Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 264: No More Delays

"So, I'm the reason you cannot leave?" Iroh responds with a quirky smirk as he strokes his beard, making Nik roll his eyes.

"You didn't expect me to leave without learning lightningbending, did you?" Nik replies with an impatient grunt as he sips his tea while looking at Zuko and Azula destroying their resurfaced cousin—Ken.

It's barely the break of dawn in Ba Sing Se, a perfect time to train.

"Are you sure it's not something else?" Iroh questions with a knowing smile and enjoys his tea patiently.

Nik ponders for a minute and decides to scoff.

"I'll return your stash once you teach!"

His group bid Aang farewell three days ago before spending two more days in the Fire Capital. The Ty-Sisters insisted that they stayed with them as they wanted to tag along with Ty Lee, no questions asked… well, they asked several questions. But they wanted to try and bring their crew.

It was a partially successful task—Nik knew from experience. He took the time to explain the situation to others building a life in his personal space. In his book, they needed to know that their immediate survival hinges on his survival. His tenants were predominantly prisoners he rescued from Ozai and Reaper. Out of 900-something individuals, 609 decided against living in Nik's personal world. Nik dropped them off on the nearby island alongside their fresh produce and other personal effects, including their houses, so they don't have to struggle again.

The Ty-Sisters' group was similar. Only four crewmates agreed to join, all of them young and orphaned in the war. Their maids and servants consented to follow, too, since the Sisters had no intention of leaving their estate.

Iroh narrows his eyes as he hears Nik's proposition and parrots it back objectively.

"You will return my possession for my knowledge? If I didn't know better, I would have thought you were being manipulated by a spirit."

"You can cross that off the list. Ever since I can channel my inner Mokshi, I don't think Primordials will have any spiritual effect on me. It's the regular spirits that are a pain in the ass."

A loud and prideful cry cuts into their conversation and training as a giant green dragon with a wide wingspan flaps her leathery wings before diving toward the ground.



"Your dragon just learned to fly with Aang. Just flying, right?"

"Oh, yeah."

"Ken, Zuko, Azula!" Iroh looks at the group and gestures to them to step away as Ignit comes crashing down before dragging her slender draconic features into the earth, softened by Nik!


Ignit snorts dirt out from her nostrils and scoffs a peal of flames as she looks at Nik with her bejeweled golden eyes. Others may mistake this gaze for intimidation, but Nik smirks and snaps his fingers.

"You won't learn how to land unless you practice. No praises, belly rubs, or chin scratches until you try to get better."


A guttural growl escapes Ignit as Ken quakes in his boot while Zuko prays for his dragon to be more moderate in nature. Only Azula crosses her arms with a gaze tinted with jealousy.

If it wasn't for a simple reminder that other worlds may have better companions, she may have tried to burrow her way into Ignit's affection.

And Nik?

He knew what he was getting into once he decided to extend the same courtesy of proposal to her and others who wished to stick with him.

And boy, he knows how to handle her!

"I said no!" Nik narrows his eyes and barks back.

Ignit threatens her partner further by blowing a small breath of fire.

"You won't get compliments by threatening me, dumbass!"

"Well, you should treat her patiently, or she might steal your stash of whatever you hide." Iroh chuckles, "Oh, wait. I did just that. How foolish of me."


Nik rolls his eyes again and retrieves a small sack before handing it to Iroh.

"Can we please start learning Lightningbending? I cannot spend all my time here, so I need more hands-on training before I leave. I can work on my skills later, too."

Iroh gleefully collects his treasure into his robes and coughs as he adopts a dignified look.

"Dragons can learn Lightningbending, too. Ignit should be intelligent enough to understand the basics and practice in a manner her body allows."

"Finally!" Azula breaths huskily and clenches her fist. She was even more excited to step her game ever since Nik revealed he could conjure blue flames and chose not to because it was a waste of energy and concentration. To him, at least. It was as easy as breathing for Azula.

"Ken, you should sit out of this training."

"Why?" The honest-faced youth thins his lips.

"Because we are learning it only after weeks of training and results!" Azula barks before Iroh can get a chance to approach the situation more diplomatically.

"But isn't Ignit technically a few days old as a dragon?" The youth has Iroh's mind as his words are factually correct.


Azula and Zuko step aside in time before Ignit stomps her way down in a rather elegant draconic gait. Her steamy nasal huff impacts Ken's face and blows his hair straight back.

"On another thought." Ken gulps as he matches Ignit's cold golden gaze. "You guys are guests for a few weeks, right? You should learn all you can."

"Ignit! Stop scaring my teacher's son!" Nik whistles and claps his hand. "Come back, girl!"

"Stop treating a dragon like a dog!" Azula chews her lips in frustration. Oh, how she would shower such a noble companion with all her whims and spoil her rotten!

But much to Azula's growing frustration, Ignit turns around swiftly, trots over to Nik, and lies on the ground, her chin resting on her crossed paws, ehm, draconic claws.

Iroh chuckles. The group was out in the open on the other side of Ba Sing Se's borders and had no distractions except Ken's grumble, who had gotten a lot more comfortable around Iroh, credit to the smooth talker's experience in relationships.

"I have taught how the four elements are connected but different. The technique to relieve your muscles and continue movement is firebending emulating waterbending's healing. But firebending is inherently different. We produce the element through chi, or energy, within us. We can manipulate fire in nature, but controlling the fire we birth is simpler."

"But like everything in life, our energy is composed of a duality. Yin and Yang. Positive and Negative."

Iroh ignores his son, who curiously eavesdrops as he practices a set of kata. This makes the boy's form more sluggish, something the remaining three notice. But they don't let it break their focus. Iroh's teaching is more important to them than screwing with Ken.

"Firebending is possible when our internal energy is combined. But Lightningbending is the opposite. A practitioner must separate yin and yang internally and point the resultant reaction out precisely through the tips of your fingers."

Iroh's body moves slowly and 'circularly' as he instructs his students and a dragon.

"Nik… that's like…" Zuko sees the resemblance of the dragons in his Uncle as he had witnessed the dragons generate lightning from their horns.

"Yep." Nik shrugs. He tried lightningbending when facing the dragon as some last-ditch effort but failed to produce concrete results.

"What?" Azula questions as she hears them whisper.


Iroh exclaims with a thunderclap shaking Azula in her seat as Ignit stares at Iroh instead of gawking at the resultant flash of lightning.

"And that's the general gist of lightningbending," Iroh remarks with a breezy smile as he shuffles his hands inside his sleeves.

"How are we supposed to learn it just like that?" Ken gasps from the sidelines. Instead of ignoring his son, Iroh explains in a casual tone.

"Like everything, boy. Training, practicing the same moment, patiently waiting for the 'feeling' to strike, and most importantly, never getting arrogant."


Ignit stands and stretches like a lazy cat before distancing herself from the group. She takes off to the sky rather quickly and begins to coil around awkwardly. But surprising Iroh and others, she generates thin arcs of electricity for a while before flapping her wings powerfully and looking far ahead. Arcs of electricity converge in the space between her horns and snap forward in a stunning bolt of lightning that zaps to the distance… and continues.

"So she can bend lightning but not land from a flight," Nik scoffs under his breath at envy for the geniuses around him. For spirit's sake! He still can't bend magma as well as Toph and Sun when the former doesn't even practice Lavabending!

"Wait!" Iroh raises his hand and waves his hand at Ignit.

"That was great, Ignit!" He voices out as Ignit flaps her wings with a proud smirk.

"Let's try another one, aim the lightning in my direction this time."

Iroh's words shake everyone as Nik instantly interrupts, "Are you sure? Even if you have some trick to teach us—"

"It's fine," Iroh waves his hand. "I'll feel more comfortable using myself in the demonstration instead of you three." He focuses on Ignit while waving to others.

"Keep your distance."

Ignit bobs midair in one spot and considers for a moment before nodding and coiling again.




Charge builds around Ignit's horn as she straightens her body midair while focusing on Iroh soon enough, who seems prepared.


The lightning bolt reaches Iroh next instant, but he already has his right arm stretched forward as the lightning is somehow attracted to his stretched-out index and middle finger as he brings his left hand through his right wrist around his stomach and extends it to the opposite side and the lightning practically bounces off him to the direction he pointed at.


The small boulder explodes into smithereens as the spectators gape.

"Relieving muscles isn't the only thing learned from the waterbenders. This is my personal innovation." Iroh smirks before exhaling heavily.

"Let's begin your training. I don't expect you all to learn Lightningbending, but redirecting it to save yourself should be possible." Iroh's words brighten everyone since Ignit starts rolling in the air to emulate Iroh's movements.


There was another reason why Nik visited Iroh first. He had to drop Ursa off.

Before leaving, Yue, Sokka, and Suki wished to see if anyone from their settlements would like to go with them. Sokka, especially, wanted to depart with his village. Since the Northern Tribe is closer to Ba Sing Se, it happens to be their next destination.

Nik traveled by Ignit.

Although it was uncomfortable as hell since her back sports dull spike-like spine extensions, he soon chose to use his staff-glider and flew beside Ignit.

"Stop with that!" Nik stares at Ignit, who makes a curious noise as if retorting she doesn't know what she is accused of.

"So what if I didn't get Lightningbending in one practice? There is something called acquired potential."

Ignit gives him a sidelong glance and spits out flames that form the number '7' before flying through the fire.

Gliding away and avoiding the fire lest his staff ruins, Nik scoffs and barks, "Just because Azula got it on her 7th try means nothing!"

Ignit tries to tackle him midair as if annoyed by his sore loser behavior. Nik dodges the aerial strike and continues to fly ahead, making Ignit angry as she follows with swift flaps of her wings.

He had even left Zuko and Azula with their mother, even if Azula wanted to stick with him. But you know what? Nik can do without the entire trip getting his face rubbed into Azula's 'superiority.' Azula has her dear Zuzu for that.

"Hey, how about we take a break right there?" Nik points at the nearest iceberg as Ignit snarls curiously.

"I just have to do something… I can't let others see it, though." Nik smirks and stores his glider before freefalling without a care as he soon impacts a cushiony ball of wind and bounces with a giddy giggle.

Of course, bouncing like a child isn't what he has in mind, but his fun is magnified when Ignit joins his impromptu bouncy landing as she cries awkwardly and flips over on the ice. The moment her paws, ehm, claws touch the ice, she jumps again. This is her first time feeling something this cold, after all!

She looks at the cold sea curiously and then looks at Nik for permission.

"Go ahead. But try dipping your limbs first. The water will feel colder than the snow." Nik takes out colored stones.

Blue, red, yellow, pink, even stale grey! You name it. He had stones of almost every color and he began carving them with his hand instead of earthbending. A fond smile touches his lips as he looks at one of the two bright amber-like stones.

"Aside from this… I have something else to do."

Nik narrows his eyes and snaps his fingers as a small peal of golden fire flashes on the tip of his index before fizzling out.


Yoki massages his forehead and smiles wryly at Yue.

{A/N: Yoki is the OC commander of the Northern Tribe that Nik rescued as the Nut Cracking Messiah.}

The two, alongside Sokka and Rena, sat in a small room as Yoki spoke.

"I'm sorry not many chose to join you."

"If anything, I'm relieved." Yue smiles and replies with relief apparent in her tone. To be honest, she did not go all out to convince others to leave with her. The few tens who chose to enter Nik's personal space felt they owed Nik a debt of gratitude.

Nik cleared that others did not need to do this out of gratitude. Developing his personal world should be a slow process with many rules in place to promote welfare. If anything, things are less stressful since many chose to leave Nik's personal world. But the few elderly gentlemen and women did not listen. Even if they were one of the few experienced waterbenders, Yoki saw no reason to stop their right to choose. He simply wasn't THAT leader.

And the Northern Tribe has always been a tight-knit settlement. It would be another thing to convince the entire Northern Tribe to enter his Personal Space, but separating them is nigh impossible.

"Anyway, I appreciate setting this for us. But I'm sure we won't be staying for long."

"Really?" Yoki looks at Sokka and Yue. "Nik asked me to free your old room and for privacy for the night."

"What?" Yue frowns as Rena muses with a smirk.

"Well, a few things come to mind."

"You know something?" Yue sets her sky-blue gaze on Rena as Sokka snickers alongside his girlfriend.

"To think he'd ask us and Zuko about it… Zuko doesn't even have enough experience!" Sokka throws shade wherever necessary as Rena abruptly pouts and elbows Sokka. "What about you, Mister? Am I not good enough!"

"Hey, don't let Nik ruin us! Of course, you're good enough!"

"Just good enough?!" Rena snaps back as Sokka purses his lips and glances at Yoki.

"The best course of action is staying silent, right?" He questions, but Rena replies instead with a dark chuckle.

"You just spoke, genius!"

"Uh… come on. I don't want to do THAT here!" Sokka retorts before crossing his arm. "I know this place is special for you… but I choose the location, right? Nik is simply overcompensating because he HAD to be that guy and form a harem."

Rena blinks before standing up. Her brown cheeks grow a shade darker, and she scoffs under her breath, "Idiot! Don't you ruin my surprise!"

"Where are you going?"

"Gonna find Nik, slap the back of his head, and return to the manor to cool my head off! Got a problem?!"

"What about… drinks?" Sokka mutters as Yue and Yoki look at each other. They could almost foresee Rena's answer. As expected, Rena exhales heavily and grumbles. "You're a genius in shitty things. Of course, we drink!"

"Well, the joke's on you. My genius saved our hides many times." Sokka has enough sense to wait for the agitated Rena to leave before speaking.

"What was that about?" Yue questions.


"Like I would believe that." Yue rolls her eyes and smiles at the equally clueless Yoki. "Well, don't let us stop you from performing your duties admirably. And you were so adamant about not accepting this position."

"Because Master Pakku duped me into it." Yoki grumbles and looks at Sokka, "By the way, did you and your sister find your dad? Finding your mother should add to your luck, right?"

Sokka works his jaw before sighing. "Something like that…"

"Hmmm," Yoki merely hums in acknowledgment but doesn't question too much about it.


"And these two are Tui and La." Nik introduces the two Koi spirits to Kya as Katara tags along with a casual expression. But Nik could see past all of it and sense Katara's apparent fidgety attitude around him as if hiding something from him.

"So, these two are great spirits like Regret?"

As if offended by such a question, both Koi spirits flip their tail fins in Kya's direction and launch streams of water which Nik bends away promptly.

"Real mature," Nik eyes the duo and adds, "Kya meant all three of you being Primordials. Of course, I know that you two are nothing like Regret."

As the two spirits calm down, Nik faces Kya and smiles, "That's about it. Why don't you two enjoy the sights? It is rather obvious you're anxious around me."

Katara thins her lips, but Kya keeps her composure and smiles in return, "Nothing like that. How about we return to the manor instead?"

Nik eyes the duo for a moment and nods as he extends his left hand, and the red scar-like mark under his full sleeve flashes twice before sending the two back.

Nik's vision shifts. He soon faces Tui and La's spiritual form as both of them stare him down intensely.

"You've grown closer to Mokshi," Tui concludes with an ethereal smile as La crosses her arms under her breasts and frowns. "And you consumed all my essence earlier than expected. Good for you."

"Is that a wrong thing?" Nik questions curiously as Tui chuckles. "Of course, not. La just underestimated your comprehension."

"As for you," Tui exhales and addresses a situation that Nik did not even know existed.

"Ra and Raat visited us. You can say that Ra is moderately impressed by you. And yes, before you ask, it is a bad thing. The last existence to moderately impress my sibling was the Dragon Emperor, and that attracted all sorts of problems like the Dark Water Spirit. Have… you faced any situation?"

Nik blinks, and Regret resurfaces in his mind.

"Well, Regret."

As if not needing anything else about the situation, Tui nods in understanding.

"The spirits follow a pattern. They'll use all sorts of excuses to see Mokshi's host, who earned Ra's praise. Just because you solved Grim and Reaper's existence only means that spirits in control of the aspects of the material world will search for you. Not the less controllable one found commonly in the spirit realm."

Nik groans and exclaims.

"You can't catch a break in this world!"

"Indeed." La smirks and snaps her fingers as his vision shifts again, only for him to wake up to Rena's slightly worried gaze.

"Rena?" Nik sits up and looks around.

"Another spirit?" She questions and looks around cautiously.

"Nothing like that. What happened? Where's Sokka?"

Rena huffs and taps his left hand.

"Nothing… say, Sokka didn't talk about the same stuff you asked us, right?"

Nik blinks and grins as he sends Rena away without a reply, much to her angst.


Alternative Title: Iroh Will Do ANYTHING For His Stash; Ignit's a Catty Menace; Ignit has Wonderful Paws, ehm, Claws!; Staring Ken Down Like a Draconic Gangster Boss!; Iroh: Boy! Ken: *GoW Flashbacks*; Lightning Does Strike Twice; Talent Incarnated—Ignit and Azula; Sokka's a Certified Genius; Packing Up Mansions and Personnel; When Reputation Attracts Trouble; Ignit Sucks at Landing; No Belly Rubs and Chin Scratches Until Practice!; Azula Wants to Ride the Dragon… Until Then, Nik Should Suffice!; Nik Knew What He Got Into When He Stuck it Into Crazy


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