Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 246: A Dengerous Friendship

Ken's appearance, no doubt, is surprising but as it was with Aang, Hina, and Niwan, Nik cannot mingle in their lives more than he already has since he has his own commitments.

After the greeting, others dispersed for the time being to prepare for the trip tomorrow. Initially, Iroh planned to return to the Fire Nation after finding a suitable leader for Ba Sing Se but with Ken and his mind already tampered with, Iroh decides against the notion. But to help Katara and Sokka in their mission, he has already made many inquiries and given the family a definite response today on whom they seek.

Needless to say, this is one of the major reasons why Katara's day feels so bright. The other reason is sitting beside her, of course.

Demonstrating the fact that she is getting more comfortable around the group through her more relaxed bearings, Kya looks at Katara fondly and smiles, "Well, don't you look chipper after Nik grew more handsome."

'My facial features didn't change tho, lady. What the hell do you mean?' Nik deadpans but Katara blushes and mumbles in a manner that she herself would never believe, "I'm just happy we get to meet dad soon."

"Of course, you are," Kya chuckles and shakes her head, "You can stop thinking of me as a mother and more like a friend, you know. That's what I told Rena and Sokka, too, when I chatted with them privately."

Attracting their attention, Kya looks a little downcast and remarks, "I admit that from the moment I returned to your life... I haven't been there."

"Mom, it's not like that—"

"Let her finish," Nik pats Katara's back instead, "You have no idea how grateful I am when you guys let me finish whatever it is I want to get off my chest. Let Kya do that, too."

Katara nods quietly and Kya, similarly, nods with gratitude, "I realized the true reason for it when I saw Nik and Rena bickering about... stuff."

Not lingering around this odd topic, however, Kya comments gently, "I don't have a right to be yours or Sokka's mother anymore."

"What?!" Katara's eyes widen but Kya smiles, "Silly, I'm not talking about leaving or anything. Just listen... it won't be too long."

While the urge to quickly reassure her mother is great, Katara finds the strength to resist it and Nik rubbing her back in comfort alleviates a lot of stress.

"I've been with Poppy, Michi, and Ursa for some time now but... whenever I see them disciplining their children, I feel the urge to do the same. You and Sokka are my children. You're my daughter. But I wasn't there to set you straight for every silly thing you did. I wasn't there to shower you with praises for your achievements. I... wasn't part of it all."

Kya chokes a bit as she continues to speak. Her eyes turn a little watery and red as Katara is no better and she fully settles down to listen quietly.

"But I don't want to act like it doesn't bother me," Kya sighs, "I want to feel like a mother once more but I need to spend years for that. But this is also an opportunity. You and Sokka may never consider me anything other than a mother but I hope you can be more open around me."

'Fuck, no. That's like the most basic trap a parent uses,' Nik rolls his inwardly but he also understands where Kya is coming from. Everyone who was killed by Reaper can only understand a fraction of the things Kya is going through.

"I'll.. try," Katara nods with a sniff and rubs her arm against her eyes to wipe away the budding tears. Looking up, Katara takes a deep breath and comments, "I know Nik wants me to wait for us meeting our dad and then decide on things but I want to leave with him... if possible, I want to leave with all of you."

Kya takes a moment and then nods, "That's great... it is a good choice. But I can't say anything for certain right now."

"Can I ask you something?" Katara questions to which Kya readily agrees, "Of course, anything."

"What do you feel about... Dad?"

'Could have let me leave, at least,' Nik feels the tension almost solidifying in the room as if Katara and Kya are in a world of their own.

"I don't know," Kya shakes her head and smiles, "But we will find out, won't we?" Taking a deep breath, she then looks at Nik, "But we shouldn't make him too uncomfortable either after the great lengths he has gone to accommodate us."

"Oh, I'm cozy," Nik cracks a smirk and then adds, "But as long as we're in heavy and sincere stuff. The last time Katara said that I'm an exhibitionist... that was a lie. I don't take off my clothes outdoors for the sake of pleasure."

Katara groans and shakes her head, "It was... sigh, nothing. I just panicked."

"But you're implying you take your clothes off outdoors for other reasons?" Kya questions curiously.

"Hey, if I do treat you like a true friend, I would have to list all these reasons, no?" Nik grins and Kya nods with an amused smile.

Extending his fingers, Nik began listing all the reasons while counting on his fingers, "So, the reasons are Mai, Michi, Poppy, Toph, Yue, Ursa, Azula, Jin, June, Suki, and—"

"Alright enough!" Katara gasps before driving her shoulder into his own and looking at Kya fiercely, "He is joking!"

"That's what you do with your friends dear," Kya looks at Katara with a smile that barely feels like one, "You joke and have fun."

"Exactly," Nik agrees.

"And I have to say Nik... I never thought a person can change so much in a matter of hours. The world beyond ours, as you put it, must be amazing."

"Oh, it is," Nik nods, "But this world is amazing, too. The ability to bend the elements is nothing to scoff at."

"Since we do have this rare moment of peace... I would like to know more about the world where you are from..., not the one you refuse to talk about but the one you are willing to talk about," Kya continues as Nik chuckles sheepishly, "It's not that I don't want to talk about the world I truly am from... it's just that I never got to explore it. I was adopted at a very young age and trained for a craft. But this new world..."

Nik began to describe trains, A.C., cell phones, and much other stuff he learned about during his week-long stay in his current home world. The thing that stood out the most for Katara and Kya is the invention of electricity and its use which even Nik doesn't know very well how to explain.

After a while, Nik excused himself. He has yet to see the limits of his bending practice and that's what he aimed to do by seeking Iroh.


"Nik, Lightning Bending is not so simple," Iroh sighs, "I believe you are rushing into things."

"I am," Nik admits openly, "Be it Lavabending, Airbending, or Lightning Bending, I lack quite a bit in all three of them and I say 'lack' because I tried to bend lightning but only failed because I was too tired."

"You tried to use Lightning against Ran and Shaw, huh," Iroh mumbles before raising a brow, "However did you learn the notion of separating the positive and negative charge of chi?"

"I knew the theory beforehand through a book in the Library situated within a desert," He shrugs and then requests, "Please, let me learn a little bit. You aren't planning to tag along, right?"

Iroh sips his tea before nodding, "I... cannot. I don't wish for Zuko or Ken to take responsibility for Ozai's actions and redeem the Royal Family. I sought Ursa because I wanted to be rest assured that she is safe. That Zuko and Azula are safe. Of that, I am assured so I can focus on these things and not let Ozai imprison Ursa and her children once again."

"Then teach me how to practice Lightning Bending appropriately," Jik states seriously. The time limit of his stay here will end soon and even if one can say that there is no need to end this trip too early, the longer he stays here, the harder it will be to leave.

After all, something will always come up. There will always be new teachings to pursue. New goals to achieve. And new problems to solve.

If Nik felt slightly guilty leaving Iroh as is then Ken's arrival is akin to a saving grace! At least, Iroh won't be alone.

At least, Aang won't be alone since he, too, has Hina's and Niwan's support.

"Hmm... so, do you want to learn it now? As in, NOW now?" Iroh questions after finishing his tea.

"If possible, yes," Nik nods but faces a disappointing rejection.

"I wish I could but... now isn't the right moment. I am not denying to teach you but I am not focused enough to teach something as dangerous as lightning bending and I caution you, too. In the future, if you ever teach Azula and Zuko this bending practice after mastering it... you must never lose focus."

Nik nods and sighs, "So, I hope you would be free later on. I do want you to attend my... eh..."

"I will not miss it... unless it's in the Nothern or Southern Tribes. My old bones are better off without the cold," Iroh chuckles and Nik smiles, too.

"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind."

With his endeavor to try and train in Lightning Bending meeting an understandable delay, Nik returns to his personal space and focuses on Lava Bending entirely. Lavabending was one of the greatest weapons against two adult dragons so trying to get better at it is natural.

But his Earth Bending mentor has been influenced rather illicitly by her second student and it shows when both of them show up for the practice after lunch.

"What do you think you're doing?" Nik questions with an amused chuckle as he sees June dropping her trousers the moment she arrives with Toph smacking the bounty huntress' wide ass with a toothy grin, "I gotta show June how hard a good Earthbender must be not only in mind but their body, too. Even after constant training, she can only lift pebbles at most. So... I say she must learn from both of us, right?"

Slowly slipping her thin index into June's black panties, Toph chuckles, "Obviously, I am the smart one and got the mind stuff but a tough body... hmm, we should put yours to good use, too, right?"

June raises a brow with her full lips tugged into a smirk, "We can't refuse our mentor, can we? She takes a lot of time to think of ways to train us."

"Naturally," Toph grins and Nik cannot help but snicker, "I guess you're right. If it's training, who am I to refuse?"

'Sorry, Lavabending... I have to train earthbending for the moment.'


Alternate Title: Illicit Master-Student; Lavabending's The Sidechick; Nik's Not an Exhibitionist... Unless...


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Shoutout to Connor Taylor and itsDragonking!!

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