Parasitic Cultivation: Race Clearing System

Chapter 133

Chapter 131: The Day Has Finally Come

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Some people couldn’t help laughing, but when everyone looked at it, they disappeared all of a sudden.

Song Yu felt extremely embarrassed. What’s going on? How could such an obedient daughter be an evil cultivator?

No, go back and ask, now is not the time!

Song Yu pulled her daughter behind her and said with a smile: “I’m laughing at everyone, I’ll go back and interrogate her. My girl is full of nonsense. Maybe there’s some misunderstanding.”

After speaking, he hurriedly left the stage.

Bai Bing looked around at everyone and said, “Don’t be so shy, everyone, if there is an evil cultivator, send it to the Heavenly Evil Sect to help me discipline it.”


All the sects are angry, it’s really hateful.

This little sect of evil cultivators has made great fanfare, and several major sects have not yet objected.

There are tricks, there must be tricks!

“I also know a few evil cultivators, do you want to hear?”

Feng Li’s face was thin, his eyes were slack, and his voice was calm, but it was terrifying.

He was here to support Bai Bing today, and he didn’t care much. He had been locked up for so many years anyway.

When everyone heard this, they all retreated.

Although they all firmly believe that their subordinates are all disciples of the righteous sect, and there is no evil cultivation.

But, what if!

There was silence for a while.

Seeing that no one was speaking, Bai Bing said, “If you have no comments, my Heavenly Evil Sect will be established today?”

He looked towards the Li family, where the leader of the alliance sat there without speaking.

He represents the meaning of the Li family.

As for the meaning of the Li family, Bai Bing had already listened to Li Qingsi, a traitor, and they were avoiding it.

The leader of the alliance said: “If you all agree with this Heavenly Evil Sect, then allow you to establish it.”

There was quite a commotion in the entire assembly hall.

Countless sect elders and disciples have strange expressions in their eyes, which is unbelievable.

Since ancient times, this is also the first openly recognized evil cultivator sect.

Whether it was because of the presence of Ancestor Nanxuan, or for other reasons, this all indicated that some rules were about to be rewritten.

Do you want to secretly transfer to an evil cultivator in the future? Sounds pretty cool.

No, who the **** is going to die as an evil cultivator? Aside from cultivating fast, evil cultivators can’t live very long.

Yang Fei was extremely excited, “Brother Bing, it really succeeded!”

As a guardian of the left, although he didn’t do anything major, he knew that he had worked very hard.

It’s not easy to have this day.

Bai Bing looked at everyone with a calm expression.

To be fair, he didn’t expect to get to such a day, and the journey was bumpy and sad… Forget it, it was smooth.

He saw a lot of eyes, or clear vision, or obscure, but also hatred and vigilance.

There may also be many evil cultivators.

The leader said: “Bai Bing, do I need to say a few words?”

Bai Bing was silent for a while, then said: “I don’t know what you are thinking at the moment, and I am not interested.

I don’t need anyone to applaud, and my colleagues will naturally support me silently.

You can think it’s a ridiculous farce, but I can only tell you one thing.

I was serious. ”

The Qianmeng meeting lasted for two days and ended successfully.

What happened after that had nothing to do with him.

The Qingyun Sect, or the Heavenly Evil Sect after its name change, is still lonely.

Nothing seems to have changed, just a name change.

Bai Bing came to the front of the sect, and now the interior has been cleaned up, and the corpses and rotten things are all gone.

The soil in the flowerbed was turned over again, giving off a fresh earthy smell, and some flowers and plants were planted.

The library and the cobwebs and dust in the alchemy room were also cleaned, and the traces related to the “Qingyun Sect” were all changed.

Li Qingsi took a few people to do the final cleaning and said with a smile, “Sect Master Bai, how are you?”

Bai Bing thought for a while, “Thank you.”

It can be said with confidence that he only used less than 10% of his ability to get to this day.

The remaining ninety-nine percent were all hugging the Li family’s thighs.

But…isn’t it fragrant?

Li Qingsi called back a group of servants and said: “I can only help you here, there is a lot of controversy on the top, especially the ancestors of Yunhe and Yunzhong, they each have a group of different forces, and the contradictions are a bit serious.

And there’s another fact that might put you off.

Even if the Heavenly Evil Sect was established now, it would still not be accepted, and no one would dare to come.

Because there are not many evil sects, you… can only be regarded as an open family, and the Qianzong League will not do any protection for these sects.

In this world, evil cultivators will not be recognized.

Even if my Li family recognizes it, and those ancient races in Zhongzhou, they will find trouble sooner or later.

It’s not necessarily the trouble of looking for evil repairers, but… directly looking for trouble with my Li family. ”

Are those ancient races from the Central Plains?

Bai Bing is also a little clearer. For example, the famous Divine Phoenix Clan is the real giant in this world. Even the Suzaku Clan in their heyday, they have to bow their heads to avoid it.

In addition, there are the Golden Crow, the Nine-Tails and other races, all of which are giant families with several ascenders.

After Li Qingsi left, Bai Bing arranged the affairs at the Qichanyuan, and Xiao Shou gave Yun Tianya the benefits he promised before, which was considered to be a life-saving grace.

But what I didn’t expect was that an uninvited guest soon came to the sect.

Yang Fei came with a little girl with two ponytails.

“Brother Bing, she is really here and wants to apply to join the sect.”

Yang Fei leaned close to Bai Bing’s ear and whispered, “She can’t be a fool, can she?”

Bai Bing also had a weird look on her face, this little girl was born beautiful, not tall, but cute and loving, like she came out of the second dimension.

The problem is… She is Song Yu’s daughter, and the guy did damage on the spot, and he didn’t have time to settle accounts with him.

To settle accounts with his daughter?

It’s not impossible…

“What’s your name?”

“Song Huanhuan.” The little girl said, “I want to join the Tianxie Sect.”

Bai Bing thought for a while, “Why do you want to join? Your father asked you to come?”

“Surely not, I sneaked out.” Song Huanhuan said:

“You promised earlier that if you join the Tianxie Sect, you will be able to get guidance from Senior Nanxuan.

If I don’t come, I will definitely be locked up and disciplined by my father, I don’t want to. ”

“Well…that’s fine too.”

Bai Bing thought it was okay to be so disgusting about Song Yu, and then said: “You can come, I allow it, but when you come, you must abide by the rules.

As for guidance, I can only say that there is a chance to get guidance from Ancestor Nanxuan, depending on his mood.

Also, we are not ordinary sects of evil cultivation. We will let Yang Fei show you the sect rules. Violating the sect rules will be dismissed. ”

According to the sect rules, he had prepared a copy earlier and copied it from the Li family painstakingly.

A lot of simplifications, and the most important thing is to add one: do not accept evil cultivators with bad thoughts.

The little girl’s eyes sparkled, “Okay, what’s your name?”

Bai Bing smiled and said, “My name is Bai Bing, I’m the sect master, what do you think of changing your name?”

“Hello, Sect Master Bai.”

The little girl bowed and gave a big gift, and Qiao Shengsheng shouted.

“Hey, so good.” Yang Fei teased: “My name is Yang Fei, the left guardian of Tianxie Sect, what should you call me?”

The little girl glanced at him, “Stupid.”

Yang Fei: “???”

His smile suddenly froze, “You little girl, why are you so rude?”

The little girl glanced at him, “I think Sect Master Bai is very brave. He is the first evil cultivator who dares to challenge those people. I think it’s not wrong to follow Big Brother Bai. How old are you?”

Yang Fei’s face sank, “It’s too late for you to apologize now.”

The little girl stared, her spiritual power surged, her eyes turned a strange turquoise, and cyan scales appeared between her necks.

【Discovery of parasite host】

[Code: Spirit Sword School]

[Characteristics of the insect swarm: The parasite hosts of the Lingjian faction are generally very beautiful, and even the males are beautiful, but their physical growth and development seem to be affected, they are small and delicate. 】

And this parasite?

Bai Bing was taken aback, what kind of woman is this happy bug.

“Are you a man?” Bai Bing asked.

Little girl: “???”

She was stupid when asked, and the green color in her eyes faded. What’s the problem?

Bai Bing thought something wrong, and said, “I just suddenly remembered that your father is beautiful and looks like a woman, so I think something is wrong with you.”

She said, “You’re not all wrong, everyone in my family looks like a woman.

When I, I’m not a man, I’m not as perverted as my dad. ”

She looked at Yang Fei and held a grudge, “Also, I’m thirteen years old, I’m not a child, don’t speak to me in that tone, or I’ll take care of you.”

Yang Fei’s face was cold: “You little girl is really stubborn, if you don’t apologize, don’t call me Big Brother Yang in the future.”

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

The little girl retracted her gaze, “Cowardly.”

Yang Fei: “…”

The most heartbreaking thing in the world is not being despised, but being despised by children, and he broke his defense all at once.

I miss Senior Sister Hongxue.

At least she treats people gently and doesn’t curse.

He left with a loneliness that no one understood.


Bai Bing almost laughed.

This girl’s breath is so strong, her strength is really not weaker than Yang Fei, and the awakened evil cultivator is really no normal person…

“Sect Master Bai, what are you laughing at?” Song Huanhuan blinked her eyes.

Bai Bing said sternly: “When you come to my Heavenly Evil Sect, you must abide by the This is not your Spirit Sword Sect, don’t be rude, or don’t blame me for being rude.”

“Okay now.” She bent down.

“Also, when you come here, you need to know how much risk you take, and there may be enemies at any time.

In addition, you should know that I have a conflict with your father, so I can’t trust you now, and I have to investigate for a while. ”

The little girl nodded, “I know, but at least it’s better than dying.”

Bai Bing frowned, “Are you going to kill yourself?”

She nodded, “The other Sect Master, I feel you are coming soon, you are so scary.”

Bai Bing was stunned for a moment, looked around, and found black mist and twisted tentacles.

It was clear that it was daytime, but the sun became a little dim and cold.

He was silent for a while.

Has this day finally come?

Chapter 131 The day is finally here GET/u/193/193494/71818780.shtmHTTP/1.0Host:-Forwarded-For: 1;WOW64)AppleWebKit/537.36(KHTML,likeGecko)Chrome/47.0.2526.106Safari/537.3667844e9b-659c-4c0b-b8b0–:gzip,

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