Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 280: The Screwed Family (NSFW)

Nik didn't take any introspective pity on Mitsuko or her daughters. If his Smexy Partner's words are trustworthy, then Mitsuko might represent a fraction of debauched terrors lying in the wait of this 'Hentai' world. But he doesn't let anything distract him from the array of food on the table—well, Kurumi may have achieved that by unbuttoning and unzipping his trousers as a short yelp echo from under the table.

It's fucked up—emphasis on the 'fucked.' While Nik doesn't pity the family, Mitsuko's situation explains so many things about them! But it all becomes a tangent when Kurumi beholds the thing occupying her mother's mind! Kurumi is beginning to understand why getting under the table is her mother's 'go-to' move. The girl's honeyed gaze looks around at her sisters' and mother's legs, eyes widening at the sight of their hands between their thighs as they must be eating calmly above the table. If this scene doesn't describe the family's exact situation, Kurumi doesn't know what will.

She returns her gaze to the limp meat waiting to be prepared into one of the best kinds of creamy dessert by the end of the meal. Gulping audibly, the voyeuristic daughter hesitates for a brief second. Kurumi tried attracting Nik constantly for simple validation since she'd split with her boyfriend around the same time he arrived in his homeworld. As much as she finds 'reluctant' joy in seeing her mother and sisters fucking others, Kurumi tried finding joy in monotony. And it was fun until her jerk of a boyfriend had to leave her for the cow of a kendo practitioner—unsuccessfully, at that!

'It's not like I'm cheating or anything,' She huffs under her breath, her hot exhale earning her a response from Nik's cock in the form of a twitch as the twin-tailed girl narrows her eyes. 'I've only seen Mama take such packages before.'

As eager as the family may be, they have their lives to live. Souko finds delight in alcohol, and Sayako finds joy in studying—despite a few of their illicit rendezvous in bars and libraries, respectively. Only their mother finds the free time after her chores to enjoy her life to the fullest—balls deep—something Kurumi plans to mimic as she leans forward to blow another warm and moist breath on the gradually hardening, thickening, and elongating package!

Kurumi isn't one to waste time, and feeling pent-up for more than a week does wonder to her petite body as she brushes her fingers across his veined patterns before holding it from the base and pushing his cock higher, creating a good space for her to nuzzle her face against as it will surely give Nik a sight to remember—his cock towering over her cute face—or so she imagines as she peeks beyond the edge of the table with an upturned gaze to see Nik skillfully using the chopsticks to stuff and GULP her mother's cooking!

She works her jaw silently before gripping his cock tighter around the base, demanding attention without any coyish nonsense!

His eyelids jump as he looks down, promptly smiling, "You're doing great. But you're supposed to move your hands back and forth against the shaft."

"I know!" Kurumi snaps as Nik snickers. "It's a joke. I find your reactions the most adorable, so it's a pity I couldn't tease you more than a week ago." His violet orbs shift from Kurumi to the rest as the girl between her knees looks down with a huff, grumbling under her breath—something about sweet talk not working on her—as she moves her grip across his hardened shaft gently and caringly. Meanwhile, Nik observes the flushing cheeks of the family as he wonders about something.

'What if I use [Twilight Charm]?'

Where [Twilight Thief] rids the target's sense of self, [Twilight Charm] enhances his chances of seducing someone alone. It is supposed to be an active skill that releases pheromones from the body, making the nearby targets more accepting of his advances. But even such a skill isn't godly. Chances are the Bloodline Skill won't change his prospects of getting laid if his rizz is negative.

'But the description of the skill makes it sound like some pseudo-aphrodisiac.'

But Nik is a big believer in consent—especially toward this family, whose youngest daughter is showing him some hands-on kindness. So using this Bloodline Skill that even his family hasn't tasted wouldn't do.


"Would you guys mind if I did something?" Nik inquires, looking at Mitsuko. "It can be fun."

Souko hums curiously before scrunching her nose. "We aren't into drugs."

"That makes the two of us," Nik chuckles. "But I don't know how to explain how it works—for now."

"Not even a simple explanation?" Kurumi's voice buzzes from under the table as Nik gazes at her, shrugging. "It will make you fall for me. Then you can spread your legs on the couch in front of me whenever you like."

Kurumi snorts as she observes translucent, viscous liquid seep out from the tip of his cockhead, a tantalizing musk slowly arousing her senses as she focuses on moving both her thin hands back and forth on his shaft. It's not the use of his Bloodline Skill, but the natural musk birthed from an incubi bloodline meant to attract the opposite gender—or the ones with different orientations.

Kurumi leans further into the embrace of Nik's scent, wondering if it's the reason for her mother's sudden fixation on Nik, not knowing Mitsuko's hidden desires to shack up with mystery incarnate. Her lips press against the lurid tip, wettening itself as her pouty lips part open to kiss away his pre-cum, her tongue slipping out to drag across the underside of his glans as she looks up again. She didn't expect much this time. It was an instinctive reaction to look up, to hold her partner's gaze as she treated their cock the way it deserved—rightly. But his gaze finds a way to lock against hers, practically waiting for her to look up as he asks everyone around the table while peering into Kurumi with a set of almost-illuminating violet eyes.

"So? I want to make you all feel good. It's a bit selfish to ask about something you know nothing of, but you're already doing that by having me here. You won't regret it."

Her lips sink and slide against his shaft, her mouth widening to fit his pulsating cock inside her as Kurumi grunts in approval. She pulls back after going down on half the length before sticking her lips around his cockhead, sinking her cheeks into a vacuum as her tongue licks his glans rapidly.

"Puah~!" Kurumi pulls back, licking her lips as she hears Mitsuko speak, "If it's something fun…"

Kurumi doesn't need to be above the table to see the expression her mother is making. The fervent fingers against her wet panties and the expectation in her voice is all the indication the youngest needs to know—Mitsuko must be smiling with narrowed eyes and a lurid grin, encouraging Nik to take further action by a display of her tongue sliding across her bottom lip.

"Hmm. Surprise us, Nik~! Like that night when you showed my daughters on the other side of the door that you never minded the thought of letting them join."

The whimsical tone makes Mitsuko's daughters roll their eyes simultaneously, but four sets of expectant gazes fall on him as he activates his skill.

The Bloodline Skill is new for Nik, too, as he senses something shift inside his body. His heightened sense of smell due to airbending and his evolution picks a sweet, enthralling scent wafting from his body as he notices 'nothing' decrease within—Nik can use this skill for as long as he likes, unlike the offensive [Twilight Pupils] with a cooldown of an hour.


Stuff like pheromones, no matter how concentrated, dissipate as the area of effect widens. But it doesn't save the fate of debauchery Nik unintentionally released on Souma Household's neighbors as his pheromones, invisible to the naked eyes, seep past the crevices of the house's door and windows, spreading—lurking.

The scene of Incubi-bloodlines performing a wanton orgy in the Progenitor's Space emerged from a truth that Nik hadn't realized at this moment. He had over 100 options to choose a bloodline of the uncommon variant. But his path primarily settled on bringing 'joy' to the world the second he chose the Twilight Spirit as his evolution—one of the rarest uncommon variants available in the Bloodline Tree of the unnamed Incubus Progenitor.

"I can't believe that slut found another man today—A foreigner again!" A middle-aged, out-of-shape woman pouts as she prepares the meal for her husband. "Even her husband is no better! I went all out to ask her husband to have 'dinner' with me. Hmph! And my husband keeps staring at those Souma Sluts!" She gets angrier the more she speaks. Her hand reaches for her voluminous breast as the woman squeezes herself.

"Am I that bad looking?" She sighs softly before shaking her head. The woman looks at the family picture on the kitchen counter—the image of the middle-aged woman in her younger years, her lecherous husband, and her son, who is in university in a different prefecture.

"No, I'm still a fine woman! Why else would Jun-chan look at me like that from his return during his vacations?!" The mother of one blushes at the thought of her son. There is something wrong with her today. The more she thinks of her son, the more she feels her knees shivering and thighs rubbing against one another!

Hot, shallow breaths escape her lips. "Whatever," she whispers. "I need someone tonight. If not my husband—"

The doorbell's chime snaps the woman out of her dizzying thoughts as she recalls her numerous affairs ever since her husband stopped paying attention to her. He claims it's because he has lost interest in sex altogether due to age, work, and responsibilities, but she knows better! The woman works her jaws silently as she opens the door for her husband, noticing an unnatural flush on his cheeks.

"Are you drunk?" The woman questions dryly as she takes in the sight of the man—

'The biggest boner in years.' The woman's eyes widen as she gazes between her husband's face and his erection before sighing sadly. 'Well, whatever. It's not like he wants me or anything. Some slut must have—'

"Yona," the man grunts as he closes the door, setting his briefcase on the floor. "Can you prepare the bath first?"

The woman glimpses and nods as she turns around. Yet, she softly yelps as she feels her husband's hand grabs her ass cheeks roughly. A pant grazes the back of her neck as the plump woman looks back with surprise and—desire.

"Could you wash my back today?" Her husband whispers with meaning all too clear even to a blind man.

"Y-Yes, dear~!" The dryness in her voice shifts to a sweet tone dripping with delight as she ushers her husband while slapping his hand on her ass the second he tries to pull back! No, Sir! She wants a beast tonight!


Similar cases reflect near the Souma Household's neighborhood. The ground zero of this debauched turn of events tonight is no better!

The girls, except Kurumi, finish their food while their fingers sully their abused cunts before they move to the desert, unable to hold themselves back from 'sucking' the answers out of Nik and the strange scent filling their kitchen out of nowhere!

"Hnngh~~!" Sayako bites her bottom lip with a smoldering look in her eyes as Nik sucks on her pretty, light-pink nipples—shifting from left to right and vice-versa according to his pace. Her mother peppers the side of his neck with kisses from behind, leaning against Nik from behind his chair. Meanwhile, Souko has his thick digits sliding inside and stirring her insides as she leans against his thick and muscular left arm, her thighs wrapping his hand and her hands pulling his black hoody up to his chest, her beer-stained mouth running her tongue across his visible abs with a pleased expression!

"Mmghg- Mmfh~! Hmphf! Ghkk-!"

Nik's right arm holds a firm grip over Kurumi's head as their youngest takes on the hardest role—for now. The girl is lost, if her rolled up honeyed eyes are any indication of the matter— one hand between her crotch rubs her slick entrances, the puddle of climax around her knees mixes with the constant pussy-drool sliding down her thighs, as Kurumi uses her right hand to grab her breast, kneading and pinching her nipple roughly against her top. A mixture of spit and precum drips down her chin as Nik puts Kurumi's wanted throat to good use, skullfucking the most eager out of the bunch since his arrival. Their bodies exude unnatural heat, damp with sweat and masked musk due to HIS abnormal scent—abnormal but tantalizing nonetheless.

Nik suddenly releases his hand from Kurumi's head—knowingly—as she jerks back with a dazed expression before his spit-slathered cock erupts right in front of her! Thick ropes of cum jet out from Nik, painting Kurumi's face white as if he has an unending tank for his baby batter! The eyes of the trio surrounding Nik widen in surprise as they note the sheer volume of cum on Kurumi's head and hair.

The girl woke up in the nick of time to cover her eyes as her thighs trembled, jolts of orgasmic pleasure wrecking a beautiful ruin inside her body as she came with a loud, slurred mix of a moan and a yelp. She would have banged the back of her head against the table if not for Nik's hand covering the spot as she came to be.

"W-what?" Kurumi gasps, tracing a finger across her stained cheeks as she looks at the amount of cum her finger drew.

"Hnngh~!" Souko moans against Nik's abdomen, lips tightly pressed as she squeezes her thighs shut. Her body trembles with an overwhelming sense of delight as her insides clamp his fingers, climaxing on his hand and then some more, squirting a gush of translucent juices as she breathes heavily.

"That wahs smashing~!" Souko slurs, pulling Nik's collar to tug his face out of Sayako's breast, pressing her lips against his as the scent of beer assails him. "Ish it mah turn to rhide~!?♥" She questions huskily, glancing at Kurumi's painted face before moaning into his lips while readjusting her mind as she returns from the bliss of her orgasm. "You didn't pump so much inside our mother. I'll feel really bad if you spend yourself on Kurumi alone!"

"What's the big idea?" Sayako smiles as she leans against Nik's body, her fingers brushing against his silky, black hair. "I was about to cum, you know?" The middle-child huffs and sends the grinning Souko an amusing glance.

"Maybe," Mitsuko whispers without stopping to kiss and lick Nik's neck and ear, "we can go to the bath. I'm feeling really clammy and hot, hnmm~!" She moans in delight as Nik takes the chance to tilt his head and enjoy Mitsuko's lips, their tongue meeting each other in a lewd contest of slutty expertise.

"H-Hey!" Kurumi snaps out of her daze. "Why didn't you warn me?!" She pouts, hoping Nik didn't see her sneaking a taste from her finger as Kurumi enjoys what she has going on here—but that doesn't mean she wants her hair all dirty and sticky!

Nik pulls back, smirking mischievously, "I remember you wanted to bathe with me, so I took a shot here."

Bad puns and women stained with his seed—now this is life!


"Oh~! Fuck!" Sayako gasps in a foreign language as his tongue enters her heated, wet folds. She balances herself in front of Nik, arms leaning on the bathroom's tile wall as he sits on the stool, eating her out in wild abandon, a little amazed by the fact Sayako seems to be using some kind of fragrant soap of perfume her asshole daily since she did not use any even now. After all, Kurumi is the first to wash up and enter the bathtub with Souko as Mitsuko sits on her knees behind Nik, cleaning his back with her breasts mushing into his back.

He laps up Sayako's juices as she continues to tremble. Her previously collected blue eyes barely reveal any intelligent light as her beet-red face morphs into a mask of pleasure. Tongue-lolling out slightly as she pants roughly, Sayako looks back with surprise.

"No more?" She blinks, cheeks flushed beet-red as she coos softly, "Mama already had you once. How about you start with me?"

Nik looks thoughtful as he licks his lips, his chin and cheeks stained with her juices, something Mitsuko is licking like a bitch in heat as the lack of her glasses in the bathroom puts only more focus on her honeyed irides.

"Can we do this instead?" Nik questions vaguely, a hand on her ass giving her cheek a firm squeeze and pulling it from one side, revealing her twitching pink rims above her creamed, spasming lips. Sayako blinks before grinning toothily, "Let's give it a shot~!"

She doesn't need any more reason than the sight of her illicit mother serving the man to sit down on him slowly as he grips and aims his cock with one hand until she feels his wet but fiesty cockhead press against her squeezing rims. Sayako breathes deeply, relaxing her body as she pushes herself down, forcing her rims to open up slightly before widening around the rest of his head as she slowly swallows his girth. Her moist and tight cavity squeezes and clamps before she gets to half his length as Sayako looks back with need, biting the corner of her bottom lip as she whispers, "What are you going to do, Mister?" She coos. "It's too thick~ hng~!"

A throaty moan escapes her lips as she feels his cock pulsating with need the second he sees her pitiable look. Her pretty, pink lower lips twitch as Sayako feels Nik's hand coil around her thighs and work wonders on her swollen nubbin. The sweet scent drives the family of wondrous sex appeal to a whole new level as Nik wonders what kind of mess Mai can create here. Sayako loosens up ever so slightly—shivering and gasping—until she sits on his lap, taking him balls deep as she takes in the sensation of being stretched out.

"Huah~!" Sayako moans, "Who's going to be responsible when I have to skip Uni?"

"Not me," Nik breaths against her neck, grunting as he squeezes his butt and drives his cock ever so deep, "I will happily return to my job." He understands Sayako is talking about her learning sector.

"Hmmm!" Sayako leans back on his chest. Her arm reaches to stroke his face as he peppers her with kisses. "Mama, you found an irresponsible stranger! Be sure to use protection this time for extra measure~!"

Nik snorts a snicker. "You saw what happened to Kurumi, right?" The girl in the bathtub flinches as she sinks into the water, blowing bubbles while staring intensely at the trio. "I can go on with the same intensity."

These words surprise Mitsuko as she kisses his cheek, whispering, "My 'Dear' boasts the same things about one of his friends."

"Well then, use me to earn your bragging rights," Nik pulls away from Sayako, kissing Mitsuko as her smile brightens. Meanwhile, his index and middle finger dig into the blonde's juiced-out quim, her innards gripping his cock and fingers tightly as she climaxes while tossing her head back slightly.

"Hmm~!" Mitsuko matches Nik's smile, mewling. "I've got my bragging rights~♥!" She kisses him deeply, melting against him as her body quakes with needs—needs that her guest will fulfill!


Alternate Title: The Cocksucker; The Youngest And The Most Eager; Twilight Joy Spreader; The Hentai World is Wild!; The Neighbors' Delight; The Souma Household Isn't Alone; The Unknowing Hentai Path; Wild NTR Plots Afoot Around This World!; The Budding Guzzler; The Happy Meal After The Dinner; Kurumi Walks The Dao of Throat Goat; The Family Mate; Meeting Expectations And Beyond; Painting Face; Kurumi: You Ruined Me! *Nik: Yeah, That's The Point*; Kurumi Likes Her Desert; The Bragging Rights; Sayako Is Always Anal Ready; The Thick Club And The Tight Cavern; Sayako Learning About Nik's Irresponsibility The 'Hard' Way; The Bath Event; Protection Is Meaningless Against The Great White Flood; Nik—Bringing Families Together—Again!; Banging The Frivolity Out Of The Slutty Family; Make Sluts Honest Again—Kaya: *Chuckles* I'm In Danger—*Sees The New Nik*— Kaya: Let The Danger Ruin Me; The World To Thrive In!; The Twilight Charm; The Fabled Slut Pheromones; Nik Is A Walking Orgy Party; Never Let Nik Cook Again; Not Even The Incubi Progenitor Save Someone From Negative Rizz


A/N: I wanted to write different COMPLETE smuts for all the four women in one chapter before reality smacked my ass—it was almost impossible even if I squeeze myself dry. So, I will cook up date-like scenarios for the four separately, or threesome date and stuff like in the orcsoft games regarding the family. I hope the scene's detail didn't put you guys off, but I just went ahead and wrote it all at once (well, no. If was fucking tough, maybe that's why the smut in my tend to divide in various chapters instead of squeezing in one.)


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