Part Time Employee in Konoha

Chapter System Logs 1-100

Chapter System Logs 1-100

System Logs:

Ch. 1

[System Prompt]: [Assist boss Orochimaru in a human experiment] Task completed, reward received: Genetic Modification Technique.

Ch. 2

[Name: Akihara Kagura]

[Gender: Male]

[Age: 10 years old]

[Date of Birth: April 4, Year 43 of the Konoha Calendar]

[Chakra Nature: Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth, Water, Yang]

[Total Chakra: SSS (Physique significantly enhanced, strength and speed far surpassing ordinary ninjas, perception abilities increased, total chakra reaching the limit of a normal ninja, derived from Hashirama cell transplantation.)]


[Wood Release: Wood Clone (An evolution of the Kekkei Genkai of Wood Release, creating clones from wood. These clones can turn into branches to entangle enemies when destroyed; also, due to Wood Release chakra serving as a source of life, it's harder to distinguish these clones from the real body compared to other cloning techniques, even the more advanced Shadow Clone Technique.)]

[Wood Release: Wood Substitution (An evolution of the Kekkei Genkai of Wood Release, instantly substituting the user with a wooden decoy upon attack.)]

[Wood Release: Wood Transformation (An evolution of the Kekkei Genkai of Wood Release, transforming into another person using Wood Release, harder to detect compared to ordinary transformation techniques.)]

[Wood Release: Piercing Technique (A Wood Release Kekkei Genkai awakening, allowing the user to extend wooden spikes from their body and pierce the enemy. After stabbing the enemy, the user can cause the spikes to branch out further and penetrate the enemy's body by forming hand seals.)]

[Genetic Modification Technique (Enables embedding of special abilities at the genetic level through rewriting of genes, more convenient and safer than cell transplantation experiments.)]


[Markless Healing (Exceptional self-healing ability, capable of healing one's own body without forming hand seals, derived from Hashirama cell transplantation.)]

[Wood Release Kekkei Genkai (The legendary Kekkei Genkai of the god of ninjas, Senju Hashirama, an extremely rare bloodline in the ninja world, even the descendants of Senju Hashirama are unable to inherit it, derived from Hashirama cell transplantation.)]

[Science of the Ninja World (When the host conducts human experiments, those that align with the principles of ninja science are guaranteed success, a bonus in the welcome package for new recruits.)]

[Superior: Orochimaru]

Ch. 3

[System Prompt]: [New work task, go to Konoha to find Orochimaru's ally Shimura Danzo, learn Wood Release Technique, and monitor Orochimaru's ally, Shimura Danzo.]

Ch. 4

[System Prompt]: [New work task: Find an opportunity to bring Uchiha Itachi before Orochimaru.]

Ch. 5

[System Prompt]: [You have a new superior (Shimura Danzo), a reward for new member joining, unlocking new features!]

[System Prompt]: [You have a new superior (Sarutobi Hiruzen), a reward for new member joining, unlocking new features!]

[Ninja in the Shadows (When the host needs information, they will receive the required content, a reward from the new member welcome package.)]

[Ninja Professor (When the host learns ninjutsu, any ninjutsu that conforms to the theory of ninjutsu will surely be learned successfully, a reward from the new member welcome package.)]

Ch. 11

[System Prompt]: [Ninja Professor] trait activated, the host has Wood Release Kekkei Genkai, Chakra level reached SSS, currently learning "Wood Release: Advent of a World of Flowering Trees" fits ninjutsu theory, "Wood Release: Advent of a World of Flowering Trees" successfully learned.

[System Prompt]: You have acquired a new skill "Wood Release: Advent of a World of Flowering Trees."

"Wood Release: Advent of a World of Flowering Trees" (A secret technique of Wood Release Kekkei Genkai, the user uses their own chakra as a source of life, rapidly growing trees from the ground and instantly transforming the environment into a forest. All trees in the forest can be controlled by the user to attack the enemy, and it is easier to use other Wood Release ninjutsu with the help of the forest.)

Ch. 16

[System Prompt]: [New work task, follow Shimura Danzo's instructions, participate in Konoha's second half of the year Chunin Exam, and defeat Uchiha Itachi in the exam.]

Ch. 17

[System Prompt]: [Ninja Professor] trait activated. The host possesses Wood Release Kekkei Genkai, chakra level at SSS grade, and is learning [Wood Release: Wood Dragon jutsu], which is consistent with ninja theory.

[Wood Release: Wood Dragon jutsu] successfully learned.

[System Prompt]: You have learned a new skill [Wood Release: Wood Dragon jutsu]

[Wood Release: Wood Dragon jutsu (Wood Release Kekkei Genkai Secret jutsu. The user uses their chakra as a life source to transfer chakra to the seeds of trees. Dense trees form a giant wooden dragon with spikes all over its body. It can entangle enemies, with a very strong binding force. Enemies entangled by the wooden dragon will have their chakra absorbed.)]

Ch. 43

[System Prompt]: [Participate in the Chunin Exam as requested by Sarutobi Hiruzen] task completed. Awarded skill [Konoha-Style Taijutsu].

[Konoha-Style Taijutsu (Basic taijutsu of Konoha Village, including techniques like Shadow Dance Leaf, Leaf Whirlwind, Leaf Gale, Leaf Rising Wind, Great Leaf Whirlwind, and Strong Leaf Whirlwind, originating from the task reward given by Sarutobi Hiruzen.)]

Ch. 43

[System Notification]: [Participate in the Chunin Exam as requested by Shimura Danzo and defeat Uchiha Itachi in the exam] task completed. Awarded [Wind Release: Vacuum Blade].

[Wind Release: Vacuum Blade (B-rank Wind Release ninjutsu, infusing Wind Release chakra into a kunai to form a sharp blade, originating from the task reward given by Shimura Danzo.)]

Ch. 45

[System Prompt]: [You have a new superior (Tenzo), reward for new employee welcome package, gained new trait Wood Release Kekkei Genkai!]

[System Prompt]: [Detected that the host already possesses Wood Release Kekkei Genkai, Wood Release Kekkei Genkai enhanced, you can develop more Wood Release ninjutsu suitable for yourself.]

[System Prompt]: [You have a new superior (Hatake Kakashi), reward for new employee welcome package, unlocked new trait Eye of Bond (Left)!]

[Eye of Bond (Left), the legendary Mangekyo Sharingan, though only a left eye, still possesses power of the djutsu beyond ordinary people's understanding! If combined with Eye of Bond (Right), the Mangekyo Sharingan will become even more powerful!]"

Ch. 46

[System Prompt]: Based on the host's inner will, the Mangeky Sharingan's ocular technique is awakening... Successful awakening! "Eye of Bond (Left)" has been replaced with a new trait "Mangeky Sharingan (Left)", congratulations on acquiring the new skill "Limited Tsukuyomi"!

[Mangeky Sharingan (Left)]: Has strong observation, copying, and hypnosis abilities. Enhances observation, strengthens the ability to cast and see through illusions, can copy physical techniques and non-bloodline ninja techniques, and even hypnotize Tailed Beasts. It includes the ocular technique Limited Tsukuyomi.

[Limited Tsukuyomi (An ocular technique within the Mangeky Sharingan)]: When used on an enemy, it creates a new illusionary world based on the enemy's life and the host's will. Using the power of space-time, the enemy's true body is pulled into the illusionary world. If the enemy cannot escape the fate of the illusionary world or defeat the host, they will be lost in the illusionary world forever.

[System Prompt]: Using Limited Tsukuyomi requires at least SSS-level chakra! Excessive use of Limited Tsukuyomi will lead to blindness of the Mangeky Sharingan! If the host awakens "Eye of Bonds (Right)" and gains a new Mangeky Sharingan, the power of Limited Tsukuyomi will be greatly enhanced!

Ch. 57

[System Prompt]: [New work assignment: Assist Hatake Kakashi in gathering intelligence on the rogue ninja Uchiha Obito from Konoha, assigned by the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen.]

[System Prompt]: [You have a new superior (Uchiha Obito), reward: newcomer's welcome package, unlocking new trait 'Eye of Bond (Right)']

[Eye of Bond (Right), the legendary Mangeky Sharingan. Despite being only the right eye, it possesses unimaginable doujutsu power for mortals!]

[System Prompt]: Initiating Mangeky Sharingan awakening based on the host's inner will... Doujutsu awakening was successful! [Eye of Bond (Right)] has been replaced with the new trait [Mangeky Sharingan (Right)!]

[System Prompt]: The host has collected both Eye of Bonds [Mangeky Sharingan (Left)] and [Mangeky Sharingan (Right)], enhancing doujutsu powers significantly. Traits combined and strengthened into the new trait [Mangeky Sharingan]!

[Mangeky Sharingan: Possesses strong observational, copying, and hypnotic abilities, enhances observational skills, strengthens the ability to cast and see through illusions, can copy physical techniques and non-Bloodline ninjutsu, and even hypnotize Tailed Beasts. The left eye doujutsu is Tsukuyomi, the right eye doujutsu is Kamui, the ultimate dojutsu is Susanoo!]

[Limited Tsukuyomi (A doujutsu within the Mangeky Sharingan, when used on an enemy, it creates a new illusionary world based on the enemy's life and the host's will. The enemy's real body is drawn into the illusionary world using space-time powers. If the enemy cannot escape the fate of the illusionary world or defeat the host, they will be lost in the illusionary world forever.)]

[Limited Tsukuyomi Enhancement (With both eyes enhanced, the host can control everything in the illusionary world of Tsukuyomi and enter or leave at will using space-time powers.)]

[Limited Yomi (A doujutsu within the Mangeky Sharingan, used by the host on themselves. After activating Yomi, all injuries suffered by the host will turn into a dream and disappear after ten minutes. Each use of Yomi consumes a significant amount of doujutsu power.)

[Limited Yomi Enhancement: With both eyes enhanced, the host can freely control the duration of Yomi, up to a maximum of ten minutes, with a three-second interval between continuous uses.)]

[Susanoo (The ultimate dojutsu of the Mangeky Sharingan, materializes massive chakra into a formidable warrior for combat. An ultimate dojutsu that is both offensive and defensive, growing in stages with the user's doujutsu power, currently at the first stage.)]

[System Prompt]: To use Limited Tsukuyomi and Yomi, the host needs at least SSS-level chakra! Excessive use of Limited Tsukuyomi and Yomi will lead to the exhaustion of the Mangeky Sharingan's doujutsu power and blindness! The Hashirama cells in the host's body will significantly reduce the doujutsu power consumption of the Mangeky Sharingan! After the host's Mangeky Sharingan advances to the Eternal Mangeky Sharingan, it will greatly enhance the ultimate dojutsu Susanoo!

Ch. 60

[System Prompt]: [New work task: Assist Hatake Kakashi in gathering intelligence on Uchiha Obito and inform Shimura Danzo of the findings.]

Ch. 61

[System Prompt]: [New work task, invite Hatake Kakashi to join the Root, from the superior, Shimura Danzo.]

[System Prompt]: [New work task, assist Hatake Kakashi in gathering intelligence on the Mist Village, assigned by superior Hatake Kakashi.]

Ch. 75

[System Notification]: [Ninja Professor] Trait activated, the host possesses water attribute chakra, chakra level reached S grade, learning "Water Release: Water Mirror Technique" complies with ninjutsu theory, "Water Release: Water Mirror Technique" successfully learned.

[System Notification]: You have acquired a new skill "Water Release: Water Mirror Technique"

[Water Release: Water Mirror Technique (Utilizes Water Release ninjutsu to create a mirror made of water. The mirror can reflect and duplicate an opponent identical in appearance, and it can use the same techniques as the enemy with the same power. Note: Water Mirror Technique requires a vast amount of chakra, the duplicate cannot be controlled, and will dissipate after one strike.)]

Ch. 78

[System Notification] : You are no longer under the command of Tenzo.

Ch. 81

[System Prompt]: [Ninja Professor] trait activated, the host possesses the Wood Release Kekkei Genkai, chakra level has reached SSS rank, learning the [Wood Release: Wood Human Technique] aligns with ninjutsu theory, [Wood Release: Wood Human Technique] learned successfully!

[System Prompt]: You have acquired a new skill [Wood Release: Wood Human Technique]

[Wood Release: Wood Human Technique (A secret technique of the Wood Release Kekkei Genkai, forming the Tiger seal rapidly channels chakra to make a tree grow swiftly, forming the Snake seal changes the tree into a giant wooden figure with immense power, the Wood Human Technique is capable of both offense and defense, its size and combat power can grow with chakra, even comparable to a complete Susanoo!)]

Ch. 82

[System Prompt]: [Ninja Professor]trait activated, host possesses spatial-temporal attributes, chakra level has reached A-grade or above, secretly learning the [Flying Thunder God Technique]which conforms to ninjutsu theory, [Flying Thunder God Technique]learning successful!

[System Prompt]: You have successfully learned the [Flying Thunder God Technique]

[Flying Thunder God Technique (No need for hand seals, uses the seal of the Flying Thunder God Technique for coordinate location, the caster performs instantaneous movement through space-time, moving so fast that enemies cannot perceive it! The caster can transport objects and people with the Flying Thunder God Technique's instantaneity, and long-distance or large-object teleportation will consume more chakra of the caster.)]

Ch. 83

[System Notification]:[Ninja Professor]trait activated, the host possesses space-time attribute chakra with a quantity above C-grade, is passively learning [Summoning Jutsu] which aligns with ninja theory, [Summoning Jutsu] successfully learned!

[System Notification]: You have successfully learned [Summoning Jutsu]

[Summoning Jutsu (Through the seals of Boar-Dog-Bird-Monkey-Ram, summons a summoning beast from an unknown place to join the battle. The stronger the summoned beast, the more chakra is required. Note: A summoning contract must be signed with the summoning beast, which has its own will. The beast may not fully obey the summoner's commands, and may even pose a danger to the summoner.)]

[System Prompt]: [Ninja Professor] trait activated, the host's chakra level has reached A grade or above, passively learning the [Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu] that conforms to the theory of ninjutsu, [Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu] successfully learned!

[System Prompt]: You have successfully learned the [Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu].

[System Prompt]: Detection of the Wood Release Kekkei Genkai within the host, [Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu] evolved into [Wood Release: Multi-Wood Clone Jutsu].

[Wood Release: Multi-Wood Clone Jutsu (By forming the Rin seal, dividing the chakra within the body, and releasing multiple wood clones indistinguishable from the real thing, the wood clones can attack freely. Since the Wood Release chakra can serve as a source of life, the wood clones have stronger defenses than shadow clones, and when a wood clone is destroyed, it can transform into vines to entangle the enemy.)]

[System Prompt]: [Assisting Hatake Kakashi in investigating the Mist Village's intelligence, completed, reward: Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall.]

[Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall (By forming the SerpentBoarDog hand seals, chakra is infused into the ground, raising a defensive earth wall. Note: The technique is from Hatake Kakashi, and one can freely create desired statues on the defensive earth wall.)]

[Name: Akihara Kagura]

[Gender: Male]

[Age: 11 years old]

[Date of Birth: April 4, Year 43 of the Konoha Calendar]

[Chakra Nature: Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth, Water, Yang, Yin]

[Chakra Level: SSS]


[Wood Release: Wood Clone], [Wood Release: Wood Replacement], [Wood Release: Wood Transformation], [Wood Release: Piercing Branch Technique], [Wood Release: Advent of a World of Flowering Trees], [Wood Release: Wood Dragon Technique], [Wood Release: Wood Human Technique], [Wood Release: Multiple Wood Clone Technique]

[Wind Release: Vacuum Blade], [Konoha-Style Taijutsu], [Earth Release: Earth Flow Wall], [Water Release: Water Mirror Technique], [Flying Thunder God Technique], [Summoning Technique], [Genetic Modification Techniques]


[Markless Healing], [Wood Release Kekkei Genkai (Enhanced)], [Science of the Ninja World], [Ninja in the Shadows], [Ninja Professor], [Mangeky Sharingan]

[Superiors: Orochimaru, Shimura Danzo, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Obito]

[Orochimaru's Task]: [Go to Konoha to find Orochimaru's ally Shimura Danzo, learn Wood Release techniques, and monitor the alliance between Orochimaru and Shimura Danzo. Uncompleted.]

[Orochimaru's Task]: [Find an opportunity to bring Uchiha Itachi to Orochimaru. Uncompleted.]

[Sarutobi Hiruzen's Task]: [Assist Hatake Kakashi in gathering intelligence on the Konoha rogue ninja, Uchiha Obito. Uncompleted.]

[Shimura Danzo's Task]: [Assist Hatake Kakashi in investigating Uchiha Obito and report the findings to Shimura Danzo. Uncompleted.]

[Shimura Danzo's Task]: [Invite Hatake Kakashi to join the Root. Uncompleted.]

Ch. 85

[System Prompt]: [New task: Change the direction of Hatake Kakashi's investigation to prevent Hatake Kakashi from uncovering the truth about the Akatsuki organization.]

Ch. 88

[System Prompt]: [Go to Konoha to find Orochimaru's ally Shimura Danzo, learn Wood Release ninjutsu, and monitor the alliance between Orochimaru and Shimura Danzo. Completed, reward: Orochimaru-Style Sword Technique.]

[Orochimaru-Style Sword Technique (Originating from Orochimaru's swordsmanship, known for its sinister and tricky reputation, ranks among the top in the ninja world's swordsmanship, capable of competing with masters of the sword!)]

[System Prompt]: [New task, infiltrate Konoha's Anbu and gather information for Orochimaru.]

Ch. 95

[System Prompt]: [New task, tell Uchiha Obito that Hatake Kakashi and Rin will always be watching over his life from the Pure Land.]

[System Prompt]: [Change Hatake Kakashi's direction of investigation to prevent him from uncovering the truth about the Akatsuki, task completed, reward: Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique.]

[Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique (An earth release technique that allows one to burrow into the ground.)]

[System Prompt]: [Inform Uchiha Obito that Hatake Kakashi and Rin will always watch over his life in the Pure Land. Task completed, reward: Lightning Blade.]

[Lightning Blade (By forming the hand signs Ox Rabbit Monkey, Lightning Release chakra is concentrated into an intense electric current in the hand, combined with the speed of a thrust to pierce the target. Lightning Blade can also be attached to a kunai for long-range attacks. This technique combines the properties and form manipulation of Lightning Release chakra, allowing for the free transformation of the jutsu's form and the development of more Lightning Release techniques.)]

[System Prompt]: [New work assignment, proceed to Rock Village and rescue Hatake Kakashi, who has infiltrated it.]

Ch. 99

[System Prompt]: [Ninja Professor] trait activated, the host possesses Earth attribute chakra, with chakra level reaching S grade and above, secretly learning the [Earth Release: Light-Weight Rock Technique] in accordance with ninjutsu theory, [Earth Release: Light-Weight Rock Technique] learning successful!

[Earth Release: Light-Weight Rock Technique (significantly reduces the weight of objects, can lighten one's own weight and increase one's speed, allowing for free flight in the air).]

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