Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 220: Lashing Out (4)

"Mom!" Before Zuko could reach out, Ozai's hand held his shoulder with a physical strength grand enough to startle the young prince as it was clear that the Phoenix King did not win wars just by the virtue of an army.

"Listen to what she has to say, Zuko. You can release her after that if you must." Ozai's words remained sincere but lacked the warmth with which he showered Zuko before. Instead, Zuko was stunned to see Ursa opening her eyes before glaring at not only Ozai but him, too. Her lips tugged down alongside her frown into a deep, hateful scowl and she muttered, "It's you two, huh... Zuko, did you enjoy meeting with your father? Are you happy now? You always did ask about him, right?"

Zuko's eyes widened in shock as he remarked, "Mom, what are you talking about?"

Chuckling with a certain lack of affection in her voice, Ursa snapped, "I knew you would betray me," she glared at Zuko with a tone that dripped in venom, "You hateful little wretch, it's because of you why I am forced back into this hell, isn't that right?"

Zuko's eyes grew misty and he shook his head in a dazed manner as horror reflected over his face.

"Now what do you want from me? I gave more than 20 years! 20! And yet... hehe... hahaha!" Her giggling turned into a bout of crazed laughter as she shouted, "Curses upon the Imperial Lineage! Ozai, you stole my youth! Zuko, you stole what remained! Kill me! Just end it all!"

"Enough!" Ozai raised his voice and growled sternly, "We have hurt each other enough but Zuko and Azula are innocent! Tell Zuko... Tell him the truth, all of it! Then I'll consider fulfilling your wish."

"What?" Zuko's eyes snapped wide open but Ursa's hiss cut him off.

"If that will gain my release, sure! Zuko! The truth is, you're Ozai's son!"

Ozai's lips parted in shock, "What?!"

With a sick smile, Ursa smirked, "Oh, I hated you! But you knew whose son Zuko really was. You had the proof our first night! Yet you killed Ikem! I hated you and your family. I hated what came from me through your efforts. Raising these two was the worst thing but I did all of it just to end them in front of you! I remained alone my entire life! Barren! Without a man to love! You think I cared?!"

"Z-Zuko, you're really my son!" Ozai patted Zuko and smiled when the prince's hand suddenly turned around and clenched Ozai's pointed goatee in his hand and let his fist burn, "That is not my mother and you are certainly not my father, Phoenix King!"

Kei Lo's and Ozai's eyes widened in shock but the next second Zuko's grip loosened and he fell.

Meanwhile, 'Ursa', who was strung up finally spoke, "Lord, what do you think happened?"

Kei Lo and Ozai looked at a woman certainly beautiful but she wasn't Ursa.

"Something in your words must have given it away," Ozai narrowed his eyes and settled his beard while losing all the warmth and affection he had displayed not too long ago.

"Flesh of an offspring... Azula is an asset much too valuable. Take Zuko back to his room and prepare to have him turn even more compliant this time. A few more drills like these and he will fall right where I want him to." Narrowing his eyes, Ozai's hand blurred and a backhanded slap struck Kei Lo, "And you, your information was incomplete. Obviously, Zuko realized something within those words that she is not Ursa despite the script given to her."

"Please forgive me, Phoenix... God," Kei Lo turned on his knees, "I'll accept any punishment!"

"Get Zuko back to his room."

Ozai scoffed and walked past Kei Lo.

Yet, he had not gone too far when the echo of a clamor roused from the higher floors that made Ozai lock his brows in confusion when a quiet voice blew past his ears, "He's here... they both are here. You best prepare yourself."


Landing over the entrance of the gigantic Phoenix Castle with a golden phoenix statue built in the center, Nik was of half the mind to devour the entire castle right then and there but it wouldn't do. So, sending the clearly valuable golden phoenix into his personal space, Nik looked back at the stretch of Phoenix City they had covered.

If possible, Nik would have wanted to explore the region. Hang out in the bazaars first and then hang the enemy in the bazaars next. But... there was no time to fulfill his desire to spend time in different areas with his loved ones.

"Uh, what should we do now?" Aang looked at Nik as they both held their staves upright.

"We're only here to find Zuko and end Ozai. The moment we enter the palace, I will bring out everyone else."

"Wait, end?" Aang looked at Nik with a stunned expression as the 'younger' of the duo shrugged, "What else? Do you think someone who wants to become a god would end things peacefully when he had so many chances to drink Iroh's tea? Besides... first, we'll ask him a few questions. For instance, about Katara's and Sokka's dad..."

Aang frowned despite Nik's attempt to lighten the situation but the knew that this wasn't the first time Nik killed. And he also knew that despite being friends, not everyone supported his own peaceful ideologies.

"Don't worry. Focus on saving—" Nik blinked and looked at the entrance, "We've got company."

He was quick to strike out with his staff as the entire earthen platform raised massive blunt pillars that tore into the giant entrance of the castle while Aang jumped over Nik's shoulder and rotated his staff to wave off the number of fiery arrows that already filled their surroundings.

"I'll take it from above, go," Aang shouted and jumped off of Nik's shoulder before reaching the upper ledges of the castle where the archers were positioned while Nik pursed his lips, "Damn, phrasing."

"I... sense..."

A soft voice echoed from within Nik as he blinked and kept his guard up after the warning from Mokshi and rushed towards the entrance broken past with a few guards lying down in pain due to the pillars hitting them all the while using the spirit senses to detect any spirits...

And the feedback made his eyes widen in a stupor for a moment.

The multiple presences in the castle were just a little short of Dhi, a primordial spirit, in their intensity. But while all of them encompassed the castle, isolating themselves in various corners, Nik also sensed the 'strength' of the guards and other benders with the most intense chi moving to the central floor of the castle and not losing out to Iroh in its capacity!

"So... spirits and a king... how the hell did Ozai manage to attract so many spirits?" Nik mused while entering the castle as he continued to devour the clothes of every guard he beat and continued to store valuables he saw and the castle was filled with it!

Finding a somewhat secure location, Nik brought others out including Iroh, and warned them about encountering spirits. While June and others were relatively calm, Azula and Ursa were far from that state and the remaining circus crew including Ty Lee didn't appear this time with the usually energetic contortionist in a bout of rare but evident low spirits.

While they wanted nothing more than to inflict Ozai with untold horrors, both Ursa and Azula looked at Nik and stated with an uncanny sync, "Take me to Zuko/Zuzu!"


Aang only needed to hear the distant grunts and shouts to realize that Nik had released the rest of their friends that could fight so he worried more about those who faced Toph, Azula, Mai, and Sun. They happened to be the deadliest and chose to accept that role with a great deal of honor.

His gaze wandered over the luxurious surroundings but he was soon forced to take action when he saw a group of armored firebenders preparing to attack him after locating him. Choosing earthbending to get past the guard's armors since it was the 'safest' of the agonizing ways in his arsenal, Aang struck the blunt end of the staff on the floor, and ten bricks flung out which Aang smacked his glider against as they throttled past the plumes of flames shot in his direction and hit the guards.

Mentally apologizing—


— and Verbally, too, Aang rushed past them when he was eventually stopped by a... tiny red squirrel who stood in the middle of the hallway while looking at Aang curiously with its deep green eyes.

Feeling something strange, Aang took a deep breath and relaxed his stance, "Greetings, Spirit."

Aang bowed deeply while the squirrel blinked in surprise and chattered, "Spirits! Spirits! You left not only the humans unguided but spirits, too!"

It jumped up to the nearest vase and crashed it on the floor, "Humans lost."

It then jumped onto the chandelier above holding many candles and let it fall as the flames caught the nearby curtains promptly, "Spirits lost, too. Humans you can fix. But spirits you must suppress else they consume everything!"

Shocked by the strange spirit's words, Aang questioned hurriedly, "What do you mean?"

"The Phoenix King is not your destiny anymore, Avatar," the squirrel chittered in its sharp voice and warned, "He who wishes immortality has gained the curse of a vile one. A being sealed after darkness. It arrived when you left. It devoured when you slept for ages. It consumes death as the beguiled one consumes flesh... Disappointed you have, not only the humans but spirits, too."

Before Aang could ask for clarification, the squirrel turned its head, "Here he comes. Be warned, Avatar. Its weapon is desire, and your weakness— guilt. You should not have come here now... but fate is rippled around you and a sense of hope... freedom, granted. May you not let your mistakes carry on to the next soul."

The squirrel jumped into the flames and disappeared into a red puff of powder.

"Ah... the Avatar. Finally, we meet."

And as the flames spread in the hall, a cool and collected voice tore through the crisp crackling noise of the inferno, attracting Aang's gaze out of his daze and focus on a lavish figure decorated with red, gold, and a strange black 'mist' that seemingly oozed out of him. But when Aang blinked, the mist was long gone.


Alternate Title: When Aang Fucked Up On a Spiritual Level.


Shoutout to Casey Recore, for support!!

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