

If only one villager said this, it would be fine, but everyone in Taoyuan Village said this, and the key point is that the villagers themselves believe it. There is no one more superstitious than them, so I said this from their mouths. , it seems particularly sincere, and it makes people believe that even if tourists do not believe in immortals, they believe that the air here contains spirituality, and their feelings are the deepest. From the village to the scenic spot, some frail tourists originally I was already tired. I walked to the edge of the fairy lake and saw such a beautiful scenery and breathed such fresh air. I immediately lost all fatigue. Not only did I not feel tired, but I also felt that my whole body was full of energy. This must be the fairy lake. credit.

Under the leadership of the villagers, the tourists slowly wandered around the lake. They strolled around the fairy lake and left pictures in front of the waterfall. After a short walk, there was the Seventeen Pools. These seventeen colorful The blisters are connected by the trees, like a crystal clear gem necklace. Some superstitious tourists have already imagined it in their hearts. They feel that the descriptions of the villagers are not accurate. Such a beautiful necklace is worn on the neck of the fairy, what a beautiful scenery it must be, tourists are imagining, wishing that they could also fly up to the sky to see the beauty of the fairy.

These tourists were playing by the lake, but Mengmeng and Rui were staying at the edge of the woods. They each held a bag of melon seeds and peanuts, and squatted under the big tree to feed the squirrels, one, two, three, four, five, six, six in total. The little squirrels are very cute. Their big fluffy tails are attached to their backs, and they seem to be about the same size as their bodies. Mengmeng is holding melon seeds in one hand, and the other small hand goes around to the back Stroking the squirrel’s big tail, the fluffy one is very slippery to the touch. The squirrels are caring about eating, and they don’t care how Mengmeng fiddles with their tails. No matter how Mengmeng touches and pulls, they can nibble without any influence. Sunflower seeds, the speed of eating is getting old, and in the blink of an eye, the ground is full of sunflower seed shells.

Mengmeng also said with admiration: “Brother Rui, they are so powerful, they eat melon seeds faster than me.”

Brother Rui stared at the squirrels that bit his peanut shells apart, and nodded involuntarily and said, “I heard from Uncle Guoqiang that squirrels are born to eat food with shells, do you know pine nuts? The stuff is hard, and the squirrels are easy to bite open, if you like it, let’s bring one back to raise.”

Mengmeng tilted her head to think for a while, but after a while she still refused to say, “Squirrel likes this place and is happy here.”

While talking, the footsteps of tourists were heard not far away. After visiting the Seventeen Pools, they also walked along the single-plank bridge between the pools to the grass. At a glance, they found two children squatting on the edge of the woods. It’s really that the tiger beside them is too conspicuous, such a big ball of hair, it is difficult for tourists not to notice.

These two little dolls are very cute, and a tourist walked over and said, “So you two have already run in. I said why I didn’t see the two of you just now, what are you doing here? Wow, is this a squirrel? Are they not afraid of people?”

The tourist also shouted at the person behind in surprise: “Everyone, come here and see, there are a lot of squirrels here.”

Other tourists rushed over and looked at the strangeness. The squirrels didn’t run away when they saw them. They stayed on the ground busy eating melon seeds and peanuts. Holding a peanut and eating it very fast, not to mention how cute it looked, it instantly captured the hearts of tourists.

A young female tourist also covered her chest and said with admiration: “So squirrels look like this. I have only seen them in comic strips before, but I have never seen them with my own eyes. I really didn’t expect them to be so close, seeing us. They don’t hide when they come, these squirrels must have been hungry for a long time, you see they are all eating, and they have no time to pay attention to us.”

The villager standing next to him immediately interjected: “You are right, these squirrels are also unique animals in the fairy lake. They have been infected with spirituality after living in the fairy lake for a long time. They are not afraid of people at all, and they are especially family members. They like to eat melon seeds and peanuts the most, but there are no such things in Xianhu Lake, so the people in our village came up with a way to open a shop in this scenic area to sell these small snacks. If tourists come, It is a good thing for the squirrels to be willing to spend money to buy some snacks to feed the squirrels. There are more squirrels here. There are many more on the trees. Now that spring comes, there are no pine cones to eat. They must be They have been hungry for a long time, and these two little dolls brought them food eagerly, because they were pitiful.”

The female tourist came with her partner. There is no place to fall in love in the city these days. Her partner finally invited her to Taoyuan Village. Zhengchou didn’t have a chance to show it. Now the opportunity has come to her door. , he was so happy, he said very attentively: “comrade, where is the small shop in your village? I think these squirrels are so pitiful, how can you make them hungry? No, I will buy them too. Feed them some peanuts and melon seeds.”

The villager gave him a thumbs up and praised him: “Oh, boy, you are such a good person, look to the left, the store in our village is located between those two big trees. The person who opened the store is Widow Liu from our village, the man in her family has been dead for many years. She is a widow and also pulls the children in her family. Life is very difficult. Our village let her sell some small things here to get subsidies. To make up for the family, you are doing a good deed to buy things from her in the past, so I will thank you for her first.”

After listening to this, the young man was even more joyful. He walked over in a hurry. His object was still beside him, and several tourists followed him. If it wasn’t for the villagers’ reminder, they would not have been at all. I don’t know there is a small shop here, it’s really because it’s too inconspicuous. The whole hut is built with green bamboo, and the top is covered with a layer of strange green leaves. It doesn’t show up at all.

As the tourists got closer, they saw Widow Liu standing inside. She was wearing a blue cloth liberation outfit that had been washed white, and had been patched in many places. The tourists had seen the clothes worn by the villagers of Taoyuan Village. , The Widow Liu in front of her knew from her clothes that her life was really difficult, she couldn’t help but feel some sympathy in her heart, and they all took out money to buy a bag or two of melon seeds or peanuts.

Although the villagers’ words are a bit exaggerated, the life of Widow Liu’s family can be regarded as the worst in the whole village. There is no man in charge of her family, and there is no old man to help her. She is alone guarding Feng Dazhuang’s one child. The labor force is much less than that of other families, but her health is not very good. She can neither grow the fields nor go to the sea. To make money, she must rely on Feng Dazhuang. Little, because her family’s Da Zhuang is now 18 years old this year, and she still can’t speak of her daughter-in-law. As soon as others heard about her family’s situation, they immediately shook their heads and refused. Everyone in the village watched Feng Dazhuang grow up. He watched helplessly as he became a bachelor, so with the opportunity to open a small shop, everyone agreed to give it to Widow Liu. In addition to bringing her own things here to sell, she could also take credit with the villagers. Even Mrs. Feng gave some snacks on credit and sold them here.

Widow Liu knows that the people in the village treat her well, and she is not someone who doesn’t know how to be grateful. On weekdays, she helps to clean up the sanitation in the scenic area, and picks up the garbage thrown by tourists here. The beautiful scenery of Xianhu Lake , can’t let these **** affect it, this is a simple idea in Widow Liu’s heart, not only she thinks this way, but everyone in their village thinks the same way, now they love cleanliness has become a habit, they can’t help but see the **** Picking it up, even the little dolls are like this. For example, when Mengmeng and Brother Rui left, they knew that they had to clean up the melon seed shells and peanut shells they left here before leaving.

Tourists played happily in Taoyuan Village for two or three days, and they returned to the city one after another. Some of them took minibuses, some rode bicycles, and some even left on foot. No matter what mode of transportation they choose, they always have the same happy smiles on their faces. Taoyuan Village has given them too many good memories, and they will come back to this place again.

At the end of the mountain road in Longling, Niu Xingsheng had nothing to do when he was full. He stood at a fork in the road when he was idle and bored, staring at the group of tourists carrying big bags and small bags, passing him giggling along the way, and he could not bear it. I can’t stop jealous, why are all the benefits taken by the people of Taoyuan Village, God is so unfair, the two villages are so close, their Niujia Village and others’ Taoyuan Village live a completely different life .

Niu Xingsheng is of course aware of the changes in Taoyuan Village. Compared with his own Niujia Village, he doesn’t care if the people in his village have enough to eat. All he sees is himself. Even pigs are not as good. Most people in Taoyuan Village live better than him. If this can be tolerated, he will not be called Niu Xingsheng. No matter what, Niu Xingsheng will not admit that he has a problem. It will only blame Taoyuan Village.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but feel angry in his heart. He made a small report to Secretary Li of the commune last time, but there was no follow-up. The more Niu Xingsheng thought about it, the more he felt unwilling, thinking how smart he was, Niu Xingsheng, who was actually compared by that boy Feng Yimin. He must give them a little color to show them how many Ma Wangye had. Eye.

After the last limelight passed, Niu Xingsheng developed a new batch of dog legs. Although those people didn’t have any real skills, they were still obedient. He made a plan in his heart and went back to the village to find them. My own dog-legs, explained to them: “Let’s do this first…”

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