Part Time Employee in Konoha (Completed)

Extra Chapter 13: This world is indeed Hell…

Forest of Death.

Uzumaki Naruto and Haruno Sakura had been hiding until Uchiha Sasuke arrived with Yakushi Kabuto. Only then did they dare to show themselves.

Because they had met Kabuto before the preliminary exam, they had a good impression of him. They didn't see any problem with Kabuto working with Team 7.

"We should head to the tower at the center of the Forest of Death now."

"This forest is full of genin. Even if some are exceptional, they are no match for Sasuke, and they certainly can't deal with me."

Seeing that Team 7 had already collected the necessary scrolls, Kabuto suggested not wasting any more time. However, he also offered a suggestion: "Of course, if Sasuke wants his teammates Naruto and Sakura to get some more practice, that's fine too..."

Adjusting his glasses, Kabuto looked at the three members of Team 7 as if he were a strategic military advisor, offering counsel to Sasuke and the team.

Kabuto viewed the Chunin Exam as an opportunity to observe the new generation of ninjas. He didn't care about the exam's outcome; he just wanted to return to the orphanage and establish a good relationship with Sasuke, exploring the depths of Sasuke's inner world.

It was fortuitous.

Sasuke had similar thoughts.

In the real world, Kabuto had long retreated from worldly affairs. But in this world, Sasuke hoped to recruit Kabuto. Kabuto's scientific talents and strategic mind could help fill in gaps.

Although Kabuto's strength wasn't top-tier, in every other respect, he was a perfect ninja. He excelled in intelligence gathering, could function as both a combat and strategic support ninja, and was an excellent medical ninja skilled in researching ninjutsu, forbidden jutsu, and sage techniques—a true all-rounder.

"There's no rush."

Sasuke looked deeply into the forest, a complex expression flashing in his eyes. He was still obsessed with Karin.


Once an opponent he had to look up to.


He still felt somewhat resentful.

After the final battle in the real world, Karin chose to follow Akihara Kagura and leave the ninja world, abandoning the position of Root leader. This made Sasuke feel like everything he gained was Karin's arrogant charity.

In the real world, Karin graduated early from the ninja academy with excellent grades and was Sasuke's biggest competitor in the Root era.

Karin was Akihara Kagura's absolute confidant, the princess raised by the surviving Uchiha of the Root. Sasuke was the new clan head, proud of those same Uchiha.

If the truth of the Uchiha massacre by Itachi hadn't come to light, and if Akihara Kagura's identity as the mastermind hadn't been revealed, Sasuke might have stayed in the Root, always competing with Karin for its future leadership...


They could have become friends.

Sasuke actually wanted to be friends with Karin.

Just as Naruto always wanted to be friends with him, Sasuke had always wanted to be friends with Karin. He believed they shouldn't just be adversaries.

That red-haired girl, both an enemy and a friend on his path to growth, was an obsession for Sasuke. He wanted to see how she lived in this world. Would she still look down on him with the same arrogance?

"I want to observe someone..."

Sasuke turned to Kabuto and calmly said, "A female ninja from Grass. She might be hiding some secrets..."

"A Grass ninja?"

Kabuto adjusted his glasses.


A small village struggling between the great ninja villages.

Ninjas from the great villages often looked down on these small villages, seeing them as opportunistic in the ninja wars.

Similarly, the noble daimyo also looked down on these small villages.

These nobles preferred to hire reliable ninjas from the five great nations, rather than wasting money on ninjas from weaker villages, who often failed important missions.

To survive, small villages tried to win over the nobles' money while frequently engaging in battles with neighboring small countries to show their strength.

Of course.

These small villages didn't dare to wage war against the great nations.

Once, a small village named Rain Village dared to fight a great nation, resulting in the near annihilation of their elites and the entire country becoming a battleground.

Small villages discovered a safe way to compete with the great nations: by participating in the Chunin Exams hosted by the great nations. These exams often attracted many nobles.

If their ninjas could shine in these grand exams, they could win the nobles' favor and secure future commissions.


The Chunin Exams were extremely important to small villages.

Grass was no exception.

To stand out in this exam, Grass sent not only two experienced genin but also their secret weapon, Karin, hoping her abilities would give them an edge.

However, Karin's abilities weren't strong, nor was she skilled in combat. Grass never trained her properly, instead using her as a medical tool. This time, they intended for her to restore her teammates' chakra and heal their injuries through her blood.

"Our strength isn't enough..."

"Then we must draw out every battle."

A Grass ninja, hiding behind a tree, coldly laid out their plan, occasionally glancing at the fearful red-haired girl beside him: "As long as we deplete our opponents' chakra and heal ourselves with your blood, they won't expect this tactic..."


The red-haired girl instinctively recoiled, revealing scarred skin on her arm, the result of years of being bitten.

These were...

Years of scars.

Karin was only twelve, yet she'd been used as a medical tool since childhood. Despite her Uzumaki heritage's remarkable healing, she couldn't heal the countless bite marks...

"Hey, don't back away!"

"You'll get us discovered!"

Another Grass ninja grabbed her arm, shouting angrily: "If we don't pass the Chunin Exams, I'll kill you first..."

"Calm down..."

His companion frowned, advising, "Her mother was already bitten to death by the villagers. She's our last Uzumaki..."

"The villagers don't care..."

The first ninja sneered: "Even if we have to eat her alive to restore our chakra, we must enter the third stage of the Chunin Exams!"


The red-haired girl was terrified.

She was already timid, and hearing about her mother's death made her cry. Before she could grieve, she heard their chilling words!


These weren't threats!

If it came to that, they would indeed bite and eat her alive to restore their chakra and heal themselves!

"Get ready to move!"

The two Grass ninjas didn't care about Karin's thoughts.

They had long controlled her life and death, never considering she might resist.

They just hoped she would last until they passed the second stage of the Chunin Exams...

One had to admit.

Grass's exploitation of Karin was ruthless.

The two ninjas soon targeted a comparable Rain Village team, initiating a battle with exploding tags and shuriken, planning to use Karin's blood to outlast their enemies.

In front of a large rock.

A young Grass ninja fought the enemy, throwing shuriken and exploding tags from a distance.

Another older ninja hid behind the rock, keeping an eye on Karin to prevent her from running away in fear.


A huge explosion!

The young ninja, bleeding, retreated behind the rock!


"Bite the girl’s arm!"

"Heal your wounds and don't let them rest!"

The older ninja urged his partner, then charged forward to continue fighting, preventing the enemy from resting!

This was their tactic!

They could quickly heal using Karin's blood, while their enemies couldn't recover, ensuring victory!

"Let me bite!"

The young ninja grabbed Karin, ignoring her trembling fear, and yanked her arm!


A group watched everything.

Naruto and Sakura were confused by the Grass ninjas' actions.

After all, when the Grass ninjas encountered enemies, it didn't resemble a battle between ninjas at all. They didn't care about any complex tactics, focusing solely on direct combat.

Yakushi Kabuto deduced from Uchiha Sasuke's attitude towards Karin that the key to victory between this Grass team and the Rain Village team lay in Karin.

"If it's such a frontal combat strategy..."

As an experienced ninja, Kabuto adjusted his glasses and fixed his gaze on the red-haired girl in ragged clothes, trembling at the back of the battlefield. He shared his assessment of the battle's outcome: "It must be because the Grass team has an excellent medical ninja, capable of quickly restoring their team..."


Uchiha Sasuke nodded indifferently.

To be precise, Karin was indeed the most outstanding medical ninja in the ninja world, even surpassing the Fifth Hokage Tsunade from Konoha in the real world.

While they chatted, a young Grass ninja, who had retreated from the frontline, suddenly approached Karin and forcefully pulled up her sleeve.


Kabuto couldn't understand the other person's actions. He curiously glanced at Uchiha Sasuke, hoping to get some answers from him.


Kabuto saw a dark expression on Uchiha Sasuke's face.

In an instant, the face of the black-haired boy turned so gloomy that it seemed as if water could drip from it. His eyes unknowingly turned blood-red, filled with an intense killing intent!

Others couldn't see clearly...

But Uchiha Sasuke, with his Sharingan, noticed the minute details. He saw bite mark scars on Karin's arm!

These scars...

Uchiha Sasuke knew exactly what they meant...

The Grass ninjas had been using Karin as a medical tool, draining her blood by biting her so frequently that scars had formed on her body!

The Uzumaki clan...

Their bodies shouldn't have scars!

How many times did these Grass ninjas bite her!

"Those... bastards..."

Uchiha Sasuke's fingers trembled almost uncontrollably.

What did these bastards take Karin for!

Even in the real world, known for its cold-blooded and ruthless Root division, everyone knew Karin's blood had immense healing power and terrifying chakra recovery capabilities. Yet, no one had ever thought of biting her once!

No matter how severely injured the Root ninjas were during missions, including Uchiha Sasuke himself, everyone lay in bed obediently waiting for medical treatment, never considering relying on Karin's blood for healing...

In the real world, Karin...

Never had any wounds.

Uchiha Sasuke recalled that in the real world, he and Karin were the youngest ninjas in Root, yet they were the most cherished.

Whether it was Akihara Kagura or the surviving clan members of Root, before Akihara Kagura revealed his true identity, everyone cherished the two of them, especially during the time Uchiha Sasuke was learning the Flying Thunder God technique...

Those days… Were actually quite happy...

Because during that time, Uchiha Sasuke felt a sense of belonging for the first time.

Uchiha Sasuke's heart trembled, his chest feeling like it was filled with cold wind, realizing those warm times existed only in the real world.

This world...

Would never have that Root.

This world had no Akihara Kagura, nor those surviving clan members, nor a happy Karin who grew up, nor a Uchiha Sasuke who could find a new life goal. Those warm moments would never appear in this world.

Karin had become a medical tool for Grass.

Yakushi Kabuto had lost his most respected and beloved foster mother, Yakushi Nono. Even their last encounter was a deadly battle, with Yakushi Nono failing to recognize him before her death...

All the surviving clan members he sought in the real world had perished...

Even Hatake Kakashi and Uzumaki Naruto, his well-connected teachers and friends, were living difficult and bitter lives without Akihara Kagura...

This world...

This cold, ruthless world!

Uchiha Sasuke thought about those he had close relationships with in the real world. It seemed everyone in this world was experiencing cruel and tragic fates, without exception...


Uchiha Sasuke looked at Karin, who was waiting in terror to be bitten and drained of blood. The three tomoe in his Sharingan spun slowly, forming a strange shape: "Is this... hell?"

Mangekyou Sharingan!

In the next moment!

Uchiha Sasuke's figure suddenly disappeared from where he stood!

Just as the young Grass ninja pulled down Karin's arm and was about to bite, a black-haired boy suddenly appeared beside Karin, his eyes a pair of eerie red pupils!


The Grass ninja looked at the black-haired boy in horror.

He couldn't even see how the other person appeared, it was as if he had teleported, suddenly standing right next to him!

"Human Path!"

Uchiha Sasuke swiftly placed his hand on the Grass ninja's head. One of his eyes turned into the Rinnegan, using the Human Path ability to absorb all the ninja's memories instantly!

In the next moment!

The Grass ninja's soul and memories were extracted by Uchiha Sasuke, leaving the body limp and motionless on the ground!

In an instant...

Uchiha Sasuke had killed a Grass ninja.

However, Uchiha Sasuke's mood didn't improve. It actually worsened, his eyes showing a mix of pain and indescribable anger. From the Grass ninja's memories, he saw Karin's past!

What a miserable past...

Uchiha Sasuke believed he had experienced much pain, yet Karin's suffering surpassed his own. He saw in the Grass ninja's memories how Karin's mother was bitten to death...


Karin herself.

This girl had always been used as a medical tool...


Karin was so frightened by the black-haired boy's gaze that she crouched down.

"Seriously... absorbed too much chakra, you can't even sense it anymore?"

Uchiha Sasuke reached out and gently touched Karin's messy red hair. His gaze fell on her exposed arm, the bite mark scars causing a myriad of complex emotions in his eyes.

From the Grass ninja's memories...

Uchiha Sasuke learned the origin of those bite mark scars.

Pain? Regret? Pity? Heartache?

No, it was anger!

The red-haired girl who lived freely and gracefully in Root, always soft-hearted despite her harsh words, liked to offer her blood as a lifesaving medicine to her comrades. Yet, in this world, she lived a life akin to hell...

One wonders...

If Akihara Kagura were here...

What would happen in this world...

After all, Akihara Kagura was always the one who cherished Karin the most.

"If that guy were here..."

Uchiha Sasuke placed his hand on Karin's head, not wanting her to see his expression: "He would definitely kill everyone here..."


The red-haired girl's body trembled.

Uchiha Sasuke sensed her fear. His chest filled with raging anger, but he worried about frightening her. He forced himself to remain calm in front of Karin, his usually pleasant voice becoming increasingly gentle and slow.

"If that guy isn't here..."

"Then let me do this for him..."

"Just so you know, seeing you like this, I'm a bit angry too..."


"More than a bit…”

As Uchiha Sasuke rambled on, another Grass ninja realized the enemy's approach from behind. He swiftly retreated from the battlefield and shouted loudly at Uchiha Sasuke.

"You bastard! How dare you attack from behind!"


Uchiha Sasuke ignored the shouting and casually looked up. Suddenly, layers of illusory skeletons appeared around him and Karin. A half-body Susanoo instantly emerged from him! The half-body Susanoo directly grabbed the last Grass ninja, its enormous hand tightly clutching his body.

"This is... this is..."

The Grass ninja looked in terror at the several-meter-tall half-body Susanoo and at Karin and Uchiha Sasuke inside it: "What on earth... what on earth is this thing!"

"What is that!" Uzumaki Naruto couldn't help but widen his eyes: "What is that thing coming out of Sasuke!"

"Sasuke-kun..." Haruno Sakura also nervously watched from afar, shocked by Uchiha Sasuke's power. Her gaze unconsciously focused on Sasuke's hand stroking Karin.

"That is..." A glint flashed in Yakushi Kabuto's glasses, and his heart raced. Compared to the two brats' focus on Susanoo, Yakushi Kabuto was more concerned with another aspect: Uchiha Sasuke's sudden speed. He couldn't comprehend how Sasuke moved instantly to the Grass ninja's location!

How is it possible... It's even faster than the Flying Thunder God Technique! 

Yakushi Kabuto couldn't detect the slightest fluctuation!

"Who... who on earth are you!" The Grass ninja struggled desperately, his face filled with fear as he tried to break free from Susanoo's grip but was powerless against its terrifying strength.

"I don't know what role I play in this world..." "Nor do I know what I should be doing in this world..." Uchiha Sasuke ignored the Grass ninja's words. His mind was still recalling Karin's memories and his experiences in the real world. The black-haired youth spoke aimlessly, as if speaking for Karin: "I thought I could leave here anytime, and I wouldn't care about the people here, treating your world as a reckless playground..." "But..." "I think I might have been wrong..."

Uchiha Sasuke controlled Susanoo's hand to tighten its grip. He looked up at the terrified Grass ninja and continued to mutter strange words that made no sense.

"This world is not a playground..." "This world is a colorless hell..." "Even for me..." "I just can't understand..."

Uchiha Sasuke stared at the Grass ninja as if questioning the heavens through him: "Why does the world without him look like this?"


Karin's body was still trembling. She couldn't understand Uchiha Sasuke's words. Her sensing abilities had already erupted in this life-and-death situation. She could clearly feel the terrifying and horrifying presence of Uchiha Sasuke behind her... This terrifying chakra... was beyond her imagination!

"Perhaps I don't want to admit it either..." Uchiha Sasuke's eyes lowered slightly. He looked at Karin, who was still trembling by his side, his voice becoming calmer as if he had come to a realization: "That guy did the right thing. He is the one who will bring change to the ninja world..."


Karin didn't understand who Uchiha Sasuke was talking about. The poor red-haired girl still thought her life was in the enemy's hands, as she felt a young hand pressing on her head. She saw this hand instantly extract the soul of a Grass ninja! That hand... was gently trying to smooth her messy red hair.

"Although the process he brought was ugly..." "At least that world wasn't painful." Uchiha Sasuke muttered to himself as he helped Karin tidy her hair, as if expressing his resolve through his words to her: "I don't know the best choice, but I know what his path will become. So, I'll just start by learning to imitate him..."


Karin nodded unconsciously.

"You think so too?" Uchiha Sasuke couldn't help but smile slightly. He looked up again at the Grass ninja in Susanoo's hand, his eyes filled with overwhelming killing intent: "Then I'll start by learning to kill like him..." In the next moment... Uchiha Sasuke's hand clenched into a fist! The purple half-body Susanoo also tightened its fist in an instant!


Before the Grass ninja's painful groan could be heard, his body was already crushed by Susanoo's hand, blood splattering from Susanoo's fingers!

"Let those who deserve to die..." "Die painfully and ugly..." "Only by making their deaths painful and ugly can the living be alerted!"

Uchiha Sasuke casually loosened his fist, and Susanoo also released its grip. The Grass ninja's bloody remains fell from Susanoo's hand, as if it was discarding a piece of worthless garbage. Perhaps... It was garbage that should be discarded.

A group of Grass ninjas, who were still fighting, looked in horror at the blood dripping from Susanoo's hand, scared out of their wits and fleeing into the distance, not daring to stay!

"Don't kill me, don't kill me..." Karin's eyes were vacant, and she mumbled unconsciously in her plea.

"You!" Uchiha Sasuke felt a wave of suppressed pain and sorrow at her words. This girl... had she ever been this pitiful! She had always been proudly helping others, never lowering herself to beg like this! Yet Uchiha Sasuke had seen her tragic fate with her mother through the memories he extracted from the Grass ninja, unable to criticize her loss of dignity...

"Don't worry." "I won't kill you." When Uchiha Sasuke spoke, it was as if he had become an adult. The black-haired youth suppressed his inner pain, slowly squatted down, and gently pulled down Karin's sleeve, covering the scarred arm.

It really... made Sasuke uncomfortable! Why did she have scars! How dare those small ninja village scum leave scars on her!


Karin saw Uchiha Sasuke helping to cover her scars. The red-haired girl's consciousness finally returned, and she saw someone, besides her mother, who cared about her appearance. Tears welled up in her eyes uncontrollably.

"Thank you…”


This shit made me tear up…

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