Paradigm Parasite

Chapter 156: "Snake Arm"

Elven Southern Village.

This is currently the closest and most heavily damaged place from the battlefield against the goblins.

And it is still in danger today.

...but it is now protected by wards and traps set by the wisdom of the druids.

Therefore, there can be no intrusion of foreign enemies.

The advantage of the wards and traps, which are not known to ordinary elves, is that they do not require the magic of the sorcerer to maintain them, as they are powered by the magic sucked from the tree itself by means of special devices.

The only disadvantage is that they attack without being able to distinguish between friend and foe, but this disadvantage is overcome by placing them on the outer edge of the area and by keeping allies away from them.

We can check if it is activated or not, so if something is caught, the personnel waiting nearby go to check it and confirm the results of the battle.

There was no particular reaction to the trap that day, and they had no doubt that the usual routine would continue.

-until that moment.

The trap responded and, as usual, they went to check it out.

What awaited them there was not some stupid prey that had been caught, but a hunter who would reap what he could.

The first victim was the elf at the front.

He would not even have understood what had happened to him.

He was swallowed by something black that appeared out of nowhere.

Before he had time to recover from the upheaval, three more disappeared without a sound.

In the blink of an eye, the five elves were reduced to a single person.

The last remaining elf man looked towards his attackers.

It was an odd sight.

Long. And black.

The man had never seen it before, but anyone with the knowledge of the one who created it would associate it with the word snake.

A long, jet-black body. Vertically open golden eyes.

But there is one thing that is definitely different about the creature called a snake.

It has arms. Two pairs of four arms.

The man quickly readies his bow and grabs an arrow, but he is too late.

The deformed serpent crawled through the trees at an unusual speed, and the arrow he fired was easily dodged and pierced the tree.

And that was the last action the man could take.

The next moment, he was attacked from behind and disappeared into the snake's oral cavity.

After flattening all the elves present, the deformed serpents shrieked, and the black beast behind them and the beast-headed men astride it - the Shrigarra astride Gevaudan - proceeded on their way to safety.

A little later, a cart drawn by a troll and orcs, and the goblins riding on it, follow.

The aim is the southern village.

Shrigala - Riley, who is leading the way, is excited about the battle that is about to begin, and his face turns into a smile.

The followers, perhaps following suit, smile ferociously.

The battlefield is near, and they are excited by the carnage that is about to take place.

A lot of time has passed since then, but no results have been achieved.

I - Manuel - kept my thoughts to myself in my room.

The order to capture that man called Roe has been issued.

And they left him alive.

If it had been an order from the centre, I would have complained, but this is an order from Grigori.

We must absolutely accomplish this.

For us High Elves, Grigori is absolute.

That's why there is an excessive number of people from the centre.

Roe. That unidentified entity.

The horrifying creature reflected in the Mirror of Essence that Millard used.

What the hell was that?

The writhing limbs and organs that seem to belong to various creatures will never fade from my memory.

Just remembering it is an abomination that makes me want to vomit.

I really don't want to get involved, but if Grigori says it's necessary, I can't deny it.

The report says that he engaged with the Σηεμηαζα who came down, and although he was deeply wounded, he managed to escape.

What I felt when I heard that was unmistakable fear.

It is unusual to survive against that man.

We were more reluctant to get involved, but he had fled beyond this western village, and we were to lead the capture.

There are concerns.

However, my idea that it would be possible to capture him as long as we had the geographical advantage proved to be futile.

I couldn't find him.

It had been a long time since he fled, but for some reason I couldn't find a shadow or a shape.

I know from the report of the person in charge of the warding that he left from here.

However, we could not find any trace of them.

We widened the scope of our search and checked the villages of the dark elves, but we could not find them.

If we haven't been able to find it so far, did it escape into Goribelingei territory?

The monsters are incompatible with us, and if we venture into their territory, we will suffer casualties.

We sent scouts to test things out, but they were spotted and attacked at an unusually fast pace.

That's why we had to put it off.

But the only places I haven't seen are there and to the north - now.

My thoughts are drowned out by a roar that unexpectedly hits my ears.

I run out of the room and outside.

"What's going on!?"

Someone nearby reacts to my voice and rushes over.

"Report. A swarm of Goliveringay has attacked the village!"


It's impossible.

The history of this forest proves how territorial they are.

They have never come out until now.

But now they're attacking us in packs?

What does that mean?

I involuntarily run out.

I stared in the direction from the outer edge of the village where they would be coming towards me.

In the corner of my eye, I saw the figure - I could see it.

It was indeed Goliveringay, but the problem was the presence at the front.


The chief and most dangerous of them all.

I saw him once before, but I'll never forget how terrifying he was.

The fact that a number of warriors were turned back still fades in my memory.

Why? Why does he appear here?

When Gorigrauer approached the village, he took a deep breath... and let out a roar.

It was so loud that I involuntarily covered my ears.

The warriors who went to intercept him did the same, and some of them were crouched down with their ears suppressed.

The warriors who had regained their footing tried to stand up to it with their weapons at the ready - they were no match.

I open my eyes involuntarily.

What just happened!

A mass of flames suddenly seemed to fall from above them, and in the blink of an eye, their lives were swallowed up.

It's a [fireball] no matter how you look at it.

Magic? They did that? It can't be.

I look up as if I'm being shot, and I see unfamiliar people flying through the sky as if swimming.

... monsters!

There are too many to be precise, but there are numbers that 10 or 20 wouldn't suffice.

I've lived my life in my own way, but I've never seen monsters like that.

Where on earth did they come from!

The unfamiliar monsters all open their mouths at once after coming to rest in mid-air.

When you see the red light in their mouths, you feel your blood run cold.


[Defensive magic...]

Before he can finish, a huge fireball rains down.

The village explodes everywhere and is engulfed in flames.

Why are there unknown monsters ...... at a time like this?

The question arose, but instantly a nasty possibility passed through my mind.

...No way, the Goriberingayes...

It was right.

The moment the air attack is over, the goriberingays come rushing in with a roar.

It can only be thought that they had anticipated the attack from above and attacked.

"The monsters are working together!"

It's impossible.

At the very least, it's an unthinkable situation according to my common sense.

Did Goliveringay subdue that monster by force? Or is it the other way round?

A scream goes up.

The monsters that entered the village went on the rampage and began to attack the people of the village at random.

We'll think about it later.

We must prioritise defence now.

I ran to the nearest monster with my staff at the ready.

I was pacing leisurely astride Savage.

So far, the war is going according to plan.

Simultaneous surprise attacks against villages in the west and south.

They seemed to be sitting on the convenience of the wards, so it was an easy success.

The procedure for neutralising them is simple.

The warding is apparently established by applying some kind of work to the tree.

Then you just have to do something about the trees.

In advance, plant the seeds of the plant in the trees around the warding area and place them under our control.

After that, the tree will extend its roots to take over the tree maintaining the ward and neutralise the ward.

Apparently, the tree was sucking up magic power, and by simply cutting off the supply, we were able to easily erase the wards.

The rest was easy. Just let the forces rush in where the traps are no longer there.

In addition, don't forget to set off the ward alarms to lure the scouts away.

The west was relatively thin on the ground, so we sent congamatoes to the gorillas we had under control and air support.

South, well, things were going great in front of me.

The new species I had created, led by Riley, were rampaging about with flamboyance.

Shrigaras astride Gevaudan were going around cutting off the heads of elves while laughing loudly, and creatures resembling giant snakes were crawling up from below and eating the fleeing elves, throwing them into their mouths one after another.

The name is Tatzelblum.

It is an unidentified creature that is said to have appeared in the Alps.

It looks like a huge snake, but it has four arms, which it uses to grab its prey and jump from the trees.

Its black outer skin is strong enough to repel magic and arrows, and its tongue can expand and contract to a length of several metres, entangling all sorts of things.

... and many other things, but the most striking thing about this thing is...

When I entered the village, I saw what appeared to be a family of elves fleeing into a house.

Tatzelblum follows them.

The door slams shut just before the tongue entangles the parents and children.

Tatzelblum took a large, supine position and bit down on the house when the space between his arms, or chest in human terms, opened wide.

Oh. I made it myself, but it's very powerful.

The house is chewed to pieces from the roof with a cracking sound.

A father and son notice something is wrong and rush out of the house, but they are caught by the tongue and arms and easily preyed upon.

--The second mouth.

If something can't fit in its upper mouth or takes too long to eat, it uses this to eat it.

It has a structure similar to a human jaw, and it also has teeth so it can chew things up.

That way, you can't go berserk inside it like I did one day when I was eaten by the Death Worm.

After all, it's been nicely ground up.

Even if they were alive, they wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

From a quick bird's-eye view of the battlefield, it looks like it will end if left alone.

Are those who are lying low nearby not going to be involved in this?

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