Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 282: Daily Life Beyond (1)—The True Depiction of the World of Avatar

*Last Night*

"I still can't believe there are others like us—exactly us," Sokka gulps, anticipation and amazement flicker in his eyes as he—and others—sit cross-legged on their living room floor. They put up various mattresses, cooked bowls of different snacks from their world's pallet, and watched Nik as he looked at the wooden wall ahead.

"Hmm, Ray said, pushing it into any flat surface works. The Illusion Disc will take care of the rest." Nik frowns as he stares at the small circular disk in his hand. One face of the disk is reflective and chromatic, while the other side shows a print of a bald boy. The boy in the depiction looks different from Aang. He is slightly chubbier, and his airbending tattoos consist of tiny marks amalgamating into an arrow-shaped tattoo.

"Nik, did your friend speak the truth?" Katara inquires. "Are there really various depictions of us?"

Nik looks back at the group, half-shrugging, "Apparently, your true story is widespread—or rather the story you guys would have if Aang woke six years ago, Ozai scarred Zuko's face, Azula turned bat-shit crazy, and Toph remained blind. There are also other things Ray told me off-handedly, but she wanted me to experience it for myself alongside you guys. She even paid for this disc. I think it's nothing pornographic, but I can share it with you guys later when I know how to use laptops and a Pendrive."

"As if we want to see that!" Zuko snorts.

"Hey!" Toph scoffs. "I got eyes! And I'll see everything!" The proud Earthbender smirks. "We can make a training out of it. I'm still learning different colors. Spirits, there are many!"

The group looks at the non-blind bandit fondly. Bitch and moan as she may, Toph is doing everything to learn new things, from inspecting the color of Nik's cum to spreading her mother's ass! She wants no sight unseen!—the last bit may be an exaggeration since Toph recovered her vision recently, but she DID inspect his cum for seven whole minutes, and the day when she spread others to 'see' their colors is not far away!

But his digressions aside, Nik is feeling refreshed! He returned after helping the women to their beds the second he lay on his mattress before converging everyone to watch a 'Supremely-Coveted-Suggested' media from Ray. Nik feels he has to watch it since his partner used 2 AP(Rank 1) to purchase this disc and load it with said media.

The Ty Sisters are nuzzling with each other, including Jin and Yue, within one large blanket, while Poppy, Michi, Ursa, and Kya gain the honor of the higher seats—cushioned chairs. Sokka and Rena sit together. A blue choker is visible around Rena's neck. June accompanies Tom-Tom, carefreely smirking as she teases and pinches his cheeks. Suki, Katara, and Toph sit near the center alongside Zuko and Azula. Mai sits on the floor next to her mother, not keen on huddling in blankets or becoming the subject of June's amusement—in her eyes, that fate fits her brother better!

Nik instills his chi inside the disk while 'inserting' the item into the wooden walls of their manor. The Illusion Disc boasts enough compatibility with almost all 'energy systems' to act as a trigger and—play.

Nik returns quickly, snuggling with Katara and Suki as the petite Toph settles in his lap, fisting her way through the munches of Crusted-Mangoes—much to Nik's heartache. But he must bear the responsibility of bedding the Blind Bandit, right?

"Oh!" Zuko hums aloud. "It's starting!"

The wooden wall brightens and takes a deeper color while Azula sneers, "We have a genius amidst our group."

"Come on, Azula," one of the seven heathens of cutesy destruction pouts. "You shouldn't be mean!"

"Oh? Which one are you again? Nevermind. You're all one big Ty-Nuisance in my eyes," Azula scoffs as Ty Woo snorts. "Don't think you're any better, bitch!"

"You're the only memorable one, Woo," Azula smirks at the insult and returns her attention to the screen.

Ursa has high hopes. She wants to plan and creates stories! Watching media of another world will—

—"My name is Ong. I ran away. I'm back now."—

Nik watches with a shallow mask of annoyance and understanding about Ray. She will go to great lengths to screw with others.


"What? We're white?" Katara gasps at herself over the screen.


"That airbending is shittier than one I did the first few days with Mokshi and no training," Nik rolls his eyes.


"That's not firebending," Azula snorts with disgust. "Whatever it is, it's disgusting."


"Pfft! Hahahahahahahahaha!" Toph likes a mad person in Nik's embrace. "They did all that dance to bend one rock?! Man! I love seeing things!"


"So, the second something nice happens to me, she must die?" Sokka scoffs as he feels Nik, Yue, and Rena's gazes. "Hey, you can form a harem, but I can't bash my love life of another world?"


"That's not Iroh," Ty-Lee pouts and thins her lips. "We want the fat and adorable Fire King!"


"Hey! Stop talking shit about ONG!" Tom-Tom joins the fun for once and laughs, his glum mood lightening after seeing this abomination of an 'Ong.' "He doesn't want to hurt anyone."

"Hah! Good one!"


"This 'movie' is the exact thing students of the art must learn NOT to do!" Ursa huffs once the movie ends as they soldier through it all. But comments like—Let's face reaper again instead of this bullshit—tie in the group's true thoughts on the matter.

"Your partner duped you," Azula smirks, tossing Nik an amused glance, "How cute."

"I think it was good," Mai comments, taking everyone by surprise. "We can use it as a torture device. The targets will force themselves to love it during their 7th or 8th replay, or they will beg for mercy."

"I'm going to save it," Nik suddenly smiles. "It will be a good gift to give Aang once I find a way to return."

But he soon shakes his head, "But my night is ruined. Is anyone up for late-night sparring? I need to move my body and see if I look as shitty as 'Ong' while airbending."

Others roll their eyes when a voice squeaks, "I can help you."

Azula raises an eyebrow, "So, which one are you? The Eldest, Ty Lin?"

The group stares at the seven siblings as Nik smiles, "Thanks, Lee."

Ty-Lee smiles sweetly, and just when she expects to train with Nik alone, Toph grunts, "I'll join in on the action. I'm not used to fighting with my real eyes."

"Then I'll tag along. I can only move pebbles with my bending, but I would be damned if I stay at that level anymore," June smirks.

"Aw," Ty Lee mumbles as her sisters pat her shoulders. "Don't worry! We'll join, too!" grins Ty Lat(2) smiles.

"Sure, make it a picnic," Azula smirks.

"Wait, I'm coming, too!" Sokka stands with a grunt. "There's no way I can keep seated after such a disrespectful representation of the Greatest Warrior of… er, what was the term you said? The thing beyond planets, some milk river, and some more?"

"The Multiverse?" Nik blinks.


Some train as others choose sleep. The truth is… only the freeloaders, except Sokka, took part in the training. Even Suki held the urge since she conducts the morning drill, and if the Ty Sisters are late due to their actions, they can share their punishment with a similar sisterly bond!


Alternate Title: The Cursed Media; The Abomination; The Nuclear Failure of a Franchise!; Ray's Trolling Surpass The Walls of Multiversal Reality!; Nik: Oh, The Deception!; A Good Mood Ruined!; Urge To Train To Save Face *Insert XianXia memes*; Toph: The Cum and Poon Tester; Toph's Eyes are Meant For Porn!; Corrupt The Earthbender!; The Number of Incest Pics For Sokka and Katara Are Wild!; Parody Porn is The Pandora's Box; Zuko Retaining Iroh's Wisdom And Staying Clear Of Smut; Aang? No, We Have Ong; Winged Lemur? No, We Have Gliding Badger; Flying Bison Appa? No, We Have a Flying Nappa—Wait- *Nappa Casually Destroys Ong*; Wise Uncle Iroh? No, We Have Children Touching Uncle Oh-No; Sokka Bashing His Other Self's Love Life!; Toph Enjoys It All; Tom-Tom Brightens Up; June Has That Live-Action Skill Issue! Aang's Greatest Nightmare Waiting To Be Gifted To The Boy!


A/N: It is understandable that the Avatar character will be sidelined a bit in terms of character interactions since they got over 200 chapters and it still falls short! But, I don't want to just write—And Katara reached this level, Sokka reached that level. I will be making short snippets like this to keep the Avatar cast fresh in play. After all, we still have Kya and Ty-Sisters Route to develop~! It would be a crime to leave them be! And if you guys still didn't understand, this movie is the reason for Nik's scowl at the previous chapter's beginning.


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