Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 298: A Little Too Late

A/N: Yuuko and Kyouko will have proper scenes. Don't worry about that for now since I will add more tidbits about the night in later chaps.


So, keeping an empty stomach, Mai's crotch tattoo, and letting himself go is one dangerous combination. He'd been in such control that he never expected his bloodline to partially ride his senses and reason. Bloodline affects the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects in the form of boosted capabilities, heightened emotions, and a bloodline shackle, which would compel the host to seek the Progenitor's cave in some form again for an evolution!

Mokshi's existence saved Nik from his Bloodline Shackles. But it couldn't keep him from getting more powerful and accepting a heightened sex drive—something that took him over since he let himself go to enjoy the party. It wouldn't be such a problem if Nik kept his dick around the girls he knew, or even the Ty Sisters for that matter, but—

He discreetly glances at Yuuko while hugging a customer, finding her glancing back at him at the moment only to fluster with a deep blush. Kyouko's reaction to seeing him in the morning isn't any different. Of course, he doesn't blame Mitsuko, who asked him to stay his hand at food to 'build' his appetite, and Mai, whose crotch tattoo does wonders to a man. He'd been hungry before and used Mai's skill for heightened pleasure, but he never lost control of himself like that.

The blame does lie on him, even if his smaller and pettier self might want to evade the responsibility.

It wasn't exactly anything non-consensual from what he can recall—what little he can recollect. He remembers the drunk Yuuko and Kyouko pounding at his door and him meeting them half-naked with almost all the girls inside his apartment, creating a hole of sex and lust. He recalls their flustered expressions and Yuuko dropping the pretenses by leaning in on him, her fingers tracing his battered skin marked with scratches, bites, and more. Whatever happened between that moment of tender intimacy and having Yuuko and Kyouko showing their creamed holes not long later is something Nik doesn't remember.

Technically, he does. But it's all too hazy. Their moving bodies, their kisses, the sensation of their insides, he can't recall much except knowing it happened. And it's so damn frustrating! He never wants to forget the first time with someone with utmost clarity!


Yuuko and Kyouko won't even look at him, much less Megumi.

Sure, giving them space is the most sincere thing to do. But that doesn't lower Nik's frustration one bit. Not that he can do anything about it. It's been four days since the party. He'll be leaving in a week, so it's only fitting he makes every preparation known to him—which is to wait and make peace with others since one never knows what world he will visit.

He could deal with this mess once he returns. And if he doesn't return due to unforeseen circumstances, then it won't be his problem in the first place. The thought doesn't make him less bitter since he doesn't like evading such issues, but what can he do?

He blinks as he bends to hug a hunched woman without flinching.

Can he do something about it? What other choices does he have? This world is fundamentally different from what he experienced, so either the women are interested in you, or they won't give a shit about your courting attempts. Look at Yakima. The man pursued Yuuko for a long time! Such persistence would reward him well in Aang's world, as it rewarded Nik generously. But here? Not so much.

His first encounter with Mitsuko and the rest, too, were mostly initiated by the latter.

Flowers? He could bring exotic(local) flowers from Michi's flower shop. Or words of apology? But Nik doesn't feel the least bit sorry for laying Yuuko or Kyouko.

Better yet? Should he even care? Should he just keep things silent until they move past it?

The thought brings Nik's gaze back on Yuuko, finding her glancing over at him again. But as she looks away, Nik keeps staring. He cannot help but wonder if he should let it remain a mistake or go for it.

"N-Nik?" The young, tanned lass skipping from her school stammers, attracting his attention as he turns to smile at her.

"Ah, sorry, Jun-san," he chuckles wryly before leaning to hug her as he glances at Yuuko again, catching her in the act of stealing another glance. Yet thoughts reach a tad slower to his brain as he passes his employer a bright grin that has her almost stepping back and looking away.

But instead of doing so, Yuuko's face heats up as she glances away for a moment before looking back and returning a smile—


Yuuko yelps as the stack of magazines slams on her counter before she glances at the pouting Ty Lee.

Nik chuckles internally. He was probably thinking too much about it.

It's only weird if you make it so.

The group's afternoon with Kaya openly showing off a new hickey on her neck had been undoubtedly intriguing, earning him a silent glare from Yuuko and Megumi.

What? He'd been busy after the party since his caked-up baker loved stopping by to restock her cream supplies.


The same memory replays every time she sleeps. Sure, Yuuko might have leaned in on him, hand on his chest and the other snaking down to a very impressionable tent pitched in his trousers, but she should have left!

She didn't.

She could have struggled as he held her wrists, ignoring Yuuko for a moment to have her lips instead. She wasn't THAT drunk to not see Suki and Jin making out on the floor, naked as this lurid night!

But she didn't struggle as he freed her breasts from her top while returning to kiss an eager Yuuko.

She could have escaped the second he attended to Yuuko. The door was open.

Yet, she waited until the 'different' Nik waved his hand, magically slamming the door shut. Okay, maybe she was a BIT drunk. How that door slammed shut isn't something she can comprehend. All she remembers is his warmth guiding her through the dim apartment, past the lustful women enjoying each other in his absence, calling his name with utmost passion.

She remembers lying on her back, Yuuko's body pressing into her as they both moaned, for the two felt the warmth from the mouth of the same man. Her hesitation is as clear to her in that hazy sensation.

She wasn't well-groomed down there. Of course, she wasn't! She didn't expect to find herself on her back with a well-trained tongue—

She would moan and gasp, finding some joy in Yuuko's lips as they hugged each other, playing with each others' breasts and ass as he played with them down there until pressing something hard and throbbing.

She remembers Yuuko's rocking body as he took her first. Yuuko's moans turned from hesitant to wanton as she couldn't help but hug the former consolingly. Deep down, Kyouko enjoyed the sensation of movement. It wasn't long till she found herself splitting open by the same shaft as it brooked no resistance from her wet entrance.

No wonder Yuuko sounded so lewd.

She did, too, as he thrust in and out of her, knocking deep near her aching womb. Her chest tightened as she climaxed on him, finding Yuuko consoling her in return with an arduous kiss.

Honestly, she could stop at any moment. But that club of her tenant proved too good of an argument for the widow to consider anything else.

S-She was there again—that pressure building inside her as she felt him climaxing within Yuuko before pushing his sloppy joe within her, unwilling to NOT show his affection. She felt it throb and enlarge more than he already was hard and erect. He would soon leave a lasting load inside her.

But she never expected it to be—

"So warm~!" Kyouko moans softly, hugging her ruined blanket. Her breathing eases as she looks up from her pillow, noting the time. It's already afternoon, but that's alright. It's the weekend, and she doesn't have to go to her job.

She sits up and brushes her silken pink hair, her wandering blue eyes settling near her slightly pudgy stomach as she blushes.

How could he let out so much?

She works her jaw and glances at the talisman he'd gifted her alongside a sweater.

"Maybe I should speak with him," she mutters. "I feel bad avoiding him like that."

Nik tried talking with her the past few days. It didn't seem serious since he even invited her to join him for dinner like usual. But Kyouko had to reluctantly avoid him and Mitsuko's cooking. But she appreciated the effort despite the embarrassment of facing him.

But not today!

Enough is enough!

She can talk, at least, right?

How is it any different from chatting with Michi, Ursa, Poppy, and Kya after she saw them making out near their daughters?

The thought makes the woman blush again. She never tried to question them about it, and chances are she never will.

But she is ready to talk with Nik!

He would return in the evening like usual. Maybe Kyouko can surprise him and make up for all the trouble she's caused? He likes cake, right? She can pick his favorites from Kaya!

So, Kyouko takes a quick shower despite bathing last night, dresses up, and walks out of her apartment with her bedding in hand to hang it outside!

"Ah, you're up."

Kyouko blinks as she finds Mitsuko watering the plants.

"Don't mind me," Mitsuko smiles at Kyouko. "I promised Michi I'll help her take care of the plants in here. It doesn't take all that time and will keep me slightly busy until Nik and others return."

Kyouko blinks as she forgets the shame of carrying her bedding on her shoulders.

"Where did they go?—"

The pinkette's lips part as she recalls Nik's earlier words, even before the party—he'll leave on 11th November.

The realization strikes her a moment too late as Kyouko wonders if that's the reason why Nik wanted to speak to her last week.

Mitsuko chuckles softly, "Don't look so upset. It's only for a week… if my note didn't give him a reason to run away."

Kyouko snaps out of her thoughts and looks at Mitsuko, "Your note?"

"Hehe~!" The woman giggles. "It's secret."


"He already left," Megumi pouts. "What are you still doing here?"

Kurumi shrugs, lying in the Amano Household's kotatsu on her front with her eyes peeled for a comic magazine in her hand. "Sayoko-Nee isn't going to let me read manga since our tests are near. I figured I might read the weekly chapters here before returning home. What about you? Why aren't you swinging your stick?"

"Hmph!" Nursing a cup of warm tea, Megumi leans into the kotatsu's warmth. "It's no fun without Suki or another sparring partner."

Silence prevails in the living room, with Kurumi having nothing to add and too engrossed in her manga.

"Say," Megumi clears her throat. "I can understand why Nik left. He had some work. But why did his family leave?"

"They can't live without his dick," Kurumi hums, answering bluntly.

"W-What?" Megumi stammers, blushing as Kurumi rolls her eyes. "How would I know why they left?"

She knows why they left. Kurumi also knows their travel may not be entirely safe.

"Girls," they hear Yuuko's voice. "Can one of you help me with the wind-up?"

Megumi and Kurumi glance at each other, unwilling to move out from their kotatsu.

"Shouldn't you go?" Megumi frowns. "You're just bunking here."

"Yes," Kurumi nods. "It's your house and your mother. You should help her."

They stare at each other stubbornly until Kurumi smirks. "Hey, do you want to know what we did that night—"

"Mom! I'm coming!" Megumi glares at the devil with a deep blush and scurries away.

"Heh! Too easy."

Kurumi returns to reading her Manga, not knowing she is similarly easy for her elder sisters and mother.

'I do hope he returns alive. It sucks I can't go with him. It would have been a fun 'week.''

But Kurumi understands reason once explained that she might contract dreadful illness due to very subtle change—diseases Nik is free from due to a 'God's' blessing—he said.


Alternate Title: Megumi Is Surrounded By Dark Side; The Night Memories; A Baker's Choicest Cream; Not Weird; Different Worlds, Different Standards; Kurumi About To Hold That Night Over Megumi's Head; Kurumi Attaining A Repository of Mommy Jokes; Kurumi: Haha! I Saw Your Mother Naked! *Yuuko and Mitsuko Standing Behind Kurumi Menacingly*; Mitsuko's Note?; A Reason To Run? What Could It Be?; Kurumi Can Be Reasonable; The Thirst For Dick Is Real; Kyouko: Today Is The Day! *Nik Traveling Through Worlds* Kyouko: *Surprised Pikachu Face*; The Night of Lustful Den; A Hall Of Illicit Women; Mothers Galore; Kaya Showing Off Her Hickey *Meanwhile Yuuko With a Hickey On Her Ass: Blushing Intensifies*


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