Pampered Darling: 99 Yuan Sweet Wife

Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Angry Old Man

The last time I came to Quan’s house was to talk about her and Quan Lie’s marriage and engagement, but now that such a big thing is happening, it would be a lie to say that Su Qingqing was not worried at all.

walked in from the main entrance and walked through a quiet and tidy white jade corridor. The old housekeeper Fusen blocked the way of the two.

“Second Master, you are back.”

Fu Sen is the man next to the old man. He is very respectful to Quan Moting, and his attitude is neither humble nor arrogant. “The old man heard about the engagement banquet and asked me to lead Miss Su to the study.”

Immediately, Fussen made a please gesture, “Miss Su, please.”

The man frowned, clasped Su Qingqing’s wrist with his big hand, and opened his thin lips slightly, “I’ve already returned, and the old man has no reason to avoid it. If you offend me, we’ll talk about it later.”

“…Eh?” What’s up with her!

Fu Senquan thought that the video broadcast by Su Qingqing offended Quan Moting’s brows, so he didn’t dare to stop him, “Alright, second master, come with me, the other people have already arrived, and the two of you are the only ones left. ”


Fussen didn’t dare to hide, “Master, the eldest lady is here, as for whether the young master is here or not.”

The study was on the fourth floor, and before we got close, there was the sound of things crackling and falling from the room. No matter how good the soundproofing of the room was, it couldn’t cover up the grandfather’s roar.

“You bastard! Look at what **** you teach! Our Quan family has lost all his face!”

Mr. Quan tapped the expensive floor again and again with his cane, and the mustaches on both sides were shaking with anger, “Starting today, stop his card and let him go back to the wall and think about it!”

“Dad, is the card suspension a little serious?”

Qu Xiumei felt so bad for her precious son, not to mention stopping his card, even if she scolded him a few more words.

What’s more, this situation was caused by the little **** surnamed Su. What does it have to do with their precious son? How can they only blame Quan Lie and not pursue the Su family?

“You still have the face to plead for mercy, a loving mother is a loser! My precious grandson has become like this, and you have to pay a lot of responsibility!”

Being scolded by the old man in front of him, Qu Xiumei was so aggrieved that she wanted to cry, but before her delicate posture broke out, Quan Molin, who was cold-faced and said nothing, slapped the woman in the face.

“How many times have I told you not to be too indulgent, and now you still have the face to cry!”

As the eldest son, Quan Molin has suffered a lot from fighting with Quan Moting for many years. This time, his own son dug a big hole for him, and he has the heart to kill Quan Lie.

“Husband, I…”

Qu Xiumei was frightened by Quan Molin’s furious appearance, covering her already red and swollen face, she wanted to cry but didn’t dare to cry, how could she dare to continue to plead for her son.

“What kind of skill is it to beat your wife, don’t shirk the responsibility for me here, the son is not yours? If you have time outside to socialize and entertain, it is better to take some time to discipline and discipline the bad boy!” The old man snorted heavily, his face displeased Not only did it not disappear, but the look in Quan Molin’s eyes became even colder.

It’s fine for the little **** to fool around, and let people catch the handle. What kind of woman he doesn’t do, he just wants to provoke the Lin family girl.

Damn thing, that’s the marriage partner of his second uncle, and the old man will be **** off even if he doesn’t die.

“Dad, things have already happened. We have lost such a big face. We must properly punish and punish that Su Qingqing.”

Quan Morin’s thinking is very clear, he can’t let his son be scolded bloody, let go of Su Qingqing’s girl in vain.

“Yes, that girl is obviously hitting our Quan family in the face. The two families have already agreed, and it is their Su family who regrets and humiliates Lie’er temporarily! Who knows if Lie’s face is so cute? The child’s favor, so angry and malicious revenge.”

If Qu Xiumei hadn’t cared about her identity, she would have wanted to tear Su Qingqing’s face off at the engagement ceremony.

Quan Molin echoed his wife in a deep voice, “Dad, this is already the case. Fortunately, the company’s stock price has not been affected. It is just a promise of Su’s previous cooperation. I think it should be terminated immediately.”

Although Quan Molin didn’t agree with the jealousy of the women’s family, he really didn’t like the Su family.

Old Quan said lightly, “We’ll talk about this later, I’ve already asked Fusen to bring that girl over.”

There was a knock on the door, and then Fussen’s voice came through.

“Master, Second Master and Miss Su have arrived.”

The old man knew that Quan Moting was not a quiet master. As soon as he came, the atmosphere of the entire study became subtle. Su Qingqing clearly felt the hostility of Quan Molin and his wife to Quan Moting.

But she doesn’t have time to care about other people at the moment, because from the time she entered the door, Mr. Quan’s sharp eyes stared straight at her.

She bowed neither humble nor arrogant, with a generous and decent smile on her face, “Hello, Grandpa Quan, I’m Su Qingqing, last time… we met.”

The old man raised his hand and snorted coldly, “No need to introduce, I’ve heard of the woman who exposed Quan Lie’s scandal and stirred up the whole city, and she doesn’t have Alzheimer’s yet.”

“…Grandpa Quan, it’s not my will to cause this, I hope to get your understanding.”

In the field of vision, the girl has a beautiful and seductive face, wearing a long black lace dress, which sets off her fair and smooth skin. Such beauty is one of the best in Lincheng.

Mr. Quan’s calm face gradually became serious, “Where did you get the video, did you design it on purpose?”

“Someone sent me the video anonymously. Grandpa Quan can believe it or not.”

Su Qingqing paused, and continued to speak boldly, “Of course, Grandpa Quan thinks that I deliberately designed Young Master Quan, and I have nothing to say, but it seems that this matter is not only about my happiness. ”

She lightly swept towards the noble and elegant man on the sofa, her red lips slightly hooked into a sneer.

“Second Master, what do you think?”

“You little bitch, don’t drag Mo Ting into the water, that woman has nothing to do with our Quan family!”

Qu Xiumei was afraid that Quan Moting would come out ahead. Once he opened his mouth, according to the old man’s preference for him, the punishment for Quan Lie might not be as simple as stopping the card and facing the wall.

Su Qingqing smelled the tricky stuff and said slowly, “Mrs. Quan is so nervous about what to do, I have said that the woman in the video has a special relationship with the second master?”


Su Qingqing covered her mouth with a look of shock, “Ah, that Quan Lie is really too rebellious. It’s not good to play with women, and he actually got into the second master’s woman.”

Quan Moting frowned and denied, “Not my woman.”

She snickered secretly, walked quietly in front of Mr. Quan, and said very calmly.

“Grandpa, Su Qingqing sent a video without authorization, and it’s really too much, but I really don’t want to marry a man who doesn’t really love me, not to mention that Master Quan has no feelings for me, one person does things for one person, what’s the point? Come with me, please don’t embarrass our Su family.”

Intercession for the Su family was not what Su Qingqing wanted, but the sincerity between the lines could not be faked. Even if the Su family wanted to fall, it should fall into her hands.

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