Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 248: Pushing Limits!

Yue looks at Nik with her eyes as round as possible. Her blue eyes view him with sheer need and almost desperate hunger. Her wildest of fantasies are just... a room away. She can surely drag him away. Nik is chill like that despite his past and wouldn't mind doing most of the stuff Yue has in mind but since she WANTS to be led instead of leading... he can also be a tease and hold it out right?

So, ignoring her rather open and meaningful gaze, Nik takes the central seat and watches everyone who wants to travel with him alongside to the Fire Nation instead of just getting out of his personal space once he arrives there.

First off, Sokka and Rena are no doubt a part of it. Their team Aang is disbanded temporarily with Aang already on his quest to come to terms with the so-called Storm Benders and Sun returning to Meng's side to spend time with her, these two and Tom-Tom are left idle quite a bit.

Next came Katara and Kya. The former wants to train in the Ocean alongside traveling with her mother while the latter wishes to get 'out' and have a breath of fresh air... when the atmosphere of Nik's personal space and the outside world will always be the same.

Ty Lee, too, wishes to return. With her performances ending in the traveling circus, she wishes to return to her family, and spending her time entirely inside his personal space on a voyage is not her definition of a perfect trip.

Michi's family decided against this travel. As blunt as ever, Mai felt that it would be a waste of time and she couldn't emphasize more that she wants some time off Ty Lee! Even Tom-Tom, despite his crumbling crush on Ty Lee, got caught back by Michi... it's time he returns to his studies, too.

Toph held no love for anything she has to step on that is not ground so she chose not to blur her already blind vision further... until she realized that their ship would be a metal one. Still, not really into the idea of enjoying a view of a voyage not available to her gaze, she decided to stick around. Poppy would take this chance to cover Michi's role in their shop since the mother would be teaching Tom-Tom.

Yue, more than interested in the more colorful side of the Fire Nation chose to enter the trip. Jin is the same. Of course, their ulterior motives are not that hidden.

Suki, on the other hand, wants to improve and take her growth more seriously. For this, she decided to join the trip and learn chi-blocking from Ty Lee alongside Nik.

However, from Ursa's side, only Azula decided to join the trip. Ursa is still considering many different things ever since Nik revealed the truth to her and Zuko wishes to train more and capitalize on his recent understanding of firebending. Zuko did ask Iroh to teach him more but he got the same answer as Nik received.

Iroh is sincerely busy.

{A/N: Again, this Iroh is fundamentally different from the og show. This one not only has an illegitimate son but also has to uphold the true honor of the royal family by doing what's right.}

Azula, on the other hand, wants to take this chance and cool off... even when this notion seems bleak due to her former friend and girlfriend on the trip.

"I can't believe you're really tagging along!" Ty Lee is quick to sit next to Azula while Jin is not far away and smiles childishly, "Of course, she did. She loves being around those who care for her."

"Spare me these corny speculations," Azula rolls her eyes and glances at Nik, "I would like to return and see what I would be missing out on by accepting a certain deal. Not to mention, if I will worthwhile or not."

Her eyes narrow down and her gaze fixates on Nik who smiles slightly despicably, "Or, you ask your man, Nik the Plunderer to plunder whatever you feel you'd be missing out on."

"Nik the Plunderer?" Kya questions curiously, hearing this moniker for the first time.

"Ah, he got that name because he plunders men's wives and daughters!" Ty Lee answers with a toothy grin.

"It only happened three times," Nik rolls his eyes.

"And there won't be a fourth time," Sokka glares at the youth threateningly.

"Sokka!" Kya frowns at her son.

"Well... you did ask to be their friend," Nik shrugs.

"That's what friends talk about. Not sleeping with their mothers," Rena nods and throws Nik a challenging look.

"Ugh..." Katara shakes her head.

"So," Suki shifts the conversation, "It will take us two days to reach Fire Nation but we may as well decide what we're going to do after reaching there."

"We'll meet our father based on Iroh's sources," Katara comments, and Sokka nods.

"I want to train with Katara so once we hit land, I'll return here. There is no point in me being in Fire Nation... the moment I see a soldier's helmet, I may do something I'd regret," Rena narrows her eyes and the mood in the room becomes heavy for a moment.

"Good to know. I'll inform Iroh that no one should wear their helmet... after all, Iroh's men will be steering the ship," Nik mumbles and looks at Yue who bites her lips for a moment and then sighs, "I will be with Ty Lee. She offered me to show around all the great locations in the capital and a few other regions."

"Me, too," Jin winks, "So, you have to find Ty Lee to find us."

"And I want to learn whatever tricks you and Zuko managed to learn from the dragons. Remind me, why can't I go to Sun Warriors myself?" She questions.

"Nobody's stopping you but after their confrontation with me, Ran and Shaw might be on an edge... and I am not returning there with you after such a climactic farewell. That's just weird," Nik shrugs. After all, he took almost everything of value from that island INCLUDING the Sun Warriors' and the two Dragons' self-respect!

Azula huffs and rolls her eyes.

"Oh, and Mai will come out once we reach Fire Nation," Ty Lee chimes, "So, she will be with me, too! I'll be your travel guide!"

"Thanks," Nik smiles, "And I'll be doing training with you guys or... trying to help Ignit fly."

However, deep down, Nik admits that the latter's prospect is quite low.

Ignit wasn't born with wings. She doesn't have that instinct. Instead, she is given wings and Nik empathizes with her because of his own slow start with Airbending.

Everyone discusses a few more things about Fire Nation with Ty Lee, ironically, being the trove of knowledge for she stayed there the longest out of everyone. Ty Lee even had all the basic courtesies of the culture and the do's and the don't's of the regions memorized perfectly.

Yet, it is not surprising. Like Mai, Ty Lee attended the Royal Academy for the Girls of the Fire Nation and is adept in a lot of things she doesn't show easily.

The next day, Nik leaves Ba Sing Se after bidding farewell to Iroh and Ken. Nik's group would be traveling through the eastern ports of the Earth Kingdom where the ship that brought Ken is stationed and would take that very ship back to Fire Nation.

And this is where Ignit's training starts, too.

Using the same glider staff Aang gifted him, Nik takes to the sky and after achieving considerable height, he ejects Ignit—


Already ready to fall, Ignit spreads her wings in a moment and lets out a frightening cry that scares away most of the birds in the distance while flapping her wings awkwardly.

"Go on, keep on flapping!" Nik dives alongside Ignit who howls again and...

Her wings just stop flapping and wave up while Nik's expression turns bleak, "What the hell do you mean you're already tired?! You're a dragon! Flap away!"

With her tongue lolling out and throwing Nik a stubborn but exhausted look, Ignit grunts, and Nik scoffs before tapping her with his left hand and sending her into the open slime stuff that he plundered from the island. The same stuff that was ejected from the ruins that protected Sun Stone.

After all, if Nik just absorbs Ignit with all her current momentum, she might get hurt.

'Ignit is a certified fire-breathing dog,' Nik chuckles once she disappears and takes to the sky once again.

Aside from not having the instinct to fly imprinted in all birds... and dragons, Ignit has no understanding of her wings and also lacks the necessary muscle coordination. She's like an adult who never had hands and now that she has hands, she wishes to sketch out the most detailed piece of artwork known in existence!

'I would have tried to leave Ignit with Sky Bisons if not for the fact that Sky Bisons fly by using air bending and not any physical part of their body.'

Nik muses while flying.

'Not to mention...'

He suddenly starts to spiral in the air and even complete 360 flips.

"I feel slightly in tune with air bending," He mutters.

No doubt, this is the effect of his evolution. He got a similar response from other elements when he tried them.

Yet, this also makes him wonder how good would he have gotten if he chose a bloodline with one specific elemental alignment.

"But I am forever bound to the same family of bloodline now," Nik narrows his eyes while flying.

After he completed his evolution, he received information from Infinity.

This is how infinity works. It provides information after the deed is done.

Nik only got information on higher ranks of authority after he reached the rank of a Rank 1 Intern. Infinity did inform him that any Bloodline beyond the common rank is subject to Progenitor's control of the Bloodline.

It even implied that due to Mokshi, Nik would avoid this control.

What Infinity did not inform him is that once someone enters the realm of Uncommon Bloodline and beyond... they also subject themself to the same lineage of the Progenitor.

Meaning, before, Nik had over a hundred possible lines of evolution but now... he will only have the choices in the higher category of the same Progenitor Cave he visited before.

'But I should stop taking Infinity's information at the face value entirely,' Nik sighs. He has no ill will toward such an entity that is mighty enough a second chance to someone as lost as himself. But Nik simply keeps his caution up. It is an instinctive reaction even when he deep down feels that it might just be useless.

'What the Infinity never did hide is the title of Rank 10. A Paradise. I fall under the Transmigration Paradise but what is it? A person?'

Nik puckers his lips and forces these useless questions deep into the abyss of his mind. The questions themselves are not futile but his lack of strength and ability to get such answers make questioning these things a futile effort.

'And... let's enjoy this moment. After all, even Aang cannot do... THIS!'

His eyes widen as flames propel out from the base of his feet while he sends the glider back into his personal space and balances himself midair by using airbending to stay afloat and massive ejection of flames from the base of his feet and hands to act as thrusters of sorts!

One thing to note is that even here he decides to train his firebending by using harder to produce blue flames.

The concentration needed for blue flames makes the ability to simultaneously use his airbending a very difficult task but...

He doesn't have an Iroh or an Aang to train this with so his best option is to push the limits of whatever he already knows!


Alternate Title: Ignit is NOT a Dog!— Nik: Aight, bet.; Dollar Store Iron Man


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Shoutout to Whwh, elijah sims, Dopey, Cklance, and TheBurningGoose!!

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