Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 291: Putting Mouth For Blessed Use

Dim lights, a table packed with food and drinks, a screen rolling down lyrics with a bubble-like 'flowy' background, Souko singing her hearts out, and Sayoko and Misuko sucking his soul out—Karaoke is just as Kurumi advertised. Fun.

Nik groans in between Souko's self-actualized musical zone, his hands on top of the blonde daughter and the raven-haired mother's heads as they lick the sides of the shaft in sync with lewd expressions, smirking with narrowed eyes and massaging his balls as his quivering cock throbs a stunning stream of pre-cum mixing with their spit that runs down his length.

Kurumi isn't in the mix. No, she stares off into the distance, unbothered by her surroundings as if recollecting particular memories on repeat—confused and lost. The things she saw the previous 15 minutes before grouping with her family, who decidedly hijacked her date with Nik, were insane! Things she didn't believe existed—exist. Concepts she felt fictional—are, in fact, no longer imaginary. She'd accepted Nik's brief explanation with a grain of salt, challenging him to PROVE such things.

Honestly, a part of Kurumi believed Nik was lying with how readily he accepted her challenge, saying he'd show 'THAT' place to her once he tidied things up a bit.

Her eyes briefly glance in Nik's direction as Mitsuko eagerly covers his cockhead with her lips, his hips jerking in response as he holds her mother's head in place while cumming to his heart's content, smearing her tongue and throat with his sticky refreshment as Mitsuko casts an upturned, dreamy glance at the guy who was supposed to be HER date!

But Kurumi cannot be mad and flabbergasted at once.

"Hey~!" Souko leaps into Kurumi's arms, hugging her younger sister with a drunken moan and pressing her face into her breasts through her office fit. Clearly, Souko set another poor example in her company by leaving early—but who's keeping the count? "Aren't you going to enjoy your turn?" Souko grins. "Or did you grow out Karaoke, too?—Like Legos."

"Tch, your breath stinks!" Kurumi pulls away, pouting. Mitsuko pulls away at about the same time, a lurid sigh escaping her luscious lips. "Geez! Where do you store so much of 'THIS,' Nik?" She gulps again before wiping the baby batter off the corner of her lips. "Your Fiancees are either too lucky or simply outclassed."

Sayoko smirks as she sits up beside Nik with a comfortable groan. The blonde vixen cannot help but expand on the topic like a slutty scholar she's headed to be. "That's why he has Fiancees, Mom—plural."

'And a dragon,' Kurumi notes. She isn't the kind to enjoy pets. The thought of taking after a pet's mess is astoundingly torturous to her sober, cum-drunk soul. But she can appreciate a 'pet' that is adequately intelligent not to make a mess of things. Correction: She hopes to admire the Dragon, Ignit, once she rises from her mortal fears about a—FREAKING Dragon!

And Nik is her rider!

AND there is another Dragon Egg!

But Kurumi doesn't believe that's the end of the mystery surrounding Nik. And Honestly—she's had her fill. If she could, she wished to become the clueless girl she was before accepting Nik's left hand. Nik was right. A bit of mystery doesn't hurt anyone as long as you are lucky to trust the right person.

Besides the point that Zuko and Sokka are men instead of women, Kurumi falls into a world of doubt. 'It's true. He has many fiancees. If I had a refrigerator full of yogurt, I would never drag myself across the street to buy another pack. So, why is Nik with us instead of them and the Ty Sisters?' She thins her lips as the answer stares at her face, but things cannot be so simple, right?

'He can't possibly take advantage of us,' Kurumi asserts as Souko pokes the former's cheek with the microphone to get their youngest's attention. 'He is rich, and now he is capable enough to work his way up in any society. No, he is BUILDING a society as we speak! So, why spare us attention?'

She gulps, unable to wrap her head around the answer building in her mind.

'My God!' she gasps internally, realizing everyone is staring at her. 'He has it Bad for me!'—reasons the girl a few months away from her graduation.

"Ehm," she clears her throat, fighting back a blush. "What?"

"Nothing," Mitsuko blinks. "Are you alright, dear? Do you want to return home if you're feeling unwell?"

"Hah?!" Kurumi snaps. "You don't get to send me away after practically bulldozing in our date!"

"How scandalous," Souko slurs. "Our Kurumi is dating an almost-married man."

"Mom, you should have done a better job with Kurumi. Remember the times I told you when you 'showed' us the slippers and didn't raise Kurumi the same way?" Sayoko sighs. "That's the consequence of growing up in a slipperless household."

Mitsuko rolls her eyes. "You girls speak as if I tortured you."

Souko and Sayoko glance at each other before smartly keeping their mouths shut. As women, they know how to avoid trick questions when they face one!

"Well. However this day ends. I'm glad Kurumi suggested this place." Nik sighs hotly, "I'd love to return here regularly."

"With?" Kurumi frowns.

"Everyone," Nik replies without missing a beat. Even he knows how to rebuff trick questions thrown his way.

Kurumi's pout inflates, but she doesn't continue, much to her family's surprise, as Nik strokes his jaw. "I think it's Sayoko's turn to sing."

Souko tosses the mic to Sayoko before jumping off the adjacent couch and sauntering to Nik. She unbuttons her white-collared shirt, revealing a dim brown bra around her large breasts. "This means it's my turn to handle our dear exorcist. Be sure to purify me with a healthy dosage of your holy water." She licks her bottom lip as Mitsuko knowingly scooches away to give them space.

"Oi!" Kurumi scoffs, standing readily and slipping out of her frilled blue top to reveal her uncovered torso and those pale-pink nipples topping her slender breasts. "It's still my date!"

"Of course," Souko smirks. "Feel free to jump in whenever you'd like."

"Hmm. Mom, which song should I pick?" Sayoko questions from the side as Mitsuko resumes enjoying the refreshments on the table. "How about—"

And their evening continues with a bang, just like that.


Amano Bookstore.

Yuuko stares at the familiar tall youth, bleached strands streaking across his brown hair and a reasonably tall build covered by a school uniform as if the student has yet to return home and get changed eleven hours after school.

Shou Yakima.

"Hi, Amano-san," Shou greets cheerfully, "Is Megumi-chan still here? I didn't understand a few things during my math lesson and wanted to ask her a few things to clear my doubt."

Yuuko dubiously stares at the youth, wondering if he could not think of any other excuse to see her daughter or if that's the best he could conjure—because maths? And Megumi? Even a blind man can go deaf hearing such controversy. Yuuko isn't the kind to ruthlessly snap down on her daughter, but the excuse is too ridiculous!

"Let me text her. She should be practicing with others." Yuuko smiles, suppressing her urge to call the youth out. Either way, Megumi should have a choice if she wants to meet the son of the man who spent his early mornings pestering her to no end! Although she is bothered by Toshi Yakima, Yuuko wonders if she's gotten a tad more 'dry' with things going around her.

'Then again, Kyouko had some nerve asking if Megumi and I were sleeping with Nik.' Yuuko scoffs internally. Sure, she can empathize with where Kyouko came from. It's not hard for Yuuko to imagine what Nik is upto with the rest of the women around him, but that doesn't mean all women are the same! But it still bothers her Kyouko would think as such. Her family cannot look as easy, right?!

She discreetly glances at Shou, who idles away by skimming through the magazine beside the counter.

'Or do we look easy?' Yuuko frowns. Unlike public opinion, Nik has been nothing but strangely 'adorable.' He comes, dresses up, cleans, eats his fill, shares a few laughs with the customers, and treats everyone with enough respect to ensure their return. If anything, Kaya peeves Yuuko more, who suddenly spends her time in the bookstore during lunch.


Yuuko looks at her screen, reading Megumi's reply—Why is he here? I don't even remember what the teacher taught us yesterday, much less today! Uhhhhh! And I'm all sweaty, Mom. I don't want to see anyone right now. Can you tell him I'm sleeping?

Yuuko works her jaw.

'Did you type this text while sleeping?' The mother groans. Where did the golden days of excuses disappear to? Yuuko remembers concocting some of the subtlest lies to have fun with her friends and ditch classes for ping-pong!

Yuuko shuts the screen before looking up with a smile. "It was Megumi's friend. She says Megumi's stomach is a little upset, and she cannot meet anyone."

Shou blinks before nodding. "Oh, sorry for disturbing you. Um. And Can I ask you something while I'm here?" He rubs the back of his head and questions nervously.

Yuuko glances at the few customers going through the selection. It will take them time to select a book or magazine of their liking, so she nods. "Of course."

"I wanted to ask if I can get a job here," Shou smiles. "The truth is I'm into cosplaying. And I heard about the store's services." He looks at Yuuko with hope. It's clear the youth likes Megumi. She even ranted about Shou pestering like her father used to appear every morning outside the store—Used to.

Yuuko has yet to meet Toshi ever since Nik's return.

"I'm sorry, Yakima-kun. I can't afford more than two employees."

Shou surprisingly smiles without pushing the topic, "Hehe, I see. But consider me for the job if you need another helping hand."

"Of course," Yuuko blinks. Her impression of the boy rises by a notch as he bids farewell.

'What a sensible boy,' Yuuko sighs. 'If only Toshi was so easy to reason with.' She shakes her head, her thought drifting to a trail of 'dark' tracks as she recalls Kyouko's accusation. As someone who introduced Nik to Kyouko, Yuuko does share some blame in the widow landlord's books.

—'Yuuko! They were so loud! They didn't care the slightest, and I think they knew they were loud! How can I even tell them to do it quietly? It would be the same as admitting I heard them, no? I know you like him and all'—

And that's where Yuuko stopped Kyouko that day.

'Like him?' She scoffs, feeling sour. Isn't he the textbook definition of a Playboy? 'And with those jaws and pecs,' she grumbles. Admittedly, she's seen him topless after his return, and he's grown to a ridiculous proportion!

As Yuuko contemplates her new employee, unable to realize how he's living rent-free in her head, Shou strolls the shopping street with a sour look. His lips constantly twitch as his fists clench inside his pockets.

'I hoped to meet that Nik everyone in the school is talking about,' he grits his jaw. He saw the video of the man hugging others, but Shou couldn't understand the craze. Many girls from their school 'tried' Nik once, recording videos of hugging the 'Cosplay Prince' for viral videos and clout. And he also attracts enough attention when he travels to the school with Kurumi almost every other day, alongside Megumi and Manabu.

'Tch,' he clicks his tongue in frustration. The thought of Megumi returning to her house with a man like Nik around her makes him very uncomfortable! He tried asking Megumi out constantly, but she kept declining him. He is already a bit of a laughingstock in the Karate Club! And if Kurumi moving on didn't affect him much, the thought of such a man around his ex and crush lets a cocktail of envy and frustration flow into his bloodstream. It doesn't take long to decide something.

'I can always threaten him, right? I'm the fourth strongest in my club! Even if he has more muscles, a fighter like me can easily beat the crap out of that meathead!'


"Oh, Nik will beat the crap out of us seven together in hand-to-hand combat. Have you seen him? He knows our tricks well, too." Ty Lao(3) answers Megumi's question about Nik's competence in martial arts after translating it through her smartphone.

"Really? But you seven are so good with swords!" Megumi gasps as she wipes her face with a towel while other Ty Sisters idly rest across the living room. They could go for longer, but Megumi tapped out.

The seven glance at each other, wondering how to explain the kind of disasters Nik lived through. He faced more disasters alone in a few months in their world than the seven sisters faced their entire lives!

"I cannot keep typing in this thing. One of you really needs to learn Japanese and translate things for us," Lao pouts and looks at her sisters, a little frustrated with her typing speed on the screen.

"You do it, bitch," Ty Woo(6) scoffs.

"Aren't you the most free?" Ty Lee(7) frowns. "Why don't you spend your time doing something productive."

"Hey, my insults brighten your day! It's my sole job!"

"That's right, girls," Ty Lum(5) smirks. "She is making the best use of her mouth until something better comes along. We'll depend on you then, too."

The other six still before Woo scoffs and flips Lum off while the rest glance at each other, almost feeling surreal that they decided to 'do' things like that eventually. The seven note others' aura fluctuate, and the realization makes them blush collectively.

Megumi holds her towel across her cheek as she thins her lips.

'What's gotten into them?' She worries for a second before noticing how the seven refuse to look each other in the eye. 'Did they argue or something? It doesn't feel like an argument.'

She shakes her head before wondering how good Nik is with a sword.

'Speaking of math,' she realizes. 'I forgot my homework!'


'I may have made a mistake,' Nik gulps in slow realization. He knew about the rise in cases of public misdemeanors around his apartment complex from a few calls with Genta. But Nik never knew he had a hand in all such cases!

'I thought limiting the release of pheromones using [Twilight Charm] wouldn't affect others. How was I to know it dilutes further with time, spreading around a larger area than intended? No wonder Kyouko's such a mess by morning! I've given others confused boners for days—now that's a statement I thought I'd never think!'

He looks away from the embarrassed receptionist, who hides behind the counter with another customer. Kurumi looks at him with a targeted glare, effortlessly recognizing the source of the troubles. While Mitsuko, Sayoko, and Souko share an understanding smile. "Well, don't mind us." Souko clears her throat, walking with a slightly wobbly step and an arm around Nik as she shamelessly presses herself into his body.

"Ara~ Ara~ it's nice to be young. But you should consider public image," Mitsuko advises with a gentle smile as she leaves with the rest of her daughters.

"Well, that was something," Sayoko hums before adding. "Nik, how about visiting the university with me? Do you think Yuuko-san will let you off for another day?"

Nik looks back, shaking his head, "Not tomorrow, I'm afraid."

"Can't you guys sneak inside after it's closed?" Souko snickers. "I used to do it a lot. Fun times~!"

Sayoko blinks before smirking as Nik shares her smile with a nod. "That works for me."

"What about shopping for Halloween?" Mitsuko questions as Nik notices the eyes of the three daughters brightening at once.

"Who is Halloween?" Nik questions with a curious noise as the women look at each other before smirking at once.

"Oh, you'll love it." Souko snickers, pecking his cheek before hotly blowing against his ear. "It's around the end of the month. We still have a week to prepare."

Nik nods, listening to their explanation attentively.


Alternate Title: Fun Karaoke Date; The Oyakodon Date; Nik Will Have Kurumi On The Side; Kurumi's Mind Equals Blown!; When Fiction is No Longer Fiction in a Fiction!—Fictionception!; Kurumi Wants Her Innocence Back!; Mitsuko—The Throat Goat!; Nik, The Exorcist, Purifies The Family; Kind-Hearted Exorcist Must Spread His Love To Others In Need; Great Love Exorcist; Nik Spraying Mitsuko's Mouth With Holy Fluids; Dumb Excuses; Yuuko Demolishing Megumi's Rep With an Upset Stomach; Sweaty Megumi Is The Best Megumi; Shou's Failed Attempts; Like Father Like Son; Shou About To Become a Sacrifice From a Laughingstock; When The Cat Teaches All Her Tricks To The Tiger; Ty Woo's Mouth Needs Purification!; Megumi Forgot About Her Homework; Nik Realizes The True Culprit—Is Him; Nik is Him For Real!; Giving Others Confused Boners Since 2023—Millenium Nik; Halloween; Sayoko's Mild Interest?; Kurumi Enjoys Extramarital Affairs?; When The Youngest Child Never Gets The Slipper—*The Oldest And Middle Child Enduring Home-War Flashbacks*


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