Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 268: The Family Parting

"Our farewell does not have to be tearful, right?" Nik inquires with a smile as he stands with a fiercely glaring Azula, Ursa, Zuko, and the other guys and gals, including a Yue whose neck displays a sleek greyish pendant on a silver choker. However, she isn't alone with a new article around her neck except for the Ty-Siblings and Kya.

Iroh chuckles softly, fully aware this might be the last time he will see his remaining family aside from Ken, who stands beside him. "It does not need to be tearful. Meeting you was one of the happiest accidents of my life, next to Ken's birth. I hope to encounter such an accident someday."

"How long are you planning to live?" Nik's grin broadens as Iroh strokes his beard, rightfully setting his position as Nik's first real master. "The question is not of my life but how I live beyond it, no?"

Nik's smile recedes before he sighs softly. His body leans forward to pull the old master into a bear hug. Spending time with Iroh in his tea shop has been the highlight of this world.

"Are you sure you can't come?" Nik questions again. "You could appoint someone else as your successor." He pulls back.

"I could," Iroh nods. "But the continuation of the Imperial Line's responsibility is something I must fulfill. I let my peers down too much to leave."

"It wasn't your fault," Ursa whispers from the side, her eyes reddening ever so slightly.

"But it is my duty," Iroh states calmly as Nik steps aside, letting others have a chance at the farewell.

"Bye, Iroh," Jin walks ahead. A viridian choker on her neck with a tulip-carved brown pendant around her neck highlights her wheaty skin. Her large green eyes are on the brink of tears as she hugs Iroh tightly, causing his wide belly to bob up and down as he chuckles and embraces the young lady back. "Be good, Jin."

"Hmm," she nods while pulling back with a loud sniff. The back of her hand rubs her eyes as she steps next to Nik and buries her head in his chest.

"Can't say I'll miss you a whole lot." Toph shrugs as she walks forward with a grin, an earthbending-mark-carved jade pendant rounding her fair neck as she extends her fist, "But your tea will always remain better than alcohol, in my opinion."

"You're in luck," Iroh laughs aloud. His fist bumps Toph's knuckles. "Ursa learned a few tricks the last two days in the way of tea."

"Cool," Toph nods and looks at Ken with her usual milky-green eyes. "I don't know you at all, but goodbye, I guess."

"Uh, yeah?" Ken inclines his head and nods.

Mai steps forward calmly and nods impassively, her slightly soft stare betraying her emotions and usually narrow eyes. "Goodbye."

"Stay well, Mai. And use your powers responsibly." He looks at her only to find her choker barely peeking from her high-collared robes, not allowing anyone to see the engagement choker.

"I will," Mai calmly nods and stands next to Nik and Toph as he consoles the sobbing Jin with warm and caring pats on her back. If Mai didn't know Jin any better, she would assume the mischievous village girl was acting to get Nik's attention, but Mai knew Jin enjoyed Iroh's company more than his niece. Iroh may also be the one to treat her the most kindly after Ursa and Nik.

"Hmm, I would have felt bad knowing we are leaving an old man," June saunters forward, rocking a pitch-black choker attached to a red pendant with her coiling snake tattoo carved into it, matching the set with the red tattoos on her shoulders. "But a bad boy like you will hardly be alone at any age." She winks at Ken, making Iroh laughs. "I was always the bad apple in my family."

"Really?" Ken sighs deeply as June leans forward to peck Iroh's cheek, "You make a cute store owner, Fire Lord."

"Be well, June," Iroh smiles back.

"I will."

June's smirk widens as she glances at Mai before looking at her hidden choker. "Yours is one of the best, you know. You should show it off."

Mai stares back blandly before throwing Nik an annoyed look, who half-shrugs and softly replies, "You're still wearing it. I think you like it."

"Damn right, she does," Toph scoffs smugly.

"I don't wear it because I like it," Mai replies while Jin looks up from Nik's chest, sniveling as her tears dry. "I think you like it and what it represents."

"I have hundred different ways to make you cry again, this time due to physical reasons."

Jin puffs her cheeks while burying her face in Nik's chest, grumbling, "One of the reasons being the mark on your pendant."

Mai stares at the woman raring for a beating at a ten-times sensitivity mark, but the knife-throwing part-time assassin settles down and doesn't ruin the sentimental mood for others.

After June comes a rather apologetic Katara, who has yet to get a choker, as she no longer wears her usual article, too, since she gave her mother's choker to Sokka.

"I'm sorry, I doubted you early on. I—" Katara shakes her head and exhales deeply. "Thank you for teaching me more about a waterbender's mindset. Your teachings were insightful and something I needed."

"The key is to be in a constant state of flow, adapting to circumstances, and being like water," Iroh advises before cupping his fists and bowing slightly. "It was a pleasure knowing and tutoring you what little I could."

Katara performs a similar bow respectfully before walking away with a calm and refreshing smile.

"Thank you for everything you did for me and my sister in helping us find our father," Sokka walks up, bowing again gratefully.

"I wish I could have done more," Iroh shakes his head, eliciting a simple reply from Sokka, "My father lives happily, and he continues to be the man I looked up to despite losing his memories. I hope to live up to his expectations, too. Worrying for what could be is not the right way forward."

"You are wiser than what the spirits boast, Chieftain Sokka," Iroh performs a respectful bow, too, making Sokka blink while Nik raises an eyebrow.

When Kya steps forward, Iroh shakes his head. "I apologize for the sadness inflicted on you due to this war."

Kya shakes her head in response, "Things could have been worse." She adds with a smile. "I also wish to live the same way as my children, and I am grateful for all you did for our family. Fire Lord Iroh—" She bows slightly. "—Thank you."

"You honor me." Iroh accepts the bow.

"Working for you was more enjoyable than I could have expected," Michi smiles, a maroon choker around her neck attached to a flat silver stone carved with a brush as she nudges Tom-Tom slightly, making the boy nod and bow to Iroh quietly.

"I'm glad," Iroh nods while Poppy performs an elegant bow. "I learned a lot under your care. Thank you."

"Your way of combat broadened my mind," Suki walks forward and admits, "And knowing you allowed me to understand that we aren't slaves to our circumstances. I plan to teach others the same."

Jin shivers under Nik's embrace while a bitter smile simultaneously appears on the group of mothers. Suki is an unforgiving teacher. And in their minds, she should have learned how to be a calmer teacher from Iroh instead.

"Haha," Iroh pats his belly while chuckling. "And your stories of Kyoshi broadened my mind. I wish you well in your endeavors."

Suki nods and stands aside.

Yue looks at Iroh gently, "This world deserves a wise ruler now more than ever. And you deserve a family of your own, too."

"Hmm, I will advise Ken in my ways of charm. I'm sure he'll attract one dame around here," Iroh nods, stroking his beard while Ken purses his lips, his cheeks burning up. Yue smiles at the youth before standing with the rest of the group, leaving the seven Ty-Siblings to huddle around Iroh.

"Do you remember us? We performed for you once on the mainland!" Ty Lin presses.

"Of course, he knows, bitch!" Ty Woo snorts, pushing through her sister.

"Wow! You've gotten fatter!" Ty Lat assesses expertly.

"Hey! That's a sign of good fortune!" Ty Lao agrees.

"Hehe~ The Fire King will look so great floating in a lake!" Ty Liu, the group's expert swimmer snickers.

"We aren't making fun of you!" Ty Lum assures with an earnest gaze.

And dead in the center, the youngest of the sibling chews her lips before groaning. "Sorry for this." Ty Lee apologizes instead of her sisters.

"Hah!" Iroh laughs, quite amused by the sibling's dynamics where the usually upbeat Ty Lee looks more embarrassed and out of her comfort zone—which is usually anything. "It's quite alright. And yes, I have gotten healthier. It's amazing how only you girls noticed this."

Their gazes brighten as they liven up the conversation for some time until Azula coughs with a sneer, "Leave it to the harebrained girls not taking a hint."

The seven still, before their round faces, whip back to stare at Azula unflinchingly, their large, soulful eyes possessing a stare intense enough to make Azula click her tongue before Ty Lin hums and looks at Ty Lee. "You were right. Puppy eyes work best on the princess."

"I told you~!" Ty Lee trills under the praise before the seven girls step aside in cartwheels and handstands.

"So, this is awkward." Rena works her jaw. "I didn't want this, but you helped Sokka's family a lot, and I appreciate it. I never thought of leaving this world, but as strange as it sounds, it might help me live a better life."

Iroh nods and questions knowingly, "But there is something else, yes?"

Rena cups her fist and bows politely, "I have suffered under the Phoenix King's regime, Fire Lord, of which you have no connection. Paying for his sins is also not a burden you must shoulder. But if I may be allowed to be inconsiderate, I have a request."

"Voicing your wishes is not a sign of insensitivity but boldness and acceptance," Iroh smiles at her.

"Thank you," Rena's voice buzzes before she sighs. "It is hypocritical of me to ask this, but I don't want the sacrifice of my brethren to go in wane. Not just the waterbenders, but the other two cultures, too. Tyrants can appear from any civilization, but none boast a disaster spanning for generations as Fire Lord Sozin and his descendants."

"And the world will remember the sacrifices," Iroh nods. "I will do anything in my power to spread the message as far as possible and as intimately as possible in as many forms as it takes. This war affected more worlds than one, and the next generation will have to learn not to commit the same mistakes."

"Until they will again," Sokka whispers to Nik in the distance, who nods in return.

Rena walks toward Sokka with a relieved smile and hugs him slightly as everyone's gaze falls on Iroh's other family standing not far from him.

"You found us, and you helped us. You helped Zuko and Azula become better," Ursa begins as her lips wobble, tears glistening in her eyes. "If it weren't for you," her voice quivers, "I would have come to hate the very blood of the Imperial. I would have believed the Fire Nation only festers poison if not for you."

"And you wouldn't have a tea named after you, too," Iroh jokes, making Ursa sniff harder as her lips thin and tears start flowing from her eyes.

"I am so sorry to leave you," she sobs softly. And for once, Iroh's gaze softens. His eyes grow a bit red and watery with emotions.

"I am so sorry," Ursa looks at him while wiping tears off her cheeks, a look of distress marring Azula's and Zuko's faces as they simply don't know what to do with their mother crying, which would have been an easy task for Ursa should the roles reverse.

"Farewell is part of life," Iroh's throat quakes as he walks to his family. His hand presses on Ursa's shoulder firmly. "You were the sister I never had. As selfish as I sound, I am grateful that we met. So, as we met, we must part, too. I say again, Sister. Farewell is a part of life. A life you must live the fullest, if not for you, then me."

He lets go of Ursa's shoulder and cups Zuko's and Azula's faces with a hand each.

"I will miss you three dearly."

Zuko grits his jaw and lowers his head, his vision growing hazy due to his moist eyes.

Azula chews her lips in annoyance—annoyed at her volatile emotions as she does not deny Iroh this moment of physical touch and musters. "I would have missed you if you had anything else left to teach us."

Ursa doesn't admonish her daughter but smiles fondly instead while Zuko shakes his head and swipes the back of his arm across his eyes as stealthily as possible.

He failed.

"Did you not hear the story of a saber-cat teacher and the bear-tiger? A cat never teaches the tiger everything." Iroh chuckles, but his voice is admittedly heavy with emotions. After all, this is exactly the thing he would miss a lot!

"You admit you're a cat," Azula smirks.

"I admit dragons taught me and not you," Iroh shoots back playfully, matching Azula's strength equally disastrously as the corner of her lips twitch and she snorts, "I'll tame a better beast than a dragon. The world beyond will fear my name, for I will be the—"

"Guzzler!" Toph ends the sentence with a proud grin and impeccable timing!

Azula's expressions freeze before she stares at Toph fiercely.

But who asked Azula to lick almost everyone clean once?

She only has herself and Nik to blame for her arousing sense of addiction to his taste.

The family hugs it out, with Ursa constantly admonishing Ken to look after Iroh.

And after a few short minutes, only Iroh, Ken, and Nik remain in the Castle's yard.

"Give us a moment alone, Ken," Iroh smiles at his son, who nods and bids him farewell.

"Good luck, Nik."

"I would have done the same," Nik shrugs. "But Iroh's with you. You can't get luckier than that."

Ken chuckles and leaves as the duo stares at each other.

"Remember," Iroh begins with a light tone. "Protection first. Children will be a nightmare for you with the way you're 'acquiring' women."

Nik rolls his eyes and tries again, "Then why don't you come with and keep me honest?"

"These old bones? They would barely stop you from looking in someone's direction, much less approach them."

Nik exhales and shakes his head.

"You don't know how much meeting you and others mean to me."

"That may be so. But maybe I don't need to understand your hardships to appreciate your growth. One is in the past, but the other happened in front of my eyes. And I am not talking about your firebending skills and your laughable lightningbending."

Nik deadpans.

Iroh cups his fist and bows slightly, "If it weren't for you, my family would have died. And I hope, in your most desperate hour, my good wishes help you and your family persist."

"I can ask for nothing more," Nik bows.

"I'm sure you could." Iroh shakes his head.

"Hmm, that's true."

Nik grows silent before taking out his airbending staff, unraveling the glider with a tap of his feet.

The duo exchanges a silent glance before Iroh nods encouragingly, making Nik smile as he bites back any emotion that might make this harder. Turning away, the Nut Cracking Messiah jumps and flies off with the glider while the Nut Slapping Messiah sees him off with a wave of his hand and an accompanying lone tear sliding down his aged face.

'Lu Ten, my son, you would have gone alongside Nik and others had you lived a fruitful life, dragging me and Ken with you. We all should go in peace, for Farewell is part of life.'


Alternate Title: Farewell (1), A Part of Life; Everyone's Respect Toward Iroh… Ty-Siblings: Bonjour; Iroh Will Probably Miss Azula The Most; An Actual Happy Ending For The Imperial Family; Life Beyond The Happy Ending; Ursa's The Fabled Sister; Rena's Request; Going in Peace; What's Mai Engagement Collar?; Michi's Collar Should Have Had Her Miniature Nude Portrait; The End Nears; One Messiah Seeing Off Another; Nik: You Get a Choker, You Get a Choker—Everyone Gets a Choker!; The Water Tribe's Traditions Being Low-Key Kinky; The Multiversal Threat—Guzzler!; Nik is at Fault, Like Always; Azula Is Going To Milks Nik Dry! When Jin Gets A Collar Before Azula


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