Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 253: The Vile Title

Ty Lee imagined Nik being... well, for the lack of a better term— crowded and rushed because of all the 'work' he must 'do' around him. But no. Maybe his evolution gave him a much firmer spine or really, it is simply the first time she is seeing him like this but he is a lot more in control than she expected.

After all, Katara, Yue, and Jin being submissive is understandable but Suki? Azula? No. Never. Suki is their trainer. No matter what she does, she has the respect of the entire group because she is the one who puts on her big boy pants even when facing the mature ones like Michi and Poppy to train them without any hesitation. She is strict. Disciplined.


'A slut...' Ty Lee gulps.

Not only her but all of them. Including Azula. No. Azula may just be the biggest slut of them all. THAT Azula! Cold, cruel, and ruthless. Sure, Azula did apologize to her and revealed a short duration of vulnerability but that never changed Ty Lee's opinion of her. THIS certainly did.

'Are like others this way, too?' Ty Lee can feel their aura mingle into a vast cloud of pink, lust, and carnal glory that she has never felt before.

'Are June, Toph, Michi, and Poppy... all of them the same way? Mai, too?' It's honestly hard to imagine Mai this way. To imagine her pale, petite, slim, and toned form writhing in pleasure. Her skin illuminated due to her sweat. Her eyes only holding one man in her gaze dear.

Ty Lee can FEEL one vast aura around which the rest coil over. Lather. And glide about. It's thick and firm like a pillar. The sense of security around this aura, most likely, is due to all that he has accomplished in a short span of when he became known to the world. And no, she is not talking about the juicy cock of his being licked by Yue and Azula— the two Princesses, as their lips would also meet each other to share each other's saliva and his cocky juices.

Nik— The Plunderer.

Ty Lee can see some sense in the name and not because Nik is infamous for stealing a man's wife and daughter.

Suki is beside Nik, peppering his neck and broad chest with kisses. Sometimes she would suckle on his olive hide and leave visible marks and then kiss on those spots. She even licked the underside of his jaw before blowing her hot breath against his ear but he hasn't reciprocated. Not at the moment.

"Mmh~" Katara moans hotly. Her voice is far gentler today and it stands out from the rest of the wet noise of their carnal activities. Sitting atop him with her legs spread wide open and facing Yue and Azula as they gaze right back at her with upturned eyes while sloppily licking and drooling upon his wet shaft, Katara fights hard against the embarrassment building in her because Nik seems a lot more focused on her.

And she, of course, knows why. And honestly, Katara didn't mind getting pampered. She was there before them all. She is the 'chosen' one upon which this world dropped a naked Nik.

If only one had a nickel for every time Naked Nik dropped on them... Katara would have one. It's not much at all... but it IS weird. To drop people naked in the middle of nowhere... one may assume Infinity is one of the kinkiest supposedly all-powerful being out there.

{A/N: Ehm, are you challenging me?}

But not the one to make others uncomfortable for personal satisfaction unless, of course, it is Azula since the Fire Princess molded her the way she is, Jin smiles and holds both of Ty Lee's hands.

"Nervous?" The twin-tailed brunette questions her equally bubbly acrobatic counterpart as Ty Lee gasps bluntly, "You'd be crazy not to be!"

'Huh, then maybe I AM crazy,' Jin affirms internally but her smile broadens instead and she pulls Ty Lee to the slight, unoccupied edge of the bed, "That's understandable... and you know you can leave any time you'd like."

Ty Lee sneaks a glance at Nik. His head hangs low, his lips most likely tracing the back of Katara's shoulder as he pays others no attention. For the moment, Katara is the only one for him. His left-hand cups her left breast and kneads her poking dark brown nipple while his right digits slide across Katara's juicy entrance presented for all.

At times, he splays her entrance open, revealing her twitching yet soaked bright pink folds. The crest of her entrance is capped by her erect clit that isn't saved from Nik's well-trained fingers either.

"Hnah," Another one of her cute moans leaks as the supposedly generational talent of water bender bites her bottom lip. Her eyes are watery and hazy as she stares off to empty space while reaching the edge.

Gulping at the state Nik has placed Katara in rather easily, Ty Lee whispers to the only one taking time to ease her into the situation. Deep down, Ty Lee does feel a little indignant that Nik won't shower a 'newbie' like her with the attention she deserves.

"I can't just leave," Ty Lee replies to Jin softly as the latter smiles smugly and lets go of Ty Lee's hand to run her fingers up Azula's smooth calf.

"Why not?" Jin muses, not minding her volume.

"Well... won't he get mad?" Ty Lee sneaks another glance. She HAS seen Nik get frustrated when training but it is fairly obvious that he may just find her presence annoying if she backs down now.

"Not true," Jin shrugs, "Why would he get mad? He's got us."

"Mhm hmm," Nik lets out a hum while pecking Katara's back ever so sensually.

"That's rude," Ty Lee pouts.

"Here's the thing," Jin smiles gently, "I don't agree with Azula and Mai saying you're annoying. You're fun."

Pulling Ty Lee closer, Jin adds, "But if you're in here just for answers and curiosity... I'd suggest letting loose and having a blast. That way you won't feel regrets right?"

"Okay, yeah, no," Nik finally pulls back as he glares at Jin. His fingers slip into Katara's drenched vagina and the waterbender finally moans loudly, her eyes roll closer to the upper edge of her eyelids and her hips buck forward slightly in an erratic fashion, causing Azula to instinctively crawl forward as she holds down Katara's thighs upon Nik's waist and bring her face closer to her visibly quivering entrance.

More than happy to see girls take the odd tasks in opportune moments, Nik pulls his hands away as Azula brings her royal lips upon Katara and then gives her entrance that one kiss. One kiss to toss Katara over THAT edge.

Not holding anything back, Katara holds the head of the group's orgasm muncher close to her cunt, and grinds her crotch against Azula's face all the while cumming explosively into the princess' mouth.

"Huff..." Katara gasps after a few fleeting moments and lies against Nik's chest weakly. Kissing the top of her head, he whispers, "Get some breath. I'll be with you shortly... for the entire night."

"Hmm," Katara lets Nik help her down as she lies on the bed and Nik finally stares at Jin once more.

With Suki working on his chest, his right hand rests on her ass while his left hand nestles over Azula's head as the princess returns to her position the moment she drained Katara of her juices.

"Don't listen to Jin. At all. She's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Think of it as Azula's, June's, and Toph's nasty nature getting rubbed on her."

"Now who's being mean?" Jin scoffs but when she faces Ty Lee's skeptical look, Jin couldn't help but barely show her true colors as she brings things to a clearer point, "Okay, maybe letting loose isn't the best option but staying here while lying to yourself that you only want answers isn't the best thing in the world, too."

Feeling anxious once again, Ty Lee bites her bottom lip. Frustration becomes clear on the usually jubilant contortionist.

It would be a lie to say she didn't hope for Nik to be hers alone IF they even became a thing... sure, he has a harem... but maybe she could change him for the 'better', right?

But seeing Yue's and Azula's butts hanging up as they suck him eagerly, seeing Suki servicing him with a passion she may not even show in training... Ty Lee cannot help but reconcile with the fact that truly...

Nik loses nothing missing out on her.

She's just another face in the long line. Just another 'someone' for Nik to look past and move beyond.

Memories of the past become just more severe for her as Ty Lee stands up and hurries out of the room without another word. The deep gut-wrenching sensation within her just became too hard to bear.

Pulling back, Azula licks her lips and looks back, "She ran? Oh, well. That's why she is so annoying."

"Less talking," Nik groans, his hand pushes her down once again as her lower lips throb with eager need. Yue, meanwhile, keeps her pointed gaze on the juicy, thicker cock as she nestles her lips over his balls and licks him clean. To be fair, his dick did not grow in a similar spectrum as his body did but any 'increase' to his already respectable mass is welcomed.

"Uh..." Jin looks back at Nik awkwardly. She wanted to 'prepare' Ty Lee so that they can have fun in pairs after Yue-Azula and Suki-Katara.

"Don't worry," Nik sighs softly and leans back with a relaxed expression. His cock is already able to contain itself. Feeling himself reach a familiar edge, Nik reassures Jin briefly, "Issues need to be worked on, right? I mean, I haven't but others should. And jumping into an orgy stubbornly is just asking to get shredded. Now..."

Eyeing her with a gaze that lacks his usual compassion and instead glaring at her with hunger, Nik licks his lips, "Get over here."

Although Jin's heart skips a beat, she wastes no time slipping out of her clothes and eagerly doing as commanded.

Those who may not know Nik may assume that he got THIS... 'dangerous' because of some addition from the evolution. Like his increased muscle mass. But Jin, Yue, and others have already seen him like this before.

His evolution... may simply be a key to reveal whatever that was hidden long ago instead.


As Jin reaches Nik's embrace, Azula and Yue pull back in shock. Their faces are almost painted white as his cum stains them thoroughly.

'Too... much.'

Even Suki comes to a stop.

"So..." With a toothy grin that does help ease the mood, Nik comments, "This is the surprise that June and Toph tasted the earliest. Apparently, I CAN cum buckets."

"Your so-called 'Maker' is crazy..." Suki whispers, "Kyoshi... grant me the strength to take it all."

"You can just NOT take it all," Nik shrugs.

"All." Suki looks back at him seriously and an odd twinkle in her eyes.

'So... Nut Cracking Messiah, Plunderer, and now Cum Slut Maker... the list keeps on getting bigger,' Nik smirks and pecks her cherry lips.


"Oh, you're up early," Kya greets Ty Lee with a relaxed smile as she takes in dawn's breeze, "Good morning."

As opposed to a more pleasant Kya despite yesterday's events, Ty Lee gives a curt 'Hm' and leans against the railing beside Kya.

"Up so soon? I figured you all would emerge from your chambers only after we reached the capital... given the noises," Kya pokes slight, lighthearted fun but Ty Lee remains unfashionably tight-lipped and continues to adopt a sour look.

"Oh, I see..." Kya blinks and then questions, "Would you like to talk about it?"

"What gave you that idea?" Ty Lee looks up.

"Well, I'm the only one on the deck and you perched right beside me. I assume that the social cue of someone asking for help hasn't changed all that much after I died."

"I... maybe Azula was right... I just crave attention," Ty Lee slumps against the railing and looks at the large walls built upon the sea that connects the two close ends of the island.

Gates of Azulon.

They aren't far from the Capital.

"And what gave you the impression that is an inherently wrong thing to crave... besides, I've had a few chats with Ursa. I can say with certainty that Azula isn't the right girl to listen to," huffing further, Kya continues, "But then again... I suppose, for them, laying all the 'blame' on Nik's feet may as well allow them to live more comfortably."

Ty Lee looks at Kya and questions, "Doesn't it bother you? Your husband is with someone else... he replaced you..."

"Ah... I see..." Kya smiles and looks at the girl.


Ty Lee curls a bit within herself defensively as Kya exhales a short sigh and looks toward the beautifully crafted giant gates.

"I wasn't replaced... I don't think anyone can ever be replaced. Everyone is valuable... to someone. But, not considering 'value', if someone doesn't value you and replaces you... it just shows you weren't supposed to be with them. It gives you the comfort of moving on."

Pulling the clearly distressed girl closer as if it is the most natural thing and embracing her gently, Kya reveals, "I would be pissed if it was me before everything happened. But I am no longer that Kya. And my husband is no longer the same man. There is simply... no need to be petty."

"What if..." Ty Lee hugs her tighter. Her voice quakes slightly despite being muffled, "What if he found someone that looks exactly like you?"

"Then I'd take comfort in knowing his tastes haven't changed one bit and still move on. But, of course, if that someone is related to me, say, a twin... they will need to answer some questions. Like, why couldn't she just be a good twin?"

Pulling back, Ty Lee rubs her eyes with the back of her hand, "I'm not talking about myself... my sisters always warned me. They are good siblings."

Smiling, Kya ruffles Ty Lee's brown hair, "So the issues lie in you? Is that it?"

Ty Lee falls silent again. Initially, she was just hoping to vent but now... Kya gave her reasons to seriously think about some stuff.

"I... don't have issues," Ty Lee looks away and leans against the railing once more.

Kya doesn't speak any further. Had Ty Lee been a child, just a simple gesture of affection would have cleared all her doubts. After all, someone is only starved for attention because... they either weren't given enough in their childhood or they FEEL they weren't given enough of it.

Just pulling Ty Lee closer with one arm around the girl to comfort, both, someone else's mother and someone else's daughter continue to view the sea.

"I think you guys will really like the capital," Ty Lee sighs softly, "My... Our father left us a grand villa among many other things..."

"When did that happen?" Kya questions softly.

"Well... our Circus tour began two years ago... so, two years."

"I'm sure he is in a better place," Kya comforts the girl as Ty Lee nods.

Kya among the many victims of Reaper may just have a higher authority in claiming these things.


Alternate Title: Another Title Achieved— (+) Ejaculation Force, (+) Ejaculation Amount, (+) Painting Material; The Stainer!; The Seed Painter; The Bucket Filler; The Womb Drencher; The Bearer of White; The Jack of All White; Will of C; Mass Cummer


A/N: I still can't believe I came up with so many cum names... sigh... I did just write 'came.'


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