Parker Luck

Chapter 5: When the Cat’s Away

The next exciting chapter (of Peter Parker's life) started with a letter read out at school assembly by Principal Morita "Dear Midtown School of Science and Technology of New York. You have been accepted into the very first student exchange program with the kingdom of Wakanda. Any students interested must write an application and submit it before April 5th. Travel expenses apply but local currency will be provided after arrival. The program will feature subjects traditional to Wakanda and the students will expected to answer questions about their home country."

At this announcement a swell of excited chatter filled the hall. Sat in between his best friend and his kinda-sorta girlfriend, Peter was already planning his application. "Oh man it'd be so awesome to go there" enthused Ned Leeds, "Just imagine what the technology must be like there" said Peter just as eagerly. Even Michelle Jones, in her own taciturn way, was excited at the prospect. The students' thoughts ranged from "Maybe I'll be able to take some Vibranium home", "How much sunblock should I take?" and "Sweet a chance to score with some African babes".

A few weeks later the results were announced "Congratulations to the following students who's applications have been accepted; Avril: Sally, Brant: Elizabeth, Carpenter: Julia, Drake: Robert..." Peter (along with most of the other students) waited eagerly to see if he'd been selected. As the list went along Peter's began to become slightly anxious. "Jones: Angelica, Morales: Miles and Parker: Peter...". With a rush of excitement Peter realised he was going to Wakanda! Suddenly Parker realised that neither Ned or MJ's names had been called. Peter turned to them "It sucks you're not coming too" said the brunette. Trying to hide their disappointment in their own ways MJ simply shrugged whilst Ned tried to keep positive "Maybe next time" he said.

The instant Peter got home he started preparing for the journey. When Parker wasn't packing he was reading up on as much about Wakanda he could find. "The Golden Tribe of Wakanda, also known as Panther Tribe, have reigned in a unbroken line for over 1,000,000 years" read May over her nephew's shoulder. "You're really looking forward to going huh champ?" Said the woman. "Totally it's gonna be amazing" replied the teen "Just wish Ned and MJ were going too". May nodded understandingly, "Well maybe get them something nice to make it up to them. Get me something too whilst you're at it, perhaps that handsome king of theirs" Said the brunette woman coyly. "May!" said Peter, somewhat aghast whilst his aunt just laughed.

Soon the day of departure arrived. After getting on the plane Peter started adjusting the camera Aunt May had given him to record his experience. The camera had belonged to Uncle Ben so Peter was being extra careful with it. "Cool camera" said a voice from the aisle. A boy about Peter's age with reddish brown hair had sat next to him with a smile on his face. "Uh thanks. Hi, I'm Peter Parker" said the brunette, offering his hand "Harry Osborn" the auburn haired boy replied taking the proffered hand. The name came as a shock to Peter "Osborn? Like Norman Osborn of Oscorp?" he asked. "Yep that's my dad".

On the flight the boys quickly became friends with Harry also introducing Peter to a couple of his schoolmates; Sam Alexander and Ava Ayala. Mostly the boys talked about Wakanda. "I heard that the children there ride on hover-bikes" said Osborn. "Cool" replied Spidey "I read that the same royal family has ruled since the country was founded and that king and the princess took part in the fight with Thanos". "Wow" said Harry, impressed, "Wonder if we'll see them".

As the plane landed the students piled onto a coach which took them along until it stopped outside what appeared to be thick forest. After a few minutes a crackling blue light appeared and the image of the forest peeled back, revealing a vast techno-rustic city.

After getting off the coach the group were greeting by a tall old man with a flattop and thick moustache. "Hello and wamkelekile students, I am B'Tumba and I will be your guide". "Does anyone have any questions?" Several hands went up. "You" said the guide pointing to one of the boys near the back "Did you take part in the battle here?" he asked. "No child" replied the Wakanda, shaking his head, "I'm not a soldier just a civilian, but I did see some of it". Addressing the group B'Tumba said "The site has become a historic battlefield, and you're welcome to visit it if you wish to, but be careful". Another student, Ava, raised their hand and asked "Is there anywhere we're not allowed to go?" "Umbuzo omhle The royal palace is naturally off-limits but you are welcome anywhere else, although I would recommend not going into the mountains as they are very cold and the Jabari Tribe, who live there, don't like intruders." After a few more questions the guide took the students to their accommodation where they were informed that their lessons would begin tomorrow but today they were free to do as they liked.

Peter and Harry decided to see where the Battle for Wakanda had taken place. Looking over the vast fields some points were clearly visible; enormous furrows where the alien digging machines had been, deep impact craters from Thanos' drop ships had landed and an intricate burn mark where Thor, Rocket and Groot had arrived via Bifrost. "Just imagine what'd would've been like" said Harry. "Probably would've been pretty scary." Replied Peter. "I guess" responded the auburn haired boy.

The rest of the day passed in a blur of bright colours, exotic smells and sights. Before long it was time to return to the accommodation. "You go on ahead Harry" said Peter "I wanna get some more pictures before headed back". "Sure see you there" replied his new friend. Peter backed into an alleyway to try and find an out of sight wall to climb for some better shots. As he did so the hero suddenly bumped into someone knocking them, and himself, to the floor.

"Hey! what's the big idea?" said a pretty girl who looked in her teens in an irritated voice. "Sorry I wasn't- Princess?" Said Peter remembering the girl from the battle for Earth. "Spider-Boy? what're you doing here?" asked the princess dusting herself off as she got up. "Spider-Man." protested Peter "And I'm here for the foreign exchange. What're you doing here?". "I live here sidnege" remarked the young royal rolling her eyes. "I mean what're you doing in a back alley, shouldn't you be at the palace doing, I don't know, princess things?" Asked the American. At the question the dark skinned girl folded her arms indignantly "Being next in line for the throne means I can go where I want. And besides I like going into the city it lets me see the people". "Oh" was all Peter could think to say. Hearing his name being called Parker realised he needed to go "Well, bye i guess" he said "Goodbye. By the way, I'm not supposed to go out without an escort so don't tell anyone you saw me" Said Shuri.

The following morning the students were greeted by their teacher for the day who told them that they would be studying the Xhosa language. Assigned random partners the students started practising the language. Some, including Ava, Betty and Miles, picked it up without much difficulty after a while. Others, including Peter and Harry, didn't and were butchering it.

That night Harry was woken by the sound of something knocking against the window of the dorm he shared with Peter. Getting up to investigate the teen saw a girl standing outside "You're not Peter" she said when she saw him. "Uh no, you want me to get him?" asked Osborn, a nod was the girl's only response. "Uh Pete there's someone here to see you" Harry told his roommate, shaking him awake.

Wondering who'd want him at this hour Peter went up to the window and saw Shuri waiting there. "Princess? why're you here? asked Peter, confused. "Came to see you" said the dark skinned girl as if it was obvious. "Why?" said the brunette with a frown. The girl shrugged and said "I had some questions, come here and I'll explain" Shuri beckoned to the boy. Climbing out the window Peter went up to Shuri "Alright so what do you wanna know?". "For one thing where's the armour you were wearing at the battle?". "Shh!" said Peter in a panicked tone "Keep it down no one knows I'm Spider-Man and I wanna keep it that way. Can we go somewhere else?".

After going to a more secluded spot the teens talked away with Spidey explaining the Iron Spider armour, how he made his webbing and, with some coaxing, how he got his powers. "Let me get this straight" said the princess "So a spider bit you and you got superpowers?" disbelievingly. "It was a radioactive spider" explained the boy "Or possibly genetically modified, but not a regular spider." Shuri didn't look fully convinced. Just then a thought occurred to Peter "Hey, aren't you worried your brother will be mad at you for sneaking out?" This got him a scornful look "Please. Even if T'Challa knew that I snuck out he couldn't stop me. And besides his Pantherness is out of the country for a while, along with our mother."

The next few weeks were a whirl of knowledge for Peter as spent the days learning (although he still had trouble with Xhosa) and the nights with Shuri. The two teens quickly bonded over a love of pop culture and technology. The Wakandan girl took particular delight in showing Spidey her brother's 'blooper reel' on her Kimoyo Beads. "So after he goes flying he's like 'Delete that footage'" laughed Shuri. "And he really believed you that you did?" said Peter also laughing, "Bought it completely" smirked the girl.

As Parker started walking away Shuri called out to him "Peter, wait", catching him up the princess leaned towards the brunette and gave him a kiss on the cheek "bmnandi obuhle" she said with a smirk. Their meetings after that got more flirtatious and quickly became full make-out sessions with some light petting.

One day Peter found a note in his room which said simply 'Come to the Citadel tonight, I'll be waiting, you'll know my room. S'.

When night fell and everyone else was asleep Spider-Man slid open his window and set off towards the royal home.

Slipping past the Dora Milaje, Peter began scaling the wall trying to work out which room was Shuri's. It didn't take Parker long to figure it out, a holographic image of a spider above the open window was a big giveaway. Taking the invitation, Peter slid in and took in the sight that awaited him.

The chocolate skinned girl lay on the bed, wearing nothing but white lingerie and a seductive smile. Turning to face him the princess' smile widened. "Good evening, Mr Parker, I've been expecting you" said Shuri running a hand along her covered folds and cocking a finger with the other. Dry mouthed at the sight, the webslinger threw off his clothes to join the girl on the bed. The teens then started tongue wrestling.

To Peter's disappointment Shuri then pushed him away. "Hang on I want to give you something before we start", "Hold out your arm". Confused and horny Parker did so. The Wakandan girl then reached for a device and injected something into Peter's arm. "Ow. What was that for?" he asked. "umntwana omkhulu. That didn't hurt" said Shuri "And I just gave you a Birth Control neural implant, everyone in Wakanda has one." explained the girl "It stops unwanted pregnancies and prevents STD's." "Now let's get to it."

Restarting the kiss Peter reached into Shuri's panties to gently run his fingers along her crotch. The princess appreciated the attention and returned the favour by wrapping delicate fingers around Peter's hardness and stroking gently. Reaching behind Shuri, Peter started fumbling at her bra strap and eventually managed to unhook it. Putting his mouth on the perky mounds Peter started sucking and licking. Shuri gave a moan and in response increased the speed of Peter's handjob.

Soon Shuri wanted more than just fingers and, undoing her garter belt, guided her partner's head down to her pussy. Peter ran his tongue around the chocolate folds and then darted it in and out as fast as he could. "Uh yeah, keep doing that" panted Shuri. The hero's previous experiences had paid off and soon the princess was spurting. Peter licked his lips, noting the sweetness of Shuri's cum. With bedroom eyes Shuri said "My turn". Sitting back Parker spread his legs giving the girl full access to his length.

The Wakandan rapidly flicked her tongue across Peter's tip and fondled the rest with her fingers. Shuri's gentleness was a new experience for the young hero compared to his previous encounters, not that it stopped him from enjoying the sensation. The chocolate girl's licks gradually slowed down before she ever so slowly took more of the cock into her mouth. With a warm wetness spreading down his hardness, Peter began spewing precum into Shuri's mouth, which she licked up happily. The princess sped up, using her now free hands, she gently fondled the webslinger's balls and any part of his crotch that wasn't in her mouth.

"Faster, Shuri" was all Peter could think to say to his current partner. Shuri then took in the whole of Peter's erection and started deepthroating, flicking her tongue as she did so. "Ah yes. Keep that up and I'm gonna cum" cried Peter. The Wakandan girl seemed to take that as a challenge and pursed her lips around his length. "Shuri, I'm gonna cum" announced the hero. With a pop the princess then took her lips off Peter's dick and started rubbing again "Let it out across my face" she instructed. As the boy blew his load Shuri stuck out her tongue, letting the white splash against her dark skin.

"You taste good Parker" commented the heir, slurping the hero's essence off her face. "You ready for more?" asked Peter. Instead of an answer the girl turned away from her partner and stuck her ass into the air. "The instant I say so I want you to fuck me as hard as you can" said the princess. "But-" Peter started "No buts! do it" commanded the heir. "As you wish" said Peter. Shuri looked bemused "Princess Bride joke? Really?". "Couldn't resist" said Peter, before reaching out to scissor the girl's entrance. "Here I come" warned Peter as he slid his boner into the girl's waiting snatch, groaning at the tightness as he did so.

Tensing at the intrusion, Shuri's walls clenched around Peter. "Go slowly" said the heir in a quiet voice. Inch by inch Spidey eased into the Wakandan girl's love hole, trying not to blow his load too soon.

"Just a minute" said the heir through clenched teeth. Shuri quickly adjusted to having Peter inside her and then told him to start thrusting. Sliding out and in slowly Peter took hold of the chocolate girl's shoulders to steady himself. "Now Hero" said the princess. Parker's thrusts accelerated until his was pounding Shuri as fast as he could go. "Fuck, yes, yes, keep it up" cried out the princess.

An idea came to Peter, taking a hand off of his partner's shoulder he sucked on a finger, lubing it up, and slid it into the heir's rear entrance. "Fuck!" cried Shuri, surprised by the intrusion. Peter wondered if he'd gone too far "You want me to stop?" he asked worriedly. "I didn't say that," grunted Shuri "Just warn me next time". At the words 'Next time' Peter pushed another finger into the ring of muscle.

If someone had told Peter a few weeks ago that he'd be in Wakanda having sex with the princess he'd of thought they were playing some kind of sick joke. Thrusting hard Peter watched as the dark skinned girl writhed under his ministrations, loving every minute. "Ahhh Peter! Fuck me I'm close" moaned the heir. "M-me too Shuri" said Peter. Spider-Man then started fingering and thrusting harder, adamant not to cum first.

As her release came all the princess could say was "Peeteeer!", her juices coating Peter's member. "P-princess, I-I'm about to.." forced out the young hero "Cum inside me, it's safe remember" urged Shuri. "Ahh" Spidey let loose painting Shuri's inner walls white.

The duo lay down to catch their breath for a minute before the princess climbed over Peter and carefully lapped their combined juices off Peter's cock. When she had finished Shuri planted another rough kiss on Peter "Same time tomorrow inkwenkwe?" she asked.


End of Chapter 5

Next Chapter: General Maintenance

Translations: wamkelekile: welcome, umbuzo omhle: good question, sidenge: stupid, bmnandi obuhle: goodnight handsome, umntwana omkhulu: big baby, inkwenkwe: lover boy

I admit some of this chapter is perhaps a bit dull but I was struggling a little for content.

On a personal aside I ship MCU Peter and Shuri even if they've never met.

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