Paradise Pokeball System

PP SYS Ch 28: Trixie Vs Lumi!

Cosmog was now in her new Tera-Type form with her Psychic terra type, but she had a purple dress that hugged her body and was completely open on the sides. The dress barely covered her breasts, and it was squeezed over her ass.

"What the?! Why does she even look sexier now?! What kind of power do you have?!" Nemona demanded, and I laughed.

"It's called the Paradise Pokeball System," I said, and Nemona rolled her eyes.

"The PP System?! Really?! That should stand for the Pokémon Pervert System! Are you just coming to other worlds so you can capture more people in skimpy clothes?!" Nemona demanded as I just shook my head.

"No! This is for us to fight and make our Pokémon stronger!" I explained, but then she looked at me like she didn't believe me. "Look, we aren't using it to harm anyone; we are using it for good purposes!"

Nemona sighed before nodding her head with a grin.

"Okay, okay! I believe you, mostly! Now let's see what this Paradise Pokeball System of yours can do when engaged in battle." She said before signaling the beginning of the match between Eevee and Cosmog.

"Get Trixie, Cosmog!" I called out, but Eevee cried out as her heart crystal shone bright, and pink waves were emitted, hitting Cosmog.

I could see a small health bar, and it dropped by a quarter as Cosmog flinched back.

"Now, Trixie! Quick Attack!" Nemona said, and the Eevee disappeared. Cosmog's health bar went down an eighth, leaving it just above half, and this time she was hurt.

"Cosmog! Now! Psybeam!" I shouted, and Cosmog nodded, a purple wave forming around her as she charged up.

The Psybeam exploded forward towards Trixie, and the Eevee was hit hard. The health bar dropped to the same as Cosmog's, just above half.

"Woah! Why is your Pokémon so strong?! Trixie! Disarming voice again!" Nemona called out, and the pink waves emitted from Trixie again, but this time it seemed different. It was like a bubble that went around Cosmog's head and melted away as a look of confusion crossed her face just before the battle ended.

I was surprised that Cosmog had been able to last so long against Trixie, but in the end, Nemona came out victorious.

"Critical hit! Nice battle!" Nemona said when it was finally over with a high-five, and then she turned towards me with her hands on her hips. "You still haven't told me what you are going to name your little girl here!" She laughed, pointing at Cosmog, who just smiled.

"I think I will name her... Lumi!" I said, and Cosmog smiled before she floated over to me and hugged me tightly.

"I love it! I am Lumi!" Cosmog said excitedly as she kissed my cheek.

"I like it! That's a great name for her," Nemona laughed as Tallia stood up and clapped, smiling at us all with pride.

"We never would have imagined that you could capture people in pokeballs or even do battles with such a strange Pokémon here! It was amazing to watch the two of you fight together today," Tallia exclaimed happily before looking at Nurse Joy, who had been quiet since the beginning but seemed very proud of our performance.

"We should probably get going, though! I bet there are more Pokémon and trainers that Landon could catch and battle in this world," Nurse Joy said before looking around the beach with a smile on her face.

"I think that if Landon is going to do that with his... Special Pokémon, then we need to talk to Director Clavell and see what he wants to do. I just think that with some of the students around, you aren't going to be wanting to be challenging them with your R-rated Pokémon!" Nemona said, and Nurse Joy nodded thoughtfully.

"That is a very good idea, and it was good that you suggested it. I should have thought of that, but I am not really a Pokémon trainer; I just like to help heal them and people when I can. You would make a good addition to our team," Nurse Joy said thoughtfully, and Tallia laughed as Nemona's hand flew up as she pulled out a phone.

"No, thank you! I am a trainer and do not need to be trained! Arceus only knows what would happen to me if I went inside one of those balls! I am calling an air cab, so just give me a minute!" Nemona declared as she jumped back, and Joy giggled but then came over to me.

"Nemona is right, and you should put us away until you get to where you are going and can explain everything. We can watch from inside, and we will know when to come out," Nurse Joy said, and then kissed me before turning to energy and disappearing. I had both Pokeballs put away, but Nurse Joy still seemed to be able to return to my inventory which was nice.

"I will go too, but I had a lot of fun today!" Lumi said, and I smiled and kissed her. Nemona had stopped before she fainted, so I just had to give her a potion, and her health bar returned to normal and then disappeared.

"I am sure there is still more fun in store," I said, and Cosmog turned to energy and disappeared. I turned to Nemona and Tallia, and both seemed relieved.

"So glad you put both of them away! Joy's dress is too skimpy, and Cosmog... is Sexy Cosmog, and I can never look at pictures of her in the World Pokédex again!" Nemona laughed, but she sounded like she was about to cry.

"Yeah, that would have been really hard to explain to the taxi driver about them, but this is fine. I don't know if you have any poke dollars, but there are shops in Mesagoza where you can get some better clothing that might be less revealing. I think terastallization is going to be a hard one, but you will just have to make sure you are not battling younger kids like that," Tallia explained, as a strange metal cabin that looked like the cab of a helicopter but had no tail or blades showed up. Just some Pokémon attached to it with ropes... this looked very dangerous.

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