Part Time Employee in Konoha (Completed)

Extra Chapter 24: Itachi finally meets Sasuke

Uchiha Sasuke did not lie.

Hatake Kakashi trusted his student completely, as the facts he observed confirmed Sasuke's words, aligning perfectly with his own recollections.

Shimura Danzo coveted the position of Hokage.

In secret, Danzo colluded with the village's rogue ninja, Orochimaru.

Danzo would stop at nothing, including assassinating fellow ninjas, to seize the title of Hokage.

Kakashi had personally experienced these events in his youth, and now his student was beginning to face the same challenges...

Soon enough.

The last thing Uchiha Sasuke predicted also came true.

While Hatake Kakashi was discussing how to deal with Danzo's schemes with his old friends Kurenai Yuhi and Sarutobi Asuma at a sweet shop, two strange figures in conical hats and red cloaks adorned with clouds appeared...

These two...

Were they from the Akatsuki?


Asuma and Kakashi exchanged glances and subtly shook their heads, aware that they couldn't recklessly engage these intruders here and risk harming innocent villagers.

It was clear.

The two invaders in the cloud-adorned cloaks were also highly vigilant. Noticing the attention from the Konoha Jōnin, they quietly left their food behind and slipped away.


The two intruders were eventually cornered by the riverbank of the village.

“Are you from the Akatsuki?”

Kakashi nonchalantly adjusted his forehead protector, observing the two with a seemingly bored expression, as if he had anticipated their arrival. His voice grew heavier as he recognized a familiar face beneath one of the hats: “I didn’t expect the intruder to be you... Uchiha Itachi...”

This man...

Had killed his own parents and clan!

Even condemning his brother to a hellish life!

Kakashi always regarded Uchiha Sasuke as a good kid, an outstanding ninja, but his brother, Uchiha Itachi, had driven him to ruin and vengeance, forcing him onto a path of power struggles and revenge!

“Are we being watched?”

One of the intruders in the clouded cloak gently lifted his hat, revealing a handsome face with deep lines. It was none other than Konoha’s S-class rogue ninja, Uchiha Itachi.

Itachi's expression was calm as he faced the three Jōnin, showing no sign of feeling threatened. Instead, he respectfully greeted Kakashi: “Kakashi-san, it’s been a while. Do you intend to detain us?”


Kakashi slowly lifted his forehead protector.

This matter...

Was indeed difficult to articulate directly.

For Danzo had conspired with external mercenaries, including the notorious rogue ninja from the village, Uchiha Itachi, to eliminate his opponents.

“No matter what, we can’t let you go.”

Kakashi stared intently at Itachi, his voice low: “Uchiha Itachi, you are the reason Sasuke went astray. Today, you must stay here...”

“That path was his destiny.”

Itachi's face turned cold, showing no concern for his brother’s fate.

“The renowned Sharingan Kakashi is quite confident...”

The tall figure beside Itachi, growing impatient, removed his hat and drew a broad sword, revealing a mouthful of sharp teeth: “To think you can boast about detaining Itachi-san and me...”

“Hoshigaki Kisame!”

Asuma recognized the other intruder and quickly warned: “Kakashi, be careful, that’s Hoshigaki Kisame, the S-class rogue ninja from Mist Village!”

“I know.”

Kakashi waved dismissively, his gaze fixed solely on Itachi, his Sharingan slowly transforming into a bizarre shape: “You two handle him, I’ll take on Uchiha Itachi...”

“That eye...”

Kisame's face showed surprise.

“The Mangekyō Sharingan...”

Itachi's eyes also reflected admiration. Instead of fleeing, he softly praised Kakashi: “Kakashi-san, it’s astonishing. Despite not having Uchiha blood, you’ve awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan...”

“The power of this eye indeed...”

Kakashi touched his eye socket, not fully mastering the abilities of his Mangekyō Sharingan, but his visual prowess had significantly increased.


“Isn’t it painful?”

However, Itachi interrupted Kakashi, coldly exposing his scars: “How much of your life have you lost for that Mangekyō Sharingan?”


Kakashi’s face twisted in pain!

This eye...

Had likely awakened as a Mangekyō Sharingan on the night Rin died, an event he had ignored due to the meaninglessness of his life during that period...

“The secret of the Mangekyō Sharingan...”

Itachi’s eyes grew colder as he regarded Kakashi, recognizing a kindred spirit: “You must understand its power...”


“Even the Mangekyō Sharingan has its limits...”


“It requires extensive training...”

As Itachi spoke, his eyes morphed into the peculiar shapes of the Mangekyō Sharingan: “Kakashi-san, my visual prowess should surpass yours...”

“Let me test it then...”

Kakashi reached for his kunai.

Just right...

He also wanted to fight Itachi.

At least to gather intelligence for his student, Uchiha Sasuke.

“It seems you’re not used to fighting with that eye...”

Itachi observed Kakashi, his voice becoming ethereal: “The Mangekyō Sharingan can only be countered by another Mangekyō Sharingan. This is a battle of visual prowess, where ordinary ninja tactics are futile against its users...”


Itachi’s eyes flashed coldly.


Kakashi’s vision blurred, finding himself in a desolate realm with a crimson moon overhead.

In an instant!

Kakashi was bound to a cross, swarmed by countless Itachis, each stabbing him repeatedly with ninja blades!


Kakashi screamed in pain, his voice echoing in the silent, gray Tsukuyomi space, desperately searching for a way to break free!

The agony shattered his sanity!

What resilience was required to endure such pain and find a way out!

“So difficult...”

Kakashi endured the relentless pain, his Mangekyō Sharingan flashing red, finally shattering the Tsukuyomi space. But breaking free left him too mentally exhausted to continue fighting...

By the river.

Kakashi collapsed.

A green-clad ninja appeared beside him, catching his fallen body—it was Might Guy, arriving to assist.


Itachi called out to the nearby Kisame, who was still clashing with Asuma: “We retreat...”


“Not quite satisfying...”

Kisame chuckled but obediently wielded his Samehada to force Asuma back and rejoined Itachi.

“Don’t think you can escape!”

The setting sun painted the sky red as Kurenai Yuhi raised her hand, attempting to use a genjutsu to stop Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame from escaping. Chakra floated silently in the air.

"Trying to use Illusion, are you?"

With just a flicker of his eyes, Itachi broke through Kurenai’s genjutsu and even turned it back on her, leaving her immobilized on the spot.


"This level of genjutsu is far too basic to trap us..."

Having subdued Kurenai, Itachi wasted no time and, along with Kisame, fled towards the outskirts of Konoha Village. With Might Guy and Sarutobi Asuma needing to tend to Hatake Kakashi and Kurenai, they could not continue the pursuit, abruptly ending this intercepting battle.

"Kakashi, are you alright?"

Might Guy asked anxiously as he supported Kakashi.

"I’m fine..."

Kakashi rubbed his forehead, speaking softly, "Don't worry, I’m just a bit mentally exhausted. A few days of rest should suffice..."


I’ve somewhat mastered this Mangekyo Sharingan.

Otherwise, I might have perished in Uchiha Itachi’s illusion!


This is also an opportunity!

Perhaps I should inform Uchiha Sasuke about Itachi’s Mangekyo Sharingan abilities, so he won’t be helpless if he encounters such situations in the future...

In a small town outside Konoha.

Since Konoha's ninjas couldn't continue the pursuit, Itachi and Kisame left the village leisurely, although they didn’t get the information they wanted.


Kisame, holding his Samehada sword, grinned as he asked, "We came to Konoha to investigate the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. Returning empty-handed won’t sit well with Pain..."

After all, Itachi and Kisame had come to Konoha to gather intelligence on the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, but they were driven away before they could find anything, making it difficult to report back successfully.

"Let's see if there's another opportunity nearby..."

Itachi frowned slightly.

Following the Chunin Exam incident in Konoha, where the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, sacrificed himself, Itachi was worried about his brother, Uchiha Sasuke's safety. This prompted him to use the guise of gathering information on the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki to come to Konoha, but he didn’t get to see his brother.


Itachi was also concerned that Shimura Danzo, a high-ranking member of the village, might harm Sasuke. By appearing in Konoha, Itachi intended to remind Danzo of his presence, at least causing him to hesitate.


He didn't get to see Sasuke this time.

However, Itachi was well aware of his brother. As long as Sasuke learned that he had come to Konoha, he would definitely try to pursue him.

At that moment...

They could meet in this town.

At the very least, Itachi wanted to ensure that Sasuke was safe after the Chunin Exam incident.

While contemplating how to meet Sasuke again, Itachi spotted a tall, white-haired man with a blond boy...

That was...

Jiraiya, one of the legendary Sannin, and Naruto Uzumaki, the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. Why was the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki suddenly leaving the village?

"It seems we've found our target..."

Kisame’s shark-like eyes rolled as a smile reappeared on his face, "If we can capture the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki here..."


Itachi remained silent for a moment before speaking, "It seems Jiraiya, one of the legendary Sannin, is protecting him. Acting rashly would be dangerous..."

"There will always be an opportunity..."

Kisame grinned, seemingly eager for the upcoming action.

The opportunity came quickly.

Jiraiya, while traveling with Naruto in the town to train and gather information on Tsunade, saw an attractive woman. He immediately left Naruto at the inn to train and went off to drink with the woman...


Jiraiya still had some sense of responsibility.

When Itachi and Kisame believed they had found an opportunity and headed towards Naruto’s inn to capture him, they were confronted by a returning Jiraiya...

A small-scale conflict erupted in the inn. Unable to defeat Jiraiya quickly and even facing the risk of being captured by him, Itachi and Kisame had to retreat hastily.

Outside the town.

Kisame, sitting under a tree, was repairing his Samehada sword, which had been damaged in the fight.

Itachi sat quietly next to Kisame, gently touching his eyes. He had just used his Mangekyo Sharingan ability, Amaterasu, in the battle with Jiraiya.

Amaterasu’s power was immense, but every time Itachi used it, he injured himself. He needed to rest and recover from his weakened state.

"It seems today was fruitless..."

Kisame remarked regretfully as he repaired Samehada, "Perhaps the only valuable outcome was finding the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. Capturing him from a village like Konoha won’t be easy..."


Itachi responded nonchalantly, indifferent to Akatsuki’s mission. He was still worried about his brother, Sasuke.


Hasn’t Sasuke come after me?

Does he not know that I was in Konoha?

"What is Itachi-san thinking?"

Kisame looked at Itachi with interest, advising lightly, "You used the Mangekyo Sharingan twice in today’s battle. You should rest; overthinking is bad for your health..."


Itachi nodded but continued to ponder.


Kisame shook his head, understanding his companion’s stubbornness, and decided not to persuade him further, "Truly an incomprehensible man..."

"If you don’t understand..."

A young voice suddenly spoke from above them, sounding casual, "Let me guess..."


Kisame instinctively grabbed his Samehada and looked up, shocked to see a black-haired boy in a gray uniform lounging in the tree above!

When did he get here?

How had someone appeared without him or Itachi noticing? How could someone evade their senses and even sit leisurely above them?


Who was this black-haired boy?

He managed to evade detection from two dangerous ninjas who had just disrupted Konoha and seemed unfazed by their presence!


Kisame grinned, revealing his shark-like teeth, "An arrogant kid, ignoring us like this?"

However, the black-haired boy, who had leapt down, ignored Kisame and focused on Itachi, asking nonchalantly, "Nii-san, let me guess, were you just thinking about why your foolish little brother hasn’t shown up yet?"


Itachi’s heart trembled.

It had been so long since he heard the word ‘Nii-san’...

The little boy who used to cling to him, calling him ‘Nii-san’, now seemed a stranger to Itachi...

What disturbed Itachi was that while the boy called him ‘Nii-san’ affectionately, his expression was indifferent, as if Itachi was a stranger...

No familial love.

No hatred between enemies.

For the black-haired boy, the so-called ‘Nii-san’ was just an insignificant stranger, as if there had never been any bond between them.


"It’s been a while."

Itachi softly called out his brother’s name, slightly raising his eyes to meet Sasuke’s. He noticed the gray uniform Sasuke was wearing.

That was...

An Anbu uniform.

Had he joined Anbu at this age?

"Are you curious about me joining Anbu?"

Sasuke noticed Itachi’s gaze and smiled, "Although my department is nominally part of Anbu’s combat forces, you know there’s an independent unit within Anbu…”

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