Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 220: Lashing Out (2)

"Ugh..." Zuko massaged his temples while uttering a pained groan and sitting up from a... comfortable bed? He looked around, his vision blurry at first, the ache ailing his head worse than ever but it slowly grew better— his vision and the throbbing pain. His breathing eased as he instinctively recalled the last thing he remembered.

That face.

The same face, whose portrait hung on the wall in a mighty display. The colors and the stroke failed to capture the sheer presence the man held in person but managed to fully present the stern and handsome visage the man had developed over the years.

His father— Phoenix King Ozai.

The room itself surprised Zuko. It was as if he'd been... brought to a different world. No molding roof. No stained walls. No husky mattresses. No uncomfortable sheets and clothes.

The walls were decorated with paintings, the room with shelves, and the shelves with vases and ornaments that looked so expensive that Zuko felt he'd returned to his home in the Fire Nation Capital, the Royal Palace. Slipping out of the comfortable bed and locating the nearest mirror embedded into the wall next to a dresser, Zuko found himself wearing silk red nightwear. His fingers trailed the fabric as he dumbly stared into the mirror.

What was going on?

With that thought, Zuko was forced to realize another thing.

They'd been had.

He did not know how much time had passed but Zuko felt worried about the imminent danger the circus might face for continuing the plan and he instantly walked toward the door as high as the total height of a few huts in Ba Sing Se. And it was heavy. But Zuko was stronger. He managed to push open the door with an audible grunt of exertion as he was greeted with the sight of equally regal passage. But what caught Zuko's attention was a kowtowing form of a familiar individual and all of his frustration exploded.

"Kei Lo!" Grabbing the youth by the shoulder that transitioned to his collar once Zuko forced him up, the prince pushed and shoved until Kei Lo had his back against the wall whilst his elbow knocked over a beautiful cream vase.


As the sound of the crashing vase echoed into the hall, Zuko glared at the youth who presented a wry grin, "Prince Zuko, was your sleep comfortable?"

"DON'T," Zuko emphasized with a glower, his golden eyes piercing and sharp, "Play with me, Kei Lo. You were a spy! You betrayed me!"

Sighing slightly, Kei Lo shook his head, "No prince Zuko... I never betrayed anyone. I kept my Lord's trust. And I still treasure our friendship. And my loyalty to you is next only to my loyalty to your father. For that very reason, Phoenix King made me your steward."

Frowning, Zuko instead pressed, "You're being controlled by him?"

"No. I have no recollection of it," Kei Lo shook his head, "I was employed by Phoenix King after I succeeded in a series of tests. And given our ages, he felt that it was appropriate of me to approach you."

"Given our ages? I know you since we were 10!"

However, not the least bit fazed by Zuko's confusion and anger, Kei Lo nodded with a smile, "Precisely. Prince, I was honored by your friendship at such an age. These past years have been the most amazing for me."

Releasing Kei Lo's collars, Zuko ground his teeth and began ruffling his hair, "Oh... they were right! They were so right!" he shouted, "I shouldn't have trusted you! Damn it, Kei Lo! Azula will kill you. She WILL kill you and I won't even have a reason to fucking stop her. Why did you betray me, you stupid fuck?!"

Before Kei Lo could speak, Zuko let out a frustrated shout and clocked the youth with a fist that the steward did not see coming.

"Stay away from me. We're done," Zuko snorted and gave Kei Lo one last look as he tried to sit up with a pained groan. Though hurt, Zuko KNEW he had to be quick. He needed to know what was going on. What could have happened to his family? As such, still in the luxurious nightwear, Zuko hurried his pace to the long hallway not knowing how to get out of this location.

Zuko felt things would have been significantly easier had he mastered his uncle's Heat Vision based on Toph's Seismic Sense but compared to all FOUR of Iroh's students, Azula ranked top in talent, then the Avatar, then Nik, and then himself. He barely kept up by training twice as hard at times.

Not letting his thoughts drift in the direction of self-doubt towards his confidence, Zuko managed to reach the end of the hallway with two masked guards holding their spears guarding the exit. The moment their blazing gold pupils fell on a very aggravated Zuko who was ready to fight them... they did something that surprised Zuko a great deal.

Kneeling on a knee and parting their spears, the guards announced loudly, "Greetings, Prince!"

The flames that had instinctively dyed Zuko's fist died out just as quickly and he stared at them for a full second, still cautious and observing for any sneak play the guards might want to commit.

"You still don't get it?" Kei Lo, who'd promptly followed Zuko called out from behind while managing to smile over his bloodstained lower half of the face. While Zuko turned around, emblazoning his fists just in case the guards behind tried something funny, Kei Lo continued with ease, "Prince Zuko... sigh, Zuko. You're not our enemy. You're our intended leader. You're the successor. You're the—"

"I'm the Stupid Bitch, as Azula calls me, who should have listened to her. Kei Lo, don't test me. Truly, I'll burn you to ashes!" Zuko narrowed his eyes, Kei Lo spread his arms wide open, "Do what you must. I have only ever looked out for you."

Pursing his lips, Zuko couldn't help but retort, "Then what about others? The guards that kept the Dai Li agents in check! They were men who trusted me and you... he killed them!"

"They are alive, Zuko," Kei Lo smiled, "Phoenix King will never harm your interest, Prince. He is your father, after all. And you, his successor. The men of the rebel are safe."

"Imprisoned, you mean!" Zuko scoffed.

"For now, yes. But Phoenix King intends to let them go once you speak with him. That is what I'm trying to convey from the very beginning... Your father would like to have a word with you."

Now, THIS was something Zuko never imagined hearing himself.


The room was as lavish as the bedroom Zuko had been and the hallway if not more. Gold already became a norm with treasured jewels creatively decorating the office. A phoenix carved out of a ruby glimmered with ravishing red and gold under the sunlight that directly hit it from the nearby window as it was designed to do so in the first place.

But instead of the extreme luxury and the portraits of a mighty fire-breathing dragon in a human skin vanquishing his foes, Zuko's attention was captivated by the said fire-breathing 'dragon' in human skin. They shared similar facial features. Fair-skinned, sharp features, and equally gold eyes. The only significant difference between the duo aside from their facial hair was that while one sat, he still managed to look like he was towering and the other one who stood and should be looking down on the seated man couldn't help but look up.

"You woke, son," The man smiled calmly and the tension in the office visibly deflated while Kei Lo bowed and left the room to the father-son duo.

Zuko's lips parted but he couldn't find any words to relay.

As if aware of his son's dilemma, Phoenix King Ozai stood up from his seat and walked over to Zuko as his hand patted the young one's shoulder, "I'm sure you have much to speak. Much to question. Before any of that, I want you to relax and calm down. Tell me one thing."

Ozai's hand left Zuko's shoulder and warmly cupped the left side of his son's face as he smiled, "Have you been well all these years, son?"

His body felt seized and his throat felt clenched. Barely even able to breathe much less vent whatever burdened his chest, Zuko's eyes still grew hazy and his nose soured ever so slightly. Clenching down on his trembling jaws, Zuko tried to nod calmly.

No matter what, with everything he'd heard, Zuko felt too complicated and confused. His mind resisted the urge to give up but it was as if his body just wanted to accept everything.

Not minding Zuko's silence, Ozai's calm smile broadened into a sincere grin, "You have grown so much," his tone that of pleased wonder as he praised, "A few more years and you'll be taller than me. Stronger, too, I'd imagine. Thank the spirits you look more like me, too. We won't have trouble finding you a queen for years to come."

Ozai's chuckle echoed into the room as Zuko stood like a statue.

Releasing yet another sigh, Ozai nodded, "This seems right... I wished to avoid this but I should start from the beginning. You don't have to say if it's too hard. You don't have to hold back if it's too painful, too. Son, we're blood. If you feel like crying, go all out."

Zuko's fists clenched and his toes curled in revolt against the reactions of his body as his tears began to flow down while Ozai sat him down and chose to lean against the table next to Zuko instead.


Alternative Title: Get that Man an Oscar


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