Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 241: Aftermath


With an elegant twist of their bodies, both the dragons travel into their caves while a ball of golden flames continues to burn on the bridge where Zuko stood with a crimson egg in his hands and Nik sat on the edge of the bridge while looking at the rising sun.

The sun warriors below all remain collected and sit cross-legged on the ground, awaiting Zuko and Nik to step down. It's evident that they wish to talk. Say something, at least, after all that has happened tonight.

"So, that's it?" Zuko walks over to Nik and sits down with a dragon's egg on his lap.

"How are you feeling?" Nik questions instead of replying, "Feeling better?"

"Not only did I somehow get better at firebending but I even got a Dragon's Egg," Zuko contemplates, "The term better is an understatement. I feel I should—"

"Nah, you don't owe me anything. The Dragons don't like me. We both got to learn more about firebending because of you. And Ra compensated for everything so there is no reason to feel indebted."

Zuko grows silent and then issues an exhausted sigh, "At least, I can say with certainty that Ozai trying to mentally torture me and sacrifice me to some spirit for immortality... will not keep me awake in the night. Once you see a dragon's mouth charging flames and lightning up close, nothing really will haunt you in the night."

"Glad I could be of help," Nik chuckles and then sighs quietly once again.

"What is it?" Zuko questions.

"I feel weak," Nik replies honestly, "For everything I got today... only now do I feel that the risks were greater than I imagined."

"What do you mean?" Zuko frowns.

"I felt... I am in control," Nik sighs, "From meeting Ra and Raat to exploring the island and then even fighting the dragons. A part of me believed that everything is accounted for. Everything will be fine. But... the moment Ignit led me to victory, I realized that this wasn't about me at all. It was about Ra. The Dragon's pride. The Sun Warrior's method of living.

I... wasn't in control while I was led to believe I am," he closes his eyes and plops back with a low groan leaving his lips, "I guess, I thought my days of being a pawn had ended. And then you saw how easily Ra got whatever he wanted from me, right? I guess I was lucky. But the next time I may not be so lucky..."

"Then why did you take such risks in the first place?" Zuko looks at the egg and wonders if he would take these risks for a dragon egg and the answer is... no. "Just what did you get from the spirits for this form of danger?"

"Oh, it's useful alright," Nik chuckles with exhaustion clear in his tone, "But it's one of those days that not many things would satisfy me. Everything said and done... I just feel stale."

"That's rough, buddy," Zuko mutters and then extends his hands, "Here... take it. I can't just carry around an egg this big for no reason, right?"

Nik says nothing and touches it with his left hand and transports the egg to where he stored the Dragon Spring.

"Listen... we don't have to tell my mom that we fought dragons, do we?" Zuko questions. It's honestly interesting what the sun warriors would think should they find out the contents of their discussion as the duo waited for Ignit to complete her metamorphosis.

"Are you kidding me? Defeating dragons is one of the best stories I can tell her. Of course, I'm going to brag about it... hmm, maybe to Kya, too. I'm sure she is bored with how things are at the moment."

"Kya? Are you with someone named Kya?"

"Don't you remember Katara and Sokka's mom? And no, I'm not 'with' her. As I said, it's a good story to impress my mother-in-law with."

Zuko purses his lips and muses things silently. The judgment is simply escaping Zuko's being as Nik doesn't have to look at the youth directly to sense it.

"What now?" Nik scowls.

"Nothing... I'm just... a-are you going to marry them all?"

"If they will accept me," Nik replies without hesitation.

"I see. Though, I'm not calling you father or brother."

"I don't really care. You're older than me anyway."

"What? Really?" Zuko gasps.

"Yeah, I'm 20. You're what? 22?"


"Hush now, we already know I'm THAT," Nik yawns and closes his eyes, simply too tired.

Zuko, after seeing Nik, yawn, feels sleepiness settling into himself as he, too, lies down next to Nik and closes his eyes. Despite everything, as the sun's first rays graze him, Zuko holds a smile unconsciously and drifts into sleep, unhindered by his demons, guilt, and loneliness. He simply cannot feel these crippling emotions after such a grand adventure. As Nik said, it's a good story to have.

And Zuko has always been simple. He gets a dragon. He remains satisfied.



"Hmm... stop it..." Nik groans quietly and turns to his side. The rock-hard surface of the earthen bridge fails to bring any form of discomfort to his exhausted body. It's not just physical exhaustion but a mental one, too.



Nik feels something wet and slippery slide up his cheek once more and he sighs before sitting up. His vision is blurred to an extent as he stretches his arm out and yawns loudly.

"Damn that was a terrible nap," After rating the well-deserved rest, he rubs his eyes and—


His eyes widen as he watches the overly large reptilian head staring at him quietly while having her forelimbs to Zuko's right and her hindlimbs to his left as if literally standing over the Prince.

While Zuko slept, Nik purposely shifted his feet slightly to raise a tiny, annoying earthen stud right between Zuko's cheeks and had it vibrate while hissing, "Zuko, no matter what, don't wake up!"

"Hm? Oh— Woah!"

Zuko practically airbends himself off of the ground before smacking against Ignit's underside and falling back once more. In a single second, from having his rim massaged to headbutting Ignit's belly, Zuko covers his head as a quiet groan escapes his lips.

"Pfft, that was funny," Nik grins and exhales heartily. Only now does he observe Ignit who seemed to have broken out of her flaming egg and notes many drastic differences while Zuko crawls out from under Ignit.

Unlike before when Ignit resembled an actual lizard that happened to be a size of a bull, she has changed... a lot. Lot, as a term, may even be an understatement.

Just her physical structure has gained too much... balance. First, she looks nothing like Ran and Shaw. Instead of a serpentine and 'elegant' body, at a glance, her body bears resemblance to a tiger. Her limbs are longer, her claws are sharper, and her green scales extend deeper into her once softer belly, covering her up completely.

From the edge of her tail to the nape of her neck, Ignit boasts small but raised 'spikes' that are blunt from the top as if marking her spine. Her green scales, at a glance, also have a golden sheen. Oh, and did he mention she has a wingspan as wide as the length of her body?

From the size of her folded leathery green wings beside the four limbs, Ignit should be able to fly.

Her face has changed quite a bit, too. Her once sleek salamander-like face now boasts a broader face of a dragon but not completely so. She still doesn't have any whiskers or a nostril wide enough to accommodate an adult's fist. Her once pale yellow eyes have now gotten darker as if molded from liquid gold and two sharp spike-like grey-gold horns grew out from the back of her head aside from the protruding scales that frame her face.

Ignit, however, did not have a mane around her neck like Ran and Shaw which is unfortunate. Nik liked those manes quite a bit.

However, Nik's gaze eventually fell on the base of Ignit's long neck which only has one, glowing golden scale.


The reptile, nay, the Dragon cries out softly and sticks her head up proudly while moving forward a bit. Ignit presents her reverse scale to Nik.

Instead of questioning her choices, Nik smiles softly and agrees, "I am pleased to meet you, too, Ignit. I will treasure this."

He stretches his arm out and hooks the nail of his index finger into the pretty loose reverse scale before plucking it off of the dragon and holding it up as she lowers her head to look at the scale for a full minute. Finally, she nudges his hand with the tip of her nose. Nodding in return, Nik clenches his palm and stuffs the scale into his personal space.

"So, you're a proper dragon now, huh? Can you breathe fire properly? Can you fly?"

To Nik's question, Ignit's eyes glitter gold and she raises her head. Oh, she loves this feeling already. The heat builds in her throat instinctively. While she would use to 'cough' before, now, Ignit lets loose a terrifying screech.



A massive plume of fire blows out and disappears into the afternoon sky as Ignit doesn't stop after this proud display of might and unfolds her massive wings.

Oh, Nik is in love. His eyes quietly stay on the pure beauty Ignit is. Not that she wasn't a sensational lizard before but now...

Ignit leaps.

Zuko and Nik watch in amazement as Ignit flaps her wings!


And then understandably fails to fly on her first try before crashing right in the middle of the area occupied by Sun Warriors before quickly getting up and looking around. Seeing that none of the Sun Warriors were about to attack her again, Ignit looks at Nik and then shakes her head.

"You know... now that I see it, Ignit is like a dog."

"You mean a Polar Dog?" Zuko questions.

"Yeah, sure, why not," Nik shrugs.

"So you're about to ignore what you just pulled on me?" Zuko scowls.

"Cheer up," Nik chuckles, "It was mother nature that wanted to get in your ass."

"Oh, fuck off," Zuko scoffs as they both begin to step down the stairs. Once they get to the base, Ignit is quick to trot her over to Nik and then circle him with her wings folded once more and tail dragging on the ground.

"Hey, that was good for the first try. We'll train lots, alright? You'll be taking to the sky in no time."

Ignit hisses at his words and then nods. It's clear that this completion of her body has given her not only physical but spiritual gains, too.

"We feel—" Before the Chieftain could begin, Ignit lets out another hiss but this time it was accompanied by plumes of smoke from her nostrils.

"No need to confess your guilt," Nik comments, "It won't really ease any of it."

"I—" Before the Chieftain could reply, Ignit takes a step forward with gold gleaming in her eyes. Finally patting her head, Nik smiles, "We should be on our way. I'm no judge in this situation but I will prefer Ignit's wishes and she... doesn't want to hear a word."

The Chieftain nods and sighs slightly while Ignit begins to walk ahead. Nik and Zuko take her lead and leave after giving the Chieftain a short bow.

No matter what, the Chieftain has treated them with respect and enough patience. Metaphorically spitting in their faces would not do anyone good.

As they exit the confines of the valley, Ignit comes to a stop and looks at the strange flower blooming over a rock.

"Don't you look back," The Flower of Fertility sways, "Have a fulfilling life. It's nice to finally know you, Ignit."

Despite the sadness growing in her eyes, Ignit nods and takes a step forward while the Flower now only communicates with Nik.

"Take care of her. I am not sure if you will live here or leave... but let her be by your side."

Nik just smiles and bows to the flower, too, alongside Zuko before taking leave.


Once they reach the beach, the duo looks at Ignit, "Are you sure you want to be on the boat? My friends are amazing and they would love to meet you."

He tries to persuade Ignit but she refuses with a stubborn glare and sways the tip of her tail as she presses her large head into his torso... like a dog.

"Woah, you could stab someone with those goat horns girl," Nik rubs Ignit's head and looks at Zuko, "We need a bigger boat."

"Great, if only I could assume the obvious," Zuko rolls his eyes.

"You know what," Nik scoffs, "You're just as much of a bitch as Azula. It's just that when she is around, she tried to get all the focus. How the hell Ursa gave birth to the two of you is out of my mind."

"I'm nothing like Azula!" Zuko snaps.

"Oh, sure, you're not a chick. But rest, eh."


Flicking her long tongue across Nik's face in the middle that left him a sloppy mess, Ignit moved away from his embrace and closed in on the waves hitting the beast before blowing fire on the waves happily.

"We still need a bigger boat and the middle part of my face feels sticky..." Nik mutters and when Zuko is about to speak, the former scoffs, "Don't fucking say it... come on, we'll build something quick. Let me send a message to Ursa and others so that they can get the villagers on the work, too."

"Don't say anything about fighting the dragons," Zuko speaks quickly.

"Of course," Nik smiles, "I'll say we defeated the dragons, robbed their egg, and created a mutated dragon. Has a nice ring to it."


Alternate Title: The Dog Dragon; Master Obvious!; And She Crashes!; I Believe I can Fly!; The Dragon Beaters!


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Shoutout to Gabriel Rodrigues!

Read 30 advance chapters on—



As stated, the beginning of the fanfic is updated to my liking. I admit the first 8 chapters went through minimal changes because I didn't get on a laptop till then. But other chapters should note some improvement in grammar.

Major Changes Include—

1) Renaming Reiko (Mitsuko's Eldest Daughter) to Souko.

2) Alternate Titles

3) Again, supposedly better grammar (Could still have some mistakes, but I did my best.)

4) I redid the smut slightly.

5) I think Nik comes off slightly better than previous iterations, something I will improve in further updates since most complaints stem from the early part of the avatar arc. But I won't sacrifice all the development I had for Nik for the sake of making others happy, I'll just make the development slightly linear.

There is a good chance that there will be some more drastic change in the avatar arc edit, nothing that will affect the plot progression but the pace itself. This notice will be removed and added to the next chapter's footnote tomorrow, so this won't be deleted, no worries.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.